Sci-Fi Marathon | The Collection | Sunday Night DUST

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I remember when my dad told me that you were very sick At that you had to go away It's my earliest memory He said you were to stretch out for us two years and cheat time So you could watch me grow up Amy Lucas here Are you feeling sick? Now I feel fine Sure sweetheart, I'm just getting used to being on Come on Water stop, it's so exciting seeing how much you've changed Briefly You have my clothes big And I got this for you I thought it was fit I didn't know how long I'd be gone Is this your ship? No, that's a bit like it While you're in space, did you feel like everything was moving very fast or run slow motion neither the ship just got faster and faster a strange being away from here for so long How long will you stay with us? Let's stay up all night and do all the things that dad doesn't let you do, okay Welcome to Amy's family catch-up private museum. Here's a ticket Please enjoy the one that's all I'm gonna take you to make this seven years It's beautiful. Look there's mom here plus we're gonna make you even more but we ran out of walls Looks like we're every little further this way. That's her. I'm five, and that's the yellow bike I had till I was seven and a half But I couldn't ride it after I hurt my leg and then I got too big. Oh Wait come over here Who's that Are you really my mother? When I was up there and I imagined what it was like to be down here with you This is exactly how I imagined Come on I have a guitar mom We use advanced medical research of the space exploration to help the most important family in the He currencies Earth's restoration space Guys I love you Build three my way come to me Starline don't drop all waiting fifteen Sounds of Road in the day Love by the moonlight Oh passed away Beautiful Queen of my soul Next one. Oh, whoa. Hey, what's all? Maybe I come in Amy talk to your mother Amy That's an elegant dress I can fix that for you don't touch it just Look beautiful in it The highest dreamed of going prom dress shopping with my daughter get out Get out What's wrong with you I said get out You just keep talking Stacey and three things that I've never wanted to hear and you don't care You're hurting me regardless It's 3:00 a.m. Are you still up? Almost impossible to see where it was It's called invisible mending Took me a long time to learn By Amy Amy I can't do this, please. I'm sorry. I did she leave me like that I Wanted this to be a nice visit I have so much. I want to know about you Trying to get some day-to-day shots, but it's not easy these are the people that I'm with It's the treatment working When I started they told me I less than two years I get a little more be grateful Are you in pain? I never got to have breakfast with my mom Remember I used to Act out your funeral and therapy dogs I'd say the speeches and bury you Then you came back Used to call you is Omni mom You would have been five years old at my funeral I'm sorry On the day that I left your dad and I made you breakfast Not everything Dad only this time How I go out I want to do something fun, let's have the time of her life Hello, yes 13th and Washington, that's right. Okay, please hurry Amy I didn't think I'd ever see you again. I Thought that was it right here, it's your house person. Your neighbor told me find you here This is Debbie, she's still tired from my birthday yesterday She's three I Think she looks like you And that's Adam Adam and navy-blue climbing over the object He's five Let's see if he recognizes here Adam this is my Mother's are so beautiful. When did you get married? Scott and I are separated He was mess took me years to admit it Like I know so little about you it seems like your lives are just passing me by It's hard doing all along I'm exhausted I'd blame Scott but I think it would be worse if he was here When you go gray, I hope you don't die it Do you Already dye your hair what no You hate people touching you. No, that's not right. I Don't have people touching my hair Would you like to do most right now Oh, we can't do that I have pictures though What about ice cream, which is like some ice cream Oh, could we have ice cream? Madam it's me. Don't get up I should have known it wouldn't be Adam. Hey dizzy with his new job Debbie never visits I Look terrible. I wish I knew they were coming. I've done my makeup you look wonderful How long you've been traveling since you started two years your mom is not leaving again I remember when my dad told me that you were very sick and we had to go away He said you're gonna stretch out the last two years so you could cheat I Can't watch me grow up Was it worth it? I got to see less of you and most mothers but also more Your hair don't love your hair Oh Hello the appointment In she's dead I hope not that's my god sign for this Can you start in the other room Good morning, Starshine. Sorry late. Let's get some light in here That's better you bout ready Didn't hear me I Know you can hear me Hey TSS, huh, come on up. Banana. Let's go Bronto Chop-chop He got there Let's not do this now, okay Damn did you then? It's Simon Simon I was not talking to you. Ah No, no no more domestic Android nurse, you don't need your meds anymore. You know, what today is, right? We talked about it Just last night. So Mom we got to go Um, you don't have a cat just I'll tell them to leave a dish out for it anyway, okay Should have sold like ten years ago. You got condo and mocha you get at? Whoa supersonic over here It was yours - and his remember, yeah little help here with my mom don't think I could do it alone That about does it ma'am as for the rest of the house, yeah, I know it's a lot of stuff I have no idea you don't Do something that works for me Thanks pal You ready mom, I'm ready let's go Slow down That's a hurry to get rid of me I'm not getting rid of you I'm moving you it's not the same thing I Don't want to be here Well mom this isn't fun for me either. You know Phil's in court and Melissa's where? who the hell knows but fuck Stuck with me for a few hours. Sorry about that But it could be worse Like that, Florida trip where Phil kept ripping them in the backseat and dad wouldn't roll down the windows because of the rain Mom you remember that? You're going to kill me jesus H Christ, will you stop I am under the friggin speed limit? Just don't say that, okay Stop being difficult because that sterling sense of humor does not translate through that synthesizer Nobody's dying Hmm I'm just costing me a small fortune make sure that Your father would never approve and if gateway were around when he left he could tell me that himself Nihao oh you ain't going in gateway Nijo cable tight warming. Bye. I know you're testing. How are you doing? Endo food in Rangel. I mean his hatchet what the hell was she saying? She's come to help us move you in mom. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that. She didn't understand what I was saying No, she had a stroke like two years ago three Years, it was three Yes, he lost 99% of her motor skills, but she's vicious with that 1% You've learned much father like son No wonder Betty left you oh she didn't leave me I left her No She's gonna go this way cuz I'm check-in terminals in the south on that. Alright She's gonna go straight ahead. I'm not going anywhere That's fine mrs. Enza your son and I can handle the boring formalities You just relax, maybe get to know some of your new neighbors Oh simple organized friendly You like it here, right? No too many old people Don't move I'll be right back Just like that, I'm fine You are part of a very special demographic entirely new to man and You are a century It is no secret that the rapid growth of centuries creates unique challenges for modern society overpopulation food and healthcare shortages all repercussions of life extension Technology in addition the painful deterioration that is aging has yet to be solved by the medical community to Gain, weight training skill this review transferred treatment center offers our residents all the amenities of an analogue life while maintaining a serial carbon footprint and Domestic hassles of physical deterioration are left where they should be in the past even we Transkei breached Gotta love our healthcare system Aha ender Okay, I see you're going with our horizon package It's a smart choice, but if you considered upgrading but what's wrong with a horizon? nada, certainly our most popular two para bytes of storage and Nanomesh chassis with 64 thousand rpm that's a sweet little ride, but you'll be settling on our basic software Installation, it's all she can handle What what is basic software entail? Well, it's a Programmed experience based on a single event for mom's life. Let's say She spent a summer on the coast as a kid or went backpacking in Spain After college her happiest memory in life. We make it at home There's nothing in your brochure that speaks about her being stuck in an isolated moment. That's because she's none It's just their trigger to associate old memories with the one she'll make inside. Let me break it down out here in the terrestrial world communication With others is key to our growing consciousness. We're made up of a collection of experiences Same goes for residents on our basic plan only catch It can be a lot of legwork for friends and family You have to visit on a regular basis got to maintain constant stimulation to mom's brainwaves for her to have a satisfactory existence What do you what do you think mom then you want to follow love with dad again And Fred uncle Glen where do you want to go She used to remember dates like nobody's business We found sometimes that it's easier for someone close a family member to select an event especially in cases where Patient suffers stop acting like I'm not here. I remember Really And when was I born What's my name? What's your name? Do you remember that? Me you you ignored the stroke, but you cannot ignore this you cannot take care of yourself anymore Goddamnit daddy's dead. I'm sorry And you'll take care of me Doesn't have to be grammatically correct or written like Shakespeare just specific and honest More detailed and more our programmers have to work with so take your time It's what I start premium plans, yeah, can she experienced multiple memories we offer several tiers ranging from 2 to 20 events depending on drive capacity and then there's the unlimited Imagine accessing any memory from your life every experience Even those blocked out or forgotten we can restore with our advanced recall rendering software Now I'll be honest is not cheap requiring our largest storage units 6 zettabytes But really can you put a price tag a mom's happiness? With unlimited There's no worry Once you step out that door you'll do so with confidence She'll be taken care of for years to come Fantastic let's get you started You know, I think we made the right decision I Know we did Yeah, and don't worry about the money. I got that covered and we can visit I Promise any time? Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna make time and I know Patrick and Shawn are gonna wanna They're gonna want to see their grand. I Just couldn't every day is Mother's Day? Oh god this time Not me You forgot me You can't remember a single time when I was happy We used to be happy Remember Simon We're ready for you mrs. N de New patient Where's the TSS sorry, no electronics, they can Co up the procedure systems check. Let's get started What was that what are you doing to her calm down just the bio-forge? Congratulations, she's transferred She's uploading to our central mainframe In 20 minutes you can reconnect via York first not viewing pod You You Bellows remember silence, I'll never forget You I Cannot believe she took it we're not gonna make it What are you doing I was always gonna be the driver what keep going now Please this is our one shot you could die You built this that'll work Fucking love you Rachel He worked she jumped okay, Rachel Where do you think she is? When do you think she is? Breakdown So Edward Okay, time to go Rachel Time-travel wasn't invented It was contracted It wasn't a box or a flying car it was inside us a lot of us some people think it's a gift but jumps on he lost a few seconds jump too far you Any jokes Call it a mixed blessing You can't go back and kill Hitler or beer or in grandfather But a few seconds Can go a hell of a long way a Few seconds makes fortunes Destroys empires Creates myths Changes everything of course, it's not always welcome Like anything it didn't take us long to ruin a Reaction was inevitable. But when it arrived, what could we do? You submitted You had no choice But that's the point of time travel, isn't it it gives us choices It lets us men no mistakes transcend our limits we can see further now than anyone has before But they want to keep us blind No negotiation Mice see to them there's only one time their future is your future Accept your fate So here we are How do you fight overwhelming power Power to set the rules Power to decide our ending is for us before we've even begun Time travel dissolved to their power They have technology their strengths best structures where they went to school what car they drive the credit limit a reputation a position a rank It all means nothing Now anything can change Just remember They're running out of time And that's the one thing we have plenty off You you
Channel: DUST
Views: 267,215
Rating: 4.7981653 out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi, short film, dust, watchdust, filmmakers, science-fiction, CGI, aliens, sci fi, science fiction, indie film, robots death love, anthology, anthology series, scifi anthology, robots death and lovesci-fi, indie film Sci-fi, dust youtube, sci-fi short, dust sci-fi, dust science fiction, free short film, free sci-fi short, free science fiction short, sci fi shorts, best short films, best sci fi short films youtube, indie short film
Id: BvraJ-fRLZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 34sec (3994 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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