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eleven-year-old vacuum cleaner collector red stock nick and shine McBride already my first guest today places footprints and handprints in the forecourt of Mann's Chinese Theater and his amazing you know most people they put the hands in the in the cement that cement is wet he did it dry just carve it cuz it might have something to do with the fact that's doing film True Lies opens there and everywhere else in the world tomorrow please welcome Arnold Schwarzenegger thank you very much thank you thank you yes thank you thank you thank you but let me just hope the layer J a little bit okay and then I talk to you I have to say that I was impressed with the way you look you work out every day the girl good laughs you work out two hours a day two hours a day does that mean you go into competition level very sooner with get the competition very soon I thought so because I brought you a little gift just in case you go that route what do you got what do you hear you have it it's just a little gift basket here what you have brought you here it's just you know things that you need as a professional bodybuilder first of all it's very important that you have the baby oil yeah it's very important you know just oil up every day and this is good when you compete because it creates a good reflection from the lights so when the judges look at you they maybe don't see you little fat around the waist because yeah thank you good then we have a little bit of painting stuff here then you have waxing it's very important that you take the hair off the legs oh and there are the specific areas you don't put that so you use that and then we have other oils and creams you so this should be and then we have posing trunks Oh now there are there are different sizes of course there is medium there is large and then days of course bragging size I got good extra small since I can get balls out there okay so we got it all so good luck with the bodybuilding okay oh no no you know something see I'm glad you did as I said you know I hope he does something wise guy cuz I have some the last last summer I remember I met your mom very nice yes and and we talked for a bit and my wife has been studying German right you told me I called your mother in Austria I said listen Arnold's on the show I need something not too embarrassing but maybe something she sent me some footage of you when you were 18 years old uh-oh dorky look on your face and it looks it looks like you're talking to the church lady in the audience take a look at it look at it look at this think of this this is 20 years ago hey go look at now look at this lady look at this lady what do you see the lady where's the lady let's see the lady look at you is it ajaccio see how's the family you now have a son the son since the last time inside it's right exciting son Patrick Arnold yeah yeah there's been fantastic it's really great to have a son family after having two daughters I mean I love my two girls but you know there's a pressure out there in the gym everyone comes up there and says what about a boy can you do it on your rugged enough and all this stuff so finally you know I managed it you know and now you know maybe we want to have another one to kind of have a split a few girls and two boys the only thing is not have to kind of have recall of what we did exactly and where we did it exactly what position would hide the lake so in the orders now how do you how do you how do the daughters we get now there for four and a half and three and the boys nine and a nine and a half months now now the foyer especially how does she react to them well it's really interesting because I like to play with our little Patrick but it's almost impossible to get in there the two girls handle him all day long and this poor kid he wants to walk enough the nine and a half months he wants to make his first step he wants to get up as soon as he makes his first step they grab him again they carry him around they drop him the day to drop him in a swimming pool at the jumping get him out yeah so I very rarely have a chance to hold this little kid then it's just it's ruffed so he's with the two girls all the time all the time so he could be a girly man he go so worried about God well I know this other movie did you play a pregnant guy with Danny DeVito right yes a this is the next movie that comes out Junior I have you play scientist Danny DeVito and I and we experiment with the pregnancy drugs and things that enhance pregnancy and all this stuff and then he talked me into testing it on myself and I in fact get pregnant but I don't want to give away there is no story because we do this and the next time on igano a night job next time I want you to have you back but I want to ask you about because true lies is about a guy well he lies and he tells his wife he has a whole different life yes it is a really idea he ever is I give another you where the guy can not tell his wife that he's a secret agent if I ever lied to my wife don't tell me now why would I tell you we'll find out we'll find out when we get back we're gonna right after this you can quarterback talking with arnold schwarzenegger so you've never told any lines to the way or another that i can remember no all right let me put another way then put another way in the movie i'm looking i see the movie tonight very funny and there's a scene where Jamie Lee Curtis does this striptease and you're sitting in a chair in house and you have to watch her I assume you have to do this over and over again to get it right and you go home and reassess oh how was filming today just go oh just another day that's exactly what I do that's exactly what I do I go home and they say was hard day at work and they do do many stunts and it's a really difficult job but I remember one time when I was faster than an ally of it here because we remember Conan the Barbarian right right I was doing I was doing this filming there was one scene in there where I had to wrestle around naked with another woman that was naked and it became then the wolf which and all this kind of things and Maria said to me as it you know did you have to do this kind of scenes and I said no stunt people do that we don't do these kind of things we have standings and stunt people who do that they men she saw the film I mean she was very angry of course yeah oh she saw me there and I remember her turning to me in the middle of the screening and just looked at me she says did you enjoy this oh and I said to her I said I hated every hour of it producing two ha six two times hotter than seven two times why they pay the money could you have to do those exactly but I think she was angry because I've never wrestled with her like this before so he said yeah I think that's what it was yeah well I also saw you doing the tango which which I don't know why that made me laugh in this film are you a natural dancer do you dance no are you kidding me I mean it took some passing lessons in Austria some waltzing and isn't it we ever danced the tango hey wait go back go back go back well you are in Austria now you when you were doing this with the same time yeah you know when he goes through school today they get through some dancing classes and all this now the way you say it dancing classes I hated it then you know I never thought I would ever be able to use it but this time all of a sudden Jim Cameron our director who is also the right of utilize he wrote in a tango but not only once but twice yeah write it again so I took endless amount of lessons sir because they're big months I remember three times a week I had a teacher come to the set but yet after we was through shooting I had to teach me the tanker because I wanted to make sure that after having seen Al Pacino dance the tango my cinemas if I gotta do better than that because he was fantastic right and there was this kind of competition so I did practice in practice so when we got to actually do the tango it did I felt really great by then I felt comfortable and it ended up really being a great scene that he said now people say I'm the new kind of James Bond or something like that was a good little tango well maybe you could come on and do some tango for some time No you there you go are you very much great great musicians terrific I like you guys because you took lessons for months cuz it's just a short scene really and the film is not that much tangoing no toys though is it quite a bit nice scenes do you have a clip here yeah we have a clip we have a clip let's take a look here we go this is from oh this is a scene in Switzerland from True Lies oh really somehow there are really some incredible stunts in this in this film especially that Harrier Jump Jet that that stuff was unbelievable was this the most physically demanding film you think you've done stunt one was the extremely demanding yes there was a lot of chase scenes with had to do was pick writing which I was familiar with yeah and but chasing a terrorist and motorcycles through the park and through a hotel lobby jumping through the fountains going up elevators the chasing continued up on a rooftop of a hotel and stuff than the Harrier jets at the scenes and an account by I mean this is the action all the way through the only I but I think the most difficult moment was when I had to sit in this cockpit of this Harrier jet hanging over twenty three storey building and hanging off a crane and I was doing like three hours of filming and doing all the knobs and the attacking shooting the guns and finally I had to go to the bathroom and I'm hanging up there so I didn't know what to do so waited another few minutes and then I finally radio down to the director to Chim camera and I said listen I have to go to the bathroom and this guy starts screaming at me aren't you in character this is a military mission you're about the attack you're supposed to save your daughter there is no bathroom right now so I just peed on myself no actually actually what I did was but first now when I watch it the truth is I opened the cockpit and I just beat down on him Oh Tom Arnold did a great job he was very funny too and he's fantastic he's a great surprise he was a great act yeah I did a good job a really good friend and all it did did Roseanne come in did you give him any marital advice about you been married a while you seem to have a nice marriage good family did you take Tom aside and say here's what I think the problem is yes as a matter of fact that did at one point took him aside and I said listen buddy I only play the terminator but you married one well Darnell it's good to see you thanks coming to film is that should be a huge huge hit it's just she's just an amazing film it just goes on and on and once done after another just a we have the vacuum cleaner collector have you ever vacuumed are you a vacuum do you enjoy vacuuming you do have fun thank you there's a my house I do the domestic rook okay so I can tell you later on about my vacuum experience really is absolutely just a second you
Channel: MyTalkShowHeroes
Views: 326,856
Rating: 4.8082581 out of 5
Keywords: mytalkshowheroes, Arnold Schwarzenegger (Celebrity)
Id: nWg1tzswuao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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