The Gettysburg Ghosts of Farnsworth House Inn

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you feel that you feel the vibe of gettysburg it's ominous took us five years but we're finally here at the farnsworth house in the most haunted inn in the world or some say i'd say we're dressed for the occasion i'd say so too it's packed full of uh confederate soldiers and we're interested in union garb well let's uh give them the business then i'd say huh especially since they murdered my family and forced me to enlist in the union army oh you're yes yes and i'm a general that's right after you general improv baby this week on buzzfeed unsolved we investigate the farnsworth house in as part of our ongoing investigation into the question are ghosts real it doesn't get old ever you know what no it really doesn't the house was used as both a sniper's den and a makeshift hospital during the battle of gettysburg one of the bloodiest battles of the civil war its bullet riddled walls would have been where hundreds if not thousands would tragically lose their lives hey something to point out point it out this is an episode about the civil war yes we're both wearing blue not quite the shade mine's blue or like a sky blue and yours is more you kind of look like paddington bear michelle gondry ass over here you look like you're going to ask me for some marmalade those mario brothers you're like the third one uh luigi but uh i see what you're saying and to that note we are going to be dressed in full union soldier attire oh for the most part well i'm glad i packed my mustache then i gotta say the prospect of pissing off confederate ghosts by wearing union outfits let's get into it okay construction on the home began around 1810 and new sections were added in 1833 transforming the building into the house we know it as today the home was later named after brigadier general elon john farnsworth a union soldier who died at just 25 years old during the battle of gettysburg right off the bat we're greeted by good old abe lincoln konichiwa oh you murdered my family now you're gonna die but the japanese involved in the civil war no it's like 40 chinese dudes but i assume these ghosts are all racist so they probably think oh yeah they don't like i don't like you one bit and they can go themselves that's right fought between july 1st and july 3rd of 1863 the battle of gettysburg is widely regarded as the turning point of the civil war tragically it was also among its bloodiest battles of the 165 000 plus soldiers who fought over those three brutal days at least 46 000 were injured and over seven thousand lost their lives on the battlefield it's less than i thought i mean seven thousand people is a lot of people to die that's a lot of people that's a lot of seven thousand people a lot of people like i was like what are you getting in here a lot of people did i i think i have no problem saying i would have probably been a deserter to be honest i don't give a i would have fragged my my commanding officer i wouldn't have a friend pulled a grenade under his cot i've been like hey guys i gotta go take a piss and then i would climb up a tree and i would just sit up there and i would just wait i'm just like it goes clear and then i would come up i'd throw a bunch of dirt on myself and be like oh you're so that was real scary headbutt a tree a couple times get all bloody sarge during the civil war the home was owned by the sweeney family but they sought refuge elsewhere as confederate soldiers took control of the property the home was just over a mile away from the battlefield and possessed a tall enough structure that made the property an optimal shelter for confederate sharpshooters who were tasked with sniping union soldiers as they crossed cemetery hill it is believed that one of these snipers shot 20 year old jenny wade as she worked in her sister's kitchen in their nearby home she was the only civilian killed in the battle of gettysburg thankfully union soldiers retook the property by force on the third day of battle and by late afternoon the confederate army had retreated and gettysburg was won as for the snipers who shot jenny wade it said their spirits haunt the attic of the building where they were posted so this is the attic this is where those shitty sharpshooters were stationed now i'm gonna take my hat off right now not because of any sign of reverence it's because my head feels like a baked potato right if i don't take it off my head's gonna explode all right that woman you killed by the way she had a name jenny wade if you're sitting over there take a look at this jenny wade you shot her while she was doing dishes a handsome woman and what did you do killed her in cold blood in her own kitchen i can't think of anything more disrespectful i don't know if it was on purpose or if it was because you have the shittiest aim this side of the mississippi but you did kill her you have anything to say about that i wouldn't mind sleeping up here honestly it's nice and cool the the sound of the rain is really quite calming and if you're up here with those fellas pretty sure you're not gonna get hurt yeah well i'm gonna leave this photograph uh right here just so you can kind of take a look at it she's right there if you want to feel free to look at that photograph oh boy at this moment our audio recorder picked up this strange dragging noise could this be the sound of a sniper rifle being put into position eyewitness accounts from the room named for the sweeney family who once owned the property tell a vivid story of one soldier who may have never left as a guest of the inn lay in bed she heard the door to her room open and footsteps straight across the creaky wooden floor thinking it was her husband finally coming in from the tavern the woman reached up to turn on the light and found no one in the room positive she had been dreaming she turned off the light and went back to bed again the door opened and footsteps made their way across the floor but this time she felt someone sit at the edge of her bed and begin to take off their heavy boots setting them down one by one in front of the dresser she reached up to turn on the light and once again the woman found herself to be quite alone in her room with nothing but the imprint of where someone had one sat on the edge of her bed outlined in her comforter let's go to the sweeney room now apparently a psychic who visited this place would not even enter this room well they say stuff like that a lot that's fair that is fair i mean hey could one of you ghosts sit on this bed i'd love to see your buns i mean that's what we're here for we traveled very far from california to see your beautiful buns there ain't nothing more in this world that i want to see right now than those man mounds so let's have it put those two beautiful cakes on here let's see them just get them on there come on now that's not what i want to see come on now if you put you could demonstrate what the butt print might look like let's get my old flat ass on there and i'm really gonna yeah there we go yep okay nice and nice and hot don't know about the weird motion of the ocean you're doing but i'll you know you know what you're right i think that's sufficient okay okay an extra a bonus i like that don't you dare say you son of a after all that i mean there's kind of an ass print if i walked in here and saw that i wouldn't say now that's an ass no that's weak if anything okay well that is yeah quite a view are you there did you just get possessed what's going hello ryan this is the scariest thing that's ever happened on this show what are you doing right now ryan ricky just kidding okay again look at that look at the outline right there you can see the clear outline of the ass right there and the crack that's a strong crack yeah it all just looks like wrinkles though is there anybody in here with us say my name back to me if you want to communicate my name is ryan what do you want to talk about november 23rd it's a hot cool day it's crazy what does it say this year did you hear that no i heard i'm in pain i'm serious i am serious help i'm in pain no i'm serious it sounded like i rewind this footage right now let's cut and let's rewind our footage why are you in pain [Music] are you bleeding what you realize you're a prolific loser what did it say is that so yes that's so that is so you are prolifically one of the biggest losers in history if not the biggest well we're going to leave do you not want us to leave leave you know you're the first person who's ever told me to leave when i asked that i appreciate the honesty you are an but well that was eventful it was a lot that was a lot of the radio i don't know i don't know the schultz family who has owned the property since 1972 claimed there are 16 spirits that currently occupy the residence several of these are that of fallen soldiers from the battle of gettysburg they believe that these spirits continue to patrol the house quote as if stuck in a continual loop forever fulfilling their military duties end quote however one of the non-soldier spirits is a woman found in the schultz room named for the current owners of the home guests have reported the sensation of being tucked in under their covers at night many attribute this to the possible ghost of a midwife from the 1800s who may have worked at the home while it was being used as a makeshift hospital after the war this is the schultz room here you know you okay yeah i hit the ceiling a little too much booze before the war not enough boots that's the thing about this show oh very good yeah you son of a hello my name is ryan i'd like to be tucked in please thank you i'm shane yes tuck me in too i'm a sweet guy please tuck me in mama pretty please please i can't do it my little arms hurt too much my little baby arms can't join myself [Music] you know just a couple of grown men in union general outfits uh crying like a baby yeah that's like they're like why why are they wearing blue uniforms they should be wearing gray ones and bones why don't we turn the lights off just for um 30 seconds yeah that's right and maybe they'll tuck us in there yeah see what happens do you like that more will you tuck us in now okay now let's give them the old uh silent silence here yeah all these beautiful butterflies on the ceiling yeah this is actually a dream come true for me i would love nothing more than to stare up at all these beauties every night before i oh that's right i always forget that you're a huge freak perhaps the most well-known spirit in the farnsworth house inn is that of an eight-year-old boy named jeremy the story goes that in the 1800s jeremy was playing horse and wagon tag when he tripped and was run over by a passing carriage local townspeople carried the boy inside the home where he sadly passed away in what is now the sarah black room named after a previous owner of the home people believed jeremy to be a very active yet benevolent ghost mostly known for his playfulness recently one guest filmed a little boy rolling a marble to what appeared to be no one only to have it roll back perfectly every time despite no physical reason for its return one guest even claims to have captured jeremy's visage in the small mirror in the bathroom which according to the story is the exact location of jeremy's death i'm excited to see if the marbles work on this boy yeah and if it does perhaps i'll lose my marbles i think you lost those a while ago buddy we're on season seven you're gone you but also true jeremy i heard what happened to you that stinks man i know what happened in this bathroom do you want to talk about it if you move the marbles we'll let you go to heaven jesus man you gotta tell him it's up these are my methods man you're there's up myth you're mad you're too afraid to say this kind of stuff but that's what's going to get results i don't know about that say it i don't know about that jeremy if you play with these marbles i'll buy you an ice cream and he'll talk to god and let you go to heaven i won't do that but there's an ice cream shop right across the street i'll get you a nice cone and if you don't move these marbles you'll go to hell that is also not true if you do if you don't move these marbles you're going straight to hell wee yeah look at me shane won't you roll one towards me show them what we were the most fun a boy could have were you a marble guy no surprise when do you think i was born what was that i heard like it sounded almost like that curtain moving in there was somebody in the bathroom jeremy is that you there was a noise in there i hear that you like to uh to show up in people's pictures in the mirror shush jeremy can you let us know you're here ryan go and go in the bathroom alone sure close the door behind you i need my phone to take a picture are you in here with me jeremy ryan's all alone right now he'd love for you to visit him hmm jeremy i hear you like to show up in pictures do you know what a picture is i mean they had pictures that's true here we go jeremy i'm gonna turn off my light and i'm gonna take some pictures in the mirror this is a classic horror movie trope brian does this at home all the time it's how i have fun i mean look in that photo nothing in that one jeremy let's take it again i'm actually pretty suspensed out right now let me see let me see oh there's a little orb right there we got an orb jeremy are you in here with me oh no that's just a reflection that was not that's a false orb false orb okay here's christ my heart started racing jeremy since it's been a little tough to talk to you in other methods we have a flashlight right here all you have to do is tap it to turn it on jeremy are you in here with us right now turn the flashlight on right now if you are i guess he's not in here what other room are we going to is there anybody else in this room with us that's not jeremy if so turn off the light right now we got some flickers oh maybe okay if you're a confederate soldier with us in here a rebel turn on the light right now that would be a no if you're none of those people turn on the light oh who's here turn off and turn on do you have nothing to do with the civil war if so turn off the light oh oh it's kind of nailing it right now okay i'll figure out like 20 questions this is fun i'll figure out who you are who are you this is fascinating okay i wish you could give us a hint it's cool that you visited here and i'm sorry that you died and are haunting this place but you're not like a super interesting person no did you die here if you did turn off the light then why are you here what are you doing did you just like it here do you just love civil war history is that what it is turn off the light if you love civil war history okay you're you're really person's weird you're just a strange being do you think we're boring turn off the light if you think we're boring because then i know you're lying i've been called many things in my life oh you i swear to god you don't like that you better not turn that light off i dare you buddy boy you're in for a world of hurt oh no you did not i don't think you're a boring guy i'm tired of you and i'm tired of your whole situation you know we've talked to a lot of uh ghosts yeah because they're real yeah and you're one of the dumbest we've ever spoken to dull as hell we're gonna leave this sucks if you don't want us to leave turn off the light really hope you don't good okay well goodbye then that's incredibly rude and they turn off the light they don't want us to leave we're fun guys we're fun guys and we're good we're good at parties okay we're leaving bye jeremy the most haunted part of the building might be the cellar which during the civil war was turned into a temporary field hospital to treat those wounded in battle the makeshift ward would witness countless deaths and injuries throughout the harrowing days and weeks that followed down to the big bad we go there's a low door it is this is the seller jesus crystal this is the seller this is uh this was used as a makeshift civil war hospital back in the day uh this is probably where the bodies were dumped this the cellar yeah so obviously not great i mean but i'm gonna dump them out of the attic window you know come down here that's true is there anybody down here with us can you turn that light off if abraham lincoln is down here turn that light on oh love your address dude it was good if robert e lee is down here can you turn that light on right there that ain't him he's not hanging around some basement why not he lost oh hey hey rob bobby if that is you you really blew it yeah suck my balls dude bob if you would like to suck our balls can you turn that light off yeah if you would love to suck our balls turn that light off oh wow dude okay great at this moment our audio recorder picks up this threatening voice make matters worse there's also a door in the cellar with a cross painted on it by none other than famed investigator lorraine warren the owners of the building claim the door is said to be trapping a dark entity behind it i mean can we open it i don't think we can i mean he didn't say i couldn't but i feel like this one why why would you do that did you open it yeah why would you do that well it just looks like the sort of ac unit and stuff for the hot water heater it's keeping the heat in well come on out if anyone was in there hope you slipped through the crack when i opened it not thrilled that you opened that door you know what when i opened it i felt something move did you did you ryan i did i hope it eats your soul when you're done by yourself because we're going to be down here by ourselves by the way this is where we're doing our individual which i'm not thrilled about well you won't be alone down here i will be alone down here you'll have uh this creepy child yeah look at that who doesn't want that next to them hi ryan are you trying to intimidate me or the ghost i don't really know but yeah i'm gonna go down there yeah what do you think you're going to find i hope i find the devil i hope he's real red and has a little pointy tail i hope he does too i hope he doesn't have to kiss him well i hope you don't come back upstairs okay i'll be back all right oh every time i hit this door okay heading down to the basement by myself what are we gonna find down here probably the same stuff we found before i've never wanted to fight a ghost on this show but this is the first place i feel like well i guess the axe murder house but i was scared of that guy these these rebel wank jobs yeah i don't know i i think i could handle myself down there with these guys as haunted places go this place is one of the first ones that's this decked out they really got this place bumping with uh some freaky like my good friend here this guy hello sir those are some lovely uh what are those daisies lilies you don't look well oh yeah if there's any ghosts or ghouls or mummies or draculas he always talks about mummies and draculas never once have i said there's been a mummy or a dracula in the building it would be pretty sweet though i'm gonna turn my light off that's a great golden opportunity for you to come out and just you know goose me wiggle me around pull my hair spit in my mouth do whatever you gotta do to make me personally believe in you it would be such a get you guys you don't even know millions of people will watch this and if you you know say hi to me right now it'd be pretty sweet i'd flip my lid i'd have to eat a big old humble pie i'd have feathers sticking out of my mouth all the crow i'd be eating i'd be pooping feathers for months [Music] now i'm ready to hunt ghosts well actually that guy made me a little busy is that my time the time has come all right well sorry folks you had your chance as you always do and you didn't take it as it always sort of shakes out you see anything down there oh ryan i don't even want to talk about it you know wait wait ryan i think there's something really off about this place did you just did i say that did you read my mind no i'm just i'm just i'm just going off the script i know we joke we have fun here something right down there okay you did your part something right you did your part i don't envy him right now it's the scariest place i've ever been there's a gorgail and several pictures somebody talked to me upstairs that was one of you rebel and uh if you'd like to show yourself and you find yourself to be a big man come get me if you're a history buff you like the civil war you gotta check it out but it does smell you're really talkative upstairs somebody said they were in pain said help me i'm in pain but i assume once again that was one of you rebel in which case i'm not going to help you but i can finish you off you know what i mean [Laughter] miranda funding you know what i mean you know what i mean mean ah this is what it feels like to be shane in one of these shitty places i'd love one of these days for him to come out of a solo investigation covered in blood but his own blood maybe for the finale of this season fingers crossed we'll get there i've said this earlier today but uh you guys really are the most prolific losers in history i heard ryan was it ryan did someone finally decide to show up to class what what's your name you know what a racist is [Music] not me did you just say you you dude whoa where was that what would you say that again what's your name what out of all the historical sites i would like to visit the moon the most that's one that i'd be like are you kidding me they put a little flag up there that i'd like to see this place is cool though i guess it looks like our time alone has come to its startling conclusion folks but this has been fun and uh i hope you learned something i hope you learned that you took sass from a mustachioed asian hispanic man enjoy that l ah adios well another one in the books the history of the farnsworth house inn is one of unimaginable tragedy and bloodshed so close to a battlefield that witnessed the deaths of thousands it is impossible to comprehend the brutal fate suffered by so many but whether those lost souls still patrol its hallways will remain unsolved [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 4,340,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HALLSC, The Gettysburg Ghosts of Farnsworth House Inn, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved network, buzzfeed unsolved supernatural, creepy, ghost hunting, haunted, haunted house, paranormal, spirits
Id: p-L0WIQsi5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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