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where we're going right now is by far the most haunted they said you were about to die for this week's video I am going to the most haunted house in all of America to see If ghosts are real but I don't know anything about ghost hunting so before we go do that I'm gonna head to the second most haunted house in America I can feel the spirits from outside I haven't even gone inside yet no you can't I felt some weird presences here to be honest are you terrified to go on this ride not really I feel like it's like kiddish yeah chance for sure yeah I'm not scared either it's America's most haunted house is anything like Disneyland's Haunted Mansion then we're going to be in for a wild ride I can feel the spirits in here you guys they are strong and they are Mighty we are not safe ghost after all that I felt like I was finally ready I'm definitely not ready behind me is the Whaley House it is the most haunted house in all of America and tonight we're gonna see if that's true or not kind of hoping it's not true and I wasn't gonna do this alone so I asked some of my friends to come with me but they all said absolutely not yeah dude I would totally go with you of course you would absolutely not okay yeah why not really I would love to see If ghosts are real okay be fun let's go okay since you guys are the only two that said yes to going to this haunted house at the end of the night I want one of you to go in by yourself no way everywhere no I'm not yeah you're gonna do it no no you guys are gonna play Rock Paper Scissors to see who has to go in by the way Rock Paper Scissors Shoot yeah [Music] yeah what what are you trying to say bro do you guys I would have to see it to believe it but I don't want to see it yeah we don't pull ghost thing to be fake I've been to a couple haunted places before and let me tell you there are ghosts you just have to respect them and give them the space okay well we're gonna see if we all feel the same way after tonight how many people died in this house so we know I have at least four different people that passed away in the house some of them for now there's a ghost for each one of us obviously can't see ghosts so I brought someone who can this is Amanda hi thank you so much for inviting me we go we you see ghosts since I was two I used to draw them before I could speak it's just always described it I have one foot on this side one foot wherever they are and since we obviously don't know what we're doing Amanda is going to be helping us out along the way yay let's go not that I don't like you Amanda I mean you just you know you have a past of I mean you see ghosts oh whatever you guys need I'm here to help you out can you let us know when you see one absolutely if you see a hot single ghost for Jeremy let him know they have to be dead to be willing to go out with Jeremy oh yeah one of the most interesting rooms is the dining room family had a great granddaughter her name was Marianne Reynolds she was playing around in her home by accident in just that and poisoned she passed away shortly after right before she turned two okay so this is the she is most seen bottle says poison why would she eat it if it says she's a little she can't read so since she's known to be seen in this room we're gonna see if we can try to find Marianne okay so the first tool that we're gonna be using is a red pod and set it down here Amanda can you explain what a rem pot is so it can detect a few different things get near it there's different colored lights you'll notice the furthest one should be green and then as you get closer it'll start in purple oh my God something is touching the antenna yeah it sounds like a siren yeah that's a little experience I'm gonna make sure that you have temperature turned on if we hear a siren I'm running out of the house I'm curious now but I really don't want to see this actually happen I know I actually don't really want to do this at all I think that if we introduce ourselves it'll make her feel more comfortable less like we're strangers you know these people were living let's do it then my Palms are sweating oh yeah same area my name is Jeremy Hutchins who's the most meat on his bones out of all of us present yourself if you want to we're all nice people hi Marion my name is Brent look like a really sweet girl you know you dress nicely yeah nice bow nothing to be scared of right say hi Marion I'm Lexi you know I really hope that you can come out we would be delighted to have you hang out with us tonight Marianne you might recognize me I've been here a couple times before lots of new friends well they brought me um you've probably seen this device did you hear that out there yeah oh hell no that was that what was that no no there's nothing out here but that was loud footsteps and the door I'm gonna tell you that she's in here with us she's over there in that corner oh my God she's actually here yeah she's been here since uh you started introducing yourself she wasn't behind you so I didn't want to interrupt we've been in this room for a little bit now and the REM pod has not gone off so ghost zero Lexi one Lexi won you mean us one yeah we're all in this together hey guys we can't forget Mariana's still in this room should we say bye or does she want to like hang no matter where we go if she wanted to come with us she will one point the Whaley House was San Diego's first commercial theater Thomas Tanner opened up in 1868 and started having performances shortly after that he passed away but many claim when you're in the theater you might feel something brushing against your neck he was a ladies man so in particular women in that room I feel something playing with their hair or even grabbing their hip so we just got to the theater this is the room where Thomas Tanner who ran the theater unfortunately passed away all right the next tool that we're using are cat bowls basically you set these down and they eventually turn off but if something goes near them touches them they will turn back on and start to light up like this we're gonna place them down these turned off so like I said if they turn back on it means something is near them or touching them which I really hope these don't turn on again this morning Amanda sent me a DM and it was one of the worst messages I've ever received it scared the absolute crap out of me basically she said that Mrs Whaley came to her house in the morning and she won wanted to know if any of us here could play the piano because according to Amanda playing the piano is like a trigger object okay I do know a song [Music] that wasn't bad actually going off no Mrs Whaley's room light just went away it did that light it was on there's no one in there did that happen when you were here last time no the lights never ever turned on or off I don't like this man okay I knew the lights were turning on and off inside of the room but it didn't know that the cap ball was going off too so that means she's going back and forth oh be careful I'll just turned back on I did huh it did it did really did I just moved it from over there to over here it was off it's a trigger object and we've all been standing around playing it also have you guys noticed the DraStic temperature change in here like extremely hot oh my God oh my God I thought I was sweating because I was nervous I'm starting to like not feeling a couple over there and the lights are off again I did not like this here go investigate so this is not related to sound it's nothing like that it's literally if something touches it and it's like it's hard to get it to move it wouldn't be going off just from you touching a key look wait how's it bro [Music] no way oh the lights back on again too oh my God oh my God you gotta go over there there's no one here look for uh this is Mrs Whaley's room it's literally nothing by this light switch okay we're gonna we're gonna go and check out another place of the home uh we're gonna check out the downstairs area compared to everything that we've been through tonight where we're going right now is by far the most haunted and not by kind Spirits like the Whaley family provide the spirit thank you Jeff when you walk through the property and you enter the Parlor you'll see an archway the legend Thomas Whaley built the house on the execution grounds and it's believed that the archway that stands between two of the parlors is the exact spot where people were held back in 1852. one of the daughters got married at a very young age she did get a hold of her dad's gun she went into the outhouse the bathroom which was outside and her father heard the gunshot got her into the house and she later passed away in the Parlor once we made our way to the Parlor Room and started to gather b-roll Jeremy saw something that would change the course of the entire investigation you see that I actually did see the curtain complete the air off okay no no get over there hmm oh you know what's in here this is and did you hear a tap on the glass this is an original dress from the Whaley family and there's no we literally turned the fan on there's no open Windows no draft no open doors back there what was that okay we're gonna we need to get out go Jeremy go we're gonna be using another ghost hunting tool in this room it is called the Estes method requires a blindfold and headphones and prints put that on Amanda explain what this is actually it requires one more thing a Spirit Box so it's just a regular radio like AM FM radio but you're able to get going backwards shuffling through fast enough that no real language could come through nothing that you'd be able to understand we're going to blindfold Brett put noise canceling headphones on him and hook him up to the Spirit Box so when we ask him questions he's not able to hear what we're asking which just validates that whatever comes through on the Spirit Box whatever he hears is undeniably what a spirit is responding the feeling that's gonna be really crazy let's do it I have a suggestion you're not gonna like well thank you have no you can't hear me Kenny this is perfect I think you should put him directly where the Gallows were where everyone was hanging you like the sound of that Brad he doesn't know what's happening and it's nice he doesn't know all right Brent is all hooked up I think it's time we start asking the spirit some questions and Brent is going to be telling us their answers all right we're gonna introduce ourselves again my name is Amanda hi I'm Lexi I am Jeremy specifically like to speak to the spirit of Yankee gym you sure we want to speak to him or any other criminal who is hanged here where we're standing is there anyone here with us now who would want to say anything one four one four fourteen or one of them and four of us it's just all that they would say one four instead of 14. do you feel not safe because it swipe slightly I do we're just here to open a line of communication tell us something about where we are any of us Pantry what the pantry is right next to where Marianne passed away baby no it was a baby no no did you live here did you die here follow we don't want to follow you this isn't Instagram we don't want to follow you and on that same note you're not welcome to follow any of us dollars he robs people and he stole a boat [Music] it said like death three times in a row three times in a row I'm done with that thing oh my God okay that's not a good sign no no I mean I feel like it's telling us they want us to leave maybe we uh somebody else under for one more minute we asked him if they want us to stay or if they want us out but the fact that they told you death three times I think that's our sign I think we need to go now are we safe here somebody just walked by the hearth white shadow Thomas I wonder if that was Thomas that walked by wait is that Thomas the the dad yeah Thomas Whaley oh my God oh my God who died upstairs right oh so there's two Jeremy didn't know that everyone doesn't like pick up information like that I swear to Jeremy did not know that is it Thomas Whaley said you were about to die well this is where people used to die and you said Thomas Thomas Whaley that's the dad no I want to leave now the guy that freaking hear this stuff because I want to leave now I don't want to put that on I want to leave now I heard Thomas I heard you are about to die and I heard like I heard yep like a lot like yep like confirming yeah let's get out of here now as you guys know we played rock paper scissors earlier to see who would go into the house by themselves and Brent was our lucky winner I don't know why I'm doing this literally we heard a knock on this glass door this is their actual dresses that they used to wear and it's in this glass and then we heard a knock on it earlier so this is one of the scariest rooms in the house this is the um the REM the REM pod I have this just in case okay so earlier Jeremy was saying Thomas Thomas which is Thomas Whaley Thomas if you're in here just come near this thing make a motion use it death three times in my ear if you want me to die come near this Lane Thomas if if this doesn't go off in one minute then this is my house and I'm gonna I'm gonna take this house from you all right thing literally just went off that thing literally just went up it was green all right I don't care I don't care that the tenant isn't up I'm leaving now I'm getting out of here right now I'm out all of us should say out loud you know set your boundaries and tell everything that we dealt with here tonight it needs to stay here nothing is welcome to follow us home nothing is allowed to follow me home tonight Mr Whaley everything needs to stay here including Jeremy let's go okay see you later hey I need to say my quote good luck hey nobody can follow me home except for Lexi [Music]
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 3,765,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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