SCARY Ghost Cars are After Me in Decimate Drive!

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all right folks So today we're going to be checking out decimate drive so I played a demo to this not too long ago on like and uh yeah we're out here by ourself uh I guess we got off the night shift and there's something strange going on with the vehicles in the world now I'm hoping we're going to get into a little bit more story here with this one compared to the demo because I was actually intrigued by what was happening uh so yeah right I am parked in the hotel parking lot uh nearly there so what kind of set of wheels are we uh driving oh my goodness this is kind of creepy um yeah this is definitely different than the the demo the demo I think started off in like a tunnel oh okay maybe I shouldn't be afraid yet hold let's just get to our car so we're by the hotel here what are we even driving huh oh is that her what was that sound hm isn't the hotel closed this time time of year okay well I heard a noise wait look the hotel's all like boarded up and stuff or it's got the chain doors what the what just killed me wait what just happened I I thought maybe the game glitched out or something the hell with you wait I can hear people kill them it said kill them hello what this oh I hear somebody yelling uh am I in the back of a trunk did the car kidnap oh that doesn't sound good oh oh great yeah so I think we were just chunked in the back of a car I heard voices though but this is like a supernatural what the heck um okay we got a crashed car oh that's that's creepy um okay look around I guess yeah a car I mean you got the crash car there I'm like looking out for cars already uh see I need to find a pay phone or something okay now this is fine oh that's not ominous uh the dead end uh a musical group oh look behind us if I remember right like in the demo cars would stalk you that kind of scared me the Harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are angels um what does that mean all right let's get it the pay phone by the totally not ominous looking Church oh my goodness this thing's bright wait what what wait did that just teleport us is that a lighthouse over there oh yeah you can see a ship back there okay so I think the objective is to get to the red light so I guess it teleports you to each level well wait if all the cars are going crazy does that mean the ship is going crazy too and it's going to drive itself into the shore honestly I'm here for it like that would be kind of cool to see all right just keep your eyes filled uh I see the other red light so we just got to get down to the end of this can we open this oh wait there's a car in the water there oh that's okay slightly creepy so I'm trying to figure out if I have like a sprint button I don't think I can really Sprint because I'm like in Fairly deep no so yeah if you know a car comes driving out of the woods here it's going to be kind of hard to dodge isn't it uh-oh I feel like it's getting darker hold on I I do like the lighting in the game wait what was that okay all right the pay phone's right here all we got to do is just get to it keep keep looking okay this is fine this is fine we're just going to get to this and it's going to transport us to the next area kind of weird we haven't run into any cars yet okay just go here answer the phone and here we are what is this kind of looks like a neighborhood wait sounds like someone is there oh I can look over my oh that's perfect wait I hear something there's something coming there's I see lights oh my goodness there is a car moving okay uh there's a car just spinning around doing donuts back there uhoh okay maybe we should put oursel in some spots where we have some like barriers wait what is this over here that is wait what was that battery found oh I guess that's for maybe my flashlight uh oh yeah the car is going a little insane over there we're just going to I'm going to casually Walk This Way can I just just stay up here I I don't like a car can drive up here okay go go go go uh the car I think it's still back there okay all we got to do is make it oh buddy I look back okay we're clear I do like the uh looking over the shoulder mechanic that's pretty cool okay I think we're establishing that the cars might be going slightly crazy at the moment wait where did the where did the car go guess it didn't make its way okay let's just hit the pay pH uh-oh oh okay so it's going to make us go to the this one H why do I feel like I'm going to be dodging a vehicle here in a second oh I must say the atmosphere and the music is nice and creepy wait what's that on the floor oh there's something down here what is this what the why huh am I supposed to pick this up um no is there wait when I step around this is that red okay y let's just get to the pay phone ignore the creepy uh crying baby with red eyes uh oh there's a car over there okay just stay up against the wall there's going to be a jump I guarantee there's going to be a jump scare around this corner oh where's the car okay look back hold on is there anything following us oh no I think we're good all right pay phone okay next area uh pile up storage do I see anything moving in therea so I see the red light that's on the other side okay until I see someone these phones are my best bet okay so I do have a Sprint now okay so I can Sprint I can jump okay cool um let's just run to cover over here like it's bad because I already know what to anticipate since playing the demo but I don't know when it's going to happen and that's the anticipation that's kind of killing me all right run to the next area oh okay pay phones right there uhoh I hear something I hear something to the left of me okay uh maybe get it the pay phone is this one going to go out like the other one did okay come on come on come on come on just get to it all right and oh you stupid stupid thing okay uh anything behind us see any cars creeping up no oh behind us again okay over the shoulder I I'm assuming I would want want to save some like stamina cuz I'm sure that's the thing okay oh we got this all right going to make a little little Sprint H save some stamina we're going to run across this uh okay go I swear if this pay phone goes out I'm going to not be a happy camper and oh it did it oh I heard something uhoh oh my goodness okay oh jeez okay go go go go go go go uh it's going to turn around run run run run I need to get to the barrier to the barrier look behind us oh it's coming it's coming uh is this going to protect us oh buddy okay uh oh my goodness there's an RV coming okay they crashed they wrecked together go go go go go go go oh my goodness jump jump okay pay phone please work please work please work oh you stupid thing where's the next one at oh look behind us okay RV's coming okay uh I don't know where the next pay phone is I didn't see anything light up okay just run oh my goodness oh I can hear it I can hear it woo collectible found uh I don't need a collectible right now I need a way out of here oh my goodness the other car's coming oh okay we got clipped we got clipped run run run run run run run run run okay Round the Corner Round the Corner okay where was that next pay phone at I didn't see it even light up oh my goodness we were down there uh go this way around the corner okay we just got to keep taking Corners until we find a pay phone oh my goodness that thing is actually pretty good at falling wait did they have blood on the front of it I think it did okay run across uh where is the next pay phone at oh my goodness I didn't I didn't see it light up okay look behind us I hear a car crashing oh they're coming around go go go go oh my goodness uhoh okay where's the next pay phone uh okay wait lights flickering oh okay I got clipped again oh this is not good okay get behind this am I safe over here okay I think I'm safe up here okay they seem to make lights flicker so I need to find where the lights are flickering there's a light light flickering way down over there so maybe that's the next pay phone there's one also down there uh at any point do you guys actually stop this oh it's just waiting for me to come down um well the vehicle's got damage okay how how do we even plan a move here uh you know what's so odd like the RV is just not mindlessly going at us right now it's waiting oh here it comes boie no this might be our time go go go go go go go go Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint oh my goodness I'm going to die here okay okay that one flew by go go go go go go go go go to the next Set uh oh okay uh I think they just crashed together okay I'm going to run down to this side that pay phone has got to be somewhere oh this is terrifying um I don't know if anybody y actually I'm pretty sure 99% of my audience is not familiar with the movie called Maximum Overdrive uh where all the cars like were taken over by aliens and they tried to kill people or I think it was like all the electronics okay I can hear it I think it's around the corner look back oh my goodness there's a car right behind us oh I think we just dodged it there we go there we go there we go there we go yes we got out of the area oh man that is really far away is that a freaking tank up there oh that's a tank oh this is nothing but tank what is this area let me guess all the tanks are going to come alive and try to murder me yeah no this is this is fun I'm having fun are you guys having fun watching me almost die uh okay how do I get into this place that's a good question is there a hole in the fence why I feel like I should have went the other way I hear it ringing yeah that's not good that's a bunch of Tanks so if a tank comes alive I mean in Theory actually I think the modern tanks are pretty fast so I don't think I'm out running any tank uh okay okay let's find a way in right here we go we got a way in uh got the gate keep your eyes peeled I doubt cars would do well on slippery ice I mean you say that but we're not dealing with cars here we have tanks oh okay just go over here let me guess it's going to go out where's the next one okay so flickering lights there's a flickering light here oh it's down there okay hasn't revealed what's is there anything moving behind us wait right there look that's a car setting there that's not a tank I know what it's going to do maybe I run up the hill okay here we go oh that I told you that one did not look right okay we got one out here oh I got clipped by the rear end on get up here okay get behind uh wait for it okay he's going to drive around you know they are the AI is Extreme oh my what was that there was a big was that a diesel I got smushed all right so we're back I don't even know like where did that diesel come from okay think of a strat here so so obviously the first phone's a diud I'm sure the second phone's a diud wait what am I hearing is that a bird I think it's a bird okay oh did I see the vehicle move that time was it always sitting there and like or did it just drive up into its like waiting spot okay what if I go behind well going behind it's probably not a good idea I must say I'm impressed so I thought the AI would be a little bit more Mindless but the way they are able to whip around like corners and stuff they're actually really good okay okay we can stay behind these all run run run okay run look forward oh my goodness I just got hit again oh I'm I'm so dead I don't even know where the diesel is though that's the good qu yep I'm dead okay trying to think of a strat for dodging cars this isn't something I thought I'd be doing as a person that plays mostly car games or Simulator games and normally I'm driving the car I'm not the one trying to run from said car so I'm not very uh not doing very good here at this uh let's go ahead okay activate the first one the the problem is it's a really open area and the only thing you have to hide behind are tanks and whoever's driving that station wagon is an absolute Willman and yeah little hard to dodge okay which which side you driving okay you drove there okay run this way okay wait for him okay he's a circle around all right so I think we got to do a weird Circle here but we got to keep in mind there it is my goodness that's okay that's got a blade on it that is a freaking PL that one can't touch you it kills you instantly with the blade I was wondering why I died instantly last time okay so I just don't noticed like I saw the caption about the gunshots but I actually didn't hear them the first time there's gun shots going off so what does that mean if the cars are trying to murder you and it's not people who's shooting a gun right now it's got to be a person right maybe they're shooting at the cars I mean I guess that's one way to disable them if if the same rules apply say the car is actually you know running like a normal car like aim for the engine block right or the gas T maybe the gas tank okay here we go let it run around side's it coming on oh deci to go this side okay go go go go go go go go go go go whip it around okay oh it's terrifying oh my goodness okay I heard him crash Run Run for the phone oh my goodness okay it ran to the side please don't go out phone please don't go out phone please don't go out please don't go out yes we made it my goodness okay the plow was way worse or what even a plow it was like a a spinning blade yeah it's all in my head except for the two times that I've died oh I don't like that there's an dark area behind us okay just slow these through it's F it's not fine wait what was that I heard a noise it but I don't hear a car running is there something behind me oh okay well check behind us again check forward check behind check forward check behind I don't see anything moving back there okay wait I haven't even seen a pay phone hold on there's something over here what's this uh okay more batteries which I'm assuming this is for okay it gives us a little bit of extra brightness on our thing wait okay I heard noise oh my goodness there's a car coming okay get behind this was that one screaming wait oh okay it's coming this way never mind I thought maybe it it died it did not die it just wants me to die okay run run run run run run run I don't see a pay phone okay get behind this oh there's pay phone there's pay phone okay oh it flipped oh it okay it saved itself never mind okay just get to this get to oh yep it went out okay go go go go go go go uh I don't know if these boxes are safe or not run in and out in and out in and out go go go go go oh it's pushing him but I think it's slowing it down that's good okay weave in and out of the boxes in and out of the boxes oh my goodness yeah this is not terrifying oh just geted around us go go go go go go go go go go go okay we got turned around there on let me guess I'm going to have to run down this Big Empty Street okay woo bye loser okay come on come on come on come on come on no okay uh where's the next one at oh oh my goodness okay hold on that they might get stuck here I say they might get stuck they're smart enough to back out is that a third car oh please tell me no not the freak candy what is happening wait hold on am I safe back here okay use the back side of the houses problem is I can't see I hear m is that music coming from one of the the free candy van okay come on oh they're coming they're coming yes no oh my goodness whoa why would you run behind it Komodo okay go go go go go okay it's on the other side side I need I need cover I need cover cover cover cover cover oh can I get oh I get behind here oh this might lock me back here though dude it's so creepy like the one car sounded like it was screaming and now I hear music wait do they see me hold on did I lose line of sight do they actually lose you we might have discovered something look around the corner run run I don't see a what happened did we no we didn't outsmart them did we oh oh oh I hear a car coming oh I hear one coming oh they're pushing through okay come on come on yes I think we got out of the line of sight which that's a thing yeah this is actually an exhausting like horror game oh we hear music wait the dead end we saw the sign earlier for them oh it's a band uh yeah Jose used to listen to him apparently do I even like this is like it's exhausting like this is one of those horror games where you are constantly being chased and wait what um find same oh is that maybe the daughter um do I really want to go in here why am I not getting is there a car following uhoh um okay uh okay go go go go go go I'm trying to like pay attention to the story bits but I'm also like looking over my shoulder wait what the heck uh-oh uh-oh okay are we clear wait do I go inside of here what's okay does this work oh it worked oh oh oh I already hear cars no wait that one's got like wood hanging out of it what in the heck dude there I have so many questions for what's happening right now uh oh the RV's back okay get back on this side of the pole hello how are you it I mean it's just an extra creepy element that there's blood on them and look that one's got like wood hanging out of it okay I think I'm in a spot that I'm somewhat safe um I say I am hold on I need you guys to like destroy your vehicles uh can I ride in there is that a thing okay so we got to make a run oh my goodness he's looking right at us okay go go go okay uh running across the parking lot there's a lot of the I think they're called Bullards in here so that gives us layers of protection okay on make to the next set look behind us they're coming around okay they're coming around but I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good good okay got bomb here okay you guys ain't hopping over that I don't think at least I hope you're not oh look behind us okay oh that one of course doesn't work okay further down this way okay Road Works maybe I could trap one of the cars oh oh that's perfect hold on stand on this side well and I would say I need to trap one of them but I think they're stuck in the parking lot unless there's another car coming hold on I think we're good are we good oh I hear something I hear another car wait where is it coming it's coming from the left side oh my goodness that is a huge what is that it's looks like Out For Blood wait what well you better wait how do you know to drive around this why wait the cars are bleeding you know I thought I saw blood in this though the cars are actually bleeding right now okay come on buddy come on come on oh my how are you smart enough to dodge this uhoh oh I might have just given myself an early grave here uh can I get out of this uhoh I don't know if I can get out of this oh I can okay come on right across come on come on come on I need to swing in a miss here I need to swing in a Miss oh my goodness I think you have to let them like get a lot of speed to where they can't control where they're going if you just drop two tires off in there buddy two tires man I know you had to with your buddies anymore like they're pretty much gone wait was I holding my head there for a second look at the trail this thing is leaving there we go haha you were out for blood you ain't backing out of that what is the what's the ground doing right now oh no no you've got to be kidding me really okay cross the parking lot oh the Vans coming Vans fall follow me okay stay on this side okay go back around go to this side okay go back to this side okay we really can't use these there's two more part uh two more cars on the other side of the parking lot okay go go go go oh my goodness does he round oh he is on this side go go go go go go go go go go go yes okay there's cars on the other side of the parking lot though like any point one of those can take off after us come on come on phone phone phone phone phone phone phone yep course it burns out okay stay on this side oh jeez oh it's crazy person in a van crazy person in the van no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes okay well at least we don't have two cars at the moment chasing us so we got that going for us hold on look look look okay he's going to go he they're smart enough to know like the path around okay go go oh my goodness this better be the last one this better be the last one come on come on come on come on and we did it I think I need a breather here so if you guys want to see more of this let me know down in the comment section below we'll see you guys next time that this is creepy
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 124,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decimate drive, decimate drive gameplay, horror game, decimate drive full game, decimate drive horror game, scary driving game, haunted, crash game, beamng,, beamng drive mods, beamng drive gameplay, beamng mods, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, beamng random parts, beamng drive camodo gaming, decimate drive game, horror car game, survival game, haunted cars
Id: s9Ao5o2LnnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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