MONSTER SEMI TRUCK vs. Hard Mode River Crossing in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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so folks we're back here in the dangerous river crossing map by spieler and things have gotten a little bit more intense because we're going to be doing the hard mode version of it with random parts and folks I might rage quit before the end of this episode so stay tuned until the end to see if we make it and let's jump in all right folks I'm shaking in my boots here because we are in the hard mode rivers map and yes folks we're going to be doing random parts so I think for the challenge I got 20 lives I am going to be able to choose the vehicle but then I have to scram scamble it because if I end up with like I don't know the auto Bella there's a good chance I won't even make it past level one so is a lot faster let's go ahead and scramble everything uh the configuration must run what okay how does that how does that even happen does this run it doesn't run doesn't count I can only do configurations that run also you're going to probably see a bunch of fatal BL out errors because I got a lot of mods enabled right now does this r it's such a good sign when you hit the gas and the tires fall off uh oh hold on do we have some no this one's paused my game all right uh editor we're going to just speed through until we find one that runs folks look I finally got one after like a million tries my car actually flew off at one point I have one why does this look squatted is it because of the load in the back my goodness watch just not make it past level one all right so life number one that is definitely running faster I don't think we're going to have a ton issue still with n I might be wrong with that hold on uh all right come on baby it's like raining dude the current is so much no oh my goodness like spieler warned me I think spieler might have been slightly bothered that I actually like completed this challenge twice uh and didn't have many like issues that he's like all right you know what we're going to take the current and move it up to you know a million so all right that's life number one gone do I want to try it with this one one more time all we lost a life I feel like this one might actually work I need to gun it all right here we go let's gun it uh come on I think it's the stupid rear section it's just carrying off in the current you've got to be kid all right we've already lost two lives so far nice I was thinking the D series was a good choice maybe I should switch vehicles let let's do one more D series scramble here oh what in the heck oh hold on please tell me this runs oh my goodness we got the uh monster frame chassis dude okay this might be too light to make it all right here we go gun it gun it gun it come on baby what level do you guys think we're going to make it to I'm going to say three I I feel like I want to show you guys five like you got to see the current I we'll look at it if I don't make it to it oh come on baby there you go all right we've gotten lucky all right so level two all right so here we go we get to keep this one and we haven't died yet oh my goodness look at how fast the water's moving oh so we have the dramatic rain here okay so aim for the left hopefully it doesn't carry us off too bad oh come on grip grip grip okay we got some land here uh we got to be strategic about this I need to aim for the left I think uh the only thing I'm a little concerned about there are a bunch of branches actually can I go between the branches ooh this might be a thing here folks okay here we go let's go up through here all right and oh no you got it okay I'm stuck on a log oh no we're good okay we need to aim oursel we're going to have to cross a section of river there that has like nothing to grab onto so I need to aim to the left as far as POS uhoh well I say that hold is my nitrous actually on oh no no no no no no no no okay hold it parking brake on uh why is the parking brake oh it's like in Reverse actually I think the parking brake really doesn't work on this thing all right turn off traction is NOS I think I've used it up okay just gun it come on baby no no no no no no no no no no no no I need this I need this okay H we're going to end up right back where we were dude this current sucks like I feel like this was the level five current last time like this is way too strong I wish we had more weight on the chassis that's the only problem like these wheels are big I feel like they're actually floating a bit okay let back it up I'm trying to go to the left here okay come on oh my goodness this is painful okay you know aim for the short all right here we go gun it don't carry us don't carry us just get to the shore get to the shore oh we might actually make it hold on here we go grab onto it no hold on back it up back it up no no no no no no no no no no no back up back up back all I got to do is make it across grip grip yes no no don't flood don't flood we're going to get carried down the river no you've got to be kidding me this sucks this officially sucks this is really bad um oh there goes our vehicle yeah I'm having fun right now um all right well let's go to the next life okay I think I'm going to switch vehicles here let's try something else I could is the blaz cheating actually the blaz I don't think would do well here I need to find something that's rather tall H but it's a question of what do you try maybe the dune kicker if I could get monster tires on the dun kicker I feel like this would be pretty good all right scramble so I scrambled and the vehicle disappeared I'm sure that is normal um all right we might not be using the dun kicker let's try it again uh that was quite shocking it just it completely disappeared all right scramble uh boom all right well the Dune kicker is completely broken so that doesn't count you know maybe the I think it's called the AR here this is a UTV I wonder if we got big tires for this so okay scramble um I think it died this is not going to work this thing is going to get carried away I think you almost have to stay in the D series here oh wait it does have a monster frame I mean there's no monster tires here so this one doesn't run keep scrambling oh we scrambled until it disappeared again my goodness I might have too much stuff enabled here this is just pure pain and sadness right now so folks after scrambling about 5 minutes look at what I got um it has no Driver's Seat but I managed to get the monster frame the the Scrambler really likes this like sometimes you don't get tires on it but sometimes you do and that has been now so we're ready to go let's let's do this again oh my goodness this thing has some power no it might be lighter than the other one oh my goodness you've got to be kidding me all right well there goes another life all right we are down again scar to the left I'm technically not dead yet I'm okay never mind it's flooded all right now we're dead okay I think even with cheap vehicles this challenge would be pretty impossible so what I'm going do I'm going to spawn in a t- series I I can't just spawn in the monster frame one like I want to but I'm fairly confident this thing with the weight that it has if I get the right combination I think I can get across with this all right let's go ahead and scramble everything what at what point is it just scramble or just go all right you don't get an engine or wheels or nothing you just get the chassis and you get the cap over please tell me this doesn't run okay thankfully this doesn't run look at look at how screwed up this is there's a sleeper cat AB but nobody hey look we got half a monster frame this time and it's spawned in upside down what the how is this even a thing I didn't know you could spawn only half of one of these also the gas tank is floating and it's expanding and it looks like jello can I make it across in this hold on this gas it does this run oh my goodness this runs does this count all right we're counting this one we're counting this one because I'm actually making good Pro I should have counted that one well there's another life gone not going to lie I'm already really miserable and we have just started okay let's maybe think of a different approach so I have the gavil I think it's the Durham this is a really good vehicle and I feel like this one's got some good parts in it and it doesn't have a ridiculous amount of parts I think it might share with is it the D series oh let's just scramble it real quick let's see what happens I was wrong about everything this is awful okay so I just scrambled it again does this run okay we got something that runs all right here we go oh my goodness this this is awful should I be in low gear for this I don't think it really matters we just keep getting swept away you know I'm going to have to try this with a cheap vehicle at some point cuz this is this is impossible like I'm might to go out and say it now like I don't think this is happening okay think think think what is the most log I think the D series is the most logical thing to continue with the random Parts with it's got so many parts and we might get lucky and get big wheels so here we go oh never mind look at that that is garbage oh hold on out of the ashes do I have four wheel oh my goodness we got what is going on with the rear what does that actually affect the steer the way this thing rides hold on those little rings that are on the outside of the wheel what is that all right it doesn't it just goes in the ground we got to try it with this okay here we go I mean the body on this one looks pretty good actually I don't know where we got the ambulance delivery from like was that a default DC actually I think it was a D series okay uh oh no no I see what's happening here the traction control okay I'm going to keep this one that's going to be another life by the way um yeah we're floating down river uh I'm keeping this one okay we're going to lock the differential we got NOS on okay here we go all right just gun it and go for the open areas here there we go okay hold on my faith has been renewed uh oh here we go uh uhoh uhoh okay come on come on come on okay I think we're going to have to back it up here let's just go backwards no this is fine uh come on no you stupid pile of oh my goodness sper why why do we have trees in here you know I should go into the editor and remove the down trees from the river my goodness that's another life there okay here we go once again let's gun it Aim Fire come on we got it oh my goodness ah no you've got I am so like I I don't think this is going to work folks like this might be the most painful hold on hold on grab grab these wheels just aren't grabbing like I am legit to the point where I think we're going to have to try cheap vehicles like random Parts is maybe with the original map it would have been a lot more doable but with hardcore this is just this is too much so I got a new Strat here let's drive a little down river that we know what sweeping us to the right so if we aim to the left and let's go who okay there's one no just how far down dips there so you have to stay here because you've got those little logs to grab on to oh no oh no no no this is so stupid I give up I get this is the one time kodo is going to rage quit here okay so this is one of those uh videos where kodo changes the rules Midway through I think we got to go with the winner last time the winner the one that was so consistent last time was this T Series the thunderclaw because now I'm starting to bait like speler was saying even with cheap vehicles I was going to have issues so this is is the the vehicle that was able to get across last time so let's try it again okay so look how much better this looks so far okay I'm actually getting some grip okay just slowly gas through aim to the left some more okay so there's several man I these scrambles that I got couldn't even get this far uh-oh I think the rear section just broke oh no come on we're almost there I can almost I could drag myself across I just got to get I got to touch the shore I got to touch the shore no no you are going to drive across this and you are going to be happy no I can't go what it just paused itself and broke did I really just get an instability there spielers finally and you know there's been some other clickbait ones where it was like oh okay you know haha this is really hard eventually you you pretty much complete most of them this is one where I I think the current is so strong that this is going to be impossible well I say that and I complete level two with the cheat vehicle yeah I this is just one of those things where we have to change the rules for the video here my look how fast that's running okay this one might be a little more doable to be honest with you you know it's the ones where you have the massive gaps in like land pieces that are actually hard look at this you got to be kidding me we cruise through this one level three is easy yeah there just no way with random Parts here I know you guys really wanted to see it which we attempted it I didn't even get to the 20 lives I just instantly knew I'm going to be miserable and it's going to put me in a bad mood so here we go level four why is this I mean the river is clearly like raging right now look how fast that is but look at us the thunderclaw might be the one thing that is the uhoh uh-oh our tire got caught on a branch I'm convinced maybe we can do this and then I'm going to message spieler on Discord and rub it in his face and be like you know what I still did the thing uh I better not say anything cuz this is now this is actually the current is so strong I feel like it's ripping that rear axle apart like the whole rear end is just shifting look at how look at how it's pushing it my goodness this is this is impossible uh okay okay just focus focus keep going there's the stupid freaking branches that's my new mortal enemy is branches I'm going to go outside and I'm going to go to my tree and just snap a branch off just to make myself feel better okay come on come on let's go to the left here let's go to the left of the roof I'm afraid it's going to push me oh I'm actually getting pushed right now no no no no no no no avoid the yeah e it Branch I got by you uh-oh the rear end just broke oh it's shifting okay you got to go you got to just nail the throttle nail the throttle na throttle we made it that is level five right there we've made it to the shore so I wasn't sure how I was going to do this cuz I was pretty sure random parts weren't going to make it to level five let me show you this so the way spieler explained this to me was that picture the last episode where we did this the it was on level I think it was eight now it's level 20 so it's over two times the speed look at how fast the water's moving but I'm telling you there's enough land here that I think I could grip like I actually think I'm going to finish this and then I'm going to message him and be like haha loser by the way speeder's not a loser speeder's really good like one of the best map makers in BMG but whenever he creates stuff like this I I have to tease him about it and be like you know what uh this is a thing you know forget this also we need to do some multiplayer like imagine you get the B and G group you get about like eight people trying to cross this at once honestly would be cool look at this look at this uh-oh don't look at this oh don't look at this look at this I'm going to do it I'm going to make it across a level does this count uhoh no that doesn't count oh my good okay I did make it across but I'm not sure that counts all you know I got to hit that entrance area oh my goodness yep yep okay here we go oh no no no just just go forward come we're getting pushed into a stupid bridge don't break rear end just hold yourself together it's in saying that the current is doing that to the rear section of this vehicle okay here we go this I think this is the Run folks okay got a gun in here cuz it's going to push us aim to the left a little bit oh oh no don't flip you stupid okay I'm not stopping this to I mean technically I did make it across but I I want to make it to the actual entrance part so I'm not stopping until I make it I want to be able to message him and be like well I had to use cheap vehicles again but I made it uh random Parts is impossible but you know this is not impossible right uh at least I'm telling myself that okay come on come on I mean it's so much more dramatic too cuz all fact it's like pouring down right now uh oh jeez oh come on you got this you got this you got this just aim aim aim I hate everything you know I was in a good mood today I was having a good day you know it's just having fun recording my mood has changed I'm probably not going to record anymore after this oh yeah there you go speler there it is there's the run I've done it with cheap vehicles no way it's happened with random Parts maybe with the D series that we completed the first episode of this but I think we've wrapped it up besides doing some multiplayer we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 134,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: testing, testing cars, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive mods, beamng drive river, beamng drive dangerous river, beamng drive crashes, random mod, beamng random, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive car crashes, beamng mods, beamng crash compilation, beamng funny moments, car crash, camodo gaming,, beamng drive camodo gaming, beamng drive stunt, beamng fun, beamng drive shorts, beamng drive testing, testing expensive cars, beamng crashes, police chase
Id: 0YCCZLr8lmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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