Science Max | MAGNETS - PART 1 | Science Max Season1 Full Episode | Kids Science

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have you ever done a science experiment wondered what it'd be like if you did it big I have [Music] my name is Phil and I take your everyday science experiments and do them big this is science backs experiments that are it's time to get stuck on magnets what's our attraction to magnets what's their attraction to each other and can I use magnets to levitate and float in the air all on this episode of science facts experiments at large [Music] creating science Maximizer welcome to science max experiments at large my name is Phil and today we're going to be looking at the power gone mad magnets you see magnets are fun things to experiment with because they are really okay they're really interesting this magnet that I've got here is a neodymium magnet or a rare earth magnet it's one it's one of the one of the strongest magnets you can get a magnet is an object that is attracted to anything that is ferromagnetic which is iron nickel or cobalt and mad magnets are interesting because they have two sides there are two there are two poles I'd show you but I can't just a chain haha there are two there are two poles to every magnet just like the earth there is a North Pole and a South Pole that's right the earth is a giant magnet so if you take kitchen magnets you'll find that there's two different poles I've written north and south on these ones they don't normally come like that if you put the North in this out together they stick but if you put the north north or south and south together they repel they repel see they don't want to go together at all and you can force them together if you want but if you do they will spring away the second you let them go ha ha but when magnets repel each other I find that some of the most interesting stuff check this out this is just a small container and I've got a magnet in here and I have a loonie attached to it so that it fits nicely in the container like that for the top I've attached two magnets together and have another coin on it and if you put them in there I've made sure that the two poles repel each other which means this magnet will just sit there and float magnetic levitation very interesting and you can pop the top on that if you want and just carry around a levitating magnet now there's a couple fancier ways you can levitate stuff with magnets this is just a wooden frame I've made this is completely not necessary you can use just about anything in your house a desk lamp works really well the important part is I've tied a magnet to the end of this arm here and this is a bolt which is attracted to the magnet but it's got a thread tied to it so it can't get there just far enough that it will actually hang in midair look at that it's not attached to anything it's just being pulled up by the attraction from the magnet the thing is as soon as you pull the bolt away far enough it will lose the and it'll just fall very cool here's one that's a little bit more complicated but is also really neat this one uses disc magnets which have a circle for a hole in the middle of the mirror and you put two around a pencil and then four more in such a position that you can put the pencil against this wood on the side and it will just levitate on its own you can even give it a spin look at that and if you want to make a levitating pencil yourself there are step-by-step instructions on how to build an easy peazy version on our website meantime we're gonna max this out magnetic levitation on science max experiments at large but you're probably thinking what are we going to levitate well we're going to levitate me at least that's the plan that's why I'm going to the Center for skills development and training what okay oh what's that what why is it so small and only only going down to waist level this is the weirdest room i've ever been in [Music] hey Matt hi Phil this is Matt he's from job master magnets now you guys use lots of big magnets right that's right we do awesome so maybe you could help me max out this wow you did a great job of building the levitating pencil experiment yeah so what's going on here exactly well all magnets have at least in north and a South Pole right and when you put light poles together they want to repel okay so have you ever levitated a person not yet well let's do it all right do you think we can use these we could try okay well put that one on the ground and okay so north and I'll put the north one foot here and then if I just step in a minute stop moving I step on it step on there okay well first of all that this magnet keeps sort of moving away from me when I try to push down on it what do we do how do we fix this well we need to keep the magnets of position so that they don't move around when you try to put together yeah cuz I have to come straight down on it that's right so why don't we attach this one to the floor good idea and then we'll put a board on this one we'll see how it goes perfect okay let's do it all right [Music] this is a magnet this is a magnet this is a shoe what's the difference to know that you have to know your magnets this is a donor it does not stick to this magnet these paperclips stick to this magnet that shoe that's not so what is attracted to magnets only things that are ferromagnetic here's a difference horseshoe horseshoe magnet this one is a magnet this one is not but the horseshoe sticks to the horseshoe magnet because this one's a magnet and this one is ferromagnetic only things that are ferromagnetic are attracted to magnets things that are not attracted to magnets they're not ferromagnetic plastic banana sandwich magazine no but how do you know do you go around the world sticking a magnet that every single thing one at a time hey ma I need you to come over I need to see if you're ferromagnetic no ferromagnetic no you don't need to do that first of all only metals are ferromagnetic so that eliminates all your clothing your luncheon meats your magazines what have you everything that's not metal you don't need to worry about nevermind much doesn't matter but this clock is metal it doesn't stick well not all metals are ferromagnetic mainly just the ones with iron nickel or cobalt now you know your magnets I hate the phone on the magnet there okay ah can you hear me ma hang up the phone hang up hang up the phone MA my first attempt at levitating had the magnets sliding all over so the plan is to take the bottom magnet and attach it to a big wooden board so it won't go anywhere then attach another plank to the top magnet to make it a little easier to stand on okay is definitely attached to the floor thank you all right now if I just get this lined up oh look at that you could totally totally it doesn't want to stay put hey let me get my lemon tape why does it want to stay and it just doesn't hmm should I stand on it okay I'll stand on it here we go ah-hah I'm a levitating no no hmm so why isn't this working well just like your pencil experiment we need a shaft through the center to hold the magnet in position oh yeah maybe we could use like a ring magnet yes that's like we used with the pencil right and and we're gonna need stronger magnets we're gonna need stronger magnets are the ring magnets strong yes they can be awesome all right let's do it all right you
Channel: Science Max
Views: 1,271,094
Rating: 4.6599507 out of 5
Keywords: Science Max, Rocket car, Balloon powered car, lab, Phil, big balloon, Newton's cradle, bowling balls, Guinea Pigs, Newton's 3rd law, science max experiments at large, science max tvo kids, science max catapult, science max season 2, science max tvo, science max simple machines, science max full episodes, science max friction, science max air and flight, kids science, science for kids, brainiac
Id: o-LkQrvdzjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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