Think Like an AI & Prompt Better in Midjourney v6

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prompting something good in version six is really easy but prompting something great can be incredibly hard what in my last video I let mouri version 6 and Dolly 3 go head-to-head in a prompt coherence Challenge and even though Dolly 3 managed to take home the title of the prompt coherence King there's actually more to this story cuz let's face it even with the best prompt coherence in the world if my images aren't aesthetic enough then I really haven't gained anything have I in version six M jour's pump coherence has improved dramatically however depending on how specific your idea is is things may actually seem harder than before so how exactly do you unlock its full power well today I'm going to show you how to replicate very specific photos in M Journey version 6 all right so in my first example we're going to start off with something a little bit easier I basically just went on the internet and I started searching for a whole bunch of images that we could replicate and I stumbled upon this one it's kind of like a studio photo for like a product shoot or something like that and don't worry about the fact that it's from Adobe stock because we're not going to feed this into mid Journey we're just going to use it as a reference image for what we're going to prompt within mid Journey now I know that I said that this is a bit of an easier example but bear in mind that prompting this in minute detail still isn't necessarily something that everyone knows how to do especially if there's still a New toid Journey anyway so let's kick things off and uh remember prompting isn't an exact science and it's always the process of like trial and error and our primary objective here is to start off with a bare skeleton prompt and then inch our way towards the final outcome all right so I'm going to start off with our bare minimum prompt which is Imagine photo of a young man lounging on an orange bean bag and then I add a whole bunch of parameters that I'm going to use throughout this example okay cool let's have a quick look and as we can see we got an image of a guy who's lounging on a bean bag just as we would have expected but I think it's also pretty obvious that this is not anything like the original reference that we're trying to replicate and this was kind of expected cuz I didn't add a whole bunch of details so let's do that we're going to add some extra details starting off by adding the following sentence to the end of The Prompt the image is against a light teal background we going to keep all the rest the same and let's have a look at what we get with this all right great so this is already much closer to what our reference image looks like we've got the guy who's sitting on the bean bag Bean mag is orange and we've got the teal background this is pretty close actually but obviously there's still a whole bunch of other details that are still missing okay so now we're going to add additional details regarding the composition as well as our subject and we're going to do it like this first of all we're going to say that we want the man to be positioned on the right side of the image then we're also going to say that we want him to wear an orange hoodie as well as blue jeans and I'm also going to add this little tiny detail here at the end saying minimalist light teal background I'm not entirely sure how much this will change but it's just a little tiny addition that I want to put in there and let's check out what this gives us all right excellent so in these images we can now see that our subject is positioned a lot clearer to the right of the image we also see his entire body because we've now def find what the jeans should look like the hoodie is orange everything is actually exactly the way we want it to be now the only difference is that he's not quite in the same pose that we're looking for from our reference image as well as we're missing like the soccer ball and the smartphone and we're going to add those details like this starting off with more or less the same prompt but we're going to add in the fact that we want him to be holding a soccer ball in one hand and we want him to also be holding a smartphone in the other hand all right so let's have a look all right so what you can see here is that we're slowly inching our way closer and closer to our reference image let me just quickly open up the reference image so that you can see what it looked like and you'll notice that there's a couple things that are still different so what the reference image shows is that yes he's holding a soccer ball he's also holding a smartphone but the smartphone is actually Orange in our images let me justly show you the phone is not orange and some of them are holding the ball one of the things that I've noticed with M Journey version 6 is that it clearly has a bit of an issue with hands which we can see in the top right Corner that's it's really unfortunate that this seems to be something that has gotten worse from version 5 to version six but anyway that's not the point here and the other thing will'll notice is that in these images the sneakers are't the right color let's check out quickly the reference image again he has cropped jeans and he also has white sneakers all right so we can add those details though so let's make some additional changes to our prompt and as you can see what I've done here now is I've defined that I want to see cropped pants or sorry cropped jeans and that we also want white sneakers we've also said that we want the smartphone to be orange so let's have a look whether this works okay so sure enough we now have our male he's sitting on an orange bean bag he's also wearing an orange hoodie there's a whole bunch of orange in this image and he also has holding his orange smartphone some of these images uh do show cropped pants but um it's not quite getting through everywhere in some cases he has socks on and others he doesn't maybe that'll change in the other images well will see but clearly he now is wearing white sneakers as well so we're getting pretty close to our reference image let me just quickly open it up one more time so you can see but what you'll notice is that there's one big difference so I'm seeing the fact that first of all our reference image shows a Caucasian maale and the background is also a lot lighter I think that's something we'll change later on but let's start focusing on the mail first so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make the following changes I'm going to stipulate first of all that I want this to be a studio photo now I don't know whether this is going to change anything again this is more of an experimentation what I'm also going to do is I'm going to stipulate that he should be a Caucasian male and finally there's one thing I want to add now and that's something more related to the overall atmosphere and the vibe of the image now some people argue that this doesn't actually do all that much but I actually tend to disagree it's whenever it comes through it's really subtle but I do think that adding these sort of things gives your images like a nice polish at the very end so let's try this out awesome so I think we're getting really close to our reference image now with the exception of the hands I got to say the hands are I just horrible they're horrible but one thing I want to do here is now I want to make sure that first of all the haircut is right these haircuts actually look pretty good they're very close to our reference image but let's make sure that they always come out like this because if I were to roll this Pro multiple times I would probably see different haircuts as well and the other thing I still want to try to get closer to the reference is the background because the background is a bit too much teal um and maybe cyan is the right color we'll see I'm this may not work but I'm going to give it a try so here's the prompt and what I'm going to say is basically I'm going to define the hairstyle that I want to see on our subject and I'm also going to switch out the teal for cyan and we'll see whether this works all right so even though not everything is perfect in this image like for example the ball isn't always in his hand and the position has changed a little bit these are like the typical variations that you'll see between different rerolls of a prompt I think this turned out pretty good we didn't quite hit the exact color that I wanted I think the top left probably gets closest to what I was going for but um but anyway I mean like these are things that will randomly change from one prompt to the other you can roll this until you get something that really suits your needs and I think overall it's pretty clear that we were able to hit almost all of the aspects that we were really looking for even the haircuts are pretty close to the original let me just open up real quick the reference so that you can see and you see that this is obviously a slightly different stance but you know you're not going to get it that specific and I think you basically get the idea of what's possible so I think what you can see pretty clearly here is that using an iterative approach with a natural but very specific language will essentially allow you to produce surprisingly specific results and this is actually an entirely different style of prompting that simply wasn't possible in version five to this extent and although you might think that this makes things so much easier um that's only half the truth yes in this case The Prompt coherence is is very very good but the more specific your idea is the more specific you're going to need to be in your prompts and that's something that not everyone is necessarily used to or even capable of it requires a ton of imagination and also like a really really good vocabulary that's why I'm currently working on an entirely new subm module within my course masters of M Journey version six requires an entirely new prompting framework which I'm teaching all my students over the next couple of weeks if you're curious to find out more check out the links in the video description anyway I realized that this was an easier example so let's give something more challenging try now all right for this next example which is slightly more complex we're going to work with the following image of a woman sitting on her balcony I have no idea where she is but judging from the architecture my gut tells me that this might be somewhere in Eastern Europe I'm just going to assume that this is Prague and our focus is more on the actual subject you know the girl wearing her sweater her jeans sitting on the balcony and just enjoying like a moment in the Sun so let's start off with a very very simple promise and here it is Imagine photo of young woman enjoying the sun on a plant-filled balcony in Prague let's check this out all right so these are already pretty good they're really really natural these are they could have been taken by I don't know her boyfriend or something like that but they're not exactly like our reference image which had a lot more focus on the actual woman so what we're going to do is we're going to specify that we want her to be the central focus and we're also going to say a little bit about her clothing as well where she's seated excellent so these are already much much better you can clearly see that the woman is much more in the focus of the camera we've zoomed in she's wearing the right clothes the sweater is exactly what we were looking for at least what I was looking for but there's still a couple things that don't quite fit so she doesn't necessarily look like the lady in the reference image and the overall style of the image isn't quite what I want and I'm also missing sort of her socks right and so what we're going to do is we're going to make a couple of changes here and what we're going to do is we're going to to we're going to add in the white socks and also specify her hairstyle now as I said the overall style of the image isn't quite what I need so that's why I'm going to add in this piece about rendered in a candid lifestyle photography style and another thing that we're going to change is we're going to change her ethnicity because since I said we're in Prague let's switch it to something like a Czech woman now obviously not all Czech women look the same but we'll just leave it up to M journey to come up with something that fits in this case so let's check these out okay so we're slowly getting there let me quickly open up our reference image just so you can see what we're working with here you can see her hairstyle her clothes how she's seated and her surroundings so I think this is almost we're almost there but we still have a few more steps to go so first of all what we're going to do here now is we're going to make a couple changes and enter this prompt here real quick and what we're going to do is we're going to add a few more details regarding her surroundings right so the balcony as well as the facades in the background like where is she like what what's the architecture of the background so once we've added these let's have a look at what these images give us okay nice so whereas in the previous image we didn't see all too much about the architecture in the background it wasn't entirely obvious where she might be and you might argue that here you still can't see a whole bunch more but the fact that we stipulated that she's in Prague and that the architecture should should look this way has forced mour to basically incorporate that into the image and we've also said a little bit more about the balcony itself so we've defined that the plants are like quite leafy which means that we don't have as much of the really small vegetation that we saw in the earlier images but instead we've got some bigger plants too which is great now the only thing that I'm really not happy with here is her position she's still not positioned as in the reference image and uh let me quickly show you what the reference image looked like see how she was basically resting her legs on the railing of the balcony and you could see her socks her legs were pointing up that's something that I would like to try to get right this image now it's not easy because my journey still still does basically whatever it wants to do but let's give this a try with its last final change so what we're going to do is we're going to add in her body is angled comfortably towards the sun her legs are stretched out into the air her feet resting on the railing of the balcony I hope this will give mid enough guidance to create something that's closer to our reference and finally we're also going to add in that final sentence regarding the atmosphere and the vibe so in this case I'm using the atmosphere Serene capturing the essence of a quiet personal Retreat the scene is a snapshot of Irvin living okay so let's hope for the best all right so this one's almost spot on um there are a whole bunch of imperfections here that are a bit annoying with version six so you can see that there's an issue with the feet in the top left one and also the feet in the bottom left seem slightly deformed unfortunately her socks have also kind of disappeared but I think we could tweak that with a couple re rolls as well but the basic gist of it is there and we've what I what I really think is important is that we managed to get her to stretch out her legs in a similar pose as in the reference image the one thing that I did find a bit odd is that mid Journey marked this prompt as Epal I suspect it because I was describing what she was doing with her legs but I mean come on guys chill anyway so at this point the one extra thing that you can do is you can adjust the stylization level I didn't do this in the previous example but since this is a pretty complex prompt changing the stylization can have a pretty strong impact so here are some examples of what the exact same prompt produces at a stylize level of 50 next styze of 100 styze 150 styze 200 and finally stylize 500 so some of these get better with higher stylization whereas others actually don't generally speaking the higher the stylization the more subject Centric the images tend to become overall I think it's pretty obvious that M Journey still has some work to do with regard to hands and feet because my goodness some of this stuff is like really horrible and worse than in version 5 I'm not really sure why they seem to have gotten worse in version 6 but I'm sure they'll manage to iron things out eventually as they progress I mean keep in mind we're still at the alpha level for version six so this concludes the second and slightly more challenging example of how to use extreme detail in moury version 6 in order to get exactly what you want because sometimes you don't just want a pretty image very often you'll want something extremely specific and in order to achieve that in a V6 you're going to have to get a lot more detailed so how do you feel about mid Journey version 6 what do you really like and what are you maybe still struggling with let me know in the comments and remember to check the video description for my mid Journey course as well as a whole bunch of other free stuff thanks for watching and remember to keep on learning cheers and take [Music] care [Music] w
Channel: Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
Views: 8,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, midjourney, midjourney v6, midjourney version 6, midjourney tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney workflow, midjourney learn, prompt coherence, ai imagery, ai artistry, stock image replication, prompting framework
Id: K14vPyWOSYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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