SCARS | Omeleto

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so [Music] we lie we bleed it's always been this way yet we still find it hard to tell the truth no matter how bad it hurts the only thing i'm certain of is there's no such thing as a good lie and there'll be no more lies where i'm headed now entering camp veritas military zone gets the measure by the eating koenig's bill to determine a minimum star count for draft eligibility has been approved true peers will now be exempt from the draft i'd say it's more important than ever that we keep our most honest citizens at home where they can really make a difference the vast majority of these young men and women no you are like a walking piece of fiberglass well before they were born scabs fascinate me you ever tell the truth in your entire life yes so it took all that pain to finally set you straightened let's p let's pick truth and blood to see if you're really reformed i don't want to first truth would you ever let baker here have a go with you no see now we're getting somewhere now how about me yes that's enough these scabs can have each other our scars don't define us do you really believe that sweetheart yes i do [Music] you don't have to sit with me i want to i'd strip naked to prove it if those tools wouldn't get off to it life or death is the only truth a soldier can know [Music] officer mack mag meg [Music] jerk come on kirk [Music] you may have expected a menagerie of crude insults to flow through these lips like a tyrannical poet but you will get nothing of the sort i will only call you by one name bullet magnets are exactly what you are so you best heed our every directive we've got a saint in our midst but can he survive the blue truth what private stand still hold him hey what the hell is that let's find out [Music] that is some high-end slick boy your daddy must have paid a fortune to keep you off the front the only thing that you need to hide is that lying ass of yours make sure it doesn't get shot off careful we would only know him as master sergeant five tours and not a scratch not a scar he got a better chance of spotting a unicorn than a man who's never lied you can't get a beat on him i can't everyone thinks he's a hero but when it really happened this entire company got mulch in the northern front somehow he makes seven skates how'd you know that i pay attention scabber how do you know that i pay attention scabber [ __ ] guy's a fraud highly expected to trust him with our lives when they leave him show us his scars max we are all born innocent our bodies unmarked shameless but over time our skin is carved in truth exposing who you really are private slick front and center the toilets got a little something in their teeth master sergeant doesn't like it when you laugh at soldiers when they're down he doesn't much like laughing at all these days move private private step forward mags meet your new squadron leader [Music] let's go must be covered in slick trust me i know no one is that good and i'm sure as hell not going into a halo bullets with a [ __ ] hypocrite go see if he's awake hell no you'll wake up and kill us you scared squad leader you'll already be exposed by that so [Music] [Music] yeah one horrific [ __ ] lie that could get us all killed he's gonna be our commanding officer and the [ __ ] gets thick so what'll it be and see something say something right what if he fragged his old company so he could come home so he lies we all do have have you ever seen a lie that bad i got this bad boy for a hit and run when i stole my father's zero light like a rug so no one got hurt i put a man walking his dog into a coma for six weeks big lie tiny scar he missed a dog though right that's not the [ __ ] point baker the joe's gash could be our end do you really want to wait no no we are giving it another day okay tomorrow i'm sure i can get him alone or i can just call my father and have him to have joseph around here right away no we are not doing that look we are punished our whole lives why shouldn't he be what's that scar on your back charging handle needs oil tighten your trigger sights are off please you can trust me what is it i need to know the truth get your weapons squared away private that's all you need to know that's to be unanimous have a government of the day let him lie to some other company not ours [Music] one clear two clear fall clear hey baker 50 bucks you blasted him too clear faker on my six these get the medic stay with me now please stay with me i don't know i got him i got him i got him hey come on it's gonna be okay all right it's gonna be okay okay you're gonna be okay it's gonna be okay it's the best imlai i've ever heard [Music] i [Music] when i'm afraid [Music] the address [Applause] [Music] shoot me the address [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] before [Music] i could feel [Music] shoot me [Music] the address [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 50,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r988NYhuC5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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