Oddly Satisfying | Sawmill Blade Sharpening Made Easy

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[Music] all right guys welcome back my name's sandy this is sewing with sandy i am standing right here in my pole barn shop slash whatever you want to call it in order to sharpen some blades and to set them that i typically use in my sawmills so what you see here is my setter my tooth setter for my sawmill blades and over here is my sharpener this is what we're going to be using today i often talk about sawing but i don't often talk about setting and sharpening and so today is a perfect day it is rather chilly out and i am starting to get short on blades and so i figured well what the heck we'll get into the shop we'll get some stuff shortened sharpened up tuned up and then we'll be back out to the sawmill cutting what you see behind me is the sharpener as i mentioned this thing is 12 volt power so it runs off a battery i have a basic 12 volt deep cycle battery down here and you're probably hearing a humming in the background it's because it's hooked to this thing which as i look down here it looks like it's throwing some sort of an error code this is a simple battery charger i have that hooked to my 12-volt battery because that battery is just about pooched probably should get another one but i should probably do a lot of things so in the meantime when i'm in the when i'm in the shop and i've got uh i've got power here from the wall i just plug my charger in my charger then gives just enough juice to my battery which will get this guy going all right so that's what we're up against here i don't want to set that down i'm going to create some sparks prematurely anyways glad you guys are all here just before we get going i had one other thought just while uh i was sort of planning out what we were going to be doing today i was looking around the shop and i was seeing all this junk that's floating around on the ground and i don't know if you guys can see all that i got i don't know some old antiques some generators another water pump and whatever else is over there but i got a lot of junk floating around on the ground that i don't use all that often and i thought to myself wouldn't that be nice to get that floor space back because even though this is a decent sized building there's never enough room in it in order to get in and work on things so maybe i could move that stuff up off the ground and then i started looking at the perimeter of the building here and i thought to myself maybe i could put an eight foot high balcony all the way around just like i have over here anyways i'm thinking way too much i gotta do one thing at a time but if you guys have any input on that putting that eight foot balcony in order to give me more storage space that would give me space uh before we get to the rafters let me know down below in the comments but one thing at a time it is really brisk out here i've got my sludge i've got my dinner jacket to hold that sludge and i'm glad you guys are all here here we go all right guys well first things first i like to set the teeth before i sharpen them you're going to get mixed opinions on that but this is what i do this right here is my woodland mills tooth setter i find this goes really well with the sharpener i like to check the teeth from time to time just to make sure they don't get bent one way or the other now how these teeth are set up on this lennox blade is basically every third tooth is the same so what i mean is if the first tooth is straight the next tooth will be bent to the left the next tooth will be bent to the right and then that third tooth will be straight again so if you can imagine every third tooth is the same thing uh and now that isn't always the case and i'm sure that's going to vary depending on the blade you use but that's the that's the setup with these linux blades so what i've done here is i like to have a workbench set up i have the workbench set up so that i put the setter and i actually screw it to this block of wood then i secure this block of wood to the workbench when i'm not doing any setting i basically unscrew this block of wood with the setter on it and i carry it over and put it back on the shelf all around the blade here you're going to see i almost have two basic pieces of wood these pieces of wood are at about the same height as where the blade goes through the setter so that it more or less travels in a circle uh pretty well flat the other thing i do before i get going uh you're gonna notice where the blade actually see how it's actually going into the center this way and coming out this way so you'll notice right here you guys can see where the blades going in i'll sometimes just take a little bit of wd-40 or whatever lubricant you have and just give her a little shot of that and that just helps the blade continue through nice and smoothly uh smart things i'm going to mention here is uh i like to start let me see here i like to start just after the just after the weld and so i'll probably have to take my glasses off here in order to find the weld and often i look on the inside of the blade but you can probably see it on the outside too but anyways once you find where the where the weld is and it actually happens to be right here what i'm going to do is i'm going to put that put that weld just after the first tooth i set all right so on this side of the first tooth i set anyways let's move that over and before i actually move it over i'm going to take a marker and i like to mark right on that right on that line on that weld so that as it's going around i can tell where i started and i know where to stop there's no point of setting a tooth twice here and so uh you can just move this by hand or you can use the the advancer here and i'm just going to move it until i see that mark i made and there it is i'm just going to take this off just for a minute you guys can see it there so there's the weld i'm going to put it on this side of the first tooth i set let me just get this back here there we go [Music] okay so the first tooth i'm going to set is right there and so what's going to happen is i'm going to make sure that when i push that all the way this way the blade is firmly touching it so that when i advance it it advances it just enough so that the third tooth now is right in alignment with the uh the anvil and the measuring device here so we can see how much it is uh being bent all right let's go from there and uh just a little correction there i said i'm going to set the first tooth after the weld well that's true but you just got to watch what that tooth is doing after the weld is that tooth straight up and down is it bending inwards is it bending outwards in the position i have currently when i press this it's going to want to push the tooth inwards and so you just got to make sure that the first tooth is in fact bending inwards you don't want to take a tooth that's supposed to bend outwards and force it the other way and so sometimes what i'll do here i'll even take off the uh the handle mechanism and if you look down the teeth here you can get a good idea which way it's bending let's go back to where the weld is you guys see that mark where the weld is right there so technically that tooth right there is the first tooth after the weld that would be the one i want to start on if it's bending the right way and in fact it's not when i look downwards you can see that that first tooth is bending this way and so i'm gonna wait to bend that tooth i'm gonna bend it let's see here i'm gonna bend it this way but we'll do that in a minute okay so let's go to the next tooth so the first tooth was where are we here right there the first tooth was bending towards me the next tooth looks like it's straight up and down the third tooth is bending inwards so we're actually going to start on this tooth right here all right so that tooth bends inwards and if you count down three one two and three and look again that tooth right there bends inwards one two three that tooth there bends inwards so just make sure you're aware what you're starting on so that you're not going to force the tooth to go the way it shouldn't go let's just set this back on here oh there we go all right then i made that little marker just so you guys could see it on that side and you can always look down this window here which will show you as well and then let's just see where we were so there's the weld and i think we were the third tooth after which is that one right there so now as i was saying before i'm gonna take my advancer i'm gonna push it right where it should go i'm gonna push the blade back against it now it's bottomed out and i look down and i'll bring you guys down so you can see it i look down here there we go i'm looking down that window there you guys won't be able to see it but down that window you'll see that the tooth is in perfect alignment so when i squeeze this handle it's going to measure how much set is on that tooth and if need be it'll add a little set all right so let's turn this thing on here and you can see it's in millimeters currently zeroed what i'm looking for and this is from the manual is i'm looking for a set on my lenox blades of 1.2 millimeters or thereabouts in that conversion to inches you're at 0.047 inches so what i'm going to do next now that i know that my tooth is in perfect alignment i'm going to squeeze the handles here and i'm going to look down and you'll notice it gives me a measurement and you guys can see that number that number is 1.08 1.09 give or take that's relatively close to 1.2 okay if i wanted to i could actually increase the set on that tooth i could bend it just a little bit more uh in this case i'm gonna go around and check all the teeth i'm gonna see where approximately they are if they're all close to 1.09 or one point zero eight i'm going to leave them if this one happens to be not bent as much as it should be compared to the rest then i'll go ahead and i'll add a bit of set to this one how you add set you guys can see here we have this bolt you simply back off the nut there what that allows is it allows me to when i squeeze it allows the one handle here to go further than what it does already all right then i just repeat and so when that advances it advanced three teeth so it should be right where i need it to be which it looks like and we'll just measure again and all i'm looking for is relative consistency here on my measurements and i'm just reading off the indicator here and as you guys can tell working on a workbench is kind of nice [Music] everything is at a good height things are actually looking quite consistent now we're within 0.1 millimeters on each measurement and that is completely acceptable for me all right and you guys can hear that uh that noise there sometimes you get a bit of surface rust on the blade depending on how long it's been sitting out i just give a little shot of the wd-40 right there the same on the exit won't hurt it give her a little shot there and that that measurement or excuse me that mark i made originally the weld is over here so you can see we've gone through about a quarter of the blade normally when i'm going i go quite a bit faster [Music] i'm just going slow enough so that i keep it consistent and i can get an accurate read on the set all i'm looking for is that they're close to my 1.2 millimeters which i've taken from the manual and found it works quite well if you want a different set then obviously you're just looking for each tooth bent that way to have the same amount of set or bend [Music] things are looking pretty good and you guys can see here i normally don't take this hand off but if you leave it on there and all you do if you do see a measurement that is quite a bit off you would stop and that's why i leave a marker here and then i would make a little mark on that tooth or i would address it at the time come back and often times it's bent too much so in that case i'd uh i'd move this around like this i'd take it off and i'd flip it and put it on the other side which you'll see in a minute and i very gently push the tooth back but i don't have any that look like it requires it at this point and i just gotta be careful because this goes so quick especially if your teeth are actually pretty good and i don't i don't think i have any that are gonna be way out of alignment because i do do a visual of the teeth first and foremost just to see if i see any that are really bent if it's really bent you could probably use a pair of pliers or something just to bring it back to where it's close and then check it with this but i already had a look and things look to be pretty good and uh just one thing as we're going here just make sure when you're squeezing this you got to make sure that this handle bottoms out on that on that bolt if it doesn't bottom out then you're not getting a consistent amount of force applied to each tooth okay i'll just give this a little shot at wd whoops i'm not sure where that was going that's where the blades going to slide through so i just make sure it's well lubricated okay so first and foremost with this thing i've got it all set up all right or already because i've done this quite a few times before we go any further though i always like to check the uh the profile of the grinding stone and we've got this this comes with the grinder you guys can see there it's just going to help with the profile i just need to make sure you guys see that right there i just need to make sure that matches the profile of the grinding wheel that basically sits over top of the grinding wheel and you guys may or may not be able to see it but in the very bottom i can see a bit of a gap there and so what that gap means is that the profile could be touched up just a little bit so it matches just a little bit better and so what i'm going to use is this block here which also comes with the grinder and when i apply this to the grinding wheel that will take off a little bit of material and so i need to get real close here to see what i got to do and if you ask me it looks like i need to take just a little bit off that edge and so that's exactly what we're going to do here more is excuse me less is better here and we'll just check the profile again and that's that's actually a better fit there and so i'd say that is actually pretty good but we're going to do just a little bit more on this edge [Music] and you guys can set your own profile obviously uh this is a guide for for those of us who need a baseline to start with but that looks pretty good you guys see that fitment it's quite good all right going to put that into action now so with this i'm going to start right after the weld just like i do with the setter now i'm noticing the weld is over here so what i like to do is i like to use my marker and just like i did before i put a mark and that just gives me a visual as this is going around as to where to stop so i got to bring that blade around so that it ends up right where the right where the um weld is and so you can just forward it by hand here all right before i fire up the old sharpening wheel i'm gonna put this where it goes and what i'm gonna do and i'll bring you guys along just so you guys you guys can see what i'm looking at i'm just watching to see how the grinding wheel follows the profile of the tooth before i actually turn on the before i actually turn on the grinding wheel so let's have a look and i have my hand here to stop it if need be and it looks like it's not in that greater position right now see how it's actually sitting on the tooth so what i'm going to do here i'm going to turn that so it advances the tooth a little bit further you'll probably notice it on the next one here we'll have a look here i just wanted to touch the face and then i want to touch the gullet okay that actually looks pretty good i'm going to advance it just a little further it looks like it was going to be hung up pretty bad there so we'll try it again on this one and one thing i'm just going to stop it there very very important and i catch myself once in a while you guys see right down here this has to sit right there if it's not sitting there then it's not going to be giving you the right readout or the right grind we're going to advance it just a little more it looks a little deep in the gullet so i'm gonna back that off watch one more time i think it's a little deep so i'm going to tighten that just a little that's what we're talking about right there so we're getting the gullet good and let's shut it off for a second so you guys know what we're doing if you have a look down there at the tooth everywhere that's shiny obviously we just ground we got the gullet really good there i barely want to touch the gullet i'm not looking to take material off there generally i'm just looking to touch it and also touch the face of the tooth if i uh sort of have a look down this way you can see that we did just touch the face of the tooth there so that looks pretty good i think what i'm gonna do i'm gonna back this off ever so slightly so it doesn't push quite as far and as for the gullet just looking even closer i'd say that looks pretty good so i think we're in the ballpark as i like to say we'll push that back down making sure that it's sitting right in the notch it needs to that's locked into place that's locked into place and we'll fire up maybe even just a little bit more that's better i'd say we're perfect now maybe a touch heavy on the gullet we'll watch one more time you guys think i actually think we're good maybe a touch heavy and ideally it wouldn't move this while it's moving back her off just to touch or tighten it sorry that's better good [Applause] we're just missing the top of that gullet now with the top of the other piece i'd say we're good right there i don't want to take material off the top of the tooth i'm just trying to take off material on the face of the tooth and a little bit on the gullet that's pretty good right there [Applause] all right guys well as that goes what i do is i pretty well just monitor it i stick around the shop and do other things uh from my experience as long as you start the first tooth after the weld the teeth will be relatively consistent the odd time though when you get to that weld the difference between the well the tooth before and after the weld is different uh and so you have to be very mindful there i have this set on a 10 degree angle you guys could set it with this particular sharpener at 7 10 and 14 degree angles on the back here i see right down there 7 10 and 14. there's this little indentation you can adjust it right there i set it on 10 degrees i could probably set it on 14 degrees because i cut mostly soft wood but the truth is i've been sharpening these blades a number of times before they're all set to 10 degrees so i just touch them up at 10 degrees anyways let's let the thing do its job [Music] [Applause] all right so while we were waiting i set the blade excuse me i set the teeth on the other two saw blades i have there and so now they're just waiting to be sharpened so we've got them positioned there all right guys well we're making our way on this blade here i think it looks pretty good and it's kind of nice when you look down the blades there and they're all nice and shiny right in the groove right in the gullet anyways we're gonna let that continue on this takes a good little while can't remember exactly how long but as you can imagine it gives you time to clean the shop in between blades so a great little device here i am very happy to say i have one of these i went a really long time without buying a setter and a sharpener and what ended up happening was i got sick and tired of having to wait on shipping especially in this time especially at this time where shipping can be very delayed depending on where you order from it's nice to be able to sharpen and set myself i keep about six blades ahead that's what i have currently and at any given day if i have two blade snap well i'm down to four and then if i have to wait two or three weeks for shipping well that can be a problem that might not be a problem where you live but here in central ontario canada sometimes it can be delayed and i don't want to be waiting on blades to be out sharpening anyways guys it's still cold out here i am completely out of sludge so i'm heading inside i appreciate you guys joining me to see me sharpen and set my blades i will surely be back here because i'm not quitting song anytime soon
Channel: Sawing with Sandy
Views: 27,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sharpening sawmill blades, woodlux 4000 sharpener, repairing sawmill blades, razor sharp sawmill blade, why I sharpen saw blades, sharpen your own sawmill blade, woodland mills sawmill blade sharpener, are sawmill sharpeners worth it, setting teeth on a saw blade, what not to do when sharpening saw blades, sawmill blade sharpening made easy, making saw blades factory sharp, how to cut better lumber, making your sawmill cut better, sharpest sawmill blade, sharpen saw blades fast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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