Science Max | Elastic Energy | Season1 Full Episode | Kids Science

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have you ever done a science experiment wondered what did it'd be like if you did it big [Music] my name is Phil and I take your everyday science experiments and do the big this is science facts experiments are this episode of science max is all about elastic energy we use it to build a catapult and a paddlewheel boat and then we max them out we even learned some history the elastic energy today on science max experiments at large welcome to science max experiments at large I'm film aquatic and today we're going to be building one of the most devastating one of the most powerful machines known to medieval man using a plastic spoon among other things we're gonna be building eight catapult catapults were used throughout history for all kinds of reasons to throw all kinds of things but mostly big stone blocks at castle walls in order to knock them down here's what you need in order to build your own catapult you need elastics pencils sharpened his five plastic spoons like I said and popsicle sticks popsicle popsicle sticks popsicle sticks I'm gonna go wash my hand so here's the science behind what we're doing today it's all about elastic force elasticity is a property of solid materials like this elastic and how much they tend to return to their original shape when deformed like when I pull on it elastics are called elastics because they're great at doing just that you can pull on it and pull on it and pull on it and no ow ow ow always return to its original shape so we are using the power of elastic force today now now it's time for a science max quiz elasticity is the ability for a material to return to its original shape when deform this or this which of these materials have elasticity a rubber band a pencil or a rock ha ha this is a trick question the answer is all three most solid materials have elasticity nearly everything will deform a little and still be able to return to its original shape it all depends on how much this is a steel bar this is an elastic bound Atlas is an ice-cream sundae we're not talking about ice cream sundaes now though so get that out of here good now a steel bar and an elastic band both have elasticity a steel bar can be stretched to 1% of its length and still spring back a rubber band can be stretched 300 percent or more the difference between the two is why we make balls out of rubber and buildings out of steel because the other way around wouldn't be good for balls or ball things this is build a science max quiz all right let's build our catapult the first step take 4 pencils and stick your popsicle stick in between so you have two on the top and two on the bottom and then use your elastic to go around and around and around that's why I like building things with elastics because it makes it very fast to tie things together because once you go around and you have a nice and tight you just pop it over the end and voila it stays together and that is how you start making your frame put more pencils on that side and another popsicle stick on the other end held on at the corners with more elastics then you take even more elastics and put them right around the middle until you get this I've added a few more elastics around the middle here and that is where we're gonna get all of our elastic force I think I have six the more you use the better it's going to work take your popsicle stick stick in between the elastics and then start spinning it around here's the reason I use pencils and popsicle sticks is because the pencils are a little bit longer which allows you to twist the popsicle stick around in the middle and build up the elastic force now because I'm twisting the elastic force we're using here is called torsion or twisting force when you feel you have enough torsion pull your popsicle stick down a little bit so it won't unwind on you and you'll see that you have all kinds of elastic energy then take your spoon and stick it on the popsicle stick and you can also break off the popsicle stick if you want to make sure it's the right length and it works like that to make the frame you just need more pencils and elastics the trick is to make a triangle with two pencils attached to your frame they should stick up right where your catapult arm would be fully upright then take a final pencil and put it across the top don't forget to pull the arm back before you put the pencil across otherwise it'll end up on the wrong side now this is very complicated and I went pretty fast so if you want the step-by-step instructions and exactly how to build this go to our website and there you go a catapult of your very own that you can use to knock down very small castle walls I've also built a larger catapult using all of the same principles pretty good huh it's got a longer arm which means I can throw marshmallows even further whoa or I can throw larger marshmallows or I can throw very large marshmallows now I know what you're thinking you're thinking filled is that the largest catapult you're gonna make well of course not this is science max experiments at large I'm headed to the Center for skills development and training and we're gonna max out and catapult so that it's big enough to grow one of these [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Zack hey Phil how you doing all right visit Zack he's a mechanical engineer you build machines for a living right that's right great cuz I need help building a catapult okay what's with the pumpkin the pumpkin is what I want to throw out of the catapult um see I figure we just take the small design and we just make it so that we can throw one of these what do you think you're gonna need a really big catapult yeah and I'm also gonna need some really big elastics where did you get those well the medieval times these rope to make large catapults oh okay well rope is a lot easier to get and that we find and I want to make this arm as long as this piece of wood here this is gonna be huge cattle it's a huge catapult I guess you should build it outside though huh let's do it okay it's over that way okay I'll follow you sure do you want a hand no no I'm fine you go ahead and I'll just maybe if you hold the door open for me I could you just hold nuts you know what you go and I'll meet you our full-size catapult is going to look a lot like the popsicle stick versions we start with a four-sided frame and add some legs on the bottom our spoon is going to be replaced by a long throwing arm with a basket on the end then we need a really strong cross brace at the top to stop the arm just like in the small version using a triangle shape is the best because triangles are very strong finally we need something to wind around and around which is going to give us our elastic force instead of elastics we're gonna be using broke for our catapult because rope has just the right amount of elasticity but are like medieval times we're gonna be catapulting pumpkins once Zach and I got it all put together it looked like this okay we have built a catapult check it out it's pretty solid and I think it's pretty amazing and just like in the small catapult we have our elastic force but this time we're using rope right Zach yes okay and rope will work as well as the elastic did in the small one yeah all right great so what do we do it's really loose now we need to wind this up slowly put some tension go the reason a catapult works is because the rope is twisted the elasticity in the rope wants to unwind which gives the catapult its power just like the small catapults the more you wind it the better it were good usually in medieval days they had whole teams of people doing this job but it's just me and Zach how are you doing sec alright okay and then we clamp it on here so the thing doesn't unwind right yep good alright now we have a pumpkin and we're gonna fire our pumpkin in our castle wall which is made out of cardboard boxes over there pumpkin there we go put on the arm back oh that elastic force is pretty strong okay how do you think we're you think that pumpkins a good size it's pretty big you think little too big it's too big for our basket smaller pumpkin pumpkin hold this no rush back no rush okay rush that can't hold oh yeah can't hold armed okay ready one two it didn't work that well oh well yeah so it went and it flew and it landed here which is a little farther away from the wall than I'd like it to be one-third of the way to the wall I don't know if that's enough what do we do to make it better well the way we're throwing it right now we just have the pumpkin and it's you know at the end of the arm yeah we've baked make some kind of a sling so that we fling it as we're bringing it up we make a sling yes alright I don't know how to make a sling do you know how sure alright we'll make it and then you can explain how it works yeah alright good let's put the pumpkin over here we'll put it we'll do recycle it later max historical good morrow to you I am Lord filling to the 3rd and welcome to my medieval castle throughout history Lords and Kings have built castles and walls to keep people out I built my castle to protect my prized collection of snow globes I have so very many and they're all mine ha ha hello you down there you can't come in this is my castle and throughout history they've been people who've been wanting to get into those castles because Lord filling can has been hogging all the snow globes and wood well I'd like to look at him but the odd part is figuring out how to get into the castle because I can't she's come up to the wall insist on a meringue taste the wrath of my water balloon because if I get too close to the costume he can get me ha ha fortunately there's this thing called a catapult Oh fiddlesticks they have a catapult what you do is you put something heavy in the India and the catapult fires it at the walls of the castle knocks them down all from far enough away there are people in the castle can't get to you I surrender don't knock my walls down I don't think we all wait to fix them oh all right all right you can have a snow globe [Music] hahaha and that's how catapults were used in history they're so beautiful perfect back to our maxed out catapult our first design threw a pumpkin just like it was supposed to except it only through it one third of the way to the wall now Zach and I are planning to outfit the catapult with a sling the sling attaches to the end of the throwing arm and gives the pumpkin a lot more distance to travel because the pumpkin is traveling a longer distance in the same amount of time it will be going faster which will hopefully get it to the wall or at least a lot farther than before so we built this link how does this work Zach well we've got one end tied here yeah and then we put the pumpkin in here oh wait okay pulling arm down pulling arm down okay yeah no way now we put the pumpkin in here put the pumpkin in there yeah and we loop this over the back of the oh that as the throwing arm goes up this will slide off the back of the throwing arm and it will release the pumpkin all right you're the expert I believe you let's try that three two one whoa okay that was really well you know what the problem is though we still don't have enough oomph yeah it needs more power neat what so what do we do [ __ ] I don't know if we can crank that rope any night I think we're at the limit of a rope power but if we added some more elastic I thought we weren't gonna use elastic well we used elastics in her small demo models what if we use some work we have I mean here just in case with this is surgical tubing it's like a giant elastic mm-hmm well I guess this is elastic force oh do we do we tie her around at the bottom or just wrap it around the throwing arm like this oh I see so we tie up here now we just need a lot more and then and then we pull this and it would be oh yeah that would make a lot more so we just need a lot more of this elastic what is it was this again surgical tubing surgical tubing it's like a giant elastic fantastic all right goggles on goggles on yes yes [Music] here's another fun way you can play with elastic force take a milk carton I prefer science max milk because it's the creamiest 2% cream 100% science grab some elastic bands around it with some popsicle sticks on the bottom sort of like feet then take some clamshell packaging which wraps just about anything you buy nowadays and cut out a square or rectangle then wrap some tape around that square with an elastic in it and put the elastic on the feet of your milk carton then wind it around and make sure you go backwards so your paddlewheel boat will go forwards when you put it in the water and there you go a paddlewheel boat now it is time to max it up [Music] as maxed out elastic port paddlewheel boat mattress I need I needed up at her name but I've made a giant paddlewheel boat that will work on elastic force because I've got surgical tubing as my elastics and that's an air mattress and then I use some lumber to hold it all together and of course I need a paddle wheel and what better thing to use in a pool and a flutter board okay here we go so normally you're not allowed to wear your clothes and your shoes in the pool but I got special permission because of science besides I'm not worried at all so I didn't wear my swimming outfit because I figure I can totally do this entire experiment without even getting wet that is how confident I am all right now the tricky part will be getting onto the mattress okay we go [Music] it's a great name for this look it works great in I'm in a totally dry huh well almost whoa whoa hi you thought I was gonna fall in the pool right I didn't oh my flutter board yes I stopped moving and I'm I'm in the middle of the pool yeah didn't think this through no no no no that's not going to work maybe all your weight is working well with the sling we attached to it but it still didn't make it all the way to the wall Zacks idea is to attach a bunch of surgical tubing to the cross piece of the catapult surgical tubing is pretty much big elastics so we'll have to places we're getting elastic force from the rope and the surgical tubing hopefully this design is enough to help our catapult fling a pumpkin far enough to hit the castle wall all right here we go you hold that I get this we got our system down now okay this goes up to there okay okay three two one [Music] one two three too far we're that's so good oh man okay so all we gotta do is move the catapult back so you get that side I'll get this side and we'll move the cattle bull be now or a catapult is too good we got it backing away from the castle all right let's go again haha pumpkin pumpkin pulling arm back pulling the arm back grunting loading put in hooking rope on arm [ __ ] rope one are more grunting both grunting pulling back strong leads one two three [Music] we're inside the castle we're still inside the castle oh man it's an excellent shot though so what do we do with catapult back here really countable back so here here there we go again pumpkin pumpkin loading the arm-in-arm all right you ready you think it's gonna work we've got it we've met every modification we can possibly do so you think it's gonna work okay here we go I'm excited all right ready ready one two three well there you have it awesome job now we need to throw fingers to see who gets to rebuild the castle okay one two three Oh thanks very much for joining us see take a break I'll rebuild the castle you see this is exactly how catapults you Stewart they'd hit the same part of the wall over and over until they made a big hole and that would weaken the wall fortunately for me it's really easy to fix just put this right in here oh man would be closing in five minutes my water balloon I don't believe it really thousand if he does it special water balloon does he good morrow to you I got my feather in my my face oh you gotta be kidding me
Channel: Science Max
Views: 1,320,453
Rating: 4.7428288 out of 5
Keywords: Science Max, Rocket car, Balloon powered car, lab, Phil, big balloon, Newton's cradle, bowling balls, Guinea Pigs, Newton's 3rd law, science max experiments at large, science max tvo kids, science max catapult, science max season 2, science max tvo, science max simple machines, science max full episodes, science max friction, science max air and flight
Id: qLudHpeQpMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2016
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