Sci-Fi Short Film "Neo's Cleaning Service" | DUST

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- [Electronic Voice] Work point removed. Status removed. Property removed. Commencing recall on A, zero, four, three, two. - (clears throat) Uh, my wife, will I see her there? - Of course. Congratulations on your recall, Mr. Jules. The Atrium awaits you. (stamp thumps) (machine whirring) (thunder rumbling) (gentle nostalgic music) - (sighs) Okay. (gentle nostalgic music) (door clicks) I uh, I thought my shuttle was leaving in the morning. - [Speaker] Subject A0432, you are to come with us. - Who are you people? - [Speaker] Failure to comply results in immediate disposition. - Well, (laughs) there must be some mistake. I have a trip planned tomorrow. (quiet dramatic music) (panicked breathing) What's happening? Please, please no, I, I, I don't understand. (panicked breathing) This can't be right. (gasps) I've worked for the system my whole life! My wife is waiting at the Atrium. I, (crying) I- - [Speaker] There is no Atrium. (weapon blasts) - [Electronic Voice] At the Atrium, a total rest is with you. - [Electronic Voice] New task added. - [Electronic Voice] Hard working record citizens- - [Electronic Voice] Recall cleanup, residency A, zero, four, three, two, status, subject recalled on August 21st, 2070. (door clatters) New task added. (radio beeps) Recall cleanup. You have three new messages from Dad. - [Dad] Hey Timmy, have you been well? I'm just checking in- (voice cuts out) (distant chattering) (buttons clicking) - And after this one, I'll be ready for promotion? - [Electronic Voice] Affirmative. - Good, and no partner-up. I want all the points. - [Electronic Voice] Affirmative, partner-up has been deactivated. (radio rings) (gravel crunches) (quiet dramatic music) - 867 to HQ, commencing cleanup of A0432. Let's get to work. (gentle dramatic music) (items rattling) (gentle dramatic music) (sprayer hissing) (gentle dramatic music) - [Electronic Voice] New task added. (radio beeps) (quiet suspenseful music) (door clatters) (quiet suspenseful music) (pattering footsteps) (quiet suspenseful music) (door clatters) (quiet suspenseful music) - 867 to HQ, commencing cleanup of A0542. (pattering footsteps) (quiet suspenseful music) (items clattering) (gentle dramatic music) (sprayer hissing) (cloth swishing) (item rattles) (gentle dramatic music) - Oh, my wife gave me that. - It's nice. I haven't seen one in a... (gasps) - Thank you. (pattering footsteps) (quiet dramatic music) (cup thumps) My name is Paul Jennings, 67, husband, father, widower, and former head of research and development of the company that makes that talking brick there. - So, you work there. - Well, I did, until two weeks ago. - Let me guess, they retired you and now you're trying to one-up the system, right? But for what, to show that you're still useful? - Oh, (laughs) I would never dare to bother the all mighty system. I'm also well aware that we're all bound to be replaced and recalled when we're expired. So I only modeled your droid with some new dates and times. That's all. - For what reason? And why my droid? - Buying time, or maybe you just happen to be near by and I just happened to miss my job. - Bullshit! You're up to no good here and you're not getting away with this. Tampering with a government device is a capital crime and you know it! - (sighs) You know, it's also against the law for cleaners to claim souvenirs from the recalled. - You're not recalled yet. - Well, that makes it burglary then. Could really ding that work point of yours. Did I also mention jail time, Tim. - Look, I'm just here for the job. I just wanna get it done, get paid and get the hell off, so what stands between you and your grudge is none of my business. So leave me out of this! - (sighs) Of course. (pattering footsteps) - So what now, am I a hostage then? What do you want from me? - I thought you might need an extra hand or two. (pattering footsteps) (quiet melancholy music) - [Tim] Who's the girl? - That's Kate. She used to be my daughter. - Used to? - Until they took her. - Uh, system? (quiet melancholy music) - That's the last of it. (quiet melancholy music) - You know it's never easy to be eligible for the system, and she made it. Shouldn't you be proud of her? - She used to visit. Not anymore. You see, the system gave us life, never gave us tasks, jobs, bills, quotas, social standing, things to consider and reconsider. And before you could even stop and think of your loved ones, they're already gone, expired, recalled. And why wouldn't they be? Irrelevant to your life, declining work rate, replaceable by society. But you're right, maybe I should be proud of my daughter. - It's not that your daughter doesn't want to visit you, she's just devoted to the... She's just, busy, um, all the time. - Just as you are and just as I was, all for the greater good of the system, but thanks to you, my daughter is coming home today. - Well that's good, Mr. Paul. Maybe she can help you pack for Atrium too. (device buzzing) - [Paul Jennings] Maybe she will. (device hums) (Tim grunts) (quiet suspenseful music) They're here. (Tim grunting) - Oh, Mr. Paul, oh Mr. Paul, what did you do? (labored breathing) Wait, wait, wait please. Wait, wait please, (gasps) oh shit. What, are you turning me in? Wait! - Sorry for wasting your time with all my nonsense. Just know that all the things you boys call junk all mean something to someone. - I know, I know, it's just our job to see it that way. Look, I'm so sorry, please, just get me out of this. Look, I gave you back your watch, okay? Just don't turn me in, please. (crying) Wait, you don't think they're gonna come for you too? Don't you wanna see your daughter? - Play hostage. - What? (grunts) - Be well, kid. (labored breathing) (door crashes) Where is she? (quiet dramatic music) (pattering footsteps) Honey, is that you? (helmet whirs) - Hey Dad. (Tim grunts) (body thumps) - My sweet baby. - Wait, Mr. Paul... (grunts) - What have they done to you? - Get away from her. - What have they done to you? - [Tim] Get away. (grunting) Get away! No! (dramatic music) (weapon blasts) (bullet thumps) (dramatic music) (glass crackles) (frame clatters) (dramatic melancholy music) (sirens wailing) - [Electronic Voice] Work points sufficient. New property added. (radio beeps) Benefits added. (radio beeps) Promotion attained, congratulations A0344. (radio beeping) (quiet melancholy music) (voice chattering) (radio clatters) (radio beeping) (quiet dramatic music) New task added. (radio beeps) (knocking at the door) (door clatters) - [Tim] Hey Dad. - Timmy. Aren't you busy with work? - [Tim] How old are you, Dad? - What? - How old are you-(crying) - Okay, easy- - Dad? - Easy. - Tell me. (sobbing) - Easy, my boy. - [Tim] Please. (sobbing) - It's okay, it doesn't matter, not when you're here. (Tim sobbing) (quiet somber music) Let's get you some tea, okay? Come now. (quiet somber music) (door creaks) (clatters) (birds chirping) (dramatic melancholy music)
Channel: DUST
Views: 535,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi, dust, watchdust, science fiction, Sci-fi, dust youtube, sci-fi short, dust sci-fi, dust science fiction, free short film, free sci-fi short, free science fiction short, sci fi shorts, best short films, best sci fi short films youtube, short film, short films, sci-fi short film, scifi, short filmmaking, science, Neo's Cleaning Service, Neo's Cleaning Service Short Film, Neo's Cleaning Service DUST, dystopia, dystopian sci-fi, ageism, tech, future of technology, near future
Id: sgU_hrdNTu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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