It's MONOPOLY but it's in FORTNITE! *NEW* Game Mode!

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so you probably know what I'm gonna say shrine has done it again this map isn't say first of all before I show you the map look at this first of all hehe put a light go on this twenty six thousand two hundred twenty six likes so I you guys want to hit that like button shows tried some love show this map some love this thing is insane are you guys ready for this and here it is it's a giant working Monopoly game the rules of this game are relatively simple we'll go through them throughout the video the idea is when all of the board pieces are bought and that's when the game is done and then we're doing a five elimination battle T's this was so much fun hit the like button for shrine also hit the subscribe button if you're new to any of our can let's go check out try go check out everybody hit that little bale hope you guys enjoy monopoly try what is wrong with you in Florida there's even a waterworks and there's what's it called thingy Sparky thingy was it called electric go for utilities okay so uh who wants to go first who wants to go first he wants to go first oh all right before you go first actually no I'm going first by Oak Raab that's right oh crap the rule I cheated okay the rule is we have to call our number and if we get that number it's like a double that's how you go to jail and you roll more okay I'm gonna choose eight I'm in jail I'm just visiting this is good as gold actual this is gold accent what's your number my number is three three oh yeah sure so sigils came up with like what's that mean if you buy a railroad okay so railroads work in two ways one if you get a railroad it means you get the end of the game you get to choose an item of your choice for the battle right but if you only own one railroad you don't get to get a choose a blue item or worse you own - it's a purple three it's a gold and four if you somehow madman you own all four you get to choose a present if you want you can get it friends also let's say I buy this property here right it cost 120 I get that shotgun and I own this property if somebody else on it whatever this price is cut it in half and that's what they pay me they'll give me 60 bucks so I bought this jail if anybody goes to jail they owe me a million yeah you - I'm gonna be brick roofs I'm pretty okay so drop the 200 bucks under your roof and that's how you know you bought it so the art dollars we start with $1,500 which are trapped okay ah bevels on you tell me I'm guessing I'm gonna get a two for the price of this is you gotta pay him all right what's your number go ahead okay I'm going for seven seven okay oh oh crap you can buy that crap are you buying it I want a seven one two seven oh seven seven and I bought I is this New York no that's New York what is this what is this what is a st. James Place I think oh no your monopoly dude I have issues okay so I'm gonna buy this which means I get a purple swipe boy if I want it I'm gonna grab that right now actually I kind of want it give me that okay so now I have to drop a hundred and eighty hold on this will be a minute there did it yay now I own this so if anybody lands on this what's half of one eighty four thousand you're only $4,000 okay so I get to roll again if I get another seven I can roll again if you roll three doubles in a row it's off to jail with ya all right ready I hope you go to charity hey six crap for five okay so I'm gonna drop 200 right there there we go caution okay you did it an eye get any item that I want blue or below there that's it hey nine ten wait is that a railroad double check it no way the railroads got bought on the first two terms how much for this two hundred two hundred for that so if anybody lands on it it's dumb or it's half of that but if you own two then you get two hundred per all right all right ride it's on you okay okay what number you going I got a fall for did you wait on this railroad steel is money I'm gonna say okey so I want a shotgun to a roll roll oh here I'm gonna get one two three four give me four give me four [Music] what this spot here does whenever you land on tax or if you lose any money from the Community Chest you throw it at the field if you ever land on the field you get to collect whatever in there okay hold on 300 300 and crap crap oh sorry yeah wish I could type oh I can't type this chat you're not the type all right so I owned this if anybody lands on it 150 nope you got a green AR yes oh yeah also the airfield it's a different mechanic I never knew this was a monopoly but if you land on it you can take an airplane and land anywhere on the map you want okay so I'm here okay I 101 to 4 I want a four I want a for ona four on four ready ready go zero crap crap I get to go again alright you better roll it you better roll better or this time go nine weight of 1 2 7 8 I get I get my 200 give my to honey yeah not literally a gray SMG who put this here try that was this your residuals who was it was me who did it it was me who did it course I take credit for this this is unneeded here we go I'm going for a seven all right I got it no we got a good shot gun I'll go and buy this here you little face licker hey do you want to donate that to the charity of the donation charities yeah no no I will drop 261 because it's too hard then I get to go again I'm gonna say 5 still 5 still 5 all right Oh [Music] hey listen listen for staying on my property you know what I'll make it easy for our come to you we come to you here at the Brick Store we come to you don't break don't you break my brick you broke your brick alright so so half of 300 I'm gonna go on the limb and say 4,000 okay you really need to talk to your math teacher because he did you problem boy give me that all right give me it right now I'm answer something you had to write this 0 out of 10 you stay at brick ville what would you rate hey honestly like it - 4 I'll accept it here your brick roof I don't know the cab you know I got your money I don't care it's the worst Airbnb I ever did see wait is my combo on boardwalk and Park Place is really what kind of a monster does that you're a monster [Music] alright so now it's my turn you guys ready go ahead buddy let's see what you got mr. Brielle Big Bird going to seven okay I want a seven seven right here separate right here somebody's got a paste red money strike get over here tried I'm not going to you when I pay you I refuse take it take it I paid on it I paid on it this day was terrible clean your bathrooms that's ready to pee on that money because there's no toilet paper go one two three I want to go for I want to go forward you want to go for place place yes yes I shall god dansker name i got visa baits grenades needs I guess our meeting dude that's actually that's gold actual cheetah actual gold you take that back gold actual as an angel and he gets such an unfair shake get a shotgun a shotgun oh how he does who so I think I'm gonna actually get this spot I don't like it hip it Oh smart man spot I play slowly so if we go by monopoly root rules us three can bid on that Oh since you skipped it I did skip it you guys want to bid on it you guys can I will bid ten dollars let me just say right here right now I did farther than twenty dollars if he farted on it I want twenty I'm on it I'm on it try are you bidding thirty okay do that for five thirty forty forty forty forty six sixty sixty-five sixty-five I'm buying it I'm just moisten 65 I says you see 500 500 500 I actually didn't care about winning that because I have a railroad I can get a blue pump I just wanted him to spend more money just got two hundred to tie cute get it because you put two hundred two dollars in there wait hold on what six I'm in the Community Chest Oh first Community Chest of the game so this is all the things you got to spend the thing you can get some things oh I wonder if I what are you gonna get says $300 he just paid he just paid for the house he just paid for the house he just paid for the bad thing I just I queued him on Wow yeah alright shreds got his one organize my turn um I want you how much you I want you good luck I got one oh I got The Electric Company which means if you land on it it's got like what is it an 8 times multiplier so ok let me buy this and I get a grenade launcher oh great and let me grab the grenade launchers thank you all right who wants to go next you got a Community Chest ok just works is we have a whole wheel of options you know I I just roll not go to jail so you go to jail you go to jail no you go to jail you smell like you smell like liverwurst you know you know you know here at the Brigantine Brooking company we come to you go ahead drop 30 on the ground here at the braking team braking company go ahead drop it thank you ok get 200 pass and go before you do that zero out of ten what would you rate your stank yeah see oh wow yeah I don't care I got your money Thanks so how this spot works you roll the die whatever's on that on your card you multiply it by 8 and then pay me what yep okay that's out seven times eight seven times eight is 156 step 45 dang it fifty-six three feet six dollars or anything right now right now give me spit it out spit it up now here at brick into brick company what would you review Tim you know what just for that go ahead give me another $50 here we go I'm gonna say I'm gonna say one or two one or two one or two I'm gonna say two six no no no no you know I saw you already have a room reserved here at riddle but over here like metal metal ting well you're made of metal so have you seen yourself I don't know I'm a thimble I'm not metal listen this and it's just gonna be a hundred dollars to walk through my neighborhood that's how that's all what's like a once I get this on zeroes here I'm gonna give you the worst rating ever one eternity later home and there you go there's there's your honey and your stay was absolutely I cannot tell you how it was good I liked it I think you what will your feedback has been noted now welcome to breaking frickin Tain's here at brick in breaking Tanev your kind not free service go ahead guys ninety buckaroos Amy money I don't like trying all right give me one my oh don't you shortchange me just for being so handsome I'm gonna give you a dollar tip [Laughter] now what would you would you what would you rate what would you rate 1 out of 11 out of 10 okay I'll be sure to put that on my tick-tock try it on you I'm going to since I won the deagle over that hacker he's an actual hacker I'm gonna say one I'm gonna say one I'm gonna say one that's 1 that's a 1 in some countries that's a 1 in some countries not in no countries and no such thing as a country after your first taste of metal inks metal inking you just you have to get more don't you right we'll listen listen all right this is one of our premium properties so it's gonna cost you 180 smackeroos 180 can you now do math you do not do math no leave them alone honey 30 there you go you all ice cream freak now go fix your teeth you look weird what okay first of all I'll give you a brain freeze you talk to me like that one more time second of all it's my term so I'm gonna leave bye the steak was terrible by the way I give it a ten out of ten good wait wait wait hold on what six seven eight hello welcome to pricking frickin ttan you know we really ought to just make a deal here cuz we're just passing money back and forth so uh you know go ahead and give me $100 in your left kidney I will not pick up that money until it's 100 I will not I have to go into my other wallet chad is 189 that's does 190 do you not know Matt what no okay how did that work hold on what do I owe you again uh-huh knit one honey let's park it just in there it is thank you I don't care what you I don't care what you think about my state was gonna get it I give it 11 so okay I'll take that I'll take that I'll take it yeah I would like to propose a deal I don't like I said it first can I interest you in a dance grenade on a property valued at three hundred and fifty dollars in exchange for a purple scar a purple scarf oh he's trying to deal now let me hear the other deals anybody else got some deals I got a deal I got a do I got a deal okay Taggert what's your deal huh so I'll give you my green property right if you'll have a full set double the money double the income right yeah and all you have to do is give me a railroad that's it just okay so I get your I get I get your green your blood green one green for one railroad and you have a full set so if somebody lands on your green you get $300 and you want my railroad yep it's only two hundred three hundred two hundred three here's the thing here's the thing you know what I'll even throw in some sniper bullets you know nobody knows I'll even throw in some rockets no I'm not gonna lie he has a very good point he but Rick until you know what patina consider 30s always is gonna give him the combo if you give him the railroad you're enabling the Commodore I give you the day what renu-it you know you knowing you the power you know what I don't and a dollar okay he's got a deal doing a dollar give me a dollar all right let's do it I don't want the real world I want all greets a wonderful set so I have two railroads now so so many lines out of my railroad they're only 200 if they land on yours you did this just remember when we spend the whole next game dancing that you did this I want a to to get that shotgun if I get this shotgun then I can get my combo hired come on crap six seven eight nine they are tax wish you wish to the dance this is uh sizzles Hall of no no you put those back in I don't wanna pay you I'm angry dancing at you well you owe me a significant amount of money I know I do and I sneeze all over this money good that's what I like to hear there's 174 give me a dollar you know what I'm only giving you under 74 no you owe me a dollar you shorted me a dollar earlier it's only fair okay well you know that's actually a reasonable point but how dare you and your space your stay was be halfway nice you know well diary on the toilet never heard nobody exactly that's what I always say all right 'stryed what are you saying I'm going for three since I wanted the airplane over that I can see it got five wait oh yeah just coming out Polly did he just get all the rags he got all this smg's all right now it's my turn I'm gonna say seven eight nine six one two three four five five I'm going five ready hi I got a ten crap yeah fine Pascal buddy collect your $200 to three seven hmm oh no I got myself a blu-tac it's good or than Donna guter which means I have a shotgun which means yep I remember the game ends whenever all the board is filled out and bought all right it's on me okay so I'm gonna get Community Chest no that's behind me can I get a negative one no no seven I'm again - seven - OH you know before he goes there for tax fraud yeah I can see that I can get that yeah all right go ahead I'm here I want one two three one three and seven is not even close or I'm gonna grab my go five six red put that 200 back into the football field we're all the taxes go so gentlemen yes yeah I don't want to LARM you but I just checked there are only three spaces on the board I know I know I know it's getting pretty risky in here the final two spots remain okay okay now it's my turn if I can roll a nine right here I will get Oh singing wow oh my gosh wait does that mean there's only one space left so I land it there I landed here so I can go anywhere I'm gonna go I could get a gold shotgun or the second part of my combo my second I'm getting a shotgun I'm getting the shotgun 280 280 280 280 there is only one spot left on the board that is one spot so III guessed it so I get to go again oh my gosh if I get a 9 if I get another 9 I can just tell you where you going you feel make you feel happier 4 5 6 I don't want to stay here smells like onions my dance Emporium I will now um so I can roll it too and get my combo all right before it's on you okay I needed eight okay okay here we go guess again guess the gates card oh did you actually get an eight one two three seven eight boys I give the aeroplane [Music] rubber checking's that I can you listen I I haven't got to spin just once and I'm kind of feeling like I want to Oh No there's no way you're not going for impulse nades or shock waves their shock waves it was the only thing left Oh which means it is all over all right so we have all of our loot we can make a set out of this oh gosh all right let's go fight let's do it all right so here's my loot of course I'm gonna keep this I'm gonna keep the sniper I don't know and these two can turn into anything I want purple and below because I had two of the railroads oh yeah should I do my convo I don't know should I do my combo I kind of want heels though because we're doing a three lives battle instead of a ten elimination thing so heels matter so I'll probably take this yeah I think I'm gonna turn one of these items into 50 shields ah what can I do this other one I guess shockwaves just to get out and then heal and get back in I don't know yeah we'll do it we'll do it we'll do shockwave will do shockwaves and 50 pots all right you guys ready everybody have their guns yes we're so much strategy a little bit because we're doing a 5 elimination game instead of three lives ready yep in three two one hi do not pass go bolt your face I'm gonna go close those traps actually you just hit me with that yeah I hope you fall on a turd oh crap I could see his little what do you want about oh okay sure I yep yep okay oh my do you track Google sweat sweat no need he's sniping what nice ride I'm so sorry for that combo no no I'm not oh I see a combo oh crap my butthole Oh No I really don't want to keep on but he's still don't wonder why do you always do these we hit those I'll have our you have to kill no no no no I say no grace no Dan see every time what do you wanna do hey I think no you did not yes James Carla Michael my name is not Ian James Carl Michael oh no oh I need an adult I need a small size at all no no yes I gotta kill him happy clap feet my feet are nice your feet hurt waist man no they're not oh my god chat when I gotta talk about that oh hello I thought I was gonna head ding shrine I got cocky though she's been stupid East Coast servers - you're stupid [Music] no my kill my kill both you dance hey stop it all of you stop that combo I'm so sorry should I be bad from that couple forever absolutely you should be dancing in a fight with somebody else video is that was so much fun hit the like button down below if you want us to redo that later also hit the subscribe button through to any of our channels hit that little boss I think what we're gonna do we're gonna go on the west coast and let them fight it out because I felt bad for that oh my gosh [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,870,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SSundee, sundee, ssunde, ssundee, fortnite, monopoly, fortnite monopoly, monopoly in fortnite, ssundee challenge, fortnite battle royale, battle royale, playground v2, playground ltm, in fortnite, gun game trolling, fortnite funny moments, fortnite update, Fortnite Season 7, Fortnite board game, fortnite emote challenge, fortnite emote challenge game, fortnite creative, fortnite creative map, fun creative map
Id: psHlO0L3WwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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