THE IMOM | Omeleto

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[music] [inaudible chatter] No-one said being a parent was meant to be easy... 'Til now. It happened so fast people didn't see or hear very much- Introducing the cutting edge in lifestyle technology- [tv sound effects, scattered voices] I didn't know if I was being a good enough mom. Did I have kids too early? Am I good enough for my kids, you know? Like, can I do better? Introducing, the cutting edge in lifestyle technology, a game-changer in child care, and a true revolution in the way we raise our kids. It's... The iMom! How would I describe the iMom? Operating via a state-of-the-art motion sensor technology and built on over three decades of robotic intelligence, the iMom is the world's first fully functioning mother substitute. Raising kids is not a walk in the park... It's more like a marathon- (man interrupting) through hell. The iMom is like my personal trainer for being a mom. I mean, being a young mom, there's no way... (voices fade out, telephone rings) Sorry, I haven't left yet. Uh, hey, you, bringing anything? Well. I didn't know what the deal was so I got a card, I thought maybe both of us could sign it... Hey, listen to this. Sam's teacher rang me today, said there was some kind of incident at his presentation. Some kids locked him in the equipment room! Oh, he's scared of the dark, and he missed the whole assembly thing! Fucking kids. I know! Anyway, look... I'll talk about it with you when I see you- Yes! I am leaving now. I am- Oh wait. What are you wearing heels, or flats? (laughing) See ya. What homework have you got? Have to read Matthew 7:15 to the class tomorrow. The bible? Yeah. Jesus. Then have another top-up, just a small one. You want to tell me what happened today? No. Sam... You can talk to me Whatever it is, you know you can alw- (phone chimes) - always, um... you know, tell me anything about the um... About the problem and what the problem is, yeah? I don't want to stay with her. Why not? Because... The food is gross, I don't like her. That's why we downloaded the new recipes. You know, grandma downloaded into her iMom. Said they were delicious! So we'll see. Oh look iMom, you're famous. (TV Spokesman) Imagine what the iMom could do for you! (iMom) The new iMom 4. Alright, I will be home for dinner, and I promise it will be yummy. Right here, so grab a pair of sharp kitchen shears, and- Goodbye my little chicken! (kissing noises) iMom, follow me. What time would you like dinner prepared? Uh, eight o'clock? I'll be back in time to eat. There's chicken on the bench, and if you could fold the washing it's in the laundry. Eight o' clock for dinner, sure. Great, see you later. Bye, Katherine. Um, not too much screentime for Sam! -Live Doppler 5 looking calm. We- we actually- here, is it on the roof, here's another one- I mean sometimes, we order sushi, and we make our iMom Japanese, just for fun! Imagine what the iMom can do for you! -To game changes. In medicine, It was antibiotics. In war, it was the atom bomb. In basketball, it was Michael Jordan. Ever since we've had the iMom I feel like there's someone there to back me up. I mean, being a young mom... There's no way, I'm going to stop hitting the clubs Wednesday... through... Friday? Sunday. Yeah. But I mean now with the iMom I don't have to worry when I go out, and I'm thinking... Would you like any help with your homework Sam? No. Would you like to read it to me? No, I would not like to read to you! I think you should. You don't think? "Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles?" Even so... every good tree bringeth Forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth Evil fruit. (iMom and Sam simultaneously) Therefore by their fruits ye shall know them. What happened at school today? Sometimes it helps to talk about things. Well, I don't want to talk about things. I suppose you'll be talking about it tomorrow in the meeting. What meeting? iMom, what meeting? The meeting tomorrow at school with the teachers. They want to help you, Sam. Well, maybe I don't want any help! She always makes a big deal out of everything. I was only in there for like, two minutes. Why were you upset? Because it was dark. Why do you think? You're supposed to be the smartest model yet, but you're so not. Perhaps they'll be another presentation next year that you won't miss out on. Next year, We'll have got an upgrade so either way you won't know about it. Time to feed Grace. (baby crying) Whether you are struggling with the demands of a newborn, or overwhelmed by a hyperactive five-Year-old, the iMom is the solution for you. I made a list of things that I did and didn't want to do. I didn't want to do diapers, I didn't want to cook, I didn't want to clean, you know? I like birthdays, so you know. We like to party, so... a birthday's a party. The other day a friend of mine asked me what it's like to live with a robot I said it's been better since we got the iMom. I don't think we can rule out a snow squall, which is a snow shower in essence tonight Mostly Cloudy skies, storm... Time for bed, my little chick- (TV static) Shit. Mom? Mom? iMom! It's okay, Sam. A blackout is only a temporary loss of electric power. The lights will be back on soon. It's okay. The lights will be back on soon. (echoing) Sam? I want mum. She'll be back soon, I'm here. Do you think she's pretty? She's beautiful. Do you think so? Yeah. Why don't you wear makeup? Well, my skin is different to hers. You should wear lipstick, like Mom's. I'll get you some so you can try. I'm not permitted to use Catherine's lipstick. It's okay. I'm saying yes. Okay, go like this. And now go like this. There. How do I look? You look nice. Mom usually kisses me with her lipstick. Would you like me to kiss you? Okay. I left a mark. I have to check on Grace now. I didn't mean what I said before about next year. And now we face our greatest challenge to date, and it's changing women's lives around the globe. Do I love my kids to death? Yes. Does that mean I want to spend every single moment of the day with them? The wolf, and the sheep. Which one are you? Which one are you? Which one do you think I am? You look the same as me. But I'm not the same, am I? But, you're not the wolf. The truth is I'm neither. By their fruits. Ye shall know them. The world is the tree and I am the fruit. So what does that say about the world? I'm tired of the mood swings of teenage nannies. Uh... just give me the first of the next line... Fine, then you s- then you do it! Lifestyle products that change the way you live li- There? Sorry. Oh, and raising your child is the um- I said her line. Sorry do it again robotic intelligence, okay? You know it's really kind of changed our lives. I feel like we're going to be the first generation have so much more freedom. (music)
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 5,447,247
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Id: BSYAPKgcgj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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