Saving Our Baby ANIMALS in Minecraft!

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i have found eight secret baby mobs in minecraft from elephants to penguins we have to work together to nurse them back to health oh help us i don't know minecraft language okay don't hate but little oinkers needs our help and uh we're gonna do it if you guys don't know me i love animals so this is a challenge made for me our helicopter is coming are you going with us rescue team radio um how did you hear me oh i think there's a spy camera somewhere they were just hovering they're like brie loves animals we're gonna get her with this super depressing poster will you be an angel for a helpless animal i am going with you but is this thing big enough to uh carry me comment down below if you've ever ridden a helicopter i did once and it was terrifying yes i am coming with you hold on i don't think this is supposed to happen i'm strapped to the side of a helicopter save the walrus okay you have to help this walrus by fixing the ice bridge also he's surrounded by some bears so you'll need to deal with them too be aware ice is melting everywhere and bears can be very dangerous there's a lot going on in this mission so we have packed ice to replace the melting ice as well as a freezing rifle used to freeze dangerous polar beasts these are not even polar bears oh no there's a polar beast in front of us freeze cool potty don't worry it doesn't hurt them because they like being in the cold they're just unable to move for a little bit so we can save the walrus so we just have to move this way and make sure none of the polar beasts follow us that was almost bad where are they i know there's multiple out here okay i wasn't born yesterday i feel like there might be a sneak attack happening there we go three bears have been frozen there's this guy down here and maybe that's it oh no there's one more in the distance man this is kind of difficult because it's all ice oh i just missed him i just missed him we're gonna have to get a little closer ice parkour is a little harder than a regular parkour i thought i froze them all i didn't but we are one step closer to the bridge that contains wally the walrus fix the ice you have to replace the melting ice okay we have packed ice in here so just break these we don't need them and replace them with the good stuff there's there's kind of a lot of this i get why it would not be safe for walrus to walk on this bridge what does a walrus do scoot flop i'm not quite sure it's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma also it's going to be really bad if i accidentally step on that because i'm going to go straight through into the arctic ocean i'm not a good enough swimmer for that we're getting close but bad news bears there is a bear very close to us so we're about to have to freeze him so far they haven't noticed me which i'm very shocked by but they also won't expect this first bear frozen on the island with wally now freeze all the bears around the walrus hold on i didn't fix all the ice you're one step ahead of yourself rescue police if that is your real name okay all we have to do for the walrus is defeat well freeze the polar bears just to keep him safe and uh wally i think you're good to go save a baby elephant i'm in the savannah it's hurt so i have to save her she's walking alone so hurry up she could get lost she could also get infected so you have to be really fast wait we forgot to tell you don't approach elephant family uh okay i was gonna try to go pet them are these elephants or hippos or timon and pumbas where's the elephant i can't approach everybody wait the longer that i take the more infection the elephant has where is it i can't tell these look totally normal do you guys see these red particles i'm gonna follow them and i hope that it could be the elephant oh it was flowers but it led me in the right direction hi we're gonna help you don't worry okay we are in the elephant now to help with the infection it looks like there is lava in his bone ouch that sounds very very painful luckily we have sponges so all we have to do is fill this gap with the sponge and i think it should make him feel better here we go here we go he should feel better in no time hot potatoes my feet are burning how about this now use bandages to cover his wounds hey we forgot to give you bandages you'll have to make it yourself while we cleared the infection i think that's gonna be the hardest part where are the pandas oh those are cactus just gonna swim over here carefully carefully all we have to do is grab a teeny weeny bit of sugar cane i'm a little disappointed there's no uh pandas over here but whatever we're going to make bandages out of paper it's the best i know to do ella the elephant we're going to do this together i have acquired the sugar cane now let's make a crafting bench so i can get this beautiful elephant bandaged and there we go three pieces of paper now did it say to craft those together bandages unbreakable well that's good because this is an elephant here you go ella congratulations you rescued the baby elephant ow oh hey calm down i just saved you save a baby pigeon it's injured its wing first of all i'm getting teleported to all these places i have not gotten to utilize the helicopter i thought he'd be on the roof i don't see him anywhere hello at least give me a gps okay what's in my inventory calcium cream shrinking surgery potion wings in a ladder cannon the typical everyday inventory oh my gosh you guys this has to be where we have to shoot the ladder cannon and uh if we mess up this pigeon's life could be in danger so very carefully sneak to the edge oh my gosh i am afraid of heights and shoot cool but it's all the way down there fun fun fun fun stuff uh you guys before i make a very important jump please look under this video and hit that subscription button three two one go hey it's working who needs wings when you can have a ladder cannon i don't even know why i have those in my inventory it would have been a lot simpler if they had an escalator though i'm just saying wait i see him slapping just like the penguin right over here how do i get over there oh i have to use my wings do i look fabulous i feel fabulous thank you so much you have to admit it looks pretty darn good ah oh no no no stop flying i cannot fly like a pigeon apparently and make it out alive you're so cute we can't dilly dally i have to use this uh shrinking surgery potion use the calcium cream to heal the broken wing i'm inside the pigeon now we have calcium cream i assume this is the part that's broken oh it's on this side poor baby we have to think of a name for this pigeon stat is that everything you healed the pigeon's wing that was so easy pigeon flying ability great am i having to teach a pigeon how to fly right now i don't know how to fly i'm very stressed we've got this we've kind of got this woo just barely so i'm gonna go to this checkpoint right here there she is she is on her way to victory you can do this i feel so proud of myself like i'm technically a mother bird right now i'm like mary poppins good job now we have to fly over here this looks a little more difficult are you ready i don't know that i am oh this is a little difficult but we can make it out of this this is easy yeah oh my gosh i got it on the first try you made it it's awesome you are 58 ready to fly that is very specific now we have to go how are we making it over there we're gonna have to take a pit stop i'm pretty sure a little bit of this in a little bit of this yes we made it ladies and gentlemen let's see how far she can get oh she didn't even have to stop okay you showing off over here sister um wait wait i didn't do the last checkpoint she flew away i'm kind of sad baby penguin it ate a fish and now it's choking you need to be very fast about this one beautiful beautiful penguin i love you and you're a lot of people's favorite animals who are watching at home probably i'm just gonna use a sleeping potion on you he's flapping and he's sleeping that's impressive all we gotta do is drink this beautiful shrinking potion and oh i immediately got teleported into the trachea we have a very very quick countdown and uh he could wake up at any moment so i have tweezers and i have to find something stuck in his throat oh is it this this is gonna be a little hard because in order to get the bone out of his throat i also may plummet to my death uh plan this carefully pray it's because y'all are supportive back at home thank you so much now we can save the baby penguin i rescued him save the whale i am in antarctica and i have to save a beached killer whale before it dries up wait hold on why is the timer going he's right there he needs oxygen uh water i guess that's because he's out of the water here you go beluga let's get his oxygen level totally up before we do anything else of course i was only given one bucket because we have to make it as inconvenient as possible a lot a lot of running back and forth i don't know that i can get him to a hundred percent we can only do one thing we have to make a tool let's get iron ingot gold blocks and make a whale oh mover yes it's true so we just need conveniently what's in my inventory three blocks of gold iron ingot blocks of iron and flint and there we have it a whale o mover use this vehicle at your own risk oh jeez guys i don't have a license for this i covered him in water and apparently he's still a bit low on oxygen so let's just fill them up a little bit more join the whale oh mover it has been activated oh so it looks like we're hurting him but don't worry we're not i have to go on board and just slowly move him into the water it's going to be fine get in there get in there yay congratulations you rescued the killer whale now your mission is to treat the baby snail someone stood on him so he needs help fast oh no i don't blame somebody for stepping on him i can't even find him myself you brought me here to save oh well yeah he's camouflaged right in there honey you got it you gotta you know you you gotta you gotta sit somewhere else his shell is cracked i don't have anything in my inventory so i'm hoping we're near a village that is the only way we can help this baby snail oh yes there is one little hutch that i hope does not contain a witch because then i may be attacked hello doctor convenient hey what are you doing in my house i need help we have very little time for sheldon oh you need help how can i help you a baby snail is in need of medical care okay this is very urgent wait i'm a human doctor i don't treat snails well that is not very nice of you okay i personally would always operate on a snail that doesn't make sense no i really can't help you this man is grumpy you don't even have any patience in here okay i can help your snail if you fulfill three favors for me first i'm really hungry so get me some food that seems unnecessary when you have a patient waiting but shulk maybe some apples we are by a lot of trees that happened fast these are magical trees every single leaf that i break has an apple in it oh this is gonna be so easy now i'm gonna make so much apple strudel if i even i don't really know what apples droodle even is but i'm gonna make a lot of it well an apple a day keeps the doctor away i don't want to keep you away though i need you apples again okay it's really cold here so can you cut some trees for me you can find my axe in the chest can we just acknowledge the fact that there is a snail in need of urgent help and he's just making me do his chores this doctor and i are not going to be friends i'm just going to be honest at least he has a diamond axe so this shouldn't take as long we need like a countdown on the screen because i don't know how long sheldon is going to survive he also didn't tell me how much to cut so we're just going gonna hope eight blocks of birch wood will be enough okay now get me three water bottles and you are okay i'm already okay the snail is not okay you are literally right next to an ocean pond i don't know why i need to help you with this why is this urgent are you just really that thirsty okay where is your snail over here come on come on come on don't be slow this snail is in need of urgent help see him see him he's camouflage right there don't step on him don't do it don't feed him coffee what is that a plunger i can't even tell what that is why are you hitting his shell when it's already broken oh there we go it got fixed he's better now congratulations you rescued a baby snail your next mission is in the jungle the baby chameleon has the rare disease where he always changes colors you have to find out how to treat him or he could die guys i thought all chameleons changed colors oh he's so cute okay he's he's changing into the wrong color it looks like because if you're in the forest or the jungle or a tree area you gotta be green before we turn this chameleon green just wanted to let you know if you use this awesome code here you get 15 off all merch on now let's save this chameleon so we have a bug net interesting and a jar this does not help me how am i supposed to help this chameleon chameleon minigame stand on the wall uh oh okay i don't know how to prepare for this red red oh i have three seconds least i know my colors guys it's fine blue purple i guess this makes sense we're having to like recalibrate the coloring see oh look at this guys he turns the color that we're trying to match so he's orange so i stand on orange he's green so i stand on green yellow hmm i think he looked the best pink personally but that's also my favorite color easy breezy beautiful cover chameleon oh we're slowly filling the bar on the top so it looks like he's almost saved maybe one more of these oh completed he may be hungry now so catch some flies for him oh so flies just magically appear cool these things are nasty they're huge how many should i get i feel like five is a good amount mirror i just want this chameleon to eat you really fast this chameleon's name guys is going to be charles i've decided oh it got away don't fly over the ocean this is inconvenient for me just have to coax them back looks like i'm gonna have to swim ladies and gents three stop flying so fast i rescued a baby chameleon wait i didn't even go back and feed him yet save the pug the pug got poisoned and we don't know how also we're not sure in which room he is right now so hurry up and find him the longer i take the more poisoned the pug is this is awful i hope he's in here i'm just gonna take the stairs down are you in the chest no awesome great i'm gonna keep going oh we don't have much time it's already seven percent second room oh there he is oh my goodness he's so cute wait he ate rotten flesh that is never good for anyone radio i need help hey did you find out the poisoning cause rotten flesh it's really bad guys oh rotten flesh you have to find these ingredients to help him milk bird eggshells acorns and honey we are under a big time crunch and i don't like this i think we're gonna have to go outside guys unless there's something in here nope i hope this is the outside it's the outside where's the cow where's the cow so i am behind the building and conveniently acorns are falling from the tree and there is a cow it's like people have planned for this now beehive beehive easy peasy just gonna hit it a little bit this could be very bad guys no no no no bees came out it just gave me honey i feel like i'm being pranked because that never happens now all i need is bird eggshells let's use this ladder because i think they have a tree house up here so we could get a very good view oh i just got a bird egg in my inventory well this should be good let's go back with the pug to make sure he's okay he is 50 poisoned now guys so we gotta hurry place down this crafting bench as soon as possible guys put it all together and you get an infection cure cure for rotten flesh poisoning ew okay i hope this baby pug never eats rotten flesh again but he was probably hungry i rescued the baby pug so cute you guys have a blessed day i will see you in my next video and i'm gonna take this pug and see if it gets along with eloise
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 1,143,283
Rating: 4.8982959 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: 26J6Q7RKS9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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