Last Look Inside Warner Bros Ranch Before Demolition Begins- Historic Hollywood Backlot Walking Tour

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welcome everyone Adam the Wu here as a recording of This is Friday June 9 2023 standing here in my hotel parking structure about to head over I'm Universal Studios Hollywood right here at this hotel on the outskirts of it I'm heading over to another studio today Warner Brothers but not the regular Warner Brothers lot the Warner Brothers Ranch a year ago was able to get access walk around show some of the buildings I had heard strong rumor that by the end of last year it was going to be closed and they were going to tear everything down but that got pushed forward a year but now the heavy rumor is at the end of this year mid-summer to the end of the year they've already started to tear down one or two facades I believe all of Blondie Street will be gone and that will be a race from existence if you will and they're going to be sound stages put in its place so this will be my last opportunity to showcase Warner Brothers Ranch the former Columbia Ranch dating back to the 1930s history Hollywood history that's going away forever and I'm very excited to be allowed in there I'm gonna get going I'm inviting you to join me shall you as I drive along the side here you're going to see some of the backs of the facades so many TV shows and movies have been filmed in here on the other side of these leaves on the side of this fence over here Waltons I Dream of Genie Bewitched Partridge Family National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation in fact the Griswold's house is right pretty much right there at least a weapon American Beauty wand division most recently the Agatha scenes on the road with Wanda I'm gonna be getting in there and I'm just going to try to do a really kind of slow detailed look at all the facades not anything too particularly lining up a lot of you know different string grabs and stuff because there's just so much to cover I just mean as far as I can actually this is wide open but I'll go park on the other side in front of the other entrance this is gate 12. I just kind of want to showcase a last look most likely a last look for me and the last look for a lot of folks of the Warner Ranch facilities before they are torn out and sound stages according to rumors I've heard and those who have told me certain details and of course what's on the internet but you can never really trust the internet but supposedly they're going to be 16 new sound stages where they from the facade houses are now they're going to be bulldozed all right went through the little checkpoint got my guest pass and I am good to go I just got to go through this other checkpoint over here and then I'm on the lot all right change of plans they told me to go park over at lot 6. so I'm now heading over to lot 6 this way oh these buildings look familiar all right again really grateful to be in here I'm just going to try to show everything before it's gone so a lot of these facades were just using countless TV Productions movies television commercials music videos last time I was here I didn't see this area around here this looks like it could be used for like a general store or something like that maybe a jewelry store [Music] is lot six around here that I have parked in so the friends Fountain has been removed friends Fountain used to be right there but they obviously knew that they were going to be tearing all this out so they moved the friends Fountain over to Warner Brothers proper oh look like they've already Torn Down The Partridge Family House over there too so Blondie Street got its name based on a comic strip from back in the early 1900s I just imagine this is going to all be sound stages according to the rumors and speculations obviously there are a few things I want to show so I did a video if you want to go back and kind of dig deep on a year ago I talked about a lot of the gremlin spots and the Gremlins pool and all that so I'm not going to reiterate myself too much but I do want to show the wand division spots also the I Dream of Genie spots well Bewitched I should say I did film something by dream of Genie but Bewitched the Bewitched house things like that while I'm out here I'm just fascinated by backlots in general I could spend every day on Hollywood back lots and not get bored back over in this area are some of the plants and the foliage and trees and whatnot that are being gotten rid of because they're not going to be used anymore this is the area back behind here it's an old golf cart back there what actually says WBTV Warner Brothers television but basically they're just giving away all the plants to other people this used to be completely full of different items but people are coming in and out to pick them up in fact when I came through I said oh I'm allowed to be here gave my name and they gave me the pass to come on they're already here for any plants I said no I don't need any plants but I guess if I was a local I needed a plant this is around the back of the house as you can see how they're the fake facades are on the back here this big metal building here's one truck getting loaded up now but I wanted to show the back of this so this build this hill here this is the backside of the Charlton Heston Omega Man structure so this is around the back of it which I have never seen before it's pretty amazing it's a part of The Partridge Family house is still over there kinda sort of they're using it for a young Sheldon or young Sheldon they got the stanchions up around here one thing I learned recently about this pool is that there's little filming holes on the side of it so you can the crew could get underneath the water and kind of film into this this has been using probably 100 different things so the way the camera guy gets under the ground is they open this up and then get down inside there and then you place the camera and you'll see over there by the diving board is one of the little slots there's another slot there but the other slot is located right underneath my foot so camera guy would get right down inside of there there's some other people over there doing a little walking tour so there's the little underground bunker if you will camera guy there and there's the little slot to film under the water it used to be a tree here it was used in the middle this house was built for Small Soldiers but was used in a lot of different stuff too but you can see the root system of a tree there just to give a correlation that kind of right over there is where the friends Fountain used to be you can also see that in Hocus Pocus when it's one scene from Hocus Pocus where they walk past the friends fountain but the middle tree is gone blown down and I am allowed to walk around inside the facades I'm just going to do some kind of slow pans of some of these some of these spots from the kitchens here a lot of these are practical practical places where you have the exterior but also the interior can be used so a lot a lot of shows will have an exterior but then they'll also have interiors and a sounds touch a lot of stuff here on the ranch you can actually use both this actually has a second floor practical second floor looks like okay I'm incorrect it just looks like it leaves kind of to nothing so they would dress the wall here coming down to make it look like people are going upstairs in fact they're not and across the way here is the one division house the Christmas Vacation House the scene from offspring's Pretty Fly for a White Guy the guy's like walking down that sidewalk over there Lethal Weapon house off in the distance the American Beauty house right over there and a lot of One Division you can see you could actually see this porch and the house I'm looking out across when they're filming out from the Wanda Vision house all right stepping out on the small soldier's porch here again that's why this building was built anyway we're gonna go over into those over there as well just amazing to think that those are going to be bulldoze you can also see also I was given this guide map here and the guide map's a little old because it still has the French fountain on there but you can kind of get your bearings a bird's eye perspective on where everything is so the Allen house is also used in Pushing Daisies you can see a lot of these facades look very similar but they look a little bit different so you know the the in small soldiers that had that kind of pile on that kind of munchery looking pylon over on the side right there and this is what it looks like modernized this is really going to kind of help me out a lot to show some of the Productions that were that were out here and then there's the pool we'll show some of the other ones is using the monkeys Hook Line Sinker I Dream of Genie Partridge Family and of course probably about 50 other things all right this is called the Chester house and then the Griswold house then the Lindsay house that's a lethal weapon house and the Bewitched house down there and a lot of this I'm kind of going off memory of Productions that I've seen and kind of etched in my head from years of watching them but it really does help to have this guide map so the Chester house a lot of different movies Pleasantville was there American Beauty day my parents ran away and countless others and keep in mind all this is going to be torn out every one of these houses all these streets this fire hydrant will be gone cousin Eddie's fire hydrant that right up there is where Chevy Chase stuck his head out of that little there's a squirrel up there on that Branch too then here's the neighbor's house he's right over here that is incredible classic Chevy in his prime right there let's head out that little portal and here's the garage try to untangle those Christmas decorations and this was kind of an impromptu unplanned visit today kind of like my last visit it just kind of kind of just happened but I did do some quick research on the Lethal Weapon house it's called the Lindsay house named after a movie called I am law in 1936 with a character was named John Lindsay it's also using the Three Stooges Hazel in 1961 Dennis the Menace and the monkeys also use this house I'm gonna go inside this house right now all right stepping inside there's the doorbell right here also another practical interior and exterior kitchen staircase the living room still the same you see young Sheldon who's a little glass and probably will be one of the last Productions that took and is taking place out here forever immortalizing the Warner Ranch one last time throwing Lethal Weapon 2 when the toilet flies out the window the explosion there's still charred remnants of that up here on the second floor of the house so at first I thought maybe that was it because she looks like the kind of discoloration but in fact it's not you look at the roof up here you can see the burn marks you can see the charred remnants of where this window was blown out look at the fire right there probably was this window here that was blown out yeah it definitely had to have been because that's uh the most charged section of it right there a little uh movie history there a little late 80s movie history wow the camera was set up out there with uh you know Fire coming out the window that direction you can even see some of the charred goes up the side of the roof itself so obviously they fixed the roof and re-put some of their new stuff up but I mean yeah that is just incredible going next door now into the Griswolds and I'm gonna think I'm gonna peek my head through the same spot that Chevy did I might as well because this stuff's just not going to be here for very long yeah they did not film well they filmed half the Interiors kind of looking out the front door when they're facing in from outside but they also recreated the staircase on the Sound Stage so it was a little bit of Interiors but just imagine Chevy coming in here getting on a ladder climbing the ladder well probably with something a little more stable than that and getting right up there and sticking his head out of the imaginary attic to get the exterior angles of him poking his head out there [Applause] that is something else and obviously it doesn't snow in Southern California like this so that's all fake snow or they later down here and also the tree has grown up in front considerably in fact it's not even the same tree they Place Another tree a little set production there at the end of the driveway but you can look out this window and you can see the street over there as it kind of turns so the car would have been pulling out of the driveway right there and then also where he's peeking out the top of the window if you look out here I'm gonna go out there and get to the outside angle but they also built a fake chimney right here on this roof or he's like it almost looks like it's even like the same slats and everything I just love how the Christmas lights are all just not organized at all they're just like kind of strewn all over there so notice how different Productions have used the uh the wallpaper so you got one wallpaper underneath the newer wallpaper just different levels of or layers of wallpaper it just blows my mind this is all going away so much movie history but you know what progress I guess all right I do recall a scene in one division where the house was gone and they have her standing here looking across the way here and you see the the foundation of her that quote unquote Foundation of her house but he notice if you watch that scene when I was not supposed to watch the show great show Disney Plus that she's a little bit closer than what the house would have been so the angle was kind of like that and they built the foundation but if the camera would have turned around you would have just seen Wanda's house just like that also the Griswold house it's a pretty dramatic scene in one division here where Scarlet Witch Wanda's or no spoilers but yeah over there having a little fight scene here and you can actually see this manhole right in the side here where Agatha gets kind of pushed back from that angle right there so last time I was out here I had not completed all of One Division a year ago but now I've watched I really love the show and I was like oh man I missed all the wand division stuff so I'm glad I'm able to see it now there it is there she goes flying back I can't imagine that'd be so cool I've been here watching them watching them film that even though these facades change a lot it does in fact from that episode with a fight scene right there they put Plants around that fire hydrant the Cousin Eddie fire hydrant but that's the exact angle there we can see she's got the she's got her got her kids tied up same windows and everything on the One Division house that is so dang cool look at that yeah same green on the house and everything so Wanda's here Scarlet Witch Is Here this is the angle right there in fact you can see that church down there I think the church originally was built I think in the 70s it burned down and they rebuilt it but the church has been to use a quite a bit of stuff and this is the Bewitched house here or was the Bewitched house oh so I'm actually recognizing something from One Division as well where they go down in the basement the basement was right over here and it looks like that was a fake facade as well I think that was the angle where the basement scene was right there and of course the basement was on a stage somewhere but now this is the exact angle where Agatha brings the dog out of course later we learned that it was Agatha all along that's the angle little shrubs and everything have changed dramatically but the windows all still look the same and this tree over here looks the same as well where the family's walking in yep it was Agatha all along spoiler over there something you wouldn't see when you're watching One Division or just any production in general is stuff that's on the other side of the lot and the reason they make the roads in this kind of odd shape not going straight is that way when you're filming it it makes the road look longer than it really is so you're never really going to see it completely straight road like that it's all just kind of a big horseshoe all the Blondie Street's like a big horseshoe there so this here also was the Bewitched house also our man Higgins and Gidget Gina Davis show also wow I didn't know Gina Davis filmed back here as well and of course a lot of other stuff but yeah the famous Bewitched house kind of looks the same in a lot of ways how it did then all right gonna step inside the Bewitched house now there's the heck house over there next to the former Partridge Family House stepping in a lot of paneling in here so I don't know if this was a practical set maybe not so some places are practical sets that you could film inside but not a lot of room in here see some of the shutters and doors this leads out to the outside so this is one of the real non-practical sets now granted they may have put something in here behind the window when you're looking in to make it look like there's an interior but the interior is just like the size of a really really tiny efficiency apartment hitting the church now the spire's gone is taken out Parts family life is on Erie Indiana pretty sure that was The Waltons church as well it's kind of tucked away here around the back kind of away from everything else you just see this like you get back here you can't it doesn't even look like a residential neighborhood anymore this is what it looks like inside they had a cross here oh there's another cross here there's a lot of crosses in here a little set dressing for a different stuff now I've Never filmed inside of it never taken a photo or anything inside it but this is what the inside of the psycho house looks like at Universal it looks almost exactly like this kind of gut it out you got this stained glass windows over there amazing so it's interesting movie Magic so this is the back of the heck house but also the back of a store so it's like the back of a store is also the back of the real home Again movie Magic so it says truck loadings though but I highly doubt any trucks have really loaded here probably just set dressing to make it look like you're loading something in here so you can kind of use this as well the thing is fascinating about the church you could use the front angle but then you can also use the side angle so you can really film right here and not even know that it's the same building as the other side entrance would be all this stuff is just so fascinating to me all the facades and most of this is like fake bricks so this probably is not even a real brick this is probably made out of yeah that's Pike not even a real Brook you can even see the the nails and the Staples and the side of it right there you can see civilization of real Burbank kind of peeking up over the South so you can see a lot of these trees are removable can be switched around so I'm hearing that even all these trees are going to be you know you've moved to other locations or they're going to be torn out but the trees are also going to go for the sound stages that are incoming soon right over here was the back side of the Partridge Family House that was uh looks like it was kind of modified for a new production so now it's just kind of sitting here about a third of Where The Partridge Family House was I'm not sure where that leads but it was like there's a set a uh production set bus over there it says Dexter on the side there's an old cone here it says Ranch operations that thing I Recons another tree here that's been kind of chopped down so here was The Partridge Family House it's the first of some of the ones that have already started to be destroyed even though I think that probably was for a production or maybe not maybe they just start tearing it out now obviously Christmas vacation was filmed out here but also there's one scene from regular Vacation National Lampoon's Vacation where Clark falls asleep and this angle here is where the truckster drives past and it's kind of been redone a little bit there was a garage over there with that tree could be seen the truckster goes by and there was a guy here with a stunt dog who pulled the dog up into the to the grasp of the stunt man that was right here as the truck sure goes by just one scene from vacation the first vacation all right the last few things I want to show here so I kind of already showed this which is this building which I believe is like one of probably one of the oldest buildings on the lot and then you got the one next to it and then one next to it actually is the Interiors are used for offices those would be these house here where they did Donna reach show Eight is Enough Dennis the Menace not sure what Rusty movies is but once again party wire then the one next to it also I dream of Jenny Bewitched monkeys I mean just a lot of just a lot of history out here oh The Flying Nun was at that building there and then the Omega Man as I mentioned earlier which was right there these are the other Productions that were it was just one of many Productions so just these are just kind of examples evidently there are no more free Plants available the plants are accounted for or they're just for sale no more free plants over here at lot 7 so this is kind of interesting so Universal still has their Falls Lake area and Paramount still has where Trump has to have a ten commandments scene where they would put water in so Warner Brothers Ranch used to have that as well back in the Gidget days her Beach was right here you can see the incline here and they had the water in this particular area lot 7 merging into lot six so the beach area was right over here and all this could be filled in with water and the way you can really tell you know as some of those other Studios that still have that function is how the water would come in this way so it was inclined down so the water could be put in here and not run up because the elevation not sure if it shows up on camera kind of Slants down like that very fascinating yeah Gidget's Beach is right over there and just like at Universal Inn Paramount there was a big blue screen right there just like at the other one another classic Warner Brothers is Gremlins and there's a Gremlins right up in here now keep in mind even these buildings are gonna go uh there's a girl ones hanging from the ceiling fan there this is a tailor shop it's called the Smith house and one of the last I see the sign there it says Presumed Innocent one of the last Productions to take place over here this is right I would imagine this is probably this front facade was used in a lot of things maybe the Interiors over the time but it's right next to Stage 71 all right stage 31 stage 32 here I tucked away over here in the corner is Michigan J's named after Michigan J frog hello my honey hello my darling hello my long I tried to think how the song goes anyway you know the song but this was the commissary very kind of short-lived and it was used for different sets so this is where cast crew extras people like that would come get their meal on and then this over here too is kind of interesting Dude Looks Like that's being used as like a prop Warehouse costume area as well but you could just see this was definitely used in a production at some point I got the old windows in here the order window here the pickup window over here just think how many famous faces came in here to get a meal you get a snack for this whole thing again just to reiterate all these buildings are going to be torn out including these sound stages so I said the the South stages are coming in they're not going to be utilizing these older sound stages so out with the old hidden with the new and these Hedges right here I had room for a hedge in my car I don't think I don't think a big plant like this would make it back on my plane back to Florida do not enter when the red lights are on it's a closed set nothing is going to be filmed in there however so the red light will not be on but take a look at this kind of tucked away over here next to all this foliage is going away stage 30 was constructed in 65. Interview with a Vampire at 94 was in there U.S Marshals Wild Wild West with Will Smith I heard that movie slaps American Beauty Captain Nemo Williams Brothers just the 10 of us body of evidence all inside stage 30 over at stage 33 some movies that I'm very familiar with so you got Demolition Man was over here Maverick Batman Forever they threw up in four they've got the three Last Boy Scout right there Arachnophobia John Goodman Christmas vacations Interiors recite inside of there Bodies of Evidence Knots Landing back to the cul-de-sac right inside that door [Music] I'm not going to be filming inside the sound stages but pretty awesome to see [Music] next to Stage 34 is the iconic WB neon sign from the commercials back in the day look at that thing the w B what the heck there's also some horses up there some fake horses oh my goodness look at this thing all right over here it's Stage 34 Free Willy the adventure home Batman and Robin Father's Day a Walton wedding The Waltons were in there Walton Easter a lot of Walton's history out here Stage 34 this this 34 was constructed in 1976. soon to be soon to be torn down but this kind of blows my mind I could just see frog dancing around right here promoting a WB it was like an iconic sign I wonder what that horse and cow was used though this is kind of interesting there's a neighborhood right behind the wall behind this this is where they used to do the fiberglass work right in here again all this is going to be be gone check out Bugs Bunny over here construction Personnel behind this so you can't go in there unless you're part of part of the construction but this is like where all the magic happened I say happens but I guess it's still happening for a little bit but be past tense pretty soon usually the paint department here too now I definitely love The Waltons and I always watch it with my mom and Mom loves the Walton still to this day so The Walton's house used to be over at the regular Warner Brothers ranch when they built like some some new parking garages and stuff they moved it over here and it was over in this area The Walton's house in fact Walton's Mountain is so regular Warner Brothers over there you can see Walden's Mountain AKA Griffith Park so when you're looking at when you're watching The Waltons not really in Virginia it's in LA and Walton's a mountain is Griffith Park but the original location was over at the regular Studios and they moved it over here to the ranch so this is kind of the general area all right again so the waltz houses moved from the first spot to over here and so the Walt's house is basically in this little area here and this facade was used in a show called Animal Kingdom right here but this is generally where The Walton's house would have been when it was on the ranch part so it was two different spots but pretty dang exciting [Music] yeah up there on the top of the animal kingdom house it's a bird or the bird's nest hello bird how's it going got your nest up there yep so in the backyard is the basketball court over there and then the pool over that way is one of the red lights to let you know the filming is taking place it's kind of old Relic here the weather weather worn Relic again practical set interior and exterior for the show Animal Kingdom Warner animation was here so former Warner animation if you look up in the distance you can see the back side of the Hollywood side you see uh looks like that's the tower for the Hollywood side up there if my bearings are correct yeah yeah it is because I see the wisdom tree up there kind of walking back over to this section take a look at this here's some parking areas for when they were filming the middle out here right there this building here always reminds me of the Amityville Horror home kind of with the windows there this is used from by the two sisters on The Waltons not really sure what else but over here this gas station convenience store gas station restaurant's been used so many different things it's like the last thing it was set dressed for was a new and used tire place but has stood in for gas stations is that Gremlins Monster Squad used for restaurants driving diners things like that it's very close to the main road in fact you could really see it if you wanted to if you were just over here on the corner of Hollywood way if you were standing over on that street corner you could look in technically and see this from the road got the hubcap sign on here all right this is kind of fascinating so over there was the Warner Brothers animation area then all the voice over stuff was done here in this building again this building is going away so you figure Animaniacs Batman all that I decided this building right over here incredible it's like a makeup table there [Music] I know I probably am over filming but this is definitely worth over filming [Music] it's always just incredible to me to be you know in a place where things were filmed I've always been fascinated by it I know I'm not the only one but not everyone is into this kind of thing but it's just just so incredible all these sets are going to be gone again very thankful to be allowed to do this thank you it's also kind of eerie when you're in here because you just expect traffic to be driving through here you're standing in the roads like oh yeah get out of the road could be cars driving through but there's no cars driving through so for a couple of employees over here on the far end is a bank that was using the Flying Nun while the city sleeps Earth's versus the flying saucers the bank right here really big manholes big old bird up top there big old crow [Music] it's kind of a unique Little Alley here that's been themed you can even see some of the theming that's been painted on the side of the wall here just to make it look kind of a different environment [Music] you pretty much utilize every little nook and cranny thank you animation building side through all the execs would park their cars all right heading out now I'm in my rental car and I'm just gonna drive along this street right here it's just so wild that I'm doing this to be honest don't mind me just driving around the Horseshoe here looking at the pool hahaha unbelievable it'd be interesting years from now to look back on you know being in here once this is all sound stages and all this is bulldozed goodbye Warner Ranch foreign [Music] that's going to do it for today head now I'll see you in the next video the Vlog is over
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 1,500,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warner ranch, warner bros, studios, hollywood, backlot, warner bros studios, tour, walk thru, inside, closed, blondie street, wanda vision, bewitched, tv, history, pool, gremlins, filming location, filming, locations, christmas vacation, house, adamthewoo, adam, the, woo, thedailywoo, vlog, vlogger, access, burbank, classic, movie, soundstage, facade, street, walk, thru, stage, waltons, i dream of jeannie, back lot, los angeles, animal kingdom, show, then and now, then & now, then, now, 2023, june
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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