Starting A Doki Doki Literature Club in Yandere Simulator!!

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I gotta get her I have 26 get her in the club room go go go go go go go oh no that wasn't me no no all these people want to join now you didn't care before guys I have been obsessed with tokidoki literature clubs since I played it if you didn't see me play it I will put the links in the description below to those videos and they'll probably pop up in the little I in the corner there but oh my god did I underestimate that game I didn't play it for so long so I was like yeah like this doesn't seem that interesting it's just like a creepy dating simulator I mean it is it is but it's so good I miss it so much I mean I still have to go back through and play the extra cutscenes and whatnot which I still plan on doing but I'm so sad that the main like run-through is over I completed it it's done but I saw that younger a dev had added being able to turn into the Doki Doki girls as a cool Easter egg and I've been waiting to try it because at first I had I mean I didn't play the game I feel like it wouldn't do justice to play around with the characters in yandere simulator if I didn't know what they were who they were what they were from but now I do and I love them more than life right now right before I started filming this I was looking up t-shirts and stickers of them they're sitting in my online cart right now I think I'm gonna buy them I'm probably gonna buy them but anyway today is about yandere simulator slash tok doki so let's go check out these Easter eggs yes ah here we are the easter egg room okay what is this say roses are red violets are blue be my Valentine I'm waiting for you blood is red bruises are blue don't say no oh god I love it so much alright let's see who's up first oh I'm Monica yes just Monica just Monica just Monica just Monica just Monica but hopefully it's not just Monica we can see the rest of the girls Natsuki oh she's so cute she definitely has a bigger bosoms in this game than she does in the real game there we go it's a girl girl up is she so much I miss you I mean I know she comes back at the end of the game but by the way I might be throwing spoilers here and there so if you haven't watched yet I suggest you go watch it on my channel of course of course link to the description below but if you haven't watched it yet make sure to go watch the game or play the game yourself just so I don't ruin it for you but say or hey girl so sorry I left you hanging all right next is yup Erie she looks so cool they all look so cool what should we do with them today yandere simulator ah I know there's clubs in yandere simulator but there's no literature Club I don't think so we should try to form a literature Club yandere simulator Oh greatest idea ever yes me who should we start with first trying to recruit people not Monica she's too intense let's start out with say Orry our number one girl all right sailor your task is to try and get people to want to join the literature well first let's stake out where the literature Club will meet hmm calligraphy room that might be good I don't think there's anything else that comes close to literature let's see yep I just walked around the whole school and the only one that really fits is the calligraphy room aka the new meeting spot of the literature Club and it's right next to the library I mean it's perfect well not right next to library we got the student council right between us stupid student council people then yes yes the new sight of the literature Club now we need to get members oh whoops it's class time um hold on hold on I'm here I'm here where's the best spot to find people who might be interested in literature now you just walked right into me girl girl I know what about you guys wouldn't you want to join the literature club you you sir you look like you like literature he's not even paying attention to me he okay well we'll get you when you're done reading what about you can I talk to you no you oh I could talk to you we'll take you first I mean we'll invite you first follow me to the new awesome Club I want to show you I know that you will like it oh yeah she is interested let us go look it I know it's not much yet but we plan to uh hold on let me let me shut the doors because this is a private club member only meeting she's like um I didn't say I was gonna join I know I know I know but I'm gonna I'm gonna convince you okay just like I don't think so I don't really want to join a club huh well you're gonna be here forever anyway I have a quieter new member she totally came not against her will and she's totally fine and we're all gonna get along really really well here in the literature club okay okay there we go all cleaned up all right we got one new member yeah guys yay look at all the people let's go to girl this time oh wait let's get a guy this time I'm gonna pick you because you match my bow Wow follow me and see a really cool Club put a keg yes trust me yes come on I promise this club is filled with really cute girls we pet we totally passed the club room come come come okay well what hold on I need to prep you when people first enter the literature club they kept very very excited okay so I just want I just want to let you know that you should just remain calm every everybody's new here every everybody is first learning how to write poems and such so no need to be scared of things that you might see or read or see in here no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh oh crap crap before a student remember Oh God oh no no drop drop drop why is everything so slow drop drop we have two new members yay students always try to ruin our stuff Oh peppers Brad Student Council hey literature club has the right to get new members to okay you can't have all the members let's try another girl let's do Natsuki she's cute enough to lure people I mean make people want to join the club stupid Student Council oh cooking club let Sookie loves to cook oh look at my cute bandana oh my gosh let's make make some snacks yes look at this you're in your element I mean I know it's not cupcakes but you know who'll make something out of what we got it's still adorable that's all that matters right so once we bring these snacks around to people they will want to join our club no no to the student Oh will they eat it it says feed you want some I don't want to give you any anyway what snacks the girl now has glasses who are those glasses for reading do you like to read do you also like to eat here you go free food sure I'll take one of course you will cuz they're delicious and adorable let's give one to everybody free food sure yes yes eat my delicious octo dogs and while you eat them I want you all to think about joining the literature Club yes it's a great place where we read and and write poems here yes the blue guys got glasses - who would like one you yes all right who wants to join the literature Club now I can promise lots of free octo dogs all the time blue girl with glasses about you yes yes you owe me for the octo dogs yes come on let's go yay the literature Club isn't it a wonderful magical place you'll never want to leave ever ok we got one new member again yay let's see if I can do better than say REE oh they're gonna find it eventually don't they walk in and out of the rooms I know we'll take best friend we haven't seen best friend in a while let's rent you'll love the literature Club you just gotta get three oh no somebody find it so do you I mean did somebody find out that we had a new member who allowed somebody else into our club hangout oh god oh no oh you guys are taking over my club area this is my club area hello this is my club area no no crap am I supposed to get new members now I'm just gonna recruit more people in here you didn't come with me again yes well they even notice if I kill a new person crap I think she noticed did she notice she's not coming after me did she not care was she too fixated on the okay well I got two members yay cuz she's technically up in the room they they don't care they don't care they don't they don't care can I pick her up and put her fully in the room cuz she's only fully new committed member now yeah they don't care call to members I beats AR yes me Natsuki I beat her yes okay let's try to get three let's go talk to my octo dog love and crew out here I'm telling you girl so many people want to join our club and they just stay for effort they just don't want to leave cuz it's just so great oh crap you saw it wait earlier mm-hmm get hurt in the club room quickly before another student member comes yes three members ah ah the literature club is getting so popular wow so many new members look at this can you guys believe this student council you're going down going down crap only got like a minute a minute well your crew what are you guys yes follow me the martial arts club is stupid you want to come to the literature club that's where it's at that's where everybody wants to be oh wait she can fight back crap I forgot about that I forgot a pretty weak cuz all I do is read manga that's he loves her manga hurry up girl there's no time to waste come on no no no oh oh no now oh okay I have 26 get her in the club room go go go go go go go oh no that wasn't me no no all these people want to join now you didn't care before zig zags sit oh well I'd five seconds remaining anyway beat four new members all the other the other two characters nobody can beat Natsu keys octo dogs that's what lured so many people in alright time to try Yuriy who actually when she starts getting messed with in the game is an actual yandere that part was probably the freakiest of the whole game but I actually really like her she's like one of my favorite characters if not my most favorite character Robby's I guess say where he's my most favorite character but she oh god stop creeping up on me I hate you student council literature Club for life think I can beat nut Sookie I need to beat Natsuki I'm better than her I'm more mature well-spoken and well-written and that Sookie is just super cute whatever and actually I think if I was gonna be part of any club she would probably be part of the dramatic Club like cooking club would be Natsuki drama club would definitely be URI Monica would be part of student council and say Orry what say where he would be in we'll never really know cuz they're not really characters in John Hurt stimulator oh you're stalking me stop let's go to the roof we haven't gone up to the roof yet oh hello other purple haired girl would you like to join the literature club it's down there one new member for URI actually maybe we should pick her up and actually bring her to the club crap student council member is she gonna see her don't see her don't see her don't know no grab she's gonna see her oh oh oh she saw her I have to tell the teacher no you don't stop being jealous that more her members are joining the literature club than your stupid screwdriver ass favor follow me ooh your eyes are super cool I always forget we can you really use you in the literature club I mean did you see Kokoda was like jumping for joy to join oh oh hey hey Student Council hey not do it oh oh how dare you so lucky I have a new recruit right now come into the literature club yay tweaking out a little bit tweak it out a little bit just a little bit just a little bit I feel kind of weird what is she saying the game I just wanna cut open your skin and crawl inside of you that was a bad moment I was like oh god oh god bull yandere just like right now yay to new members I think it's only fair to lower her sanity just like in the game oh yes I'm I don't know if the student council members take me down though just for looking kinda insane are you talking about him totally normal this is totally just me Yuri hello everybody who would like to join the literature Club it's a super fun Club made up of really cute girls and we all learn how to write poems and read stories yes other purple haired boy wouldn't you like to join you won't talk to me no no nobody's gonna talk to me fine I don't need you guys Midori wouldn't you like to join the literature Club yes you have no choice you're a member she is now a member everybody yay look she's throwing her hands up in excitement all right we should probably bring you to the club room though oh god no no no no no no where's the literature club crap I forgot it's one more floor down I'm so gonna get caught haha no she wants to join the literature Club not the Student Council okay stop trying to take her away from us you have enough Club members go go go go yes okay well I guess technically I'm supposed to go get Kaukauna oh there she is so I can't take her until these stupid people leave I like how the student council member went to go tell a teacher but then but he did anything and cajon is still out here it's because she wants to join the literature club so bad she was waiting for me to come get her it's gone almost gone yes yes ok Kokoda now we just gotta hope we don't run into any student council people oh god I can only drag you really really girl oh wait there we go yes we're going to the literature club literature club literature club most their three members come on yes yes yes the remembers oh look who got stuck I can't talk to you oh well you'll make this easier crap she's in the wall oh no no she wanted enjoy I swear I get what happened her where is she oh that counts that's not fair no ho Sookie's gonna beat me just cuz of a glitch you kidding me hey who wants to join the literature Club Quigley nobody nobody no the our our new club members right from here okay well I broke the game I broke the game because it won't even let me go to class yes Oh cuz it says before class how is it still before class there's no way definitely broke the game there's no explanation I give in to Student Council yeah yeah yeah I did it on purpose right now Sookie's winning right now boo alright and last up of course is Monica just Monica just and Monica pretty much just wants it to be just Monica at first you know she wants to invite a lot of other people into the club but then she's like no because then they're just gonna take away my senpai so it should just be me and thus we're just gonna try and take out everybody just Monica just Monica just Monica it needs to be just Monica yes just Monica just Monica just Monica I feel weird playing this game once again the weirdness has start to come back just Monica huh student council isn't even a match for Monica that is why literature Club is the best the best it will be the only Club ever only Club ever judge Monica yes Monica just just Monica just mine oh except blood the [ __ ] interface no it's not oh no no they're gonna take down Monica she hasn't finished her work Oh Monica all right guys well I think that's gonna be it for this episode of yandere simulator I had a lot of fun playing with the Doki Doki girls and yandere simulator I love the Andre dev added them as always guys a few minutes as far as the video make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 2,259,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, yandere simulator, yandere simulator secrets, funny moments, new build yandere simulator, yandere simulator update, Student Council, new yandere simulator, yandere dev, doki doki literature club, monika, sayori, yuri, natsuki, ddlc yandere simulator, doki doki literature club easter egg, doki doki yandere simulator, doki doki literature club yandere simulator, yandere simulator ddlc, yandere simulator doki doki, ddlc
Id: S1r_zHJ_V5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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