Hugh Ross — Design of The Universe

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yeah there is still spaces for the aunt conference so if you want to sign up you can do that I won't be here next Sunday because they have me speaking at the church at sponsoring the conference and they have five services and I was volunteering to do five separate messages they said no no if I want one miss so it'll be the same message at all five of the services and that's why we have been the damn conference that about shortly after 3 o'clock cos there is an evening service right there on Saturday Ross Hoagland's not with us he's actually next door teaching a class on fine gene design how it shows evidence for God and you know that's kind of interesting because you know our scientists get together for lunch every Monday and Tuesday and said the Tuesday and lunch we're talking about would it actually be possible to develop a fine-tuning design argument on carbon that laypeople can understand that they're basically saying no that can't be done it's way too complicated but you know what I gave it a shot and what I love about this class you let me field stuff field test stuff has never been heard so this is a talk I literally developed it's a short talk twenty minutes so let me give that then we'll jump into isaiah where we picked up down last time those of you new to the class what we're doing is we're going through all the creation texts in the Bible and Isaiah has more material on creation and science than any other book of the Bible with the exception of the book of Job and so we do have study questions that we'll distribute if you don't have them I got them up here and we're actually now on question number one we're really moving along here right okay but we're also engaging in an interesting exercise how the speed read through a book of the Bible and a particularly focused topic and I'm thrilled with all of you because you'd read through the entire book of Isaiah and under 15 minutes and pulled all the verses out that are relevant to question number one and we're going to be finishing up that little study after my about carbon okay please raise your hand pardon me no no no so no one has had a chance to look at this but that actually came out of an interesting discussion could this actually be communicated to Olli audio a lot of you here engineers and scientists so but I want feedback and that's what I love about this class I can field stuff in front of you they'll give me feedback all of you that are participating through mp3s and virtual screening yeah please let me know what you think post comments and questions on my Facebook and Twitter pages so I'd appreciate that feedback but I got a question for all of you please raise your hand if you are a carbon-based life-form okay raise your hand if you're not a carbon-based life-form okay there really are aliens no there really are because no matter where you are in the universe if you're alive you must be carbon-based there is no other element in the periodic table that as a necessary bonding stability and bonding complexity that to permit life to exist there used to be a debate 40 years ago maybe we could make light based on boron or silicon or arsenic we now know that's simply not possible you can't get long enough protein chains or DNA and RNA unless it's based on carbon now the very first book I read on astronomy was when I was 7 years of age our elementary school had just bought some new books and one of the brand-new books they purchased was the first book that really got attention from Fred oil that was called nature of the universe and that book actually got me started barely on trying to find a relationship with God it took a while but I remember reading in that book this comment there's a good deal of cosmology in the vibe it is remarkable conception and but I first picked up a Bible ten years later and began to go through it I realize what he said indeed was true but maybe one reason I didn't pick up a Bible for ten years two chapters of that book we have fred hoyle railing against the Bible and Christianity his conclusion is Christianity is despicable and it's false okay there is an irony and what he said there now you wrote this in 1952 and I'll be showing you a little bit later when he wrote in 1981 he changed his position all because of carbon okay so carbon has a broaden to really recognize there must be a god behind the universe that's why I call carbon the miracle element it's a miracle that there's any carbon at all and universe okay typically when I engage scientists who are atheist or agnostics one of their challenges is okay if there's a god that water the place for human beings then I can see why you might want to starlike the Sun and a planet like the earth and maybe the moon but everything else just seems to be a total waste why are there two hundred billion useless galaxies in the universe if this was all created by God I got another question for you how many you've ever heard that one okay yeah quite a few of you I mean I hear that frequently from people not just scientists but for lots of people okay there's a God why all those galaxies then keep in mind your typical galaxies got two or three hundred billion stars so I hads up to a whole lot of stars when you would think all we need is one star why all these other stars and all these other galaxies incidentally we add a ball of stars and galaxies that's only 0.27% of all the stuff at universe there's a whole lot more stuff why is that all there the answer is the universe's mass determines what elements you get in universe the initial pardon me when they pull this back your border okay the mass of the universe determines how much of the initial hydrogen in the universe is transformed in the helium during the first few minutes because it's happening with the universe we have a beginning to the universe where the universe is infinitesimally small and if you take something big and make it smaller it gets hotter okay the universe today is about three degrees above absolute zero but we know the universe began infinitesimally small which means nearly infinitely hot but as expanded it cooled and there's a few minutes when have passed through the temperature range of a hundred and fifty million degrees to about seventeen million degrees that's centigrade not Fahrenheit okay and went through that temperature range that was a temperature where hydrogen could be fused into helium nuclear fusion so the universe started off with only one element hydrogen but as the universe expanded from its initial creation event a small amount of the hydrogen was transformed in the helium now the greater the mass of the universe the more hydrogen is transformed in the helium so if you make the universe bigger than what we see he'd get more helium in those first few minutes you make it smaller you get a little less helium the greater the cosmic mass density the more hydrogen is fused into helium during the first few minutes after the cosmic creation event now if the universe were to have fewer than 200 billion galaxies you say well how much we talking about make universe less massive by about one part in a quadrillion Quadro a couple more quadrillions and this is what happens you get so little helium being transformed from the hydrogen that the future stars are not able to make anything beyond helium which means if you verse went forever just hydrogen and helium that be the periodic table boy that would be a really easy first elementary school children right they look at the periodic table it was only two there so no it wouldn't be enough for any kind of life at all and so but yeah that would be the permanent state of the universe you'd only have hydrogen and helium so that's why you need a universe with enough mass to make 200 billion galaxies because of is any less all you get is hydrogen helium on the other hand if you're to make the mass of the universe slightly more what happens as you make so much helium from hydrogen in those first few minutes that the future stars quickly convert all that hydrogen helium into elements that are heavier than iron which case the periodic table looks like this okay it starts at cobalt and goes all the way down to plutonium by the way there are actually 94 naturally-occurring elements in the universe it stops at uranium today but Neptunian and plutonium also are made by stars but because they have half-lives of only a few tens of millions of years universe now is old enough that stars like the Sun in the earth don't have any of that but yeah 94 elements the universe must have a mass density that's exquisitely fine-tuned in order to get this full set of elements now notice that if the universe is either slightly smaller or slightly bigger by as little as one part in a quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion you're missing all the elements that are critical for life in particular you're missing these guys carbon nitrogen and oxygen I mean that's what were made of carbon oxygen and nitrogen and so make the universe even the tiniest bit more massive or less massive you have a universe with no carbon at all no nitrogen at all no oxygen at all and no possibility whatsoever for life now that's miracle number one yes okay the inflation period happens when the universe is about a train of a trillionth of a train to the second hole so at the universe at that point is way too hot for nuclear fusion it has to be old enough that the temperature drops to 150 million degrees so when it's that temperature now you can get hydrogen fusing to helium and that happens a little bit after the universe is three minutes old so typically all this stuff happens between the three and four minute window now if you make the universe a little bit less massive or more massive you can extend that by about two minutes but yeah those two minutes as where all this stuff happens and the future stars make everything else but depending on how that ratio of hydrogen to helium it's basically the universe is 24 percent helium by mass and 76 percent hydrogen and if you were to make it even 25 percent helium you wind up converting all the light stuff into heavy elements and we make it just 23 percent you just get hydrogen and helium so it's got to be very sensibly fine-tuned to get that yes I understand correctly is that all the mass of the creation little universes same amount of masses we have now it's just yes universe yeah that's that one part in a quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion etc no I'd be cautious about using that number today because that's on the assumption that the only factor governing the expansion universe is its mass we now know there's a second factor dark energy and because of dark energy we don't have to have the mass quite as fine-tuned as one dimes worth out of all the mass of the universe however we have to find you in the dark energy much more exquisitely than that dines worth so yeah the fine-tuning is actually more spectacular than what we knew before we discovered dark energy but yeah because of dark energy you can relieve some of the fine-tuning now you bring up a good point because often unbelievers will say well you know what the fine-tuning is not as big as what you thought we can lower it here they never get rid of the fine-tuning but they're able to move it around so in other words you can lower the fine-tuning of one parameter but you'll wind up raising it even more another parameter so it's important in the fine-tuning arguing to say okay let's look at the total fine-tuning the is it true that the more we learn about physics and universe the evidence for Supernatural fine-tuning design goes up rather than down and that statement has always been true it consistently goes up yes I can see I'm not going to get through this in 20 minutes go ahead yes yeah okay you know the universe starts off with the same cosmic mass density that it has today so that part doesn't change dark matters included yeah so you got ordinary matter and dark matter we'll go into the details let me take you to miracle number two okay so we wind up with the universe having precisely the right amount of helium being fused from the initial hydrogen and the future stars convert all that into heavier elements it doesn't work however unless you have another fine-tuning you're just fine-tuning number one okay that GTL doesn't stand for glue that stands for ground state energy level now I'm not going into the details of that that's what there are scientists my colleagues were saying you know I don't get it that yeah okay that you're really getting in the weeds so I'm not gonna I'm gonna void the weeds but here's the point I need to go to this with because of a guy Campus sorry a ground state energy level of the helium nucleus two of those roughly equals the ground state energy level of beryllium and you know those of you who are familiar with your chemistry helium has a two protons and two neutrons beryllium least its most common form has four protons and four neutrons which means that you can take two helium atoms and make a beryllium atom or nucleus however you will not get very much beryllium unless the ground state energy level of helium is half that of Berlin so those have to be equal otherwise you don't get beryllium and guess what if you don't get beryllium you get nothing heavier than beryllium so you'd wind up with a universe with hydrogen and helium a little bit of boron a little bit of lithium a very tiny amount of brilliant and nothing else you would have no carbon universe unless this equation is correct number two it's critical at the ground state energy level of beryllium and the ground state energy level of helium equal the excited state energy level well gonna the physical details again which is just just okay if you're interested you can take a graduate level course in nuclear synthesis but just willing to take my word for it okay but those those two ground state energy levels must come very close to weakly the excited state energy level of carbon and if this is not the case again you wind up with universe with no carbon had nothing heavier than carbon not only with the universe be devoid of carbon that would be devoid a carbon oxygen nitrogen phosphorus iron and everything else unless this is the case she needs to very careful fine tunings to get carbon and anything beyond carbon so not only is it necessary that the universe have exactly the total mass that it has if these two equations must be true the ground state energy levels must be very carefully fine-tuned in order to permit stars to actually take that primordial hydrogen and helium and make beryllium and make carbon okay now for light to be possible we need not just carbon we need oxygen we need nitrogen we need phosphorus and a bunch of other things okay here's another fine tuning the ground state energy level of carbon must have a value that's not equal to that of oxygen but we're very close to being equal to that of oxygen know what would happen stars would convert all the carbon into oxygen wait up lots of oxygen but no carbon and in that universe no life would be possible now if you didn't make the differences greater than what you see year what what happened is you'd have lots of carbon and no oxygen these two numbers must be exactly what they are in order to get a universe where you got a rough balance between carbon and oxygen and that's what life requires we need lots of carbon we also need lots of oxygen if you don't have oxygen and carbon you're not going to have proteins DNA and RNA and no possibility for life and this is something that was studied at Caltech back in the late 1950s and early 1960s and what happened is a physicist by the name of Willie Fowler began working on the physics of how stars make elements heavier than helium and he needed some help so who did he recruit he'd recruited Fred Hoyle so Fred Hoyle left Britain and spent a few years at Caltech working with Willie Fowler and they also realized we need to get some other astronomers involved so they brought up Jeffrey and Margaret Burbage they were in the San Diego area so it wasn't that far for them to come and the four of them worked on what is now recognized as probably the most seminal and most cited paper in all of astrophysics was published in 1956 but one of the things these four physicists Rana has worked on was these two numbers and basically what they concluded change those numbers by as little as one tenth of a percent you will not get a universe with the quantities of oxygen and carbon that would make white possible and many years after these team of four came up with this we have Fred Wilde writing in not was a journal but it's not as technical as other journals it's a journal called engineering and physics and this is how Fred Hoyle concluded this article incidentally it's available for free online so you can just put engineering and science Fred oil it'll pop right up but this is how the paper ends while comments on these two numbers and he says this a common sense interpretation how the facts suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with the physics as well as with the chemistry and biology and there are no blind forces were speaking about in nature the numbers when calculates from the facts referring to these facts seemed to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion beyond question so he went from being an agnostic to a theist thanks to just looking at the energy level states for helium beryllium carbon and oxygen so aren't you excited about what happened there at Caltech back in 1956 now it's interesting none of those four were believers but they were stunned by what they had discovered here okay so that explains why we have a universe with roughly equal amounts of carbon and oxygen however yes okay right the numbers that you gave us for the quadrillion quadrillion cut really conclusions that number as far as the difference in the massive universe reported where's that go back to okay where that goes back to is that unless the cosmic mass density is very precisely fine-tuned you won't get the ratio of hydrogen to helium during those first few minutes of the existence of the universe okay well the one who really got the ball rolling was another ACS astronomer guy at Princeton and try to think of his name Robert Dicke Robert and I write about him in a couple of my books and he was the one who basically got the whole anthropic principle thing going he published a paper in 1961 basically making a point that the expansion rate of the universe must be tuned to then one part in 10 to the 56th power otherwise you don't get any stars planets or galaxies and he says that requires a mass of the universe to be exquisitely fine-tuned so he got the ball rolling and that paper got published in nature it got a lot of attention and a number of other physicists and astronomers jumped in and said let's study this at more depth and as we're able to come up with the more precise fine-tuning numbers the number that you'll see in the literature today taking into account both the mass of the universe and dark energy the fine-tuning must be better than one part in 10 to the 120 second power so what's interesting is since 1961 that number of one part in ten of the 56 they've been keep adding more and more numbers to the index as they study this in greater and greater detail but yet Robert Dicke gets a credit for getting the ball rolling as foods that no even the leading atheist you can read their books even someone as such as Lawrence Krause wrote a paper in the Astrophysical Journal saying this is the most spectacular fine-tuning evidence we can measure anywhere in science now I firmly believe we're gonna find more spectacular numbers but he is right to date its ranks as the most spectacular one that we can measure and the point is in astrophysics we can make good measurements I would argue that we're going to find even greater fine-tuning in biology but the measurements are just too difficult to make but where we can make the measurements one part in 10 to the 120 second power I think you've heard me speak before we compare that to the very best example of our capacity to do fine-tuning design what we see at the hand of the Creator ranks about 10 to the 98 times superior which means he's got to be least that many times more intelligent and knowledgeable and better funded than we mere human beings okay let me move on with this because I'm now at the 22 minute mark here on my computer and I do want to get to the Book of Isaiah here okay so what this does this is the fine-tuning you need to get carbon and oxygen however all this fine-tuning winds up producing a universe with too much carbon and oxygen and so if you really want to have life we have to have some fine-tuning beyond these first few minutes of the universe and beyond what the Stars are able to do and beyond the fine-tuning of these nuclear ground state energy levels in order to take all this abundance of carbon and oxygen and reduce it that to a level that's appropriate for life okay this was just discovered literally in the last few years and it's through astronomers finding planets beyond our solar system that probably you've heard for the past 20 years astronomers had been on a quest to analogues of planet Earth they have not found a twin but they found lots of earth analogs planets that are roughly like the earth and a few of those planets they've been able to actually get spectra where they can actually determine how much water carbon and nitrogen those planets have and what they discovered for example on those earth-like planets they come in with 1200 times more carbon abundance than our planet Earth 1200 times as much carbon which gut astronomers thinking okay that's the norm how did earth wind up with so little carbon and you say well what's wrong with Carmen we're all a carbon-based what little extra carbon shouldn't hurt us here's how it hurts you if you were to pack our atmosphere with 1,200 times more carbon and when it has right now you'd have a really thick atmosphere so thick your lungs would not be elaborate make the air pressure a factor three times higher we all die our lungs would not be able to push against all that extra air pressure incidentally there you go well carbon-based lung dysfunction and it goes the other way too any of you climb high mountains recognize if you drop the air pressure by a factor of three likewise you die and so that's what makes climbing mountains like Mount Everest so challenging because you're right there if the 1/3 level and so they tell you they're gonna climb Mount Everest please only spend a couple hours at the top and then get down where you get enough oxygen enough air pressure that your lungs can function well again so however you can say there's lots of life forms that don't have lungs how about the mir bacteria that run around well if you put 1200 times as much carbon or atmosphere that means you get up lots of methane and lots of carbon dioxide know what those are greenhouse gases they're gonna trap way too much heat that a planet like Earth is surface temperature will be on the melting point of lead that'll be on the melting point of iron and of course life would not be possible so this began a quest on the part of my peers how can we solve a problem of how earth went from having all that carbon and incidentally would also have 2400 times as much nitrogen nitrogen is also a greenhouse gas so yep the nitrogen content by 2400 were all in deep trouble so how is it that we began with all this carbon oxygen nitrogen and reduced it down to a point where everything is still in the right balance relative to how much carbon you got to oxygen and nitrogen but it's at a low enough level all three of them that we can actually have complex like like you see here in this room okay so what astronomers discovered or able to determine the only way you're going to be able to knock the carbon content down by a factor 1200 is to have the primordial atmosphere of the earth basically blown away and they said okay what kind of objects can blow away that much carbon they sit up wolf-rayet stars you've all heard of wolf-rayet stars right okay probably not okay wolf-rayet stars are really giant stars you know 10 to 20 times the mass of our start of the Sun many then end up as supernovae but even before they go supernova they blow out these powerful winds moreover they not only blow up these powerful winds star winds they actually produce a lot of aluminum 26 aluminum 27 is what you've got in your kitchen aluminum 26 is radioactive aluminum and has a very short half-life there's no aluminum 26 left on the earth it decayed away long ago it's half-life is on the order of a million years however when the earth was really young it was sitting next to these wolf-rayet stars so it basically determined that this is probably like the birthplace of our star of the Sun now this is a big dense open cluster of stars but actually this is toned down this is one of the denser ones we can see in our galaxy right now but when our galaxy was much younger when the Sun was formed it had much bigger open clusters than what you see here and astronomers they determine our star of the Sun would have had to be born in a cluster of stars with at least 10,000 member stars so a really big cluster where the stars are jammed quite tightly together and where there's lots of these wolf-rayet stars that are blasting out this wind in this aluminum-26 and then where they become supernovae and then blast us with other elements like uranium and thorium that we need to make continents and so the birthplace is critical this is where we've got super enriched with all these heavy elements that we need to make our world go from a water world to world with comments and oceans but it's also where we would need to be born to be blasted with enough aluminum-26 it'll blow away virtually all our water and all of our carbon and oxygen and nitrogen just leaving us with a very thin layer of this stuff now if we had remained in that cluster we would have been in big trouble because I mean after all you're going to be continuing to be irradiated with this nasty radiation and more heavy elements to many heavy else would be a problem and so what astronomers are able to determine is that yes you need exposure to all these wolf-rayet stars and supernovae RUP shion's relatively close but you don't want to be there too long you be there too long the planet will be permanently transformed chemically has to be uninhabitable it must be ejected now have you ejected too quickly you don't get enough stuff being blown away and you don't get enough enrichment of the elements heavier than iron so you want to remain there for a fine-tune time if you get ejected too early or you get ejected too late then the solar system because Herman Lee uninhabitable and you need to be ejected in a particular direction and so astronomers have determined that the birthplace I'm supposed to go over here you'd want to be born about there because that's where you're gonna get these really big star clusters where you're gonna get these big wolf-rayet stars jam closely together but you don't want to stay there you stay there then you're gonna have permanent conditions that would make our planet uninhabitable you want to be ejected out to this spot here you say why that spot that little red line you see there is what's called the coal rotation distance in our galaxy so we have stars obeying Newtonian mechanics the Stars orbit around the center of the galaxy and just like with the planets in our solar system the farther away they are from the center the more slowly they go around the center of the galaxy and so being born here you'd be making a much faster trip Iran the center of the galaxy than out here now you see this spiral arm structure it's rigid it actually rotates so what you want this Co rotation distance is a distance from the center of the galaxy where stars go around the center of the galaxy at the same rate that the spiral structure rotates what does that mean it means that that distance you cross spiral arms very infrequently now if you're exactly at the co rotation distance you won't cross spiral arms because you'll be going around it exactly the same rate however if you're exactly at the core rotation distance you get something called mean motion resonances and say what on earth is that I woke one of the technical details bottom line is you're going to get kicked out they're gonna go this way or this way and you're not coming back the only place that's safe is just inside the core tation distance sufficiently inside you avoid those dangerous mean motion resonances but you now wind up crossing spiral arms only once every billion years know when's the last time he crossed a spiral arm half a billion years ago where we right and right now were in between two dangerous spiral arms we're in between the Sagittarius and Perseus spiral arms last time we cross was just before the Cambrian explosion when animals showed up on Planet for the first time that was basically the first time was safe enough to have animals on the earth where they could survive and so a half billion years from now we're gonna cross a spiral arm again and that's gonna be deadly up for life but the other thing we notice is that this zone that we're in right now it's called the carbon poor zone of our galaxy so in this particular graph we see the abundance of elements heavier than helium with respect to distance and what you notice in this graph we were born our solar system at that distance from the center of the galaxy where the abundance of heavy elements was maximum and we wind up at one of the minimal points and we're at one of the minimal points that means you're going to be relatively safe from nearby interruptions from things like supernova vents encounters with massive stars so we were literally born in the most dangerous part of our Milky Way galaxy of by being born there all of that carbon got wafted away as well as the auction nitrogen literally got reduced from having 1200 times more to much lower level and then we got moved into the safest spot no here's where physicists a struggle it is it takes a particular orientation a supermassive stars to reject a star and as planets like ours unless you get precisely the right orientation there is no ejection it's got to be precisely fine-tuned to get it to eject and you want it to be ejected in the right direction and so what stops the ejection another very carefully fine-tuned orientation as stars breaks the ejection velocity and stops us right in the safest part of the Milky Way galaxy okay that sounded like someone engineer was setting this all up you know making sure whether we got enriched with these heavy elements sufficiently and had enough carbon nitrogen and oxygen blown away from our atmosphere and surface ocean and then ejected us out I think you're getting the right conclusion okay however this still does not reduce the carbon to a low enough level for advanced light to be possible perhaps low enough to make primitive life possible but not advanced light we need another carbon eradicating event in order to get us down to the sufficient low level and that's where we have the moon forming event and so our solar system began with ten planets one which got ejected planted about ten times the mass of Earth got ejected and fact astronomers think that we might be able to find that ejected planet about 50 times farther away from us and where Neptune is but yeah I was much closer that got ejected and then there was a tenth planet that merged with a primordial earth and so these two planets merged together and that winds up forming the moon it literally made the earth a little bit bigger and that merger event actually enriched our planet with a little more uranium and thorium and iron and other heavy elements and what it had from his birth cluster and got rid of virtually all of our hatma sphere and ocean no we got a thin layer of water in a thin atmosphere that was replaced through a later bombardment of comets and so that's how our planet began with all that carbon oxygen nitrogen and water and wound up with so little incidentally as you look at these earth-like planets they come in with about 500 to 5,000 times as much water as what we have here and so I find it ironic that NASA's quote let's chase the planets with water water is a third most abundant molecule in the universe right after hydrogen two and hydrogen three the universe is soaking wet what we need to tell NASA's look for the dry planets well there's lots of dry planets there are plenty of planets that have no water at all and there's lots of planets that have got 500 plus times as much water as we have so far we found only one that has this tiny amount of water that right amount of water to make advanced life possible the right amount of carbon oxygen and nitrogen to make life possible so I think that what Fred Hoyle wrote back in 1981 has even more applicable today that was when he bend this and that magazine back in 1981 indeed a common sense interpretation the facts doesn't Murphy suggests it establishes that a super intellect has monkey with the physics I would say designed the physics as well as a chemistry in the biology there are no blind forces were speaking about in nature the numbers overwhelmingly calculated that this conclusion is beyond question so okay I'd appreciate feedback then we're going to jump into the Book of Isaiah yes the primary danger of crossing spiral arms is spiral arms are populated by supergiant stars and they go supernova and when they do you can kiss advanced life goodbye so you can read improbable planet one of the amazing miracles is the property of the past ten thousand years we typically get a supernova Oh every couple of thousand years that's closer to spend a thousand light years that won't kill you but it sure destroys your agricultural productivity and that was common during the last ice age with the end of the last ice age we stopped a bee is nearby supernova we've had about ten supernovae in the past ten thousand years but none of them have been closer than five thousand light years so but yeah when you cross the spiral arm in fact what we notice is that crossing spiral arms is when you get these mass extinction events and the other thing you're going to run into our joint molecular clouds and they're massive and they disturb the orbits of the planets so that's not a nice thing for beasts advanced life on planet Earth either incidentally crossing a spiral arm won't do much damage to microbes they're simply bad for plants and animals so but Knut explains why we haven't had plants and animals until the past half billion years because before that we would have been in big danger incidentally as our galaxy gets older and older it gets safer and safer for life because you have less and less radiation from the decay of uranium and thorium that one lifeless first created on planet Earth the radiation from radiometric decay was five times higher than it is today so another reason why our Creator waits before he puts us on the face of the earth okay feel free to send me comments I know I'm gonna hear plenty from my wife so she's been taking notes I've been watching her you got comments yes yes if you get the debate over there I had with Victor Stinger at Caltech he brought that up he said Hugh all this fine-tuning design assumes carbon-based life it assumes that we have gravity and electromagnetism surety with different physics and wood you know forget about all these elements we wouldn't have to have all this fine-tuning and I says well Victor you must be talking about the Angels they live in a different dimensional realm under different laws of physics and your carbon isn't the same issue for them as it is for us but guess what their realm is fine-tuned like ours I mean you could change the laws of physics but you're gonna still have fine-tuning if he wants something as complex as a sentient beings he basically conceded the point he says yeah I mean I mean you can watch the DVD that yeah yeah I mean you still got fine-tuning but his whole point was it would be a different fine Jinyan why concede at that point yeah it would be a different fine-tuning but it raises an issue why the laws of physics and that's a question that took on and why the universe is the way it is and incidentally we have this class as being taught by Mark and Val on if you know what's a call that God made the universe basically right and what we what they're being exposed to and that does small group of video series is that the laws of physics not only must be fine-tuned to make carbon-based life possible they must be fine-tuned to make the eradication of evil and suffering possible and so that's what's unique about Christianity unlike the other religions it's a to creation model God treats his universe as a tool as hands to eradicate evil and suffering while enhancing our free will capability that to me is an amazing paradox that God is going to eliminate the possibility of evil and suffering while at the same time he's going to release us into a greater expression of her free will but the only way it can happen is that we freewill beings are in a universe with gravity electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear force with the universe having precisely the dimensions and age that it has and so yeah you can read I think it's chapter 12 and 13 of the book as to why physics must be fine-tuned in order to have the possibility in God's hands for rapid efficient conquest and removal of evil in the new creation there won't be gravity there won't be like term and it is impede a strong weak nuclear force there won't be starves it's going to be a completely different kind of realm why because there isn't even a possibility of evil ever being expressed by the freewill beings that God has there is it how is that possible for free well beings because the only way you get there is you're subjected to the most challenging test and I use the analogy in the book of a PhD I've got a PhD degree basically it guarantees that never again will I have to be tested for my competency in astronomy based on the myth that I've been subjected to the most difficult test possible in astronomy therefore it's useless to test me again likewise God sees fit to put us through the most challenging test in the context of evil notice notice no one gets to the new creation without being exposed to the temptations of Satan the most powerful being that God created probably the most definitive biblical text that emphasizes that is the text in Revelation 19 and 20 that talks about a thousand year reign of Christ here on earth during the thousand years Satan has locked up he's not allowed to test people but what does this say at the end of the thousand years God releases Satan from his prison to go out into the world and attest all the children that have been born during the millennium and tells us the majority will fail the test but those have passed the tests get to go with the rest of us into the new creation so just like I didn't get my PhD without being tested none of us gets that guarantee have been totally delivered from evil and suffering unless we're exposed to the most challenging tests so in that sense we can thank God for creating Satan and we can thank God that Satan was the first free will being to rebelled against God because the opens up a pathway where we can be delivered from sin and suffering and evil and ever free will enhance well the other planets in our solar system likewise that were stripped of a lot of their carbon oxygen and nitrogen and other elements like sulfur but because they didn't experience this moon-forming event that we did they weren't stripped to the same degree so for example if you go to Mars you'll find that the soil on Mars has 60 times as much sulfur as a soil here on earth which means Matt Damon couldn't grow potatoes with Martian soil he wouldn't billa grow anything with Martian soil the only way you're gonna be able to grow food on Mars is to bring earth dirt with you so that's another expense that NASA needs to take into account and they're trying to set up a colony on Mars so yeah so the other planets are not habitable because they didn't have the same experience as Earth but they're in a lot better shape than the planets that we're discovering outside of our solar system I mean I mentioned there's the ones where we can measure 24 hundred times as much nitrogen at least 500 times more water and 1200 times more carbon so and what we've discovered also is that every one of the other seven remaining planets and solar system must be exquisitely fine-tuned and there are physical and orbital features to make a dance light possible here on earth right what's one reason why our community of astrophysicists are so confident that indeed the solar system must have been born in this very dense large star cluster because it's consistent not only with the features of the earth and the moon but consistent with the features of the other seven planets and especially with the features of the asteroids and comets and meteorites I mean would you look at other planetary systems they either have comet asteroid belts that are 1010 thousand times bigger than ours or they have none at all and the chemistry is different so a different chemistry again sustains that this particular interpretation so and this is all what we were discussing at lunch last Tuesday and they're all kidding me saying Q there's no way you're going to be able to package all this we're late people can understand it well if I only tell you part of the story I think I'm get away with it but maybe you don't think so that's why I'm waiting for some feedback from all of you but you know let's jump into the Book of Isaiah too late now I've got five more minutes okay let me do five minutes okay so he's gonna shut me down a little bit all right okay let me turn this off and turn the next one on it's one of those Sunday's where I've brought to chemo okay yeah job has the most but Isaiah ranks second for content on creation science and particularly when you go through chapters 40 through 48 or 50 140 251 and this is what we've been doing in the class basically I had all of you get into small groups and read through the book in 15 minutes with the goal of collecting all the passages that pertain to the beginning of the universe and God's involvement the beginning of the universe and we came up with 30 different passages well these are the passages we discussed last week you notice we erase quite a few because what we did is we had you all come up here one at a time and read the passage then we had a class discussion does this passage really pertain to the beginning of the universe or God's involvement and as to setting up the beginning of the universe the way he did now as you see we stripped a few up but that was on purpose I told you when you read through Isaiah if you have doubt included in other words you don't you want to make sure you come up with all the passages that are relevant and so on purpose I had you in Kirk I include those that you thought could conceivably be relevant then we actually had a class discussion is it really relevant or not these are the ones that remain and the ones we discussed last week actually we only got down to chapter into chapter 40 so we need to go to 41 42 and these all the other ones we need to look at as well but guess what we're going to wait till next week to figure out and kind of where we're going we're gonna come up with a list of all the Isaiah text relevant to question one in your study sheet and we're going to go through each passage and see exactly what does that text tell us about the creation of the universe beginning of the universe and how God was involved in that beginning of the universe that'll be in two weeks and then we're gonna add we've got another question how god's gonna bring the universe to an end that's what's exciting but Isaiah it tells you how God got it started it also tells young is going to end it and you can see from the study questions there's 8 more topics that are dressed in the Book of Isaiah including something is going to help us resolve the big debate that's going on now how are we living on a flat earth or a spherical earth huh I'm shocked that that debate is even happening but has come back in big way it's all over the internet so but basically the Book of Isaiah settles that debate how conclusively and incidentally so conclusively that Christians living 1,500 years ago said this is a done deal it's got to be spherical yes cats would have knocked everything off the edge that's what I haven't used yet so I'll try to come up with that one that's a good one let me bow in prayer father in heaven we thank you for this time we've had thank you Lord for your revelation the book of nature and a book of Scripture we want to thank you for this man Isaiah that you raised up Lord how your spirit spoke to him over six decades and Lord oh you used in a very troubling time in the history of Judah and Lord the scriptures that he's given us that have blessed generation after generation of unbelievers and believers alike and father I pray you'd help us in our study these text to become better equipped to share your word with people don't yet know you as Lord and Savior that they may received their life your love and your truth in Jesus name Amen thank you if you don't have the study
Channel: Houseform Apologetics
Views: 5,443
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Hugh Ross, Hugh Ross, dr hugh ross, Design of The Universe, Hugh Ross — Design of The Universe, creation of the universe, design in the universe, creation, creation models, reasons to believe, RTB, God's creation, astronomy, science, astrophysics, physics, academia, creation arguments, creation theory, theology, philosophy, universe, design in universe, cosmos, hughross, hugh ross on creation
Id: QaaCTzJOFbk
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Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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