Scottish West African Family Gets DNA Results... and it's a Shock

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hiya my name is Bruce fumi I'm a Scottish Ghanaian although if you've seen an earlier video in this series you might see I was a British West African I make videos about the people places and events in Scottish history so if you're interested in that then click the Subscribe button at the bottom right of the screen however today this is the follow-up to a video I made about the DNA of our rainbow Scottish West African family and uh we if you saw that before then you'll know that I got the results of my DNA test and I got my family to take their DNA test and it's particularly relevant because recently I've made videos about Mary Queen of Scots Rob at the Bruce and William Wallace and people have debated whether or not Mary Queen of Scots was French William Wallace was Welsh and Robert Bruce was Norman in spite of fact that there may have been Generations in between and that made it more interesting to look back at our family and see after two generations from my dad Vincent Draco Joe fumi what was a DNA in this rainbow family so in the next uh 20 minutes or so you're gonna find out about myself and my sister Selassie we've got the same dad but a different mum mine's a Scottish hers is Ghanaian togalese and her son her eldest son Prince whose dads Nigerian but most interesting of all will be our second children so Lassie's Second Son George has an English father and my daughter Zoe has a Scottish mum now incidentally we've done these tests with my Heritage and if you want uh to do a test with my Heritage I'll leave a link in the description below to get one of those tests we started off looking at the Continental differences between all of us how African and how European were we so this is the fumi DNA results and I'm going to break it down first of all uh by consonant okay because the interesting thing when this whole thing started was how Scottish and how can Ian is Bruce fumi right and we got a few surprises okay because it turns out I'm actually uh uh an English Nigerian I was 48.1 African and 48.1 European I was exactly as African and European as each other um and I had 3.8 Middle Eastern so I've got that we Arabic thing going on as well yeah so what's selassie's continental makeup right what we've got is Selassie is 96.4 African [Laughter] one percent European all right no where did that come from right because it was just talk about us having a a great yeah I had done a bit Italian yeah so well but did that come from my mum or mine right you've got 2.2 Asia and 3.8 Middle Eastern what about Prince my nephew how continentally diverse is he yeah not quite as African is your mom negative five point eight percent okay you've got no European okay right okay so whatever the European but she didn't pass on to you but you've got 5.3 Asian so and no Middle Eastern right okay and we there's not enough Supply we expect you guys to be predominantly African but maybe some other bits kicking about right and now we come to young George the English guinean what's his Continental makeup like George 53.2 European so you're predominantly European 45.1 African right so not as much as me right um but probably more than two years 1.3 Asians you've got whatever stuff's going on there with that Asian thing you've got that as well I predict that the most European of the group will be my will I say Zoe let's find out Zoe we would expect to be the most European right yep yeah and indeed she is 74.8 percent European her DNA matches or people European postcodes today all right uh and but I know you always say that you're a strong African woman and I always say put on your Factor 50 before but indeed you're 19.7 African yeah [Music] uh and 1.6 Asia that's interesting because I didn't have any of that stuff you didn't have it here yeah right um but it doesn't I don't know right skip one generation I don't know how it works right people will tell us in the comment section and you've got 3.9 that Middle Eastern thing right so you've also got that from me yeah although you I had 3.8 of it you've got 3.9 of it so you've got a wee bit more so I didn't Ken how you got that now I know that's not how it works don't you worry okay right so now we come to the National breakdown now the interesting thing about this is that Scotland as a nation started in let's say 847 843 with Kenneth mcalpin but it came together from pets and from Scots and from britons and from angles and then we had Vikings coming across and then Normans came and all that kind of stuff so there's a mixture there Ghana didn't exist as a nation until 1956 but similarly there's been movement on the West African continent anyway all of us all our allegiance to either Scotland or Ghana or let's be honest both to Varian degrees it will be interesting to see what comes out in the DNA so Celeste Selassie what are you if we break it down uh you are uh are you Morgan than I am you think so you think because of your mum Charlotte yeah that's right of course well you are 63.6 Nigerian yes yes no yes but to be filmed 60 63.6 Nigeria okay so that's good from that that's from that's from but but hold on but your mom Charlotte has two police and guinean yeah yeah she's got from the coast yeah right but she's also got some talk yes and there are there are Airways in Togo you know when you cross the border [Laughter] well I had Sierra Leone right which is other signs yeah right so I had like sandwiches I had the Nigeria and Seattle Union but no Ghana in the middle yeah you've got no Sierra Leone okay what do I have but like me you've got you've got some Kenyan Kenyan uh 11.3 Kenyan and what you've got this might be the gun a bit as a non-disco it just says West African 18.7 West Africa um yeah but again the thing is and they can't find Ghana no but remember Ghana didn't exist until 1956. right Ghana Togo Nigeria they were all carved up by the uh the colonial Powers damage you know what I mean that's why when you go from aflow over to uh Lumi in the capital of Togo you just walk across this there's not that [Music] the West African thing I don't know there's pit on the full thing you're going to get pictures you'll get like a geographical image of uh where these things relate to right so I'll send you those don't worry Ghana not Somali 2.4 and a tiny little bit of central Africa right so uh the Congo right hey I don't know I'm just reading I'm just reading no of the European but they're kind of spread out no it's not right see because I had that Italian because you must have that Italian European bit yeah um it doesn't say so it says finish from Finland it's not mean I don't know what so you're in Charlotte your mum I don't know must have been messing about with some Finnish guy you know I mean honestly honestly yeah on a skiing holidays right and you've got either you've got your Asians met between South Asia and West Asia I'll show you a picture of that and you'll see it in the screen when you go in to do the whole thing uh the South Asia's like India and all that the East Asia is like further over Indonesia like towards China and all that kind of stuff right so we see that Selassie the weeb of Asia how much will she have passed on to Prince and how Asian is he so there you go princy boy um not as Nigerian as your mom uh 56.1 Nigeria okay uh but you have got the Sierra Leone that your Uncle Bruce has got that your mum didn't care uh and that's 28 Sierra Leone you have right now that may have come from you Nigerian diet or who that's the thing is because she [Laughter] Nigerian right and your father is not but he told you he was Nigerian do you know what I mean he probably he probably also told you that his father was a prince yeah okay uh so you guys see it only one 28 Kenya okay uh 1.6 okay Kenya okay uh and then you've got the two percent West African kind of that's a big two percent Guardian two percent you could call it then in if you want right okay uh but we know you're Nigerian uh you've got South Asia you've got 2.3 South Asia three percent West Asian so yeah so it's interesting people in the comment section will explain to us how this whole thing works right so you don't all you need to do is read the comment section of this video afterwards and you'll get uh anything you don't understand somebody's gonna somebody's gonna tell you all right okay now this is the bit it gets interesting a bit like when Robert Bush's dad Norman marries the count is a Carrick the Celtic mother to bring that blame now we're starting to get in the Blended members of the group like George the with the English dad and my sister as his mum George we start with you all right did you get that Nigerian stuff uh kicking uh 24.5 Nigerian okay like uh you know the brother and I you've got Sierra Leone uh 20.6 all right um yeah but we know he was more European than anything else wasn't it so let's talk about the European thing right um no obviously you've got English dad right um and uh so where did what did you get from him right uh we've got 28.8 Northwest European so that's like France Germany kind of you know I don't know foreign so you've got that so presumably the rest is going to be English you would think yeah um but in actual fact 22.4 Irish Scottish okay okay you're so you're more Scottish than me again coming from your English Dad yeah right oh nightmare but you've also got 2.4 Italian which must come via that link because that's so that Italian thing must come down from somewhere oh no you might go up from your dad as well right because he's going a bit north west Europe blah blah blah blah uh South Asian 1.3 right so predominantly European and so far the most Scottish right okay you are right and that's the guy that didn't understand when I said who's not even speaking proper Scots now whilst I love my sister and my nephews I'm probably more interested in my daughter Zoe the most European of the group but I know she's gonna want to have a Celtic Scottish background after the disappointment to find out that our dad had all that English DNA let's see what happened uh Zoe my darling right okay um so uh well we start with the African yeah so you were about 19 African and most of that is surprise surprise Nigerian right she said no but the thing is you don't mean you know when you're at parties and you tell them you're a strong African woman you can now say I'm a strong Nigerian passport uh 1.6 Sierra Leone like your dad's got some Sierra Leone and 1.7 Kenya right so there you go you've got East African and a bit of West African in there as well no what about the European element because you've got like 70 odd percent European um and you're going to think some of that is going to be Irish Scottish isn't it and you're right you do have Irish Scottish in there so you and yes 4.7 what [Laughter] 1.7 yep what can I do hey I don't I don't I don't make the results I just read the results you've got not the rest of it isn't English right okay because you've got Scandinavian right so now because your mum's family are from the north east of Scotland from fraserburgh peterheads or they're not surprised to be a viking influence in there so you've got some Scandinavian 10.7 percent Scandinavian in fact you've also got 1.6 Baltic which is kind of up that area as well uh which leaves um oh you've got some Middle East on as well 3.8 Middle East which it seems mean yeah all right so should we have a drum roll drum roll sorry yeah percent [Applause] [Laughter] that's hilarious meal about me being English and it turns out your mother right this got the only the sole Scottish part of your identity has brought even more englishness in to your makeup than uh I've got right so what do we conclude from all that the truth of the matter is Beauty Queen of Scots was a mixture of things William Wallace as you'll see in my video about how Scottish was William Wallace was a mixture of things as was Robert the Bruce indeed as are we all uh we're all jock Thompson's beards which means I guess we all share the same DNA and yet we're a mongrel Nation making us a mixture of all those different sorts of things but you'll find in this channel lots of videos about the people places and events in Scottish history and the one of them coming up on screen now in the meantime how many dogs can be allow my life
Channel: Scotland History Tours
Views: 165,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bruce Fummey, Scotland history tours, Scottish history tour guides, scottish history for dummies, DNA, Scottish DNA, DNA test, DNA results, ancestry dna results black, my heritage, myheritage dna, scottish african
Id: FEH0IcR2phE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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