What They Don't Say About the Bagpipes

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There s nothing more Scottish than the bagpipes. They stir the emotions, they raise the blood,   they inspire bravery..., they ve even changed the course of battle...   and they re a crowd pleaser with the  tourists at Stirling Castle...   but what do you really know about  their history and origins?   If you re interested in the people,  places and events in Scottish history   then click the subscribe button at  the bottom right of the screen.   In the meantime, let me tell you their story I m taking you down the hill to Broad St and   Stirling Bagpipes, where we re going  to see Alan Waldron making pipes...   but along the way let s talk  a bit about their history   When I say bagpipes the image you get is of our   piper Danial Sweeny there in marching  bands, or a lonely lamentation.   My Videographer and right hand man Matt Ward  reckons that you either love or hate bagpipes.   Then again, he s English. Nobody hates the bagpipes.   Yes they do... OK let s take a survey.   Tell me in the comments section. Are you a lover or hater.   I bet I win. But bagpipes go back further   than tartan clad broadsword wielding clansmen. The challenge is to separate myth form history.   For example, some say that Noah had  a piper as he went into the arc,   and he danced to that music over  two crossed vine plants...   Some argue the shepherds who went to meet  the baby Jesus played the pipes...,   and carvings of angels with  bagpipes are numerous...   There are references to Babylonians, Chaldeans,  Persians, Egyptians, Ancient Greeks...   but are they bagpipes..., a whistle, or a flute?   From Neanderthal times humans have taken a bone  hollowed it out, made finger holes and blown.   As a child you probably used a piece of grass as  a reed through which to blow and make a note.   Other than percussion, woodwind  must be the oldest of instruments.   So with the help of The  Highland Bagpipe by W.L Manson   a lovely little book called the  Book of the Bagpipe by Hugh Cheape   and a visit to Alan s shop down the street I ve put together a potted history.   So what is a bagpipe? It has a chanter with finger   holes to create various notes and a reed that  air passes across in a constant stream.   Now that second bit s important. Because blowing a constant stream   would mean finding a way to  breathe in through your nose   whilst breathing out through  your mouth in a steady flow.   They call it circular breathing and  it s a similar technique to the one   politicians use to talk out of their arse. That s a difficult skill to master.   So back in the mists of time  somebody said: Hold on...   what if I used an inflated bag that I could  squeeze the air out of in a steady flow,   whilst blowing in intermittingly. That s when the bagpipe was born.   So, when was that? Some say the first   reference to a bagpipe was around 425 BC  by the Athenian poet, Aristophanes...   but it seems the earliest  corroborated record was...   the emperor Nero.   There s more than one reference to  Nero playing pipes with a bag.   In fact, as everything collapsed in the  final revolt against his crazy rule,   he promised the gods that if they  would just get him out of trouble   then as a penance come thanksgiving he would play on the bagpipe in public.   Some have even said that it was the  bagpipes that Nero played as Rome burned.   I wonder if Rishi Sunak can play. So bagpipes need a reeded chanter   to play the tunes... normally with nine notes,   ...a bag to control the flow of air, a mouthpiece  to insert the air and also some drones.   Tubes with reeds, but no fingerholes...  to give a constant tone.   Now the shape and number of these drones  has changed over time and place,   but these are the component parts of a bagpipe. You can see how an instrument of the Roman Empire   might spread throughout Europe... because you didn t only   find bagpipes in Scotland. There was an instrument like the Scottish bagpipe   called the volynka in the Russian Empire. The Finns had the pilai.   At least five different kinds of bagpipes  were known on the European mainland in the   seventeenth century, each with subgroups:   The cornemuse, the chalemie, the mussette, the  surdelina and the Italian peasant s bagpipe.   You find them in Spain, Italy,  Germany, France, Flanders...   Eastern Europeans insist  that they invented them...   Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine,  Yugoslavia, Romania Bulgaria and Macedonia   all have their own bagpipe histories.  ... you even find them in England.   Of course today you still get folk playing the  Northumbrian pipes in the north of England,   but way back in the 12th and 13th Century  there are references to bagpipes in England.   Edward II no less. The man sent homeward   from Bannockburn to think again when he  tried to relieve the castle up there,   was recorded as paying a musician at  his court for playing the bagpipes.   On our side there are those of Clan  Menzies who claim that at Castle Menzies   they have the remnants of  bagpipes that were played   to muster that clan before  the battle of Bannockburn.   It almost feels like there was a dark age between  Rome and a renaissance in the 13th century.   Had bagpipes been here all the time, or did they  spread from continental Europe in medieval times?   We know they were used as a  processional instrument in church.   They were a popular instrument for pilgrimage.   In Chaucer s Canterbury Tales "Robin with  the Bagpype', leads pilgrims on their way.   But the relationship between church  and bagpipe wasn t always melodious.   Some saw them as an instrument that gave rise to  inner passions and desires: lusts and avarice.   So you ll often see carvings of base  animals like pigs playing bagpipes.   They might even be seen as instruments of the  dark side... but we ll come back to that.   Bagpipes must have been played  in Scotland as early as 1446,   because we see the carving of a piper in  the beautiful stonework of Rosslyn chapel,   and earlier still we have a bagpipe playing  pig carved in the rebuilt Melrose Abbey...   after Richard II s attack in 1385 Even earlier still there are records   of payments of 40 shillings to pipers during the reign of Robert the   Bruce s son David II in 1362. Although they tell me those pipers   came from England, What?   In the reign of James II  there s a record of payment   'To Inglis pyparis that cam to the  castel gate and playit to the king,   8 pounds 8 shillings.' Coming up here, taking our jobs.   What need did we have of English pipers  when even Scottish kings played the pipes?   James I had a reputation as a gifted musician.   'Scotichronicon', written in  his time says the King played   the tabour, the psaltery, the organ, the flute,  the harp, the trumpet, the small shepherd's pipe   and of course the bagpipe. On the night of his murder in   the Blackfriars Monastery in Perth  it s said that he passed his tyme   in synging and piping, ' His great grandson James IV,   born in that castle, reigned over a 'Golden Age' of Scottish   Renaissance culture, and the Scots language. Piping was prominent at court.   Like with those Canterbury Tales, when  James went on pilgrimage to holy shrines,   he took a piper... but they were also   at the English Court at the same time. Henry VIII himself OWNED a set of bagpipes.   So bagpipes were pretty ubiquitous, not  just in Scotland, but throughout Europe...   and...   they were played both at high court  and by peasants in the fields...   Then with the development of municipal  burghs they found another role...   With the expansion of the burghs,  market towns and the economic activity   around them in 15th-century Scotland merchants were aspiring to the style and   ostentation of the courts of king and nobility. They started to employ official town pipers,   who would march up and down this very  street at the start and the end of the day   to raise folks from their beds  or sing them back to sleep.   This wasn t in the Highlands, but in  lowland commercial towns and burghs.   It was in the border areas.  It was here in Stirling.   Back then Broad St here would have been the  centre of the town around the mercat cross...   and just next to it is Stirling Bagpipes. The first time I went in here I felt   like I was in an Aladin s Cave, a Museum,  a library and an artisan s workshop   all at the same time. It s run by a great   character and bagpipe maker, Alan Waldron. If you re looking for anything bagpipe related I   can t recommend better than Stirling Bagpipes. The pitch of chanters is just one of the things   that s changed about the bagpipes over the years You might notice that some of the burgh pipers   in Alan s print are playing  a bellows-blown bagpipe,   and last time I was here Alan showed  me an example of one he d made.   Instead of blowing into the bag  under your arm, you pump air   in with a set of bellows under the other arm. Even these bellows pipes come in numerous types:   Border, Northumbrian, Irish, Small pipes. Smaller than the Highland bagpipe as we know it.   It also meant that the air didn t have the  moisture from your breath and, apparently,   that helps with the life of the reed. The 'cauld-wind' pipes were energy-saving,   labour-saving; and were better indoors but they take a slightly different skill set.   Of course bagpipes are made up of up to a  dozen and more separate pieces like this   that Alan turns on his lathe. All pipes have drones,   and Alan explained how drones can  be adjusted to tune their sound,   also how the shape of the  chanter affects the volume,   with a cone that s narrow at the reed end and wide at the bottom producing the much louder   sound of the phiob mor... which reminds me.   It s about time we got on  to the highland great pipe.   As the centuries passed bagpipes weren t as  widespread as they had been for several reasons.   Other instruments with wider range  of pitch became more popular...   and as society changed there wasn t the same  need for portability as in pastoral life.   You can imagine how folk music  and highbrow start to separate,   and what had been instruments  of high court might decline.   Don t get me wrong bagpipes are still  played across Europe in various forms,...   They say Handel, having seen bagpipe players in  Italy, included bagpipe music in his Messiah.   The shepherds played them remember. ...but travelling troubadours destabilised   the rigid social order of feudal Europe. Their lifestyle and morals could be   seen as subversive. More and more bagpipes   were seen as a peasant instrument. Worse still an instrument of the devil.   We mentioned the link with the sensuous, and we have presbytery records of pipers being   censured for playing on a Sunday, thus profaning the sabbath.   Some said they were supernatural. At James VI s, 17th   century Berwick witch trials, women of Tranent confessed to   dancing with the devil to bagpipe music. In Rabbie Burns s Tam O Shanter the witches   dance to bagpipe music played by Satan, who d taken the form of a big black dog.   He screwed the pipes and gart them  skirl, till roof and rafters a did dirl   The bagpipes just weren t as  respectable as they used to be.   ...but they were gaining another role. In 1513 an hereditary piper from Jedburgh,   in the Border lowlands, played  at the battle of Flodden.   At the Battle of Pinkie in 1547, the last  pitched battle between Scotland and England,   a French observer tells of a piper playing  to encourage Highlanders in battle.   Welcome to the era of the great Highland pipe. As enthusiasm for the pipes waned elsewhere their   importance had been growing in the Highlands. The prominent instrument of the Gaeltacht   had always been the harp..., CR the clarsach, but that was changing.   It might be helpful to focus  on the Linn nan Creich,   the centuries of raids, battles and strife. It ws during that period that the influence   of the harp and of poets decreased... and the role of the great pipe increased.   We re told by the sixteenth century  historian George Buchannan that in   his time Highlanders used both. That feels like a transition period.   Bards were a hugely important  part of highland battle.   The bard would roam the battlefield  exhorting his clansman,   reminding them of the glory of their  forefathers and the triumphs of battles past.   His voluble vehemence might turn  to loquacious lamentation later,   but in the midst of battle would  spur clansmen on to greater valour.   I m told that the last bard we  know to have acted officially   in battle was Mac Mhuirich of Clan Ranald, who recited at the battle of Harlaw, in 1411.   He was so disgusted at the  growing popularity of the pipes,   as his replacement, that he composed a  set of verses denigrating their use...   but you can see how the voice of a poet could  never compete with the volume of a great pipe   and you can see the path from MacMhuirich, so revered on the battlefield that he was   safe from the sword slash or axe blow, to a lone piper on a Normandy beach who   the Germans let live because  they thought he was crazy.   Bard MacMhuirich at Harlaw and Piper Bill Millin  on Sword beach five hundred years later...   performed exactly the same role. Of course, after the din of battle   both the bard and the piper  would lament the lost,   and for some time a clan chief would have  both a bard and a piper in his retinue.   ...but the great pipe replaced the harp as  the iconic instrument of the Highlands...   and it became a weapon of war every bit as  much as the voice of the bard had been.   After Culloden... on 15th November 1746   piper James Reid was executed  at York as a rebel.   The judge waived aside his defence  that he carried no weapon,   saying that no highland regiment  marched without a piper.   Post Culloden those pipers marched for regiments  in the British army rather than their clans...,   Whether or not the Roman  Empire brought bagpipes here,   the British empire took the Highland  great pipe across the world.   New Zealand, Australia, The US and, of course  Canada, where Piper Bill Millin had grown up.   But further still. Jordan, Oman, Nepal and more have military   bands playing the Highland great pipe. In competition, some of them are even   beating us at our own game. ...but worldwide the pipes   have become synonymous with Scotland If you d like a video of me trying to   learn the pipes let me know in the comments. If you want to hear the story of MacCrimmen s   Lament then there s a video coming up now. ...and support the channel by clicking top   right to become a Patreon member or buy  me a coffee in the description below.   Tha mi an dochas
Channel: Scotland History Tours
Views: 131,403
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Keywords: Bruce Fummey, Scotland history tours, Scottish history tour guides, scottish history for dummies, Bagpipes, History of bagpipes, are bagpipes scottish, Scotland history tours bagpipes, key dates in scottish history, this day in scottish history, scottish music, scottish culture
Id: mhakTyPsnPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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