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all right my muscles are tense I got so much right now I'm safe I feel so lightheaded Wow Wow [Music] Oh baby goodbye yeah maritime training I was just looking at it have you register you register right yeah yeah but you haven't actually trained yeah I've been asking myself why I have it actually you trained this is the biggest physical challenge I've ever undertaken I don't know I don't want to skip on it like I want to do it let me give it a try all right 72 hours that's the look thank you for this goose Droid at this point you're probably wondering why the heck would I say yes to running a marathon with zero training lemme explain real quick for my whole life I struggled with procrastination and an extreme lack of discipline and I thought that by signing up for the marathon I would force myself to create a healthy habit of training but somehow once again I failed to put the time in and around the same time I just wasn't doing very well mentally I was falling into another episode of the depression I struggled with depression in the past and to be honest with you at some point I just decided not to run the marathon I told Matt that I was dropping out but also a part of me was hoping that by committing to running it I would somehow get some answers so I just basically said it and I decided to run the marathon 72 hours in advance I pulled all the resources and everyone that can possibly helped me and I there's a book called born to run that everything always so that my favorite book it literally makes you feel like running a marathon is not that much inaudible Warren to run this one yet if my sista to arrive in about four days out so you can this get your body is that the impact of the pavement and then rest alright I'll do exactly that she's gonna be like a mile an exhausted you're probably gonna have to cut 100% of all the things you usually eat so good luck right I would do this one for you run like right before but it's the mushroom power pink Himalayan sea salt all right so Mar just texted me to go get lunch and on season salad please you guys gotta stop ripping on me I need all the support in the next 72 hours [Music] eating healthy checks [Music] but I'm running the LA Marathon tomorrow and unfortunately I did not train I kind of forgot the train does anyone have any advice like I was on Olympic cycle Olympics by far the most important thing is that you want to start off slow almost slower than you think you should start operation finish the marathon yes at all costs all right you did the Tour de France in nine times the Tour de France that's the most intense cycling race in the world which do you think I'm gonna survive this the marathon yeah is it your first one it's my first time and I did not train yeah [Music] all right I made a little support video for you friends and family but you haven't seen the bit inspire you to run this marathon sure it's in the kitchen I'm inspired by the way that you constantly do things that feel impossible I'm our baby let's go Chuck just want to say I love you and yeah I think I have faith in you even though you will probably not feel your legs for the rest but I love you good luck on Sunday call me after the finish line game time oh my god dude my heart is just pounding right it's the best I can do this good morning off and no one backed out and I go what if I I can't walk convince them to download the audio book and listen to it but right next to myself born to run Oh everybody run I'm like so nervous if you I'm gonna throw up like literally [Music] [Music] one mile down 25 or two [Music] come on just get a do this three more time need more time got hungry all of a sudden it was good will I regret this no idea how's it going it's good man like the verdict but I like this are they killing you here like maybe every step like out oh yeah run marathon with friends people your own cousin you'll need this yeah it's good oh thank you buddy you're the man Bob I gotta do this one more time this is Marta stuff is so lightheaded then Wow Wow I am mile 19 right now my my quads just my coach giving up on me right now it seems so inconceivable to me that I'll be able to just stand up and do this one more time these two complete strangers just helping me out I live in there man Oh every time you slow down and feel like you just can't go anymore it's like that a mental battle that you go through like right now let's go alright I'm back up slow and steady on studies no quidditch 20 miles to quit right now that's all the inspiration I need alright my sisters calling me I'm running this backup for her she's all the way to Egypt and a beggary lab back in my film DQ she's just got a bunch of energy my muscles just loosened up still tense but a lot less tense mile 21 for the next five miles every mile it's gonna be for someone I love that's nice for Darren love you there bear but mild twitter is for all the since our American standing up against gun violence let's go all right this is mile 23 and this one goes out to everyone battling mental health out there well there's the pressure going of yourself brother mentor and my flight 5 is for the friendship and the Brotherhood that I shared with Matt unless they're in TV I'm so grateful that guys in my life all this pushing me forward alright this is my 26 this is for everyone who came out today just offering so much love so much food source water thanks for all the love [Music] [Music] let's finish strong okay oh my gosh this feels amazing that's it you and I one of the best feelings I've ever had absolutely worth it I needed this I wasn't doing well you almost like having Revelations running a marathon you get a lot of time to think oh yeah we've got a lot of time to be in your own head [Music] [Music] thank you guys so much for watching you go through this running a marathon was definitely a life-changing experience for me and I would recommend for anyone out there to try it at least once if there's one thing in the 72 hours before the marathon that I did that truly made all the difference is the fact that I was listening to war torrente which is a brilliant book about running and about our evolutionary history and how running is an extremely important part of our lives in fact I ran the first 17 miles of this marathon listening to the audiobook inaudible so we're super stoked today to be offering you the opportunity to listen to the book for free if you click on the link in the description download audible and use your free credit to get this book you can obviously get any book but that's the one I would really really really recommend and you can also text us three to five hundred five hundred and you get the download link back as a reply and on this note I'd like to thank everyone that came out supported me during the marathon all the kind messages from you guys to me through Instagram I really appreciate all of those and all the advice that you guys were sending through alright I'll see you next week you
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 2,666,512
Rating: 4.9377451 out of 5
Keywords: la marathon 2018, marathon training, marathon running, marathon, running a marathon without training, running a marathon buzzfeed, running a marathon for the first time, running a marathon, no training marathon, motivational video, motivation, born to run, how to run, learn how to run, running habit, how to run a marathon for beginners, how to run a marathon without training, how to run a marathon without getting tired, how to run a marathon, no training, yes theory
Id: e-GbaNLgM18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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