I Keep Getting Pepper Sprayed! | Yandere Simulator (Student Council Update)

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people let me tell you about my best friend it's no longer Kokoda it's this little cat boxing guys yandere simulator is back and I mean like the real yandere simulator game is back with a new update a pretty awesome one I watched you Andre Deb's videos on it but I have not played it myself cuz I had to wait for you guys to come along with me but these student council has been added and each character is slightly different from the next one and they're supposed to be really hard to try in eliminate but we're gonna go check out all the new stuff right away I feel like the rug is different she also has a little plant oh how cute what cute little details and an air conditioner unless that's always been there looks like everything else is the same so let's just go to school hmm I don't see them are they already in the school and the day starts let's find them Oh found um so they're already in the school when the day starts Oh ones coming at me nevermind oh that oh wait are they yeah yep yep she is all right let's start seeing what your names are sure Romy Taurasi sure art I'm not gonna be able to say this Shiro me Tora Yoshi alright maybe I can treasurer of the student council a mysterious and enigmatic young woman known to be calm and relaxed at all times some students find her unsettling I like her he also just allows me to take her photo well what I do I mean I kinda I guess deserved it but oh she didn't do it again alright alright I like you I like you unsettling girl I'm unsettling as well alright who else we got this one we got two of them Oh oh hi hi I'm here to take your photo ooh what's he doing I love how the guidance counselor just doesn't acknowledge her take your picture hello she's got little glasses dangling things Kuroko come Kuroko calm man naga last year's student council president and this year's vice president currently substituting for the absent president known for being formal at all times oh she got demoted ditch Cary's pepper spray and personality dangerous good to know I'm gonna leave you a stapler oh I took it I what's it do okay I don't know goodbye I'm so behind on all of like the little updates so I don't know if certain things have been in the game already or hello eyepatch girl boy I I don't know how to say that ryu goku Ryogoku enforcer of the student council charged with the task of maintaining peace throughout the school often uses physical intimidation to enforce rules she's also dangerous and also carries pepper spray they all carry pepper spray cuz cuz that's something I should probably know we're missing something yes we have infiltrated the student council room what's on the laptop oh oh it's this girl are you magani is it Maccabi Oh have you come here I want to be in student council yes yes I will laugh at you I will laugh at you and taught you that's me got me though right you're a vulgar creature oh I will gonna have a bad time they totally stole that's from South Park you run into another skier your skis are gonna cross gonna have a bad time alright where's the other student council girls nope found one go get her go together gonna get in come back where'd you go where oh there you are oh you're patiently waiting for me you're cute oh no personality dangerous and carries pepper spray you don't look like it secretary of the student council seems ditzy and airheaded at first glance but has never failed in her duties she has a very large number of male admirers Oh senpai of them mm-hmm she looks super cute though oh oh my god she twirl punched me twirl punch me again that's uh that's the most graceful push I've ever seen in my life did they all push different keep pushing me I like it yeah keep doing it yeah okay we're going to a weird place I thought they only did that if I did something terrible I just wanted to see her twirl punch me oh my gosh she's the most dangerous of all I thought she was adorable oh geez all right fine no more twirl punches I understand now twirl punches are bad oh let's run ahead and see them all as they're coming down the stairs so I can make sure that I saw each of them I think I did let's go see nope what's your push push be okay yours is just like you're in my personal space and I think we saw your push oh she hit bumps me what do you do so these two one hand push me she hit bumps me and the cute sweet looking evil one twirl bumps me okay I got it now and I guess I can't have them do it too much or else they will blind me with pepper spray so now we got tasers that can take me down and pepper spray that can take me down this is just this is just a wonderful place to learn this skills the best yay all right I think our next task is to see if we can actually eliminate any of them because I don't know I don't know how this is gonna work all right so let's take this tonight keep it with us just in case is this the painting club leader I didn't see him yet and I not take his picture why can't I take your picture he's so cute though he's got little freckles and red hair what you making a volcano I like it can I have it he's like no girl all right well oh I can't I can't kill you for it no well you're lucky today you live Oh a box cutter sure I'll take that too you can never have enough weapons whoo what is this a fantasy sword oh that's cool that's new so what happens if I'm just running around with this can I not do that anymore can I just not roam the school hallways with weapons cuz that's not cool where are they oh there's one oh wait oh nope nope nope nope nope nope nope she doesn't care that I'm carrying a sword I can still roam the halls with my sword no no no no maybe it's just the fantasy sword what about what about this one do you like this one ha ha no is that a knife oh she doesn't care ok nobody cares I'm holding this will you care if I kill this guy how come I can't kill anybody oh no oh wait can I kill you yeah I can kill you but I can't kill the other guys why Oh she saw me doing no no huh well what just happened what oh she ran into the table ah ah there's nothing you can do good job table way to be a team player for team yandere oh my eyes my eyes I'm blind it again oh oh oh the sword is sticking out of me ow ow ow well at least we know that tables got my back tables my friend tables my buddy let's go back here get a knife let's see if we can go about this a different way Oh take out the cute one for revenge Oh God Oh No that is the second time that girl has pepper sprayed me hmm how do I do it there must be away oh I heard there was something new oh my god this must be it oh my god what do I do with it follow oh my god shoot what what what that is the greatest addition to yandere simulator ever even greater than my own character hair which I always forget to wear in these videos kitty can you help me commit murder Kenny Kenny Kenny no come on you're the worst sidekick ever already there we go yeah oh my gosh people let me tell you about my best friend it's no longer kokoa it's this little cat boxing little cat box thing it's me and you it's me and you against the world oh you was so cute you're so cute oh god he's invisible he's ghost he's evil wait where'd he go what are you up here he comes where did you go there a little guy there we go oh I did it again now here comes yes yes I press the wrong button okay come with me and you'll see then and a pure imagination I forgot the words that song I shouldn't have started to sing it okay what if I teleport to the turtle room will he follow where are ya little guy okay can I sneak up behind her okay what if I take out the knife like right as she turns around you're gonna be the one I take out oh god she's still she won't stop turning around please turn around and continue over your route oh my cat kitty kitty box guy I don't know if he actually has a name I'm sorry if he has a name and I just Kitty box guy come on oh I just reset him we're gonna have to stand here and wait I can't kill you until Kitty box guy comes here he comes yeah I think he's stuck again do you care if I have a knife because your other student council person did not let's see oh god what ah yeah okay avenge me kitty avenge me I don't even know where he is alright playtime is over all I want to do is eliminate one of them just just one of them what about her let's let's watch it see what she does oh no this one's like patrolling on the side I'm not doing 9 not me not me oh no what if I just will you like turn around like I thought the other girl was gonna do crap yes she does turn around though so maybe if I do it right at the right time she's like I trust you with that knife all right fine walk walk over there I guess I don't know so if I run she hears me but then if I walk slowly she also hears me what if I creep unless she stops she stops at the end there started I put the knife away when I started crawling creeping whatever this is this monkey walk I'm doing hey why why can't I get one turn around oh no whoops no stop I wonder how many times I've been pepper spraying so far she don't care why she didn't care before you gotta make up your mind either you're okay with the knife or you're not okay with the knife god I'm never gonna get one I will once again wait here but just not holding the knife oh oh oh too fast no all right oh oh sorry sorry that was my bed turn around please please please please turn around please oh okay oh crap I'm too fussy it won't let me do it cuz I'm too far but then when I get too close just turn around again but if she just walks up to me crap that's it I need some help I can't figure it out oh yeah you've got 200 you yo oh she's still hit bump me are you kidding me I'm gonna destroy you there we go I will destroy you where'd she go there she is student council members come to see what I did I finally took one of you out know it somebody found her who cook onna of course it was you well we have SuperSpeed I also saw in the notes that they added something to the pool area let's go check it out oh is it the beach ball that I can't move it can move it but I think that was it the beach ball cool wait out the cops see if I can get away with it oh people are finding her [Music] yes that's all I wanted goodnight plants oh I've never seen that loading screen before that is horrifying and adorable at the same time so I took a second before to try and find a video of somebody killing a student council president to see if it was possible I saw Jay did it from Cub Scouts but I tried to do exactly what he did and it did not work so we just gonna have to use the little bug fixes let's see what they did to the school Oh God security cameras well I'm not doing anything all good that also learned that you could disable the cameras so in case you want to do something incriminating in front of the cameras or you did something incriminating from the cameras you can get rid of the tape Oh God two sets of metal detectors okay here's one of the presidents oh my gosh so many okay so if I go to the turtle room for example and I take this knife so I can't go anywhere that has a metal detector yes can I get you oh oh oh sorry sorry oh I'm stuck she know haha she trapped me Hey oh god I'm stuck guys I'm stuck she pushed me into the chairs and I am now forever stuck here fine I'll take my knife and this misery for me oh she's not gonna do anything well she's not gonna do anything no laughs laughs no okay all right so I know the one comes in here so what if I'm already standing here when she comes in here she comes this isn't gonna work but you know you know I'm gonna try anyway I don't know how to do it I don't know how to do it kitty I forgot about you follow me once again great kitty can you get through metal detectors oh he can't okay okay good to know now I'm gonna teleport to the music room kitty hopefully you will follow where's kitty kitty waiting for you to run out of the darkness and light up my life oh there is no [Laughter] I don't know why I keep trying I keep thinking that I found a good opportunity I don't know how J did it all right I just went and watched yandere dance video and he showed exactly how to do it I feel like I've done it already but because I'm a crazy person I'm just gonna try it one more time so we gotta do the creepy thing once I stand upright near her then she notices me I definitely did this before yes oh god I did it yes it's not bigger than out I guess I just wasn't doing it correctly oh my god I must tell kitty Kenny where are you kidding we must celebrate where are you get a follow me we must go disable the cameras in case they caught it alright where's the announcement room oh oh yeah oh hey where are you getting Kenny abandoned me I forgot I was holding the knife I had used to kill her know now that I know I can actually take them out I have reset it is now beautiful and colorful and bright again and my plan used to take all over them out before I end this episode to get them back for all of the terrible pepper spraying blindness that they have put on me yeah feel like whatever I do it to her it never works out oh never mind oh oh wait no you didn't see that Oh pepper spray can I take it back I don't want to kill all that many more I take it back actually I know a good way to end this episode instead you know instead of me losing my mind because I can't kill all of them I have met my match kitty come with me kitty you still with me yes we're almost there kitty come on I believe in you I believe in you kitty there we go kitty guess what me and you are gonna join the student council club because they're obviously the strongest kids in the school I would like to join please me and my kitty friend here he's the cutest see you look you even have an open chair I mean I know it's for Megami but I'm just gonna say it's for me oh no I made Kitty disappear oh well I'm the best one anyway so what happens if I just you know take out this knife oh I don't have one black kitty bring me my knife so if I just go in there with a katana it should show how strong and confident I am kitty I'm waiting for you come on thank you okay let's go kitty forget you student council I would like to join which one of you is gonna take me down nobody cares I told you pick a lane people either you care about the night for you Oh God oh she cares about the night oh she cares about the night blonde oh my god I'm blind kidding you abandoned me all right guys one think that's gonna be it for this episode of yandere simulator I really like this update this was a lot of fun I liked the student council I love this little Easter Egg I just love it love it all but as always guys if you made it this part of the video make sure to leave a like before you go leave a comment below letting me know who your favorite student council person is and if there's anything else I missed out on with this new update subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day and just always I will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 1,356,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, yandere simulator, yandere simulator secrets, glitches, funny moments, yandere simulator new build, new build yandere simulator, yandere simulator update, Student Council, student council yandere simulator, new yandere simulator, new yandere simulator build, student council in yandere simulator, yandere simulator student council, yandere dev, The Student Council in Yandere Simulator, cat box
Id: mbOZ3ChRU9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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