The Haunted Shadows Of The St. Augustine Lighthouse

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I'm standing at the bottom right now and working my way to the top and if you don't want me to go to the top of your lighthouse you better stop well well the ever formidable st. Augustine lighthouse she's a beaut Brian she's also probably one of the most prolific places when it comes to paranormal activity every big investigator has come in here all of them left with something to be pleased about it and I intend to keep that streak going today huh did you just wink at me no I didn't I think you shine your flashlight at my I'm sorry you could tell yourself whatever you want to I'm just excited to get my little feet inside that lighthouse will strangle a ghoul with our bare hands God willing you know I win if that happens right I don't care it's not a competition no it's not yes we're friends it's a friendship this week on BuzzFeed unsolved we investigate st. Augustine lighthouse as part of our ongoing investigation into the question are ghosts real no this lighthouse has played home to many an investigation in the past and has returned some of my favorite evidence ever captured on tape what does that mean what do you got full-bodied apparition I don't like the way you say that full-bodied every is a full-bodied apparition not the only hand that I didn't know that's not when we're off set he goes we got a full-bodied apparition anyways full-bodied apparition apparition captured in this lighthouse it's a bit of a staple in the ghost community I love a white house I've always wanted to do a lighthouse this is some classic Hardy Boys okay keep it in your pants you could get excited about that if you want I'm excited about the prospect of catching maybe the best evidence we've ever caught I don't care about that if it is you're gonna be like this ghost sounds like do you oh [ __ ] waves this place is just there's a lot of activity in this place okay well this is I'm here for it let's get into it predating Plymouth Rock Jamestown and even Roanoke in 1885 there was st. Augustine established by the Spanish explorer Pedro menéndez de avilés in 1565 st. Augustine is the oldest continually inhabited settlement in the United States located approximately 40 miles southeast of Jacksonville Florida the Spanish held the settlement against the British pirate Sir Francis Drake in 1586 a brutal British attack during Queen Anne's war in 1702 and another fiery British siege in 1740 when Saint Augustine was finally handed over to Britain in 1763 the HMS industry one of the first boats sent to the new territory sank in the waters just below the looming White House if something's been around for hundreds of years isn't it possible it's like I say like you know there's not a lot of haunted Chipotle's but if Chipotle had been around as a chain since the 1500s they landed in America and started putting up Chipotle's they'd all be haunted this is a very apt and L don't know time does not always equal tragedy I refute that it does and I'm saying that this place specifically has a lot of time he does and also if you could find me at Chipotle that had more than three people died in it at any point in any incarnation of that building I'll give you $100 chime off in the comments a lot of snow I bet that's why to you the st. Augustine lighthouse has existed in some form or another since 1586 before finally succumbing to eroding coastlines and falling into the ocean in 88 I'd love to see it I'd love to see it but nobody inside right yeah ideally they'd get everyone out but if they can't do that and I can still get a front-row ticket do you receive videos of demolitions where I have seen them where they fall the wrong way were you uh it's so funny cuz everyone's like yeah this building's huh oh no not that haha the original st. Augustine lighthouse would be known as quote the earliest permanent aid to navigation in the continental United States of America and quote the new lighthouse was completed on October 15th 1874 approximately 500 yards southwest of the original lighthouse the light from the new lighthouse could be seen up to 24 nautical miles away and would have been a bright yellow color that same lens is still in operation at the lighthouse today with over 400 years of history the sight of the st. Augustine lighthouse is sure to have its fair share of ghosts let's get into it one area that's been a notorious source of suspicious activity is the keepers House basement one keeper or assistant supposedly hanged himself in the basement of the keepers house just years after the completion of the new lighthouse and perhaps related volunteers and workers with the museum have claimed to see a man in a blue suit lurking in the shadows staff had the lighthouse seemed to believe this man is Peter Rasmussen who served as the lighthouse keeper from 1901 to 1924 the longest stint of any keeper at the Lighthouse Rasmussen was a smoker hated tourists and in general was a cranky guy now a lighthouse keeper named Peter is often caught down here there's a very tall man in a blue suit who walks around down here also people seem to be pretty uneasy about that corner over here yeah is that feel creepy it's actually kind of comforting you're a psychopath no just come over here and do this I'm not a fan of it no no all right Peter we're told that you particularly have I directed towards tourists and I'll tell you if there are anybody that was more representative of tourism it's the boys look at this guy's shirt yeah look at me well Peter if you're upstairs I'd love to hear you coming down those metal spiral stairs whoa did you whistle I didn't whistle oh I heard Peter is that you Peter they either come on Peter what's the Jim other thing it was in a shout-out boater it's the gem starboard boy I'm gonna go use the head oh and blue skies at night sailor's get in fights blue skies in the morning oh what a beautiful morning we're gonna move to the other basement now Peter another trio of ghosts who haunt this lighthouse treat the entire grounds as their own playground the construction of the new White House took place from 1871 to 1874 and was overseen by a man named Hezekiah aged pity on July 10th 1873 it's reported that pity's children along with one unnamed girl believed to be a workers daughter decided to play in the supply cart that ran from the construction site high on the coastline down to the water below when tragedy struck the supply cart hit a gate and flipped the children into the water pinning them under the cart a worker came to their aid but it was too late two of pitties children Eliza and Mary as well as the unnamed little girl drown before they could be saved can't be horsing around you know I respect that I respect that you know you can horse around in certain areas but a construction site by the ocean some believe the three little girls can be heard playing games like hide-and-seek throughout the grounds one woman supposedly saw a young girl in a red dress in the upstairs window of the keepers house while she stood on the lawn the girl flipped her long hair over her shoulder and then vanished a child's footprints made of dirt were once found in the keepers house despite the fact that no children had been present on the tour that evening people also claimed that the locks in the upstairs rooms wore lock and unlock themselves as if a child is playing with them and in 1965 a guest in the rented keepers House reportedly saw a young girl in the doorway to the upstairs room he was sleeping in she was wearing a long lace dress and stared at the man with a blank expression for several minutes before wait okay so this is the keepers house quite nice a whole cast of characters are said to be inside here parts of the building are still original the brickwork in particular there's a second first in a basement it's a great home after you sir yeah yeah I think that's just ghosts oh hi even if there's no cools in here there is AC so we have that coin for us yeah now Eliza and Mary we are going to turn on a device now that I rather enjoy this thing stinks Wayne loves it oh you're gonna hate it if you would like to communicate with us can you please say our names Bakula that's right Ryan and Shane we got a what sounded like one voiceover five little band war wall tonight Ryan and Shane those are our names - look quieter leave now try to say them or try to say your own name Eliza alright I've had enough oh I love this another area of the keepers house that is quite active is the parlor it's here that people have heard coughing which staff at the Lighthouse assigned to the spirit of William horn horn was one of the first keepers of the lighthouse and unfortunately the first keeper to die at the Lighthouse eventually succumbing to his battle with malaria and tuberculosis in this room the parlor room it's here that people here coughs because he died of tuberculosis contracted in the Civil War not I'm not a pretty way to go coughing up blood no which is I mean that makes sense why would echo throughout time consumption right now I'm reaching out to William Horn we're inside your home right now we're in one of your favorite rooms the parlor remember all the happy times they had here listening to your clock it sure does tick yeah we rarely get spooky clocks like this but this ain't half bad all right we're gonna give you some silence here William if there's anything you'd like to say to us maybe a message you wish you could have communicated before you left Earth okay I'm gonna send one those little tiny chairs and make me look like you I'm gonna give you some silence right now so there you have it I believe we just caught a disembodied cough in which the cough belongs to one William horn sounds like someone getting kicked in the nuts yes it's pretty definitive I feel like yeah it could be a ghost coffin I mean that's the sound that I imagine people hear in that room I'll say this though you know Florida is a very loud place a lot of noises out there a lot of noises but the other thing you have to consider is that it is possible that someone could make some sort of noise or or movement that if it's a quiet noise is amplified by a microphone and sounds from a distance like a louder noise you'd see what I'm saying here maybe I also don't do anything I think you're doing that thing where when I talk you go maybe I just think a cough is a far cry from look at my squeaky little shoe moving I think I'm being quiet in the distance but maybe I'm not I'm surprised you didn't ask hats off to you thank you did you bring my hat just for trust for that that's for that well it came in handy but the most daring of the st. Augustine lighthouse his spirits is the one who can be seen pacing the observation deck 219 stairs up and 165 feet high into the night's sky in December of 1859 60 year-old Joseph and row the keeper of the original lighthouse fell to his death while whitewashing the outside of the lighthouse tower quote the lashing of the scaffold suddenly gave way and he was precipitated to the ground killing him almost instantaneously end quote Joseph's obituary in the st. Augustine Examiner described his death in graphic detail quote he first struck the roof of the oil room about 30 feet below whence he glanced off and struck the stone wall which encloses the lighthouse and thence to the ground a stone pavement and they've really sort of changed the way they do obituaries in the in the in yeah they really have because that is you really wouldn't read something like that nowadays huh describing a man pinballing down a lighthouse in Old English and using words like dents is kind of funny but I mean it's obviously a tragedy yeah nowadays they'd be like oh he died doing what he loved oh you should have seen him bounce on Drew's wife Maria Mestre Dolores Andra took over as keeper on January 7th 1860 becoming the first official female lighthouse keeper for the u.s. in Florida in the first Hispanic American woman to control a federal Shore installation that's pretty badass not a you know not a bummer no not a bummer nice to hear something positive about the White House even though the lighthouse was not incorporated into the u.s. Coast Guard until the 20th century the Honor Maria as the first female employee and one of the first Hispanic employees according to a spokesperson for the Lighthouse Maria has been seen at the top of the lighthouse in a white dress with her long hair down in fact according to Paul and Glaus Key a former Director of maritime education at the Lighthouse there is a padlocked door at the top of the lighthouse that triggers an alarm when opened on multiple occasions this door was found the morning after closing inexplicably opened without triggering set alarm investigations into the anomaly by the alarm company found no explanation for how this repeatedly occurred could this be the work of the ill-fated Joseph and his wife Maria still keeping watch over this haunted Tower I don't care about doors it's a long door I know that's cool anytime there's like any chance of sort of any kind of mechanical failure or just doors in general people always like when you combine the door opening with people seeing apparitions up there yeah I know it's high up there too I mean it could be people still a guard yes if it's a residual haunting it'll be someone that would be doing the same thing over and over again Hey look hands opening the door I don't want to argue with you on this if you're really if you find it compelling that's I'm happy for I do find it compelling yeah great I happy I'm happy for me too good one ghost you won't find haunting st. Augustine Whitehouse is that of cracker Daniels's sisters cat good great I don't need to hear any more I love it this is the best character we've ever had on this show in the early 1900's cracker Daniel's a keepers son dropped his sister's cat off the top of the gallery deck of the lighthouse to test out a parachute he had fashioned amazingly the parachute worked and the cat was not harmed I'll tell you bit that cap made it to the ground and then had a heart attack and died I put our cat in the car and he's like he doesn't like it maybe it speaks to how you're taking care of your cat I don't think cats like to be in cars so I can't imagine they'd enjoy being in a parachute all right the big show well we finally arrived at the big gun you know didn't occur to me until now that this is going to be quite physically taxing this might be the most physically demanding thing we've ever done in this show which isn't saying much I mean yeah we're not physical dudes no but uh this is gonna suck the best ghost evidence of all time in my opinion or at least some of it has been caught right here in this little rotunda kind of crazy actually to be standing in the annals of ghosts history hell of a rotunda I mean they caught an apparition fall out just peeking over the railing I mean to be fair this does seem like the kind of place where stuff would play tricks on me wow that that is oh it's quite cool so tall it makes you feel well it makes me feel like a small guy so it said that the girls haunt this lighthouse has also said that Josef and Maria the keepers at the Lighthouse the former lighthouse that is all those people on this lighthouse we've got a whole cast of characters we could reach out to a lot of room for ghosts too much room in fact actually I was talking to a tor garden the tour guide said they saw something or someone on the third landing that's also where a lot of activity happens so we'll go all the way up to there let's hop up to there oh this is not so bad this lighthouse never thought it would meet the boots of the ghoul boys that's right I'm reaching out to Maria and Joseph right now do any of you want to talk to us I'd love to see you I know whoever's in here likes to mess with people play little tricks we run up and down the stairs you can put us down the stairs if you want you could try if that gives you a chuckle got a automatic right up here oh no this is quite homey up here yeah okay all right Joseph - Maria we're reaching out to you right now my name is Ryan I'm Shane and we're at the top of your lighthouse because we busted in here a couple of degenerates you know what the coolest thing in the world would be what we heard steps at the bottom that would be one get louder and louder you hear me down there give us a little scary movie moment start walking up the stairs one of the time they'd be real scary dazzle us you know what it is I think they're intimidated by us yeah that's it your shirt especially I mean it's pretty scary y-you can see the whole world from up here it's almost like it's an observation deck I know this lighthouse is haunted but I would happily live here I would happily haunt this place exactly I don't want to haunt it I just want to live here what do you think Maria do you like those stars Hey answer our questions lady it's not working about oh you see that light on the dock over there yeah that's actually where Joseph fell from the original lighthouse before I moved well this is crazy the stars I know we're on a ghost hunt right now but a shooting star just went behind me you're talking why didn't you tell me what you saw no no that's a bug now that we've briefly introduced ourselves to this infamously haunted lighthouse it's time to finish off the investigation with individual lockdowns to see if we can coax whatever's hiding in the shadows to come out to play all the time has come before you go up there do you want to explain to all the people at home while you look like bargain bin Tony Stark these are my new ghoul hunting glasses they're supposed to help you drive at night and I thought I'd get my own gear this season so this will help me see ghosts better well whether or not they work you certainly look like an idiot so thank you you have that to hangar basically what I strive for on this show you caught you accomplishment you did a good job all right so I'm going in there going to the top yeah I'm come back down yeah that's the what you're doing a staircase yeah sounds good this is high time for a ghoul to come out and spook me [Music] so far no pools I think when Shane is around it's easy to forget that you're in one of the most horrifying places on earth and now that he's not going to be in there not to say that he's like my daddy or something I don't know why I said have fun with that one Internet alright I am at the top of the lighthouse they do say that ghosts can affect temperatures make things colder wouldn't mind that and this is allegedly the site of a lot of fbas or full-bodied apparitions I feel nothing I really don't I don't get any vibes I haven't felt anything strange all night really I just want to see his eyes for a brief just just just like just the smallest moment I want to see fear in his eyes I'd love to cut away to it right now well that's allowed that's a wild one okay All Right see you later dudes everyone who's gone in there has seen something for the most part if they've gone by themselves you know what I'm eager to add my name to that roster [Music] no you're not working yourself up to it get in there get in walk up the line the lighthouse I know this is the beginning of the season so I don't know if that whole show there was just four I don't know what that was all about I don't know why he suddenly had to psych himself up to go in here arguably I think this is one of the least scary places we've ever been so I don't understand his apprehension and if you don't want me to go to the top of your lighthouse you better stop me it's gonna be okay do not be afraid do not be afraid do not be afraid I don't think it's haunted I don't think anything here is haunted it's really nice architecture it's a big tall round house it's a beautiful light at the top I'm gonna use something right now that's gonna help you speak to me talking to you Maria talking to you Joseph my name is Brian what can you save my name back to me oh my god and fertilize it oh my god Eliza why do you sound like that oh my god how do you hear you hear me I got the chills how did you die and again how did you die he's been in there a while huh scared that's why sayonara you had your chance turn off your right do you are wet I said who's up here what's your name and they're just so clear just Eliza instead of lions and I said how did you die in development you mean that's wild well you got a ghost Congrats you all right you were really yelling in there my brain is mush right now I can't really think I think I did [Music] the couple things to so many the st. Augustine lighthouse was a noble beacon that guided all those lost at sea safely home whether or not his souls in the souls of the brave keepers who worked tirelessly to keep the pain constant now haunt the very lighthouse they so revered will remain relieving goodbye forever I'm leaving getting in the car putting the hotel taking a shower see you slow down slow down okay the better easy easy I'm so glad that's over man I really had a great time on that I'm sure you did [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 7,534,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BUN, Cold case, Creepy, Mini doc, Murder, Mystery, Ryan bergara, SffZ, Shane madej, The Haunting Shadows of The St. Augustine Lighthouse, bizarre, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved network, conspiracy, crime, disappearance, eerie, haunted, investigate, investigation, missing, mysterious death, paranormal, scary story, theories, unexplained mysteries, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, unsolved supernatural
Id: fU-8Rg4CgeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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