Savage Guy Actually Thinks He's In GTA 6

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latarian milton is not your typical seven-year-old view his age have ever driven an SUV up and down several busy streets it all started at his mother's townhouse latarian says he took the car keys and hopped into his grandmother's Dodge Durango the seven-year-old kid actually stole his grandma's SUV that's pretty Savage I mean the most savage thing I've ever done to my grandma's push her down the stairs in her wheelchair this kids really out you're innovating pushing things to new heights okay I need to I need to step it up I need to steal her car be right back guys local boy steals his grandmother's car before going on a joyride it ends with him crashing into a CVS Pharmacy screaming nothing but little pomp lyrics as police had to tase him 27 times guys I had a wild night what's going on guys it's your boy scrub here back again with another video and today we're gonna be reacting to a classic okay this kid was the original spoiled boy on dr. Phil in 2008 the seven-year-old kid stole his grandma's car and took it on a joyride and it's just a classic a classic that I haven't reacted to so I figured today we could take a gander at it have a beautiful time and have some laughs I'm sorry for no face cam again I'm still feeling really under the weather like I might actually be dying of hepatitis C I don't know what's wrong with me I feel like Shrek took a giant dump on my chest but nonetheless the grind never stops I have to get out more videos and without further ado let's get right into the seven-year-old kids stealing his grandmother's car for YouTube Klout that's what's up when I came through the back door I looked on the counter my keys were going I took my gun club because I got mad at my mom honestly I can't even be mad when I was seven years old I was probably still shoving Legos up my nose this kid was like yeah I got mad at my mom so I did what any kid would normally do I stole my grandmother's car to just get some space you know she was really cramping my mellow I was not a giant fan of the way she was speaking to me and I'm just not gonna take that disrespect so I did what any kid would do install her car kid he even reached the pedal that bro was he sitting on a phonebook like what's going on does he have a booster seat for the driver's seat you think his mom was upset after this or do you think like let me let me think this through a little bit my mom's mad at me so I'm going to steal a car and go on a joyride hmm this ended with him definitely getting a belt what type of seven-year-olds is this kid hanging out with yeah so after I stole my mom's car went and picked up the home he had a six-pack of a marble Oh light and so he just started smoking cigarettes chain-smoking as we drove you know how it is these seven year old kids are smoking cigarettes with their stolen cars I feel like I'm on ironically living in a GTA parody right now he started the vehicle then put it into gear and off they went to seven-year-olds alone on the road I'm surprised they even made it a few miles are you kidding me like what they had to stop at a stoplight you look over it looks like there's nobody in the driver's seat you look a little closer you can see the top of a kid's head as he's just jam and his foot on the gas nobody called the cops I guess it was in Florida because everything crazy happens in Florida like on Twitter the other day there was this moment apparently what other politicians is in trouble for licking people's faces I really don't know what goes on in Florida like what there is literally a city commissioner in Florida named Nancy Oakley you had to resign after allegations of licking the faces of several men what happens in Florida you got seven year-olds driving down the street the politicians out here really lick in people's faces she kind of looks like a caveman too regardless how does this even come up yeah so basically to be improving the city I'm gonna did you just lick my face ma'am yeah sorry it was just really irresistible I'm convinced Florida isn't real Florida is where the Illuminati have full control I'm actually convinced latarian drove several miles through Lake Park in Palm Beach Gardens we got the one call that I told you about of a driver in the vehicle who look too short to be able to see it's Danielle 911 what's your emergency yeah there's this really short dude at the red light next to me I think you guys are gonna want to check it out come on you should have at least been like hey 9-1-1 child this person didn't want to offend the 9-1-1 operator they're like well how tall is he I don't want to say short I feel like that might be offensive he can't seem to see over the the steering wheel here he appears to be I think the politically correct term is vertically challenged I would have been on 911 one like yeah there's literally a seven-year-old GTA in this SUV down the sidewalk he just hit 17 people I need backup along the way he ran over two mailboxes hit two parked cars in a Costco parking lot and struck two moving cars near Walmart hold on hold on hold on so let me get this straight a seven-year-old steals his grandma's car picks up his friend who's smoking in the first place they decide to Joyride to is Costco the post office in Walmart's this guy was going he had a shopping list he's like I'm but I pick up the groceries my mom made me real mad but I'm still gonna be responsible whoo joy rides a car to a Costco parking lot there's nothing joyous about parking in front of a Costco oh man you should see the fuel efficiency on this baby latarian we just stole a car why are we at Walmart did you not see their Black Friday sale on black forest ham dude come on this is like the most irresponsible responsible seven-year-old I've ever seen next thing you gotta know he's gonna be like I'm gonna take the money from this television interview and actually invest in a diversified 401k homeboy actually stole a car to go grocery shopping I can't did you know you could perhaps kill somebody I feel like it's fake there's no way he's actually like this I mean yeah he's putting on the front I wanted to do hood rat stuff cuz doing bad stuff is fun but he wasn't grocery shopping okay don't let him fool you it's just the hard exterior to hide the soft little boy who loves deals and couponing Real Talk though the guys like you know you could have killed someone yeah I mean yeah but uh duh who cares man it's it's fun to Joyride cars and I know most people are shocked with the kids seven you think the seven-year-old actually has any idea of the consequences of his actions seven year-olds are dumb okay kids are dumb there's no way this kid actually thought about the consequences of killing another human being all right we're trying to make them into this bad guys if the seven-year-old understands moral ramifications of breaking a law come on come on news team next thing you know they're gonna be asking the seven-year-old what do you think about the current political policies on immigration like he doesn't know he's seven should he have stolen the car no do you need to make him look stupid not really it all ended on investment lane and consumer drive that's where latarian hit the curb in sideswiped a sign the SUV took most of the beating snapping off one of his axles and wheels hold on hold on show me that SUV again it looks like he did a little more than hit a curb it looks like he curb stomped the curb with the axle it went half way through a transformation like bumblebee and then I don't know how to diabetic cola this is not what happens when you sideswipe a sign and hit a curb this is what happens when you've run over 37 people in a Costco parking lot look at this car this car is never driving again this is not what a curb does I've hit curbs not one thing you know it's not a common occurrence Oh slap the curb broke off my axle holy cow a grandmother's rage I want to whip his behind that's what I want to do right now but I thought they wouldn't take me to jail I'd whip his behind right now call me crazy but something tells me he definitely got his behind whipped as soon as the cameras were weighed just a wild thought you don't think you should be punished for all of this yeah you know I just stole a car in totaled it ripped off the axle crashed into three cars in a Costco parking lot another two in Walmart I don't think it's that big of a deal my grandma might be a little overreacting you know I think I just shouldn't be able to play for a night for the weekend not that big of a deal okay I can't argue with his logic I don't even think he should be in trouble he didn't really do anything that wrong stealing a car might be a felony yes but it was his grandma's car it wasn't a stranger not like there's actually any need to punish the kid let's get realistic here I'll give it I'll give him this he's got some cojones actually trying to get out of trouble I don't think I even did anything that wrong I just totaled my grandma's car it's an interesting approach not the one I would take but a nice try and one unusual story for police are you sorry you understand that now your grandma's gonna have to pay to have those cars fixed because you hid those cars oh yeah you know me just gonna casually make my mom pay for all this I don't know I don't know man he was he was coupon hunting at Costco I don't he probably saved enough money to pay for these cars so as you guys can see latarian was a little bit of a rebel a little bit of a savage you know just an absolute unit out there crashing into cars like a like a God breaking off axles being the absolute savage kid he is so I decided to look up what he's up to now I figured he'd be a doctor or a lawyer maybe a coupon salesman I don't know what people do these days maybe he animates for DreamWorks he makes Shrek movies I don't know what these kids do these days and you know what he's doing now he's still stealing cars he's actually on trial right now for a carjacking which is pretty ironic man that he took it out of the family you know it was the family business stealing your grandma's car and doing everything but now now it's Harry Milton the 16 years old just stealing cars from normal people all right imagine imagine sitting at the stoplight let's Harry Milton walks up to here but no get out of the car now you're like oh my gosh you're the guy that stole his grandma's car he's like yeah now I'm stealing yours out of the driver's seat buddy I gotta get going I love it I really do it's a family affair you know everybody's stealing cars getting together I love a good success story in reality it's kind of sad to see he didn't learn his lesson from stealing cars but then again I can't say the seven-year-old who was stealing cars I had a good head on his shoulders either way but it is what it is hopefully latarian learns a little bit and doesn't spend too much time in prison for carjacking people that he actually kept carjacking cars I can't get over that but yeah I'm not no guys that's gonna do it for the video hopefully you enjoyed if you did be sure to press the like button know in the comment section down below what you thought all that good stuff subscribe if you're new follow me on instagram at scrumpy underscore YT twitter ad scrubby vivo the support recently has been insane we're still growing really quick real real real quick and none of this would be possible without any of you guys so yeah on that note I'm gonna go steal my grandma's car hope you guys have an absolutely incredible day don't get anyone pregnant and if you do make sure they're not latarian milton I'm out peace [Music]
Channel: Scrubby
Views: 5,566,909
Rating: 4.812429 out of 5
Keywords: 7-year-old takes car on joyride, joyride, news, savage, savage kid, cringe, cringe kid, kid thinks hes in gta, kid thinks hes in gta 6, cringe compilation, Savage Kid Actually Believes He's In GTA, gta 6, pure cringe, reaction, reaction commentary, scrubby, satire, commentary, comedy, funny, grandmother, latarian, milton, latarian milton, 12 year old genuinely thinks hes in gta 6, spoiled kids, hoodrat, news fail compilation, scrubby storytime, tlc, tv show, tlc show
Id: lRjhQNyvlKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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