Scariest Moments On Buzzfeed Unsolved #2

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first released in 2016 the hit YouTube series was feed on soul supernatural cease horse rain and shame visit various haunted locations key to the show success is the contrast between believer Ryan and skeptic Shane and the comedy that ensues out of this setup however despite accusations that the show is too comedic the pair have captured some extraordinary evidence sir from the ghost of River Phoenix to the demonic Annabelle doll Jonah's top the Mona Lisa of paranormal hotspots the Florida bears st. Augustine lighthouse was built in 1874 tragically one year prior to his construction the daughters of renovator Hezekiah Peter sadly drowned in a freak accident was playing near the bay ever since that spirits have been observed by various tourists and workers however it was thirteen year old Eliza who Ryan may have made contact with and if you don't want me to go to the top of your lighthouse you better stop me it's gonna be okay do not be afraid do not be afraid do not be afraid I don't think it's haunted I don't think anything here is haunted it's a really nice architecture it's a big tall round house it's a beautiful light at the top I'm gonna use something right now that's gonna help you speak to me talking to you Maria talking to you Joseph what can you save my name back to me oh my god is fertilizer oh my god Eliza oh my god how do you hear you hear me I got the chills how did you die again how did you die he's been in there a while huh in the special episode the pair visited the legendary Museum of fam demonologists at an Lorraine Warren set to contain the most haunted artifacts they collected in our investigations however in particular they were there to contact the infamous Annabelle doll supposedly the doll has been responsible for the deaths of multiple people who have disrespected a and so as would be expected Shane did you Stan doing me now and there's no hiding just you and the Shane stirrer what I gathered from reading about her was basically just respecting I will say I do not respect you people have gone in there plenty of times and nothing has happened but the people who have chosen to mess with her didn't end that well for them again I'm checking this meter although we'll go up by the cross we get a little reading maybe that's our pal JC I don't know if he just hangs out in every cross in the world or if they split among them like a Horcrux but good to see him that feels like some positive energy is he gonna show up in the conjuring Cinematic Universe at some point to fight you seems my flesh scratch me up make me bleed can you make me go blind oh look I'm seeing some action on the the flashlight over here was that you if that was you why don't you turn it off for me oh now you're trying this one huh okay so we're getting double flashlights action that's always a joy to see if you are going to kill me turn the right one off okay I'm pretty pretty resolute on that if you're gonna kill Ryan Stephen Bergara in the next week turn that left flashlight off it's flickering it's getting there and he's dead alright it is your turn I gotta say and I said it to her face she's weak sauce bro have fun in here I'm glad you set the stage so delicately alright I'm alone in the Warrens house surrounded by the world's most haunted items my name is Ryan if you would like to speak to me show me a sign Annabelle there is a flashlight on your right and there's a flashlight on your left when I count to five turn off the flashlight on your right and turn on the flashlight on your left this will let me know you want me to talk to you here we go one two three four five [Music] he did seem to be more alarmed than he has been in a while why did you pretend to be a little girl named Annabelle god those eyes are just so empty it's just like a like a void you could fill with anything you want co-founded by Johnny Depp the nightclub the Viper Room was opened in 1993 and quickly became the 8th spot for Hollywood celebrities however its reputation was tarnished with the death of actor River Phoenix who tragically overdosed there just 23 years old interestingly rain seems to have received the response from River spirit I'm gonna take my little broom out spiritual of course and shovel in some dirt a little sweep sweep sweep in yeah who are you gonna call Ryan Bergara well I gotta do a little offbeat because it's copyright well I hope he finds it ghosts there is an unsolved mystery associated with this place and if you know anything about me you know that that is my cup of tea as they say now I'm gonna talk to River Phoenix River I don't know if you ever spent any time down here in this part of the bar but you honestly wear one of my favorite actors I think you were really talented and it's a shame you're gone now what was that River Phoenix [Music] meanwhile the pair also made contact with Lawrence Fox another founder of the Viper Room mysteriously Fox was due to testify against step in a financial dispute case before he then suddenly vanished his body has never been found but rumors arrived that he was buried under the club a fairy that may have been confirmed in a series of spirit box sessions an unidentified voice potentially Fox's repeatedly asked for help all right let's try this again my name is Ryan fain you say our names back to us Webber's in this VIP room with us if you would like to communicate we're nice guys very approachable there may be something like hi how you doing did it really sound like hi how you doing hi hi take that was Japanese rivers was not of Japanese I don't think he was person now once again my name is Ryan I'm Shane and we're reaching out to the spirits of Anthony box if you are in fact unfortunately dead mr. Fox can you please tell us what happened to you what were you gonna say on trial that next day all right in like that one bit no I did it what what the [ __ ] was that if that's you Anthony could you say that again what did you want to say on trial that next day it sounded like you said help rise and shine maybe closet is it yes basically we'll see you back there what are you doing yes it is pretty creepy in here actually now I'm in your hole I'm reaching out to Anthony Fox are you buried here what was that what happened in here why do people not like coming over here is it because it's a weird basement crawlspace I don't know try and shut the door I'm gonna give you one more chance to talk to me on spirit box this may help you speak here we go established in the late 18th century the Delfino Lean's hotel once served as a buffer for wounded Confederate soldiers if their spirits still set to run the building a relay whilst investigates in this form of half of the bar della Rhine and Shin seemingly made contact with an unidentified spirit we're gonna leave now please don't follow me follow great okay if you can't catch them here just follow them home all the way to California I'm telling the ghost to follow me home he's got a shoe your footsteps I buff yeah but there's no one up above the bordello is up there did you hear I I [ __ ] heard a footstep oh well I'll just go up there we'll find out I guess and the doors open was it open before nope III do not like this room at all if you don't want us to be here send us a sign why do you gotta freeze it like that let's just hum phrasing it I'm sorry I'm in here oh did your [ __ ] light just turn out oh my god just got the [ __ ] chills oh no no this isn't even a mag light not got it like a mic right was that you telling us to leave hey there it goes it's fine flick full power ghosts I'm beginning to suspect that you're not real call it a hunch but I've said a lot of dark rooms with this guy talking to the air right after Shane speaks our audio recorder picks up a voice possibly saying I'm right there but I set up dark rooms with this guy talking to the hair guy talking to the hair could this be one of the patrons of this former bordello meanwhile that's around 4 a.m. that same night Ryan mysteriously heard footsteps from the balcony above now we'll see the letter uncovered one of the rooms was ensei while still 4 was inhabited however the person staying there Clennon not only were they not responsible for the footsteps but that they'd heard them as well forever adding to the mystery there is said to be a ghost of a Confederate soldier who often walks across that same balcony Ollie there's footsteps that's the balcony outside right yeah sure I'm gonna go out there I want to see someone's actually out there [Music] oh [ __ ] there's nobody out here maybe there's somebody in those rooms but I don't see any movement holy [ __ ] this is insane it's [ __ ] 5:15 in the morning like I got [ __ ] chills it's not alarming to you Shane what the [ __ ] Jesus between Shane snoring and this goddamn ghost I'm gonna kill somebody nice morning sky let's leave what if we find out but there's actually nobody even staying above us all right this place is strange after Shane returned to our normal hotel down the street but I was still bewildered by the footsteps so I stayed back to investigate the only two rooms above our hotel room only one of which was occupied hi I just had a quick question I'm staying downstairs under you and I just out of curiosity were you did you happen to be walking around [Music] okay I'm just like I'm a little spooked I thought it was well there you have it he wasn't walking and not only was he not walking he's been spooked to because he's wondering where the creaking and walking is coming from [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dark Matter
Views: 2,421,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved supernatural, buzzfeed unsolved scariest episode, buzzfeed unsolved scariest moments, scariest buzzfeed unsolved episode, buzzfeed unsolved scary moments, buzzfeed scariest moment, buzzfeed unsolved moments, unsolved supernatural, buzzfeed supernatural, buzzfeed unsolved supernatural scariest episodes, buzzfeed unsolved best moments, unsolved scariest moments, buzzfeed scary, dark matter, dark matters
Id: ygbv5JefCPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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