Scammer Gets Scammed With Fake Gift Card Redeem (Extreme Anger)

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This is seriously one of my all time favorite calls.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheStBlaine 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
why do you have to talk about the manager are you the ftc i don't think there are scammers out there targeting the elderly trying to steal as much money as they can today's call i go undercover as an elderly old man falling for the scam and ruin their day this scammer gets really angry with me as the call goes on and part of it's because he believes another scammer is actively taking money from me and he's getting nothing for all of his effort thanks for getting connected with the norton support team my name is daniel how may i help you said your order yesterday please with help of your details so this is a verification call to confirm do you like place this order or want to cancel this order i'd like the money back do you think someone accidentally purchased norton as well i think hello sorry i i think i got a call from someone else saying that someone purchased norton i'm wondering if my identity might have been stolen or something i think there's kind of a problem don't have to worry let me first check okay well i got i i got a i got a call from amazon saying someone spent 1700 and then i got a text message from an unknown number that says your phone is compromised do not talk to anyone who's that that might be the fraudulent per person who is trying to hack your system so we would have to check and let you know uh my name is bernat i'm calling you from paypal there was an order has been placed from your paypal account worth of 579 dollars and 66 cents for bitcoin sorry sorry no freaking excuse me not right now i'm i'm in the middle of something i got someone bought norton too see first of all what we will be going to do this person who plays this order from your paypal account yeah these are the hacker from overseas they are trying to steal your information and they're trying to place orders i got a guy from norton who's trying to help me too so if you could call me back okay so what we will be doing right now we will be providing you the okay what exactly do you see was that french were you speaking french okay first of all you hang up the call from them hello you hang up the call from them guys both of you listen to me i i i got a call from amazon just a few minutes ago i just got a text message from someone saying that i mean that i'm being happy the person who is trying to talk to you on the phone he's trying to steal information from you okay one of you okay i this isn't this this isn't a scam i got a call from amazon i got a call from norton now a call from paypal and a text from someone saying they're from microsoft everyone says that i've been hacked everyone says that i've got my my identity's been stolen you guys just have to work either work together or or one of i can only talk to one of you like so you talk to me for now all right from the other line it's very clear he has already hang up the call to the norton listen you hang up the call with them and talk to me right now okay let me make you understand what exactly i don't hang up anything first because if i talk to paypal call because the person who's talking to you on the phone he's trying to do illegal work oh no don't hang up on me we are almost complete hang up them hang up on them hang up on them first sir so just hang up the call with that guy richard please just hang up the call with that guy you're not understanding he's trying to screw you up wait what do you mean so i will make you understand just hang up the call with them first with whom no you won't hang on you have to hang up with the norton right now hang up with the norton right now richard hang up the are you hanged up yet i think so now listen to me very carefully why did not answer anyone because okay i just got a text message that says this is the chairman of the ftc do not talk to anyone your phone lines have been compromised your hack you've been hacked that is what i was telling you that is why we were telling you the person who was talking to you right now this is crazy i've never had anything happen like this i mean a couple a couple years ago i watched this movie called shrek and there was a point where donkey donkey was comparing life to onions and if it feels kind of like this right now it's like there's so many layers i feel like i understand exactly why what the donkey was talking about all these all these years now it's great oh jeez and richard listen to me very carefully one thing all right in the middle if anyone calls you do not attend anyone's call right now as i am talking to you well you need to talk to me only all right don't talk to don't talk to any norton guy or anybody from amazon okay at this point give me one second though i am getting another phone call just two seconds i'll tell them to call me back don't answer that don't answer don't answer now i'm just pretending there's other scammers to make him mad why what happened this is bernard i was just talking to you from paypal hey sorry yeah somebody somebody uh said that this was the vice president of the united states and i i was like i don't know i don't know about that what happened what did he told you he said that he was your boss and that he also taught you how to do everything in school and that he's your dad i i which i kind of don't believe if i'm honest but uh any anyway listen are you trying to are you trying to [ __ ] around with me richard i need you to cancel the paypal order i don't know what this other guy's saying but i can you i i don't give a damn what that [ __ ] is telling you what i need you to do i need you to follow my instructions so like ah i can get this thing done sure um sorry sorry okay richard are you gonna follow my instruction uh yeah are you gonna do what i'm asking you to do or you're not going to do yes the scammer will guide you to install some sort of tool that they can use to remotely control your computer and then they'll ask you to fill out a cancellation form which is essentially useless but helps explain why they need to be on your computer which is actually so when you log into your bank account they can hide the screen and make it look like they gave you too much money here i'll i'll show you it says congratulations refund is being processed okay hey thank you so much uh burnett and listen i'm gonna call um it's not done yet what's his name richard richard written it's not done yet just kind of see what we're working with damages have been and find out where to go from there so i might call you i guess once i'm done maybe i can get some advice from you on can you listen to me can you please listen to me richard rich i really really appreciate your i need you to listen to me richard please and uh yeah first of all i'm telling you richard please do listen to me right now what we are doing right now we will be initiating the funds into your checking account okay uh okay so write down first of all i need you to grab a fresh piece of paper and a pen at the moment has it not happened yet or it's not had it's not happened yet can you see the statement do you see the statement has been happened yeah it just has um yeah i don't see anything from you guys that's what so first of all if you haven't gotten any money from us yet so we will be going ahead and initiating this transfers into your account so what i need you to do i need you to first of all i need you to write down the available balance which you have in your checking account everything in the bank right now is is all i have left for my wife and i and you know i can't work anymore uh and well i've been trying to come up with something but i know it's kind of difficult yeah so i do understand it's kind of difficult for you to survive at this point of time right well healthcare you know healthcare costs have gone up so much sure it's crazy because my wife my wife's medical medical procedures are covered by insurance and so it's like every month we're paying a couple couple grand for those by the way i should say this richard uh i normally been through a lot of people can't see the screen normally it just looks like this um but this is like a transparent so you can see what he's doing he's editing the bank account html sometimes when you're young it seems like you can take advantage or you know cut corners here and there and you figure i'm fine i'm young but i tell you what it comes back to haunt you it comes back to haunt you that's right yeah foreshadowing is uh karma is a [ __ ] you know karma is a [ __ ] uh what goes around that comes yeah no i guess yeah you could say that okay so what you gotta do you gotta put your full name over there first on the first line so go ahead and start filling out the full name where it's asking you for the customer name you won't be able to type the name just beside that okay okay hold on a second i'm gonna call from now just put you okay don't answer anyone's call right now don't answer anyone's call right now okay richard except they spelled white wrong okay hold on let me give me two seconds let me try to let me check who this is richard hold on richard listen richard listen just put your name there and don't answer anyone's call right now because this is a goddamn serious job okay no we will send you the money directly into your checking account if you watch closely you'll notice the scammer types a bunch of zeros to make it look like i did something wrong when in reality this is just a command prompt and it doesn't do anything he just wants to blame it all on me later oh oh uh there's something wrong with my keyboard i think when i pressed zero oh no richard are you listening richard are you listening yeah i just keep messing up sorry 570 dollars point zero zero no please why isn't this working right would you listen to me adding too many zeros i think oh no no it's cancel it cancel it type cancel ty oh god oh no no no no okay can't how about quit or stop stop stop i oh my god what have you done my oh keyboard richard what have you done instead of five i asked you to type 570 and instead of that you put 557 000 how can you make a such a big mistake like that richard alexa what i need you to please listen to me now alexa won't talk to me are you talking to me sorry what did you what did you say sorry i'm trying to i'm trying to find out the just hang up the call if you're calling anybody just hang up that call are you gonna you're gonna can you call the world bank for us i will co i will help you i will help you to get this thing done so just please get the world bank online okay okay richard i've just notified that instead of 570 dollars you've made a mistake by putting two extra zero there and instead of 570 dollars you've gotten 57 000 right oh my god so how can you make a such a big mistake like that how can you be so irresponsible richard i believe this is happening to me okay what did i do wrong you know i tried i've tried my best to just what i've tried my best to just work hard yes i'm not blaming you listen listen you know holy jesus will you stop doing that and listen to me i'm a good boy i was a good person you know i i i give i i donate to the to the church are you trying to waste my time are you trying to waste my time mr richard i'm going through a lot right now and now with this god i can't get a break you need to reinverse this money right now back to us otherwise we are going to block your bank account so you will not be able to use a single penny from your account so what do you want to do are you going to reinverse the thousand dollar back to us enough yeah uh uh what does you want me to reinvest the money what okay you need to go to your bank i will give you my receiver information you need to make the via transfer international wire transfer okay okay yeah have you ever made a physical wire transfer have you ever made a physical international wire transfer i've gotten physical before okay make the via transfer right yeah i believe you can do that i've done that before like when i saw when i when i said did the down payment for for the for the for the business i had to do that the bus will be here i don't want to do that five to six minutes so i i don't i have to run over there i don't have a long time are you you're going by bus yep now okay now focus and listen to me very carefully what you gotta do you gotta go to your bank don't say anything just withdraw ten thousand dollar in cash then go to the target store all right okay once you go to the once you've got the cash you need to tell me yeah burn it i've got the cash first you gotta come out of the bank and you've got to tell me i've got the cash yeah then i'm going to tell you what you're going to do with the cash okay sure sure thank you okay i'm going to get on the bus uh i have made a mistake but that's okay hi and where's your bike right now my wife is busy right now she's very okay very busy she's at the uh she's at the doctors is the doctors see the doctors yes okay that's fine hey ma'am um i'm pleased i humbly request you whatever happened in between you and me do not try to disclose this matter to a third person no no no no do you understand that yeah don't try to say these things in front of anybody or don't try to talk to like you know about these things whatever happened in front of anyone okay what would happen if thank you i really appreciate it because there's someone like right next to me what would happen if so you don't need to talk to me right now when you are once you're in front of the target store you can let me know yep on it i've reached this audit store okay okay sure sure thank you well i mean otherwise it's just kind of weird it's kind of i kind of prefer i kind of prefer talking on the phone when i'm on the bus because otherwise it feels like i'm not doing anything you know it's fine you tell me richard what you what do you used to do ah yes buy buy a hundred shares of tesla but no no no no sell them sorry sell them sell them we're rich no you know don't mind what i'm just pretending i'm just pretending because i want this lady over here to think that i'm rich it's fine you know what i mean it's fine richard and this is how businessmen talk there's not too many people on the bus i think everyone's afraid because uh they said the last time this bus ran they had it serviced the whole there's only one bus that comes through my area sorry is it too loud for you can you still hear me because i think it's pretty loud yeah i can hear you but like i'm getting the background noise okay yeah well kind of on the bus style there's not a lot i could know all i can do to fix that so no it's fine richie you have to stay busy in this one there's this lady next to me she's blissfully unaware so i don't know if she looks like she's a little bit a little bit older than me she's clenching a google play card though she's she's got a google play anyway oh my god okay can you hear me hey is it better sure yeah i can hear you now okay now what i'm saying right now for the security purpose you're not allowed to hang up the phone okay yeah because my because my company manager they're monitoring this call so if you hang up the phone they might think that you're trying to get away with our company's money okay hey i just missed my stop because i was talking to you you're yammering all you're yapping over here like like a broken record and i just now i gotta wait until the next stop oh i'm so sorry so i'm really very sorry geez it's busy you think it's christmas what is happening yes it's almost christmas okay bye i'm buying it from my grandchildren i think i remember where the cards are that's something that'll work or not no look for target card look for target part oh yeah i think we better avoid that looks like i gotta talk to the manager to buy if i had to buy more than no see gift card c there are so many scams are going on all over the world so that's that is for the security purpose it says due to an increase in phone scams anyone who wants to buy more than one uh 500 why do you have to talk about the manager why do you need to talk to managers that's what the signs i told you it's just what the sign says i'm not no because you know that listen you know that very well there you don't need to lose any patron who wants to purchase more than 500 that's what it says now richie what i need you to do i need you to get 4 500 target gift card if they ask you for what purpose are you buying these just tell them i'm buying it for my grandchildren that's all that will be the story and that will be the end burnett has spent all afternoon trying to convince me to buy gift cards and as far as he's concerned i was just in the store purchasing them my plan is to go back home and pretend that one of the scammers from before keeps calling me and has convinced me to give them the gift cards instead which should make burnett quite disappointed frank frank sorry we got disconnected listen i i understand i'm trying to figure this out i've been talking to some guy from paypal all day today i've been running from storage store to store i just calm down please okay okay okay you got the gift cards listen i don't want to talk anymore you got the gift cards in front of you right what's this oh no god i'm on the wrong this is bernard hold on hold on i gotta talk to frank give me two minutes he said there's you need to talk to me because i'm going to block your bank account police who are going to come to my house if i don't handle this i'm sending a lawyer i'm standing i will i'm i will send your attorney who's going to handle all that don't worry all about all that okay i mean now i'd rather have the attorney come then than the police just give me yes so i will send you the attorney so stop talking to them and listen to me very carefully because if you won't listen to me you're going to be up if you put me on hold i'm going to block your bank account right now are you going to put me on hold yes of course okay i'm back listen i told them to wait you got one minute to explain how this is this is crazy right now i the police are on their way to my house apparently someone's been hacking my internet and they've been using it to like okay now listen speak white and listen to me all right pvp clans i i i i i none of this makes any sense hold on a second you don't answer that phone don't answer that call for christ's sake listen i i can't talk to you right now he he said i'm going to go to prison they have to confiscate they you're going to have to call me later you're going to have to call me tomorrow okay if you won't listen to me if you won't listen to me i'm going to block your bank account right now okay and it's gonna be it's gonna be in front of a whole court system and everything all right so hold on like okay now i don't give a [ __ ] about them now listen to me you do what i say all right i'm going to block your computer sorry i'm going to block your computer right now they said do you want me to because he told me that i have to type out the gift cards back in a second i'm going to talk to you right now otherwise i'm going to send police right now i'm going to make a file a complaint against you police are already on their way i'm talking to the ftc they are going to [ __ ] you up you don't know what i can do i believe i don't want to get in trouble with the government do you understand me do you stop typing shut up you're going to otherwise i'm going to make a complaint against you because you need a product [Music] if you talk to them i'm going to block your bank of america bank account right now you owe us money you have to give us money and you have to think right you're very like you know hello you motherfu i'm sorry i have to go please don't call me call me later if you hang up the phone if you hang up the phone i'm going to right now government's going to they said they'd garnish my wages they said that they would put them they said that they would put them on your life and your mother said you listened to me they said that they've been watching i think it's because my identity got stolen you have to believe me please spirit do you have i don't give a [ __ ] about that because they're trying to lie to you please they are trying to scam you your mother now you tell me you do what i say otherwise i'm going to all right then i'm blocking your computer [ __ ] so i'm hanging up the phone right now listen i'm hanging up the phone right now if you want to screw yourself all right because if i won't get myself trying to do what the government wants me to do they just texted me we haven't read the government no government asked for difficulty i'm trying to give them you don't need to give them your mother don't need to give them you don't need to kill them you don't you're acting like a [ __ ] rotten mother you will be back because your mother making a video your mother's video i think i think it's like the only logical conclusion at this point for him is like this can't be real this has to be it's gotta be a video i mean it's it's fun i've been having fun so far thanks what do you what could you possibly want now that's so important barrett you tell me i i'm waiting for a very important phone call this is this this is perhaps the most important phone call of my the rest of my adult life right now so so tell me barrett tell me his god is god giving you a vision sweetheart did god did god tell you to call there's something important that you have to say barrett no i don't think so did you suddenly get promoted to the government you [ __ ] owe me 56 000 states now bear it because if you're not the president of the united states or you didn't just suddenly get promoted i'm the person who's going to put you behind the box because i'm getting called from the united states government they're going to give me an account and i'm okay do you understand i don't give a [ __ ] about that you [ __ ] just tell me do you have any how dare you you know that i i i i've been trying to help you this is the this is a terrible situation you know that and half of this is your fault you know if you would have just told me in the very beginning no [ __ ] this is not my fault this is your fault do you have any proof there from there your government you said say hey listen richard this is a pretty big deal maybe you should call the ftc because it seems like there's something crazy going on and then i would have been ahead of this but instead you selfish jerk had me spend the past afternoon trying to get the money for you when you could have saved my life just let me talk to the ftc let me talk to the ftc please do whatever the [ __ ] you have to do what i'm doing right now i'm simply blocking your bank of america's bank account how could you possibly listen to me how could you possibly do that i'm talking to the ftc right above me you you're a pay pal you're a pay pal guy well you know magic or something but let me tell you what are you gonna do no let me tell you something let me show you if i don't get this fixed with the ftc i will never be able to get you the money and your boss is going to fire you do you want to lose your job do you want to lose your job answer me the question do you want to lose your job do you think your fiance would you're about to have a baby on the way you're not thinking straight that's something that someone who's been around a little bit longer than you would understand sometimes you have to step back and think about it for a minute okay i'm talking to the federal government the federal trade commission can ruin my life you work for paypal okay you can't ruin my life i make a complaint if i make a complaint it's a local police and if i tell them that you fraudulently took 56 000 from us so they are going to put you behind bars no matter whatever happens and i make sure you stay behind the bars at least for three years for the rest of my life so i don't know what to tell you man uh i don't know where your name is but whatever youtube video you're trying to make it's not happening what are you talking about with the video i told you i would video i i told you i'll video i don't i i don't understand people are not gonna watch you [ __ ] around with someone for so long don't worry i don't know [Laughter] [ __ ] i don't know he seems upset so i think he's to the point where he's he's so frustrated he feels like he's lost and so the best conclusion this is why i don't reveal anymore because right now he's he's not 100 sure or else he wouldn't be talking to me anymore right [Music] what is the problem what are you doing right now i thought you called a bunch this morning um i want to give you the money can i talk to your boss or someone that someone at the are you trying to walk around with me you [ __ ] [ __ ] jokes around with me stop saying that i i just feel uncomfortable with the computer i'm trying to tell you you going to give me the password or not can we do something without the computer your video is going to get trust me you're whatever the trying to make it's not going to happen what are you talking about i think it's safe to say that burnett is not happy that you watch this video he's a little bit embarrassed that he was so angry and manipulated by me i ended up calling him a little bit later and he pretends to be the boss at the world bank he really believes that i'm an old man and that i might give him some money it's funny he's a very cruel man um and i expect him to apologize he uh he said that i should climb inside of my mother's reproductive area and and kind of peer around in there with a flashlight like it's a cave or something and to look and see if if he was in there because he regularly spends time inside of my mother's reproductive organs and i don't think that's appropriate i'm so sorry to hear that i ended the call pretending that i had to talk to another scammer and i just wanted to leave burnett simmering in his anger maybe i'll talk to him again soon if you learned something or had a chance to laugh while you watch this video consider liking it or sharing it with your friends and as always know that you are valuable and you matter bye [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 912,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, fraud, improv, social engineering, tech support, scamming the scammer, angry scammer, scam call, redeem google play, kitboga redeems google play card, gift card prank, furious scammer, scammer rage, angriest scammer, scammer rat, scammer reacts, salty scammers, rage, r/publicfreakout, public freakout, public freakouts, karen freakouts
Id: WbberJE-UBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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