Scott Bastien - “What’s Your Why?”

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good morning everyone let's try again good morning everyone amen amen alive church we want to welcome everyone today to victoria seven day adventist church and we also would like to address a welcome warm welcome to everyone joining us online today i am one of this that i'm very happy to be here today what about you amen isn't it an answer to prayers and let's say that even more than an answer to prayer that we can see today we know that some restrictions came in lately again but churches are exempt to those restrictions amen so isn't it god so good amen so uh we want to remind everyone that uh we do not have to wear a mask in church today but it is recommended so and if everyone feels comfortable to wear one you're welcome to or everyone around us you feel better that everyone have one please let us know and if you don't have a mask it's one right by the entrance i also would like to draw your attention today to some of the announcements and there are some very exciting announcements especially for the little children we have the island eaglets club that it's that we still can register to and those these are for ages children ages to four to nine and uh the exciting news is that they have an open house on september 12th so mark down your calendars on september 12th between 1 and 3 p.m right here they having an open house and i'm pretty sure that all the young eagles are ready and excited to be here also we still can enroll our children the local pathfinders club which is for children ages 10 to 15. and uh i really like that picture eagles it's one of my favorites so uh every time i see it there and then i see the 10 to 15 ah i don't think i'm anymore in this age but you are welcome to join too amen it's always so nice and refreshing for all of us to be around our young people also we very well know that uh we've been praying for so long for our new building project and uh just not too long ago a few minutes ago i seen a a screen there for the sabbah school that says what is the way to and to create and support an atmosphere in a sabbath in a church but we see this our new church project building it says his way is soon to start but it didn't start yet but let me tell you something god have a plan amen we strongly believe so so it's time for us to pray it's time for us to get together as a church family and pray that god plans will reveal to us and we will be able to enhance that sabbath experience into a new building very soon amen so there are some food for thoughts also and i strongly encourage you to look over your bulletin you can find everything there but maybe it's time to look over our vision and our mission and i always like in the bulletin i'm anxious you know on friday evening to look on my emails and find out there the bulletin and i look at him and every single week i'm remembered that our mission is to restore god's image and his love in humanity through worship education community services health and fellowship but then our vision is restoring god's image in our community restore redeem regenerate amen well i think that everything a church can dream of as a vision and the mission it's all incorporated in this i don't think that there's anything else that we could come up with but we have to think a little bit because i think the since scope 19 came in i think the logistics of just doing that are changing and you know god has got a very very interesting habit of changing bad things into good things and we strongly believe that whatever kovid brought in bad things god can change it in good things and some very bright times it's ahead of us amen and i think that we have to think again of maybe not so much of changing those visions and this mission but thinking of the logistics of how to achieve all this for the future amen and not to forget that every day myself and my family we all praying for the day that the lord will tell us exactly what to do amen so let's pray before anything else also with good news some venues are coming too that remind us that we all living in a sinful world we're not home yet but we will soon be so we really want to express our deepest and sincerest condolences to elder josekua and all the family for their loss for the their fathers that in guatemala family we have all of you in our prayers and we know that god will be there beside you jesus will be there and we pray that he will comfort you and will comfort us all a sweet morning together with you also a very important announcement is uh as we had announced before the next sabbath we're supposed to worship together with the sydney church and be part of uh the last sermon of uh pastor roger estevez as she is he he will leave this district unfortunately he is he's right now in portugal visiting his family unfortunately some not very happy events happened there his father is not doing very well and he had to uh extend his staying there for another month so next sabbath the september 4th we all gonna meet and fellowship and right here and pastor marion is going to have his sermon on the third series uh of ultim in this entitled ultimate collision saying no to demons in our lives don't we all come every day in our lives to the moment when we have to say no we're looking forward so let's not forget next sabbath we're all going to meet here at lakeview church lakeview academy school and our church amen so uh as i mentioned before bad news came but we have a hope we know that one day god will restore everything so i think that it's we can all rejoice we can all uh worship our god today in his holy day so i invite the praise team to come up and lead us into just doing that thank you well that's always good to see you all and let's let's sing together to the lord if you want to get up if you wanna raise your hand if you wanna just let's enjoy this time because a song is a prayer to our lord so please just join us and sing with all your heart with all your soul [Music] [Music] as well i want to thank you to all those who sent me emails messages phone calls for the passing away of my dad that's why i picked this song when the role is called up yonder i am sure [Music] that my dad will be there his name won't be philippe anymore it will be another name [Music] [Music] is [Music] is on that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in christ shall rise and the glory of his resurrection share when his chosen one shall gather to their home beyond the skies and the roll is [Music] is [Music] [Music] from the dawn till setting sun let us talk about his wonders love and care then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done and the role [Music] [Music] is [Music] when the road how many of you wants to be there raise your hand hallelujah praise the lord [Music] on my earthly journey over there in glory i'm a mansion fair while on earth [Music] yet my lord and master saves me from despair beyond the sun far beyond the sun [Music] my [Music] i'll [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] far beyond [Music] far beyond [Music] now is the time when we all can participate as we are singing our next song i want to call the deacon and the kinesis just come forward and to collect our offerings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to you [Music] desire in my life [Music] is [Music] my shield [Music] may my spirit [Music] you're my friend and you are my brother even though you are a king i love you more than [Music] [Music] [Music] you are alone [Music] you and i long [Music] our next song is lord i need you how many times a day we need the lord in our hearts this is the time when you can bring all your problems all your all the things that you think has been a challenge for you bring it to the lord [Music] the legacy of my father i remember i was like the age of brandon nine years old [Music] he was after the priest in that city he had a big ministry he used to go this city had 23 villages small villages and my dad used to visit all of them and goes to preach to all those small villages i accompanied him a few times sometimes we had to walk hour and a half two hours one hour i go and just sit and hear my listen my dad because of that he was well known in that in that city three times people who ran to become a major of that city came to visit my dad because they know that he was well known and the third time but he never he said he always said no but the third time i was in university by then he said to me what do you think jose should i support them i said that i don't think it's a good idea i am sure when they get that position they will forget you they just want us your support because they know that the whole city know you especially the catholics and he said to me jose i will support him if they win whatever they want to do because in order to become a politician i have to leave my ministry and i don't want it he said i don't want it to do it and he supported that guy and he won he became a major and he came to my dad and offered a job and he my dad said no i'm sorry but i can't i want to be helping my church just i've been doing for so long it's a legacy that i how in my heart as you know last week my dad passed away in guatemala but because of him because he taught me that there is a god who is real that's why i'm standing here singing and one day of course i want to make it to heaven because i want to see him again if you can stand up and sing this song with us i will appreciate it [Music] lord i come i confess i win here i find and without you i fall apart [Music] my heart [Music] i need you my one defense my righteousness oh god how i need you where sin runs deep your grace is more grace is found is where you are and where you are [Music] is [Music] lord i need you boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] my righteousness oh god how i need you so teach my song to rise to you when temptation comes my way and when i cannot fall on you jesus you're my hope and stay and when i cannot stand i'll fall on you [Music] you're my hope and today [Music] lord i need you i need you everybody [Music] defense my righteousness [Music] lord i made you holy [Music] i need you my one defense my righteousness oh god how i made you my one defense my right [Applause] [Music] you may feel free to be seated or kneel as you wish or stand as you like let us come to our lord and open our hearts and pour them out to him in prayer loving heavenly father we thank you so much for all your many blessings you bestow upon us thank you for keeping us healthy and strong [Music] for keeping us going even in the midst of our trials for keeping us strong against all temptation we come to you now lord knowing that we are frail and needy without you we are nothing lord we fall and we fail yes lord we need you today we appeal to you lord for your mighty hand to be outstretched to the people of afghanistan so many of whom were struggling to find a way to be free from this country in turmoil lord we ask you to provide safe passage for those who want to go and find a life of freedom here and in other parts of the world lord have mercy in this situation thwart the plans of those who are against their freedom lord and give strength to those who are suffering lift them up lord we pray also for the people of haiti who have recently suffered this devastating earthquake many of whom are still homeless and needy in so many ways help us to reach out to them lord with the means that we have and to not forget to give so that the abundance that we have can be shared with those who are in such need in this part of the world lift them up and help them find shelter and food and clothing and the help they need we pray locally lord for those who have are still needing to find a new home who are rebuilding their lives after the terrible fires here in bc oh lord work within their situation so that they can find a new place or be able to rebuild where they have been and send rain lord your blessed reign to all parts of this north america who are experiencing these fires have mercy lord we pray dear father for families in our community who have been under so much stress from this cobit having to be home and losing their jobs and dear lord work within each situation give patience and peace and strength to each and every family as they work their way back to ward school and employment again bless each and every child with your divine protection as our children go back to school this fall protect them from all disease especially covered and lord in your mercy and grace rid this world from this scourge and help us to be patient and kind with one another father we ask you to continue to give guidance about what to do with our property so that it may glorify you lord give us a clear way for these and so many other myriad of needs and wants we turn to you in the name of jesus trusting in your mighty power and your holy angels lord we pour out our hearts to you help us always remember to bring everything to you however big or whoever small because you are the god of miracles we thank you and we praise you for all the great things that you're going to do on our behalf and for those who are suffering in our world in the mighty name of jesus amen [Music] [Music] the coronavirus was spreading and schools were shutting down across the united states and the rest of the world eleven-year-old caitlyn and her nine-year-old sister callie ended up back at home on the navajo reservation right in the middle of the school year caitlin and callie stayed in the girl's dormitory while they studied at holbrook seventh-day adventist indian school but when the school was forced to close to keep the children healthy the sisters traveled home to a town located about 90 minutes away by car in the state of arizona being at home didn't mean being on vacation the girls still had classes to attend and homework to do their teachers were preparing everything online the only problem was that caitlyn and callie didn't have internet access at home they also didn't have indoor plumbing and electricity came through an extension cord from a relative's house next door not even their neighbors had internet in fact hardly anyone in the neighborhood had internet except for the seventh-day adventist church down the road when the church's pastor learned about the situation he invited the girls to use the church's wi-fi for their studies caitlin and kelly found themselves skipping along the dirt road day after day to do their schoolwork at the church as they walked they smiled as they remembered good times at holbrook school they sang happy songs about jesus that they learned at the school one house they passed was known as the local drug house the house's paint was peeling and one of the windows was broken people seemed to go in and out of the house at all hours church members had visited and prayed in the home and the neighbor's little children had come to church for vacation bible school but none of the grown-ups seemed interested in god then one of those grown-ups noticed the cheerful sisters when caitlyn and callie's mom walked by the house one day the neighbor ran out why do your daughter smile so much instead of often looking sad like my little sisters she asked why are your daughters always singing the questions surprised their mom but she was pleased that the neighbor had noticed caitlyn and callie and she invited the woman to find out why they smiled and sang we're going to have a family worship this evening under the cottonwoods down by the stream bed their mom said would you like to come that evening the neighbor kids came to the cottonwood grove their mom read a bible story and everyone sang songs about jesus the children liked the worship service can we do this again tomorrow they asked caitlyn and callie did something spectacular they became missionaries to their neighbors even during a very difficult time for themselves their smiles and songs showed jesus wonderful love to a family that seemed impossible to reach happy hello hello hello hello happy summer again i want to thank you to little daniel hannah and mateo for coming to their parents they are sitting there isabel and team thank you so much for bringing them here i think they are one of the futures students of lcs future [Music] members of pathfinders and adventurers so and there's a little guy too then thank you so much for i'll say that they are the only spanish friends that my kids have but unfortunately they don't speak spanish between them anymore but anyways to god be the glory [Music] all [Music] to bring something that's of worth that will bless your heart i'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have required you search much deeper within through the way things [Music] and it's all about you all about you jesus i'm sorry lord for the thing i play that when it's all about you it's all about you jesus king of endless words no one could express how much you deserve [Music] the one weekend for [Music] i'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have required you search much deeper within through the way things appear i'm looking into my heart i'm coming back it's all about you all about you jesus i'm sorry lord for the thing i made it [Music] and it's all about you all about you jesus i'm sorry lord for the thing i've made it when it's all about you all about you jesus [Music] oh there we go we got sound good morning everyone good to be here with you today oh thank you frank yes let me enjoy taking my mask off much appreciated frank i would have gone the whole time with it on i brought these little things here just in case i needed them too but maybe not we'll see you know i asked god to give me some confirmation of is what's here on these pages what you want me to say today to your people and um i i always am listening and looking for those things just so i know because i didn't know what songs were going to be chosen for the praise team today i didn't know what special music song was going to be sung today and yeah god said this is what i want to be said today and it was being said today in praise time and it was being said today in that special music what what is the heart of worship it's all it's all about you jesus yes that's the sermon so thank the lord for that you know taste and see that the lord he is good you know happy sabbath everyone and welcome to this worship service may you be blessed may you leave here refreshed in the lord we are his sheep and of his posture and you are loved may god's spirit continue to move in this place in a powerful way a miraculous way o be ever close to us father we come before you today in our hour of need to be fed by you each and every one of us and then go into the world to serve one another in jesus name amen i want to thank you to all the lcs helpers there was a work b i wasn't here for it you might have missed me hopefully you did i was over in vancouver but a lot of work got done michelle allen sent me some pictures and i just want to thank you for all that you do for supporting lcs it's it's looking a lot better ashley did you see the playground yet outside oh wait till you see it it looks really nifty really nifty i want to give a special shout out to brian allen and frank ackerman who spent many hours in the last couple weeks doing a major repair job out in front of the school and to one of our parents rod parker of parker construction who will be finishing off of the work that brian and frank did um a special shout out to to ian archambault um for looking after our electrical and plumbing needs here at the school he's very faithful and and to ed lambert for his ongoing maintenance give him a call he is here and then the job is done and he does it with a smile let's give him a hand let's do it i just really appreciate all the help that everyone's giving in and our school board chair you might not see her all the time susan featherbee but she's working behind the scenes meeting with people organizing and planning things i want to thank her of course our pastors and our school board it's really it's really exciting to to work with all of these people because they love god and and they love this this school and this community right and of course uh michelle allen our school secretary michelle was coming in during her summer time off giving tours to to parents and students that wanted to check the place out and she would she would come in and do that and of course to our precious teachers they spent much time this summer actually not all of their time and they shouldn't spend all their time but much of their vacation time in the school planning and prepping for our children for this year i want to thank thank them for doing that yeah so i am very thankful and a god bless you all for all that you do some of you some of you serve us financially and some of you serve us with your prayers and i value everything i value everything it's a necessity and really i think what you're doing is you're answering the call of god god is putting it on your heart and mind to do whatever you can everyone's got different talents and means and you're doing it and i just want to say thank you amen jose thank you so what's your why um cecilia actually just briefly talked to me before i came up here and said i was thinking about that myself what's your why i'm thinking that sounds like a good title it sounds interesting something to think and ponder about isn't it what's your why so i resh recently went to a leadership conference in vancouver and one of the questions that was posed to the attendees was why should anyone want to follow you and that's a good question isn't it it's an appropriate question and although this conference was for school principles i think we can each apply that question to ourselves because god wants every one of us to be a leader and to lead others to him so one of the questions that was posed was again you know what qualities does a leader have what qualities do you have and so um they asked us to to go and pair up and talk about it with someone and i thought to myself i i am not ready to go and talk to someone because i haven't really thought about it myself so i just i just sat there and pondered it you know is it our honesty is it our good looks is it your smile is it your laughter is it your hard work what's attracting people to you as a leader is it your knowledge is it your charisma is it your patience and calmness your generosity your talent what is it that draws people to you and truly some of us might be wondering why people don't want to be around us and some of us undoubtedly are in a hard place right now um and might have been there for a very long time we're hurting we're tired we're sick we're getting old and we just can't do the things that we did before we've suffered much loss family loss of friends and have mercy we've all been there or we're going to be there right have mercy so i was thinking why would anyone want to follow me i took a few minutes and jotted down the qualities and then soon another more seasoned principle and a lead in the association that organized the event came over and joined me and i was like wow this guy's coming over to talk with me he's very intelligent very quick very animated i really felt privileged that he chose to come over and speak with me he asked me the things that i had listed and then i asked him and and i was surprised he said yes that's that's one of my qualities too but the next one he said about himself was the quality of a leader is hard work i thought hard work that's the that's the quality of a leader so i asked him i asked him about that and he explained that a leader is a role model of course and hard work shows that you care you take your job seriously and that this is the level this is the bar of expectation for all of those around you one of excellence not a mediocrity okay i see i guess hard work is a leadership quality on the other side have you ever been with people work with people who are lazy who are less a fair i it doesn't really matter i don't really care i remember i had a teacher in university that i thought was like that i had already taken a few french courses which i really enjoyed and did very well in and then i met professor so-and-so this professor did not inspire me to do my best he didn't seem to care and unfortunately i let it affect me in fact in his class i received my lowest grade in university it was so low it was so low that my my advisor called me into his office and said hey look this could affect your graduation status one course and it was an elective i didn't even have to take it and the grade certainly wasn't an a it wasn't a b it wasn't a c it wasn't a d and it wasn't an f [Laughter] what was it looking back at it now i'm guessing that my advisor called this french professor and said hey look this is a nice guy he's working hard let's let's have mercy on him and somehow adjust things so that he can graduate i think that's what happened but i don't know here's what the grade was n r n r not an f n r have you ever heard of it yep okay um it was the first time i ever saw it and it was the it was the last time i ever saw it nr stands for no report okay i was discouraged and disgusted and i did not report to the second half of my french exam the first one was written and i'm not going to tell you why i was discouraged and disgusted but but the second one was let's go talk to the professor on francais all right and i thought you know what i'm not even going to that this first part of the exam what was that i'm not even going nr stands for no report well i'm here i graduated praise the lord and probably thanks to those professors who had a private phone phone conversation conversely i had my first french teacher and his name was dr peter halford i i do remember so-and-so's name but i'm not going to say it dr peter halford this teacher was very passionate animated about french he was intriguing i'd never heard anyone teach that way before and i loved it and it really helped me to understand what was going on he changed the way i thought forever the way i looked at things i entered his class with basically no french i was so lost it seemed that almost everything in class was written or spoken in french which wasn't literally true but i just didn't understand and i almost dropped out of the course because i just didn't have a clue and i thought that i'd surely fail and get the letter grade f but the enthusiasm of the teacher his knowledge and his attention to his students kept me wanting to stay and i wanted to be successful and one day the proverbial light went on from wanting to drop out to getting a final mark of i know it wasn't an a plus but it was an a minus right and um it was really due to dr peter halford bless his soul i honor him today and thanks so i say to you and i've said this probably to my students before this story to some of them right like hold on hold on hold on the light will go on you will understand well what's the difference between the two teachers to be fair professor so-and-so was getting older and tired maybe physically mentally maybe he was just bored or maybe he was going from through some tragedy at home or in his personal life and just was barely able to manage to go through the motions have mercy because we've all been there and if we haven't been there we're going to be there have mercy of course i probably could have studied harder too and i need to take responsibility for my failures it wasn't just him we live and we learn with professor halford i was so enthusiastic about learning french that i spent two summer sessions in quebec city at the university of laval soaking in the language soaking in the culture and i i almost did a third summer there so i asked the question again so what's your why when we know the reason why we do what we do when we've got a passion for something and i would venture to say that when god has given you a talent when god has called you when god has saved you and sustained you when you have got found god to be faithful when you realize that god has never and let me say never ever let you down and that god is the reason why you do what you do then you've got the passion and the blessing for the why not just the what you do whatever your hand is doing do it all for the glory of god the what it isn't a burden in fact it's a delight because you know the why and you're a leader at whatever you do because you've got his spirit moving in you and around you to spread god's love to others both in word and deed whatever you do you've gotten to know god you know that god can be trusted god answers prayers god provides miracles god has gotten the victory and will raise us up if not now tomorrow if not tomorrow in the future and if not here on earth then when jesus comes he will raise us up that day and we shall ever be with the lord his promises are sure amen oh amen i like that amen i was listening to brother cornell he said a lot of amens today did you hear me cornell all right amen for those of you who are not experiencing the why doing the what god knows and he's working with you and for you step by step gently leading you he's helping you to say yes to him he wants you to have life and a life more abundant here now and for eternity so hold on hold on hold on a life of love is your destiny god wants to bless you and support you he has promised and is preparing a place for you so hold on and give it all to jesus put your trust in him and rest in him for his yoke is easy and his burden is light decisions you have a decision what's going to work out the best should i or shouldn't i is this good or bad right versus wrong good versus evil god versus satan i can just hear satan sing wait a minute i'm getting a bad rap here i'm the bad one no way god's the one who's bad not me go ahead eat that fruit that god said not to you won't die eve in fact you're going to be like god you'll know both good and evil really says eve it sure looks good it feels good it smells good oh it tastes so good she runs to adam adam this fruit is it's so good it's the one that god told us not to eat but look i ate it i feel great have you tasted that fruit hmm i feel strange i'm feeling a little cool a little bear a little empty a little unfulfilled that feeling of excitement it has disappeared i i think we made a mistake i feel awful here comes god let's hide fast forward six thousand years plus and and here we are how did it all work out look what's happening around the world today come lord jesus are you ready for jesus to come i don't know about you but i need help life hasn't always been a bowl of cherries per se sure there have been happy moments cherries in our life's journey even with whipped cream on top and certainly moments to cherish and focus on to count our many blessings to be thankful that's very true though this helps us to stay positive on our journey and encourages us for me i strongly recommend that you turn your eyes upon jesus because that's where i found my help comes from and then the lord said you and you and you and you encourage me you help me thank you thank you there are also many scars many life lessons many opportunities for growth many times crying out to god there's been disappointment suffering pain anxiety emptiness depression sickness fear death to name a few scars but god has used those to grow us as painful as they are without stress we don't grow we become complacent maybe even laodicean what were satan's words to eve you will not surely die who is the liar i need a savior i need a redeemer i need a guide to walk beside me better yet i need jesus to live within my heart and my mind and i want him to do so why because without him i feel empty unfulfilled like there's something missing and nothing in this world good or bad has been able to satisfy that inner craving that meaning of life the answer my friends is not blowing in the wind the answer is jesus there's just something about that name jesus it's only by trusting in him and him alone that i have found peace and fulfillment in life every morning and throughout the day i call on him i'm still working on enjoying my struggles though i'm still growing in christ and learning to trust him more but really maybe we should count the struggles as a blessing a privilege aren't they signs that god is polishing his precious jewels to reflect his glory his majesty his love aren't they a sign that says god cares about us and ultimately is working for our good all the toys sex drugs rock and roll even our closest family can't bring the most intimate ultimate fulfilling relationship that is possible and only possible in knowing the true god the god of love for some of us that have grown up in the church we've learned the bible stories we've memorized scripture passages we've learned that he died for me we've gone to meetings joined clubs we participated in various activities including helping others maybe we've even sacrificed our times and things in in this life for another person all great things what does the bible say are we a sounding brass a tinkling symbol if we have not what's the word if we have not love right then we're just a sounding gong my question is where does love come from where does it come from i don't want to be all about show i don't want to attract attention like a clanging symbol or a beating drum that becomes quite offensive and irritating to people pretty quick it's not a leadership quality no and it doesn't lead others to christ i want to be sincere honest authentic loving have you ever met those people do they really exist do you appreciate people that are authentic honest sincere and loving i'm sure that you do so what do these people look like where do they get it from i believe it's because they know him they know him the great i am jehovah yahweh the one true god they have experienced and learned just how much god loves them they are truly sorry for their sins and they've said yes to accepting jesus as their savior and they've invited god into their hearts to be the ruler and re-creator of their lives and god is leading them on their journey god has not only given them the what but he he is the why and as we grow in a relationship with our creator redeemer sustainer beholding him we are changed into his image and those around us start to take notice and say i want that too there's something different about that person and i would like to remind you that you're in this great controversy god and satan are vying for your soul i will remind you that satan is a liar and he wants you just as much as god does and he will do anything to keep you from that relationship with the god of love what does satan provide he provides a false interpretation of who god really is number two he provides babylon confusion who or what should i believe three he provides wealth or poverty depending on if you'll be so wealthy that you'll forget god or so poor that you'll curse god number four he keeps some so busy with materialism wanting and getting things we work hard we're tired and just don't have the time and energy for our relationship with god number five he uses all kinds of distractions so that we use up our time and energy again no time for a relationship with god he suggests thoughts of procrastination i'll do it later ever so sincere but not always with the best result and oftentimes leads to a sad ending pride selfishness worry stress suffering lies you will not surely die satan does anything and everything to keep you from knowing the true life-giving god of love satan hates god satan wants your worship and to make your life a living hell that's what he delights in he's proven it for thousands of years unlike the patient and sacrificing god of love the good news god wins god is above all of this so hold on hold on hold on call to him cry to him lord save me it's that simple that's how it starts i'm going to read to you the words of a kevin levar song it's called your destiny just a few of the words this is not a time to get distracted this is not a time to go off course this is not a time to lose your focus got a work to do for the lord and you cannot afford to lose your way you've come too far from where you started so please don't let the time you've sown be wasted on the things you'll later regret regret wishing you never had once you realize it wasn't worth it your destiny is too important to give up for anything you've got a work to do for the lord i know people like that i know people that know god and they are working for the lord i named some of them earlier today these people boy my spirit and encourage me i love being around them i love working with them they are leaders and humble leaders too they're sitting here in these seats some are serving right now some served yesterday in preparation some will serve later some spent the last several weeks working here at lcs i've seen them here i've seen their smiles i've seen their enthusiasm i've seen their hard work and did you know that lcs is god's school and that he's working miracles for it did you know that did you know that this is god's place this is god's holy ground those who are serving with god in his service i think that they not only know the what but i think they know their why and that is exciting those are the leaders those are the people by god's grace who are the movers and the shakers those who inspire others and who help others who do you want to be around who do you want to be have you experienced the why with your what what would you like at the leadership conference the facilitator showed a video and i found it very thought provoking and i'd like to share it with you before we close and i don't know the person in the video i don't know what kind of a life they live but i do know that the message is clear and i'd like to show that show that to you just now thank you so much how do i know a lot of people when they think of the phrase how do i know they always want to put the what behind it how do i know what i'm supposed to do the question that you really should ask is how do i know why i'm here because when you know your why your what becomes more clear and more impactful if you know like for instance um people know that i do comedy but that's what i do my why is to inspire people to walk in purpose so i can do comedy i can write books i can be in a movie because all of it is motivated by my why in fact i have a new uh a new web series out called michael junior break time uh we probably just did the sixth episode it's on youtube so every single wednesday at three o'clock we drop a new episode on youtube of michael jr break time what it is it's me i travel around the country and i do stand up comedy because you know and in the middle of my comedy set sometime i'll stop and just talk to my audience and we've been filming this and it's you know it's it's pretty cool so we're in winston salem i'm gonna show you a clip from winston-salem and i'm just talking to this guy in the audience and he tells me that he's a uh a musical instructor at a school so i was like all right you're a musical instructor you know can you sing let me hear you sing a song so this is what happened at the last episode of michael jr's break time check it [Music] musical director yes sir all right so um let me get a couple let me get a couple bars of like uh amazing grace can you do the first part of that go ahead amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved [Music] like me that brought us in you know what i'm saying all right all right um now once you give me the version is if uh your uncle just got out of jail you got shot in the back when you was a kid i'm just saying let me see the hood version real quick if you know which one i'm talking about just see if that exists let me see what you got [Music] grace how sweet [Music] the sound that's [Music] [Laughter] like me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] okay um here's what i want you to catch the first time i asked him to sing he knew what he was doing the second time he knew why he was doing it when you know your why your what becomes more impactful because you're walking towards or in your purpose thank you so i'd like you to invite i'd like to invite you to say yes to jesus and have him take your what and make it into your why so that you can have a more impactful life and be a leader in whatever you do leading others to jesus christ if you'd like to do that i ask you just for a moment to bow your heads with me father we want to thank you for your word and for your spirit who comes and encourages us and teaches us and for all your people who are part of the body of this christ bless now our decisions lord to follow you and and to keep on following you in jesus name amen so i'd like to invite the praise team to come up and those of you who already know your why keep on going and those of you who know your why i want you to sing it out loud okay sing it out loud and encourage those around you with this hymn oh how i love jesus thank you [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh how i love jesus it tells me perfect place i love jesus [Music] [Music] my deepest [Music] oh i love jesus [Music] our heavenly father we want to thank you for this day for the sabbath and for meeting together for the privilege of meeting together we want to thank you for those who are listening and who will listen we ask you to continue to bless us and guide us so that we we know our ry it's you you are the heart of worship it's all about you thank you in jesus name amen god bless you you
Channel: Church in Victoria
Views: 103
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FM-gZZu_F_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 57sec (5337 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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