Twilight (2008) Filming Locations - Then and NOW 4K

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away for the next couple of days Jessica and I are going to be tracking down the filming locations to a movie known as Twilight we're starting this video off at a place called The Silver Falls State Park this is where they shot the opening sequence there's one of the few other little places baby girl are you out there being a vampire no I'm a bat you make a great bat thank you you're right if you were a vampire at least during this video you'd be shining in the sun sparkling even honestly okay I'm not gonna lie I know a lot of people put that part of this movie down but if I were a vampire who sparkled I'd kind of be okay with it I'm just gonna put it out there foreign a lot of time has passed since they made the movie I'm not entirely sure how much we're going to be able to line up when it comes to lining up shots but to prove that we're in the right spot here is a marker from the Oregon film Trail for Twilight 2008 and as you can see Jessica's still back there being a bat this is not going to end this is going to be all day long just so you know I'm getting my bat on ready I'm a bat [Music] we spent a little bit of time walking the trails and driving around the parking lots trying to find where they filmed Twilight and we have a pretty good idea nothing really matches up but they did film here right by the horse camp as well as Lot F which is right over there let's show you what we mean the first stop is right back here there's like this loop at the End of This Little Road and we believe this is where they filmed the opening shot where you see the deer at the beginning of the movie I've never given much thought to how I would die foreign but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go so here we are at the tee getting a little exercise in the Howard Creek horse camp sign and when we drove by looking around like kind of scouting area it's right down this way right here off to the left where we believe they filmed this scene the opening scenes to Twilight again there's absolutely no way of knowing where they actually filmed unless we were part of the production or we had a location manager with us but this does feel like we're in the movie I've been asking you since we've been in the park do you feel like you're in a Twilight movie yet do you I do now I do now now the woods that's on the other side of Jessica right now after we see the deer and the deer runs it kind of looks like this is the area doesn't it it kind of looks like it definitely does if you go back and you look at that very first scene from the movie with the deer running through the woods it's so shaky you only get a couple glimpses of really solid steady views of this Forest but it's meant to be a chaotic scene and I think they did that pretty well but it absolutely could be anywhere here in this Forest let's see the bat [Laughter] now where the deer was the opening shots I think it was filmed right here [Music] now here is a perfect example of movie Magic whenever you go out trying to find the filming locations to the movie where we thought it was is not it in fact we went walking we're like you know what let's go check over there we didn't go check over there yet and we walk over there and wouldn't you know it we found the exact spot where the opening scenes of Twilight took place right here this is where the water was where the deer was enjoying the a drink of water if you will and right where Jessica's standing you see the pathway that goes over that way you can see the path in the movie as well as that giant tree trunk this is it how freaking crazy is that after all this time and then whenever the deer is spooked and it runs off it actually Jessica's gonna go ahead and run the path of the deer not as quickly runs over that way right there and then it gets a little Haywire like we were just talking about baby ghoul this is this is amazing I can't believe that we actually found this I didn't think we're going to find this literal spot but we saw kind of a clearing off of The Walking path where a bunch of these giant trees have fallen over we are talking about how these massive trees in The Roots it creates a natural little pool wouldn't it be cool if it was that one and we just walked over here and here it was let this be somewhat of a filming location lesson if you will don't always trust everything you see in doing preparation for this a lot of people came out here and they just kind of take a camera and they pointed out into the woods and they say this is where they filmed this we were about to do the same thing because again so much time has passed there's no possible way that this place could still exist a little bit of a detective work if you will getting our feet on the ground and seeing this place with our own two eyes we found it I honestly thought it was going to be man-made I didn't think it was a natural formation I honestly thought that where we're standing right now couldn't possibly be natural because it was so perfectly magical and perfectly placed that I really thought it was filmed on a studio lot like with Legend they built that entire Forest the pond everything was man-made and being here every single inch of this Forest is covered in Moss I mean the trees the ground I'm sinking in it and I love it because it's so soft and Squishy I can see why people want to come out here I am fully Enchanted I don't want to leave I'm a bat I live here now [Music] I'm gonna try to give you directions to this place also this is an excuse to show you how beautiful this place is once you get here to the horse camp go to the loop right past Lot F and there's a walking path as well as a road that goes to the right as soon as you come down that way start looking on your right hand side for this it's massive once you see it way off in the distance it's the first big one that you see it's kind of a clearing that's where they filmed it even though we were able to miraculously find the opening shots to Twilight the spider monkey scene is a little harder to find we watch the scene a couple different times to see if we can find any kind of landmarks and sadly nothing so from this point on we're going to move on we've got a lot to see like I said we're gonna be doing this for the next couple days and uh it's beautiful [Music] what you're looking at right now is a bridge known as Bridge of the Gods and we're standing on the Oregon side and over there across the bridge is Washington now the beginning of the movie Bella and her dad are driving to Forks Washington and they cross this bridge it's a very quick scene and this is probably the furthest point when it comes to Twilight filming locations but it's the bridge to Forks Washington here's a fun piece of Twilight trivia on the other side of that bridge once you cross it into the state of Washington and go left that's Highway 14 that runs pretty much the border between Washington State and Oregon and they they actually filmed a lot there we're going to talk about that a little bit later on but this is kind of the start of it all in the state of Washington under in your constant cover of clouds and rain there's a small town named Forks population 3120 people we were first introduced to the town of forks right at the very beginning of the movie population 3120 people and a few different vampires we see this bridge right here as well as those buildings right down there at the end of the street if I zoom in a little bit this is it even the lamp posts on the bridge match up my dad's Charlie he's the chief of police just to be clear this is the fictional town of forks for the movie Twilight they filmed all over Oregon California as well as the state of Washington but in the movie this small town is Forks the street corner that they pass that has all the wooden carved animals on it is this one right here now you can see across the street that building that is very colorful it's got the mural painted on it in the movie it was just plain white and then this stop sign pay attention to that because right at the base of it you see that yellow pull it's like a circular thing in the movie it looks like the stop sign is right in the middle of it like it's coming out the top this is it right here let me get a shot from right about here as you see the truck pull into frame from the right hand side it's a logging truck that building that's on the right it says Oregon Lottery it's still here the first time we see Bella's house is from right about here it's an establishing shot and a lot of the movie actually takes place here but in this scene whenever she first arrives to Forks Washington her dad in the cop car drives and Parks pretty much right where Jessica is it's a beautiful piece of property beautiful house I used to spend two weeks there almost every summer we didn't realize that the street that the house is on is a one-way street it's like a private drive and they don't really want people parking here so there's a parking spot at the bottom of the hill but there's a sign here that says Twilight fans please park on Columbia Boulevard and walk up for your photos also right next to the driveway is a sign that says Twilight fans this is a private residence and it gives a little bit of like some friendly reminders to take some pictures from the road and not step onto the property or trespass in any way shape or form oh yeah it's also an Airbnb knowing that it's an Airbnb trust me we reached out to the owners to see if we can spend the night while we're here filming but it like books out for an entire year sometimes even more and if I'm not mistaken they're actually doing some Renovations on the inside so but I think the Airbnb part of it is closed but you can always come here and take photos our next stop is curver Cafe this is about as close as we're going to get to the shot from the movie still here it's still called Carver Cafe sadly the Carver Cafe is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays and the time of recording this it is Monday and by the time it opens up on Wednesday morning we are going to be long gone but the window that's right behind Jessica is where they sat in the movie and if we could go inside right now they actually have a Twilight guest book that you can sign if you come here and visit while they're open like we said this place is closed Monday and Tuesday and the rest of the week they're open from 8 A.M to 2 p.m which means basically this is a breakfast place but at least we can see the corner that they sat at through the window let's see if we come over this side and peek through the window because while they're sitting there on the inside you can actually see antlers on the wall all right we have to scratch it and reverse it this is future Grim life Collective we are on the way out of town we just finished filming everything for our Twilight video and we decided you know what let's go and have breakfast at Carver Cafe so we're about to go inside so by the time you watch this yeah it's a time travel thing but we're going inside let's go get something to eat this is the Twilight guest book that you get to sign I don't know if you can tell maybe if I wiggle it that it actually has a lot of glitter on it and it's from this year so I guess I do a new one every year but what I think is really sweet is the artist is someone who works here so we got to sign it you gotta sign the groom life Collective yes there you go big and beautiful beautiful [Music] sauce you gotta turn it around was here so of course in the movie Bella is vegetarian and I'm trying to eat the more vegetarian friendly sometimes even vegan and uh on the menu they had something that's called The Bella Burger which is the veggie patty that they have here so I ordered the Bella burger what did you order thanks thanks bacon yeah it's a nice it's a breakfast place as well as a lunch place it smells delicious and everybody here is absolutely friendly I just can't get over how grown up you are and so gorgeous and there it is the corner from the movie what's really cool about this when you come here especially if you're coming from really far away it's a small restaurant so you can actually Reserve this table for you and your party you can sit where they sat in Twilight and then we get a shot from right about here the cameraman had to have had his back in the corner but you can clearly see where the wall meets the ceiling it's got like that Jagged Edge to it it's here all of it my first day at a new school it's March middle of the semester and now for Bella's first day at her new school she drives her truck right up this road right here into the parking lot and this is about the shot that we get you see that giant tree on the left-hand side there is a church back there the tree has just gotten a lot bigger since they filmed but this is about the shot right here as she drives right off screen I never thought I'd be this excited to be in a parking lot before these are kind of Big scenes you know watching the scene it looks like Bella swings her truck around and she Parks right for Jessica's standing in that first parking spot you see the school from right about here the steps everything one thing I really want to point out you see that building back there to the right that wasn't here whenever they filmed and instead you can actually see trees like the tops of trees you can still see those trees if you look close enough and then she turns and she walks up to the school for her very first day you don't actually get to see which side of the step she walks up but if we were to walk up the steps like Bella this is the way that we would have gone and then she goes over to those steps over there and we know this because in the very next scene this is where she she meets a classmate you're Isabelle Swan the new girl hi I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place the first time you see these steps at the schools Whenever Bella first arrives on her first day of class and she finds out about the school newspaper in fact where I am sitting is where they were standing in the scene you can actually see that overhang including that box right there in this scene you make a beautiful bat um anything any tour guide lunch date chill over cry on the second time you see these steps is whenever she gets to school and it's raining you see everybody walking pretty much right where Jessica is with umbrellas crime communities and chick thing but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway and they need a guide to help choose the music whenever you see the quick scenes that happen here in the school parking lot the Collins are always parked up in this corner either here in front of the stairs or the first car in now the scene that matters the one from the parking lot you're all here to see he is absolutely standing right here next to this wall and Bella is parked and the farthest spot literally across the parking lot all right they show a couple of quick clips of them staring back and forth at each other he's staring at her she's staring at him almost as if they're waiting for them to do something nothing happens so she turns her back to him she starts to get her backpack together off the back of our truck and they made a point at showing how big this parking lot was and how wet it was as soon as she turns her back a car comes barreling down this road right here almost hits another car you hear the horn and that's when it comes directly for her and she's saved with his hand in the side of the truck [Applause] here's a different angle of that scene there's that road to your right where that car would have come down heading straight for Bella and then you see that wall way over there on the other side of the parking lot that's where Edward comes from and he saves her pretty much right over here and next to where this truck is parked in this parking spot pretty neat I heard the chief's daughter was there oh that's going Charlie this next location visit is going to be a rather quick one this building that's right behind Jessica is where they filmed the hospital scenes in Twilight in fact the hallway where Bella and Edward have their conversation is that one right there this is the scene where Bella's already been checked out she's fine and she's peeking at Edward from around this corner he sees her and he walks over she wants some answers right like how did you get to me so fast and he's like follow us standing right next to you you hit your head you're confused and she's like no I know what I saw how did you get over to me so fast I was standing right next to you Bella no you were next to your car you gotta go we gotta go green is what good let's go the next stop on our Twilight filming locations tour brings us to an actual Greenhouse which is this greenhouse right here this building it's the one closest to us now in the movie they actually go to a greenhouse for a field trip right tell us about this scene the The Cliff Notes the Grim notes the Grim notes yeah I like that Cliff Notes Grim notes Grim notes so to make it short this is the first interaction they have after he infamously saves her life we all know the same stop the truck bare-handed and she's like you've been avoiding me he's like hello and she's like I want an explanation he says he loves it so much I had an adrenaline rush you can Google it and then she slips again he says can you at least watch where you're going and then she's all oh my God you shouldn't have saved my life then because you just regret it and he's like what are you saying how dare you Etc and then you can't sit with us on the bus bye I like it that's perfect you you should write movies no no but thank you I had an adrenaline rush it's very common you can Google it the greenhouse from the movie is right in the center of your screen it actually has a sign right above the door that says Greenhouse number two and you can see it clear as day behind the characters as they come out from it walking back towards the bus you can even see that little pipe coming out from the front and going up to the top like a chimney Bella look it's a worm it's a worm in fact if you watch this scene you can actually see Greenhouse number one in Greenhouse number two as the camera backs up and Bella and Edward walk towards the camera and if I were to keep going into the parking lot here this is where they would have one of the school buses on the left one of the school buses on the right we shouldn't be friends you really should have figured that out a little earlier now this is a special treat while we're outside filming being respectful because you saw the caution tape the administrative assistant for the Community College here her name is Loretta she she came out and said you guys want to see the inside of the greenhouse and we're like heck is yes so they actually used both greenhouses this one here Greenhouse number two which can be seen exteriors this is where a lot of the conversations took place a lot of the dialogue between between the characters look I'm I'm sorry I'm being rude all the time I just think it's the best way I guess you just asked me to prom the compost tea is that one over there I'm gonna show it to you I'm going to show it to you of course we're going to show it to you this is really neat right now we're standing in Greenhouse number one and right over here to the right of Jessica this is where they had the compost tea scene very good very good now I'm gonna make a steaming cup of compost tea give me that yeah this is recycling in its most basic form guys don't drink it it was really so sweet and thank you very much he let me smell some flowers and during conversation she pointed out one more thing I'd like to show you if you follow me this is really neat we would we would have had no clue like none the wiser you can't see it that clearly but in the film that is the actual compost machine they're using to produce the compost tea right there you see the it looks like a giant pot on a little stand right there man that's cool one last thing say it with me guys compost is what compost is good [Laughter] good [Music] foreign from right about here this is the establishing shot today it's a beautiful Ocean View wouldn't you say so baby girl it's La Push baby La Push if you're a twilighter you'll totally get that it's the push baby La Push and then we get a shot from the parking lot you see cars parked pretty much right where I am and then you see where Jessica's standing you can see the ocean the fence the rocks out in the ocean and that one right there is actually called submarine Rock now if you watch this scene very closely oh it's right there in the front there's somebody waxing their surfboard and would you look at that there's actually somebody here waxing their surfboard we had no control over this it's just how folks I don't know if it's worth it anymore all the way out here before we head down to the beach itself let's just take a moment and look at this just take it in absolutely gorgeous got these nice little steps that go down through the woods down to the water this is a perfect day to do this scene it's not too cold it's not too sunny it's just nice all right baby girl we gotta see the bat here at the beach go for it oh that's perfect right about there there you go how fitting how beautiful [Music] real quickly the fun thing about this if we were to go down the beach down the shore that way for a little bit of time you're entering Goonies territory they filmed in the same state park just a little further down pretty neat right might be a little hard to see I'm going to try to zoom in as best as I possibly can but right about there out in the water the lighthouse first I thought it was a ship whenever you watched the movie but it's a white house and a rock next to it you can see that and the background is two Surfers or in the water now there are Surfers in the water here but not in the shot for us crazy is that before Jessica comes out here it tells us a little bit about this scene this is the shot that we're looking for you see that rock right there you see those rocks and then you see this little nub off in the distance as Jacob and Bella walk towards the camera so what happened here baby girl really they meet up in the parking lot they start walking on the beach and Jacob is telling Bella the origins of his tribe and the story of the pale faces what did your friends mean about you know the Cullens don't come here you caught that huh and then from right about here is the shot we get of Bella and Jacob walking down the beach thank you it's a beautiful scene now before we leave I want to go ahead and point out a few of the different movies that were filmed here there's a big one on the left that says Point Break 1991 Indian Beach stood in for Bells Beach Australia and the stormy finale of Point Break where Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze had their final showdown and then did you know Twilight characters Jacob and Bella walked along the Sands at Indian Beach to the special Driftwood tree which is what we're just doing and then right over here it talks about Kindergarten Cop The Goonies which we did a video on if you haven't watched that I'm gonna put the link below Twilight film location which is what we just did and at some point we'll have to come back for Point Break but not today if you've seen a little movie called Halloween Town does this place look familiar right now we're in St Helens where they filmed a lot of Halloween Town but this is also where they filmed some scenes some big scenes for Twilight and would you look at this right in front of the courthouse Museum right in the square there's a little plaque here that says Demi Reynolds April 1st 1932. for the movie Halloweentown Saint Helens Oregon [Music] we found another plaque from the Oregon film Trail for Twilight this one here says many scenes were filmed here in this town such as the restaurant where Edward tells Bella he can read minds the bookstore Bella's house and the dress shop also the alley Where Edward saved Bella we're gonna talk about it all you know what baby goal if it was up to me you'd be doing the bat in every single scene from this movie it's fun now what happened in this store that's behind you this store is where they filmed the prom dress shopping it all took place in this window the name of the store is called petite Jolie and Bella didn't actually stay very long here while her friends were shopping for the prom because she's not really into the prom she even said she's not going to prom um she excuses herself she'll meet them later for food and that's when she goes to the bookstore wanna go inside yeah yeah see what we're gonna line up lavender second is that the color the window that they were sitting in would have been this one right here in fact Bella would have been sitting over on this side you can see the curve well the angle in the window and her friends on the right hand side near the shirts trying on dresses and what's fun about this if we come all the way up to the window here you can see the courthouse Museum all the way across the street and that can be seen in this shot as well are you sure yeah yeah I'll see you in a minute okay and then the bookstore from the movie that Bella goes to right after the prom dress scene is right up here at the top of this hill it's a house on the left hand side but I also want to point this out you see the sign welcome to Halloween Town so there's that and then right over here let me go ahead and lift the camera up this was the bookstore all of this is within like the same proximity so it all makes sense for continuity it all makes sense from right about here is where we get the establishing shot for the Thunderbird and whale bookstore and the weeds and trees have overgrown it so much that you can't even see the house really but it was from right about here in this scene Bella's leaving the bookstore and it's night she comes to an Alleyway and this is where she encounters a few unsavory characters now this is the alleyway that she was walking down and we know this because if you look down you'll see this very distinctive pattern in the concrete [Music] walking down the alleyway she stops because she sees two people come into frame at the very end and it's from right about here it's an over-the-shoulder camera like angle like a view but this is it right here the camera turns again and this time we get a better shot of the walkway and the Very distinctive pattern in the concrete as Bella turns and then she walks off to the right to the very next scene and These Guys these unsavory characters actually follower fella comes walking across this parking lot to escape the guys in the alley and she doesn't get far before more of them come out of the Shadows over here still line up the building because the shape hasn't changed and the signs are still painted on the side now they start to all Circle her she's very uncomfortable she says don't touch me they're making very creepy comments you know about their intentions and then a car comes just spinning around the corner here and to the parking lot probably about right where I'm standing and it's Edward he gets out of the car and tells her get in the car she doesn't really question it she gets in the car and sees him confront the boys who back down get in the car Bella and Edward come flying right down this street right here in fact if we zoom in a little bit you can actually see some of those storefronts as they come driving right down towards where I am and also if we're to keep going down this road on the right is the movie theater that could be saved we're basically just walking the town it's kind of Park and just kind of walk and see everything this is the theater that can be seen in the background as they're driving down the road and of course Jessica's got to be the bat while driving they have a little bit of a back and forth about putting on their seat belt and then the very next scene we see in the movie is of this house right here this was the bloated toad restaurant hey you guys I'm sorry where were you we left you messages we waited but we were like starving this is essentially where Bella and Edward have their first date I am a little disappointed I'm going to admit I was hoping this was still a little restaurant Cafe because I wanted to eat here it looked really sweet inside during the movie Bella orders her mushroom ravioli and they discuss how Edward has mental capabilities he can read minds and she has him read the minds of everyone in the room and it's sex sex money cat sex money and then did she saying something's wrong with her because he can't read her mind We Now find ourselves in the town of renonia the building you're looking at right now is a credit union but in the movie Twilight this was the sheriff's station wow what is going on my dad's still here that's my father's car on the end Edward is driving Bella home from their first date at the cafe and she notices that her dad's car is still here and asked him to pull in as he does he notices that also his dad's car is here I kind of infamously call this the hey that's my dad and hey that's my dad scene and then we got a shot from right about here it's a bit of a close-up of the sheriff's station and there's a few things that we want to point out even on the inside they actually filmed inside this building hey that's my dad hey that's my dad well in Fortress Found a boat out near his place I just examined the body well Jessica takes the time to smell the flowers there's one thing we want to point out the flowers were actually covering the name of this building it's the wanna Credit Union I think it is but in the movie this is exactly where the Forks Police Department sign was all right let's go inside so we're going to take a look at where they actually filmed if you watch this scene very closely you'll see that the filmed right over here at this end cubicle man just this one little spot it was a nighttime scene hey hey our next Twilight location is a rather small one in the grand scheme of things and before Jessica starts talking about what happened in this building that you're looking at right now I want to draw your attention to the to the roof both sides of it you see that that point right there as well as this point you can see that clearly in the movie very quickly for an establishing shot this is a really short and sweet scene it's an establishing shot to let you know that these are the bad guys it's James Laurent and Victoria essentially out getting lunch they come here you don't see exactly what this building is it looks like a an old factory building and they are on the hunt they kill a worker here you know you see his hard hat and all that and they're the chase and that's really it oh lunch back there's a little bit of a waterfall over there really is something else it's gonna have traveled the country quite a bit we've been pretty much everywhere but there's really no place that looks like Oregon nothing that looks like this that's for sure we've even been to the Hoover Dam and things like that and which I think this is a Waterway this is this is stunning and it's still in use today from what I can tell and it's beautiful to see I Can't Take My Eyes Off of it just a heads up this building is on private property which means there's absolutely no way anybody's going to be able to get down there and get the same shot from the movie so we did the next best thing we found Higher Ground the building that's right behind me this is the VFW so if you do decide to come here to visit the spot Park here and also there's this really nice little land bridge that kind of takes you out and over it beautiful sight and we get a shot from right about here there used to be a mural over on the left hand side it's no longer here they actually have it in safe keeping they bring it out for special events but they walk right up this Hillside into the woods and now there's a black fence the chain link fence there that prevents people from going up there but this is it you're impossibly fast and strong your skin is pale white and ice cold your eyes change color and sometimes you speak like like you're from a different time We Now find ourselves an Oxbow Regional National Park walking through the woods in search of a location that Twilight fans call to say it out loud scene we kind of have an idea we talked to a few different Park Rangers and they kind of pointed Us in the right direction but this is a this is kind of like a scavenger hunt I didn't catch her name but there was one park ranger who kind of pointed us specifically to a log that can be seen in the movie and if we keep walking this way we should run into it but they filmed all throughout this area the plants are taller than me oh yeah they are so the log should be straight back there right this is pretty wild it's deep let's see the bat [Laughter] I can't I I just can't get enough of that as Jessica walks over there and gets into position this is the log that they walk right past and when we were walking back here immediately I thought wow it's a lot bigger in the movies and than in real life but then you have to realize that over time things just kind of deteriorate but they would have been walking right towards where I am with this log to the side crazy that it's still here up the mountain out of the cloud Bank you need to see what I look like in the sunlight this is a pretty big scene for a lot of fans I think it's probably one of the most quoted even if in humor but what a beautiful place for it to take part and It just fits so perfectly our journey into the world of Twilight now brings us to a place known as The Stone Cliff Inn and what's really interesting about this place they filmed some pretty key scenes here and they got signs that tell you where everything is it kind of directs you to where you need to be I really love seeing things like this where people have a little bit of Pride that something was filmed in their area so they've put these up and we'll see these along the way but what I love the most is that they included some of the behind the scenes of the crew I I like things like that behind the movie Magic So today we're going to be seeing the unveiling Sparkle Sparkle I thought you didn't like me The Lion and the lamb that's a lot of people's favorite I think your strength doesn't scare me and then when he's jumping around trying to scare her a lot of times whenever we do these filming location videos we come here with pictures and video very rarely do we ever see anything like this but I will say this though the only time we've ever really seen it done awesomely is in Oregon all right baby goal tell us what happened in this scene the Grim notes if you will if I have to say I would say that this is maybe the most important part of the film is certainly the most controversial part of the film that even if you're not a Twilight fan you've talked about it it's still being commented about today you guys know what it is vampire Sparkle so let's go ahead and walk this scene this rock right here can be seen in this picture that the Stone Cliff Inn provided and you can actually see part of the script but in order to get the actual shot of the scene we have to come back here now I'm going to line it up but right where Jessica is standing is where Bella would have been standing in this scene and in order to get this exact shot we kind of have to step right back here let's see something very similar to that again Jessica is standing where Bella was and up there on the rock is where Edward would have been standing all right do the bat [Music] this is what I am this is the skin of the killer Bill that's awesome the famed sparkling in the sunlight scene and you're standing right there I did bring something for this scene but it's very overcast here in Oregon I brought a glitter spray you gotta spray your hand or something I'll spray my hand initially I was going to spray my face and I think that's just not well initially remember when we started talking about doing this video when we announced it I was going to cover my entire body with glitter but that was not going to happen oh there you go you can see it somewhat it doesn't have as much glitter as I thought and we have no sun here it's eternally overcast which is rather nice but uh it smells good pumpkin at the end of this scene he says it's the skin of a killer Bell and he says I'm a killer and as he does this he walks by this very interesting looking tree which is right over here you see how it kind of Curves out and angles up that'll happen right here it's a very quick scene as he walks right around it I'm gonna kill it I believe that this is pretty much that exact shot right here from this scene and then they continue walking right over this way in front of the trees as it was The Rock you can see right where Jessica is you can see Edward Stepping Over The Roots right there and then right in front of this very interesting rock formation is where we get the next scene in fact if we turn the camera a little bit this way you can see the tree on the left hand side in it as well it's because you believe the lie camouflage if you pay attention to the tree behind me you can see this is the scene where while they're walking they kind of pause and he describes why he's a predator it's his face his smell everything is designed to invite you in and then he dashes off to prove a tourists or more is this you can outrun me so Edward darts off camera and then he starts jumping around and he ends up Landing up there on top of that rock that can be seen off in the distance it's pretty distinctive and Jessica is standing pretty much right where Bella was standing and she's looking around confused because she hears them and he's jumping from rock to rock she has no idea where he's at foreign and then he jumps down in front of her pretty much right where Jessica is and you can actually see that tree that's about the middle of your screen right between the rocks and you see the rock that's behind Jessica out has a little bit of like whiteness on it that can be seen and then Edward reaches out and he rips a tree branch or a tree trunk and he throws it and how funny is it it looks like there's a hole right there where he grabbed the tree branch because if you could fight me off I'm sure no tree was harmed in the making of This film even though they have signs throughout the forest here that directs you to different scenes that were filmed here they don't really all add up or line up perfectly so you kind of have to do the leg work and walk around it looks like with some fancy camera work basically Bella pretty much stands in one place the entire time and it's Edward who's jumping around from tree to tree rock to rock from scene to scene so if you were to put Bella right where Jessica is standing right now you get this shot a few different times one whenever Edward he lands and about the tree branch right about there we learn to control our thirst and then in the very next scene he hops down and he's crouched right on this tree branch right here I did only for making me want you so badly I never thought I would say that a tree branch could be so important to a film but right here is where Edward is crouching when he's telling Bella how good she smells she's like why don't you like me and he's like girl you smell so good it's a it's like a sparkly vampire I love you but no seriously this is where he's crouching when he's telling her that it's not that he didn't like her it's that she smells so good he wants her blood so badly that she's like a drug to him and then she comes up really close to his face and the entire scene they look like they're about to kiss in like eight different places and he's like stop I'm dangerous she's like no I don't care why did you hate me so much when we met I did looks like there's one more location here that we need to point out and that's this one right here why don't you tell us about this one baby ghoul let me get in place for a little bit of a dramatic Flair ready yeah laughs this is where they walk down literally just around the rock he leans in close and puts his hand around her and they have the whole Lion and Lamb Exchange I can't read your mind you have to tell me what you're thinking I think that's about it for our time here at the Stone Cliff Inn absolutely love that they have this going on like I said come out here get your pictures be respectful and uh explore a little bit it is absolutely gorgeous here in the woods [Music] oh let's see here right now we are in Portland I mean right in the heart of Portland standing right out front of the house used for the Cullen family we can't show it to you because well you just can't see it from the road I don't know if you ever could but as of today you can kind of make it out through the trees if you look close enough but you can't get a good shot of it what you're looking at right now is the driveway and the front gate that goes up to the Cullen House there are no trespassing private property signs everywhere but if you look right about the center of your screen let me zoom in here a little bit you can kind of see the tan wood color right about the center of your screen through the trees that is part of the house that is all you can see from the road so if you want to come out here and visit the house use your own discretion but this is it we are now in search of a place called the camp horn overlook where they film the treetop scene and it really feels like we're in the middle of nowhere we're like the only people out here exploring the only way the groom life Collective knows how [Music] so it's got to be back here somewhere we just passed a little sign that said trail with an arrow pointing this way it's like deeper into the forest we go it took a little bit of exercising to get here but what you're looking at right now is the Cape Horn Overlook basically an Overlook that looks the entire Gorge the the river the mountains I mean anything and everything and here's what's special about this this is where they film the close-up scenes of Bella and Edward in the Treetops [Music] what this isn't real this kind of stuff just doesn't exist doesn't my world before coming here Jessica and I did a ton of research trying to figure out which tree Bella and Edward were actually in for the close-ups some websites say it was the tree on the left other websites say it was the tree on the right I will tell you this looking at the scene like really looking at it and standing here looking at all the trees it's almost impossible to figure out which tree they were actually in tell you this for certain though these four you can see these clear as day in the movie it could be that the tree is no longer here but it does look like in the movie that the one that they used would have been right here to the tree on the right because if you look very very closely it looks like there's like a double trunk to it if it's not this one the tree is no longer here it'd be on the right hand side and I say this because you see that the green patch of grass that's way off in the distance down on the ground you can see that behind them and then if we turn the camera over this way just a little bit you can see that mountain off in the distance as well [Music] this is definitely it this is where they get those the scenes of them on top of the mountain on top of the Treetops looking down with anything really I mean things change it could have been one of these trees it might not have been one of these trees don't think it was a prop tree I'm not mistaken at one point doing research I actually found uh behind the scenes photo of the crew standing here building a bit of a platform right behind me right now I'm walking on the wall of that Circle but there's something very interesting here that a lot of people say is the tree that they were in I don't know if it was the tree for the close-ups it might have been a tree that that shows them climbing up like there's a there's a well let me show you what I mean and I'll tell you the story you see where Jessica's sitting in the center of your screen on either side of her there's these big trees there's two on the left technically there's three and then there's two on the right this tree right here has something very interesting attached to it for this we got to go a little further up the hillside Into the Woods and look at the tree from the other side there's Jessica sitting right there this is the tree that we were just pointing out if I lift the camera up do you see it here let me get over a little bit piece of wood attached to this side of the tree supposedly people come out here and they say that this is this is part of the harness or part of the platform where they shot those scenes the piece of wood in question is right about there now of course time has passed they they could very well have been up inside this tree for the close-ups but I don't think so there's a behind the scenes video that was shot with Edward carrying Bella on on his back and he tells her to hold on and then they go up the tree and like like a pulley system if anything I think this tree was that again it could be wrong but actually just being here and watching the scene and just trying to figure out the logistics of it this would make sense again this is just all speculation we weren't there when they made the movie but if that's the case it would make sense that they would have done these close-up shots right down here in these trees symbolizing the the Treetops easier to get to the actors to get what they need and those trees back then would have been a lot smaller our journey now brings us to a place known as Multnomah Falls which can be seen in the background during the vampire baseball game very small it kind of makes you think of like Disney and forced perspective but it's massive now if you look very closely off in the distance during the vampire baseball scene you can see the straight line the vertical line of this waterfall which is actually across the river and it's gorgeous man there was a few scenes down here that didn't make it into the movie Bella and Edward are standing right here kind of sharing a romantic moment you can make out the falls behind me and the rock formation and there's even a picture of the crew standing right around where Michael is as they film the scene is a shot of Edward and Bella standing pretty much right where I am you can see the waterfall right behind them splitting the screen there's definitely a sight to see it's a short hike up to the bridge so we're gonna do it we have to get a good view of the waterfall as well as over top of the river and hopefully we can see the Shire where they had the baseball the vampire baseball scene it's really not that bad of battle back here or up here the bridge is right there and as soon as we turn the corner here you're going to start to see the falls just look at that it's enough to take your breath away isn't it and you see the river off in the distance on the other side of the river is where they shot the vampire baseball scenes it's a private property a nature reserve or preserve Reserve or preserve I never remember I think but you can't get back there we tried we reached out to the owners and uh this is as close as we're gonna get standing on that bridge that famous bridge from the Twilight waterfall we're getting ready to to leave this area and just finally give up about visiting the Shire where they they play the vampire baseball game and something miraculous happened we were able to get down here on the baseball field that's where I'm standing right now there's the river in the waterfall is way over there the sun has come out it's kind of magical wait till you see this right about where I'm standing right now is where you get that beautiful scene of Edward and Bella walking together with a waterfall behind them in the distance [Music] but if you turn and look directly behind me where the grass is very tall for me it's about chest high is where they actually played the vampire baseball game right in this open field oh Jeeps would have come in here and I believe that is the tree everyone talks about back in the corner if you look about the center of your screen they Zoom all the way in here [Music] that's the tree we were talking about see what I mean there's no getting back there this grass is up to my shoulders and I'm six foot two so it's about six feet tall [Music] so far this by far has to be my favorite part of the Twilight filming location video that we're doing this is just beautiful here the baseball game wasn't the only thing that was filmed here at the Shire there's another scene where Bella and Edward are sitting on rocks overlooking the water in the rain that happened just beyond those trees but the water level is too high and we can't get back there so it is what it is right now we are standing in front of what was Mimi's ballet studio in the movie Twilight so tell us a little bit about this building the Grim notes if you will okay epic grim notes real short and simple this is the fight scene it's really cool to be here I'm really curious if it was ever a dance studio because I want to see the inside and you know this is where James loses his head literally you see this building really only very briefly kind of like an establishing shot of war the dance studio is and this would be the door that she walked into I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with death they also brought me to Edward we walked around this entire building to see if we can look inside to see if anything matches up and not really I mean there's a few different scenes that happen very quickly where it looks like you can see these windows but that's about it it used to be in an upholstery factory I think that this building really was just used in an establishing shot I think that entire scene was likely filmed in a studio because during the epic battle scene you know the floor comes up they break all the mirror then the glasses and as far as I can tell in their ballet studio in the movie they don't have a second floor this place definitely has always had a second floor the building you're looking at right now is looking like it's getting a bit of a facelift for as far back as I can remember this building was abandoned it was left to rot but this is where they filmed the prom scenes in the movie Twilight now baby gold you have some Grim notes if you will about this place what happened here okay let's see if I can give you a grim notes version see in the movie final chapter Bellows out of the hospital her leg is broken so she's in a cast and it's prom Monte Carlo is the same Bond James Bond which I think is really cute and Bella knows what she wants Edward forever turned me into a vampire I want to be like you he's like can't I just live with you for a while watch your age no it's not what I want I love your Grim notes they're not always short version I must admit but um they really close the chapter without an answer she wants to be like him and he says can't I just have this and she says for now break for second movie I can't believe you're making me do this smile pretty much all of the filming took place on this side of the house they had it all decked out really nicely inside of course but right over here about the center of your screen in the grass is where they had the gazebo it's very beautiful scene in fact we were watching it driving up here and I was like man there's just something very magical about watching this and being here where they filmed it can you imagine and it looks like over here they had some sort of pond at one point and what a view chances are whether you like the movie Twilight or not or you make fun of it or it's whatever it's it's a pretty big deal especially whenever it came out and today it's still a big deal it's a fun movie and you know what I've seen the movie countless times Jessica has seen the movie countless times but ducking underneath the tree there's just something very special about watching it in the town that it was filmed I mean this movie was filmed all over the place but just being here before we shot this one segment we watched it and I remember thinking wow how magical and beautiful this place is and it is there's Jessica being a bat again this time at the prom scene I have one for you too you got a dandelion for me yes do it together sure ready all right ready [Music] you ate it huh I thought it would be kind of fun to just kind of blow it off off screen so you could just kind of see them flying everywhere and the wind blew it back into my mouth like they did not taste good I'm sure they don't I feel like I was well deserved because last time we did a video Stand By Me filming locations and you're getting ready to blow it and I said I thought you were going to eat it of course the wind is like well no Michael you're going to eat the dandela and the night off the camera he tried to convince me to eat one oh man he did with that being said thank you for joining us on another Grim Adventure this time telling the story of Twilight by visiting the filming locations it's been pretty magical it's beautiful here it really is first time this side of Oregon we we went up to Mount Hood before but never this far north and dipped into Washington and it's been a trip magical until next time happy Halloween away
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 114,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twilight, Twilight Filming Locations, Twilight Full Movie, Twilight Soundtrack, Twilight Baseball Scene, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2, Twilight Edward and Bella, Twilight Edward Saves Bella, Twilight Edward, Twilight Edward vs Jacob, Twilight Movie, Twilight Movie Clips, Twilight Movie Scenes, Twilight Movie Trailer, Twilight Movie Songs, Twilight Movie Soundtrack, Twilight Best Scenes, Twilight Best Moments, Twilight Then and Now, Filming Locations, Filming Location, Twitour
Id: 75QF5U6nMos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 14sec (4094 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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