Dr. Phil DESTROYS Spoiled Rich Kid

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what's going on guys it's your boy scrub here back again with another video and about a week ago I made a video on this spoiled 26 year old man that looks a little bit like Shrek's children all growing up and you guys seem to really enjoy it and I told you guys that we were gonna be doing a part two and that's what we gonna be doing today but today I brought a very special guest on a very beautiful faceless hoodie by the name of quite and go ahead and introduce yourself big dude hi that's me I'm quite and I figured that you know this guy's just such such a terrible person we need double the power to make fun of them effectively what did he remind you of me no no you're you're a beautiful beautiful beautiful angel that everyone should go subscribe to but this guy Thank You scrubby come here and kiss me your surgical mask tastes weird got a virtual stench left on it so I know I don't know if you've seen this guy yet but literally I have no idea here this is oh my god he's a 26 year old that admits to stealing from his mom to keep up his bad and boozy lifestyle and he acts like entitled like dr. Phil asked him if he was entitled to his mom's money and he went yes what is the hood equivalent of like a gamer living in his mom's basement that's basically this guy basically all right so let's do this [Music] brah he he might not be bad or bougie but Danby got some cake he doe got a cake I love how they were like what do you want to represent you on national television he's like can i twerk on the wall is that cool could I just go over there really quick you just film it it's great I like to imagine that both of his butt cheeks are just really large hamburgers Oh like like two whoppers from the dollar menu yes when you smack it it just leaves a handprint it's all greasy it's dripping down as those veggies of course no of course could you imagine me at the camera man like this is what you got paid to do all day is just filled this kid twerking on the wall how do you think that cameraman felt the going home after this whole thing violated very violated what do you have to do to end up like with fish to be fair this is probably one of the least weird they see see and on dr. Phil I don't know cuz usually it's like predictably weird usually guess on dr. Phil er like yeah that's right I'm pregnant in 12 I don't even care you is this person can [ __ ] it yes but like this yeah i dropkick my mom on a daily basis what it what is it to you exactly bad and boozy is a lifestyle it consists of Starbucks coffee every morning Tanny and get my eyelashes done for someone that brags about being especially put together this is a very bad look maybe you might want to work with a crater face before you focus on anything else exactly I love his hair - it's not even a centered ponytail it's just off-center enough that it would like throw off his balance if he was on the tightrope it's like it's not even at the back of his head it's like board to his forehead than it is like his scalp it's like a unicorn horn but with zero majesticness at all the good this dude can stab people just as well though I love how his idea of bad and boozy is Starbucks like just the most basic type of coffee of the world it's like yeah I need to Rob $10,000 a month for my mom because Starbucks be getting expensive that is like the most middle-class white thing I've ever heard I love Starbucks in the morning every single day like what are you bad bougie you think the migos are lighting up for a caramel Frappuccino I don't think so the other I'm on point this is what it takes too bad and og I will do anything to keep up the lifestyle that I have by the way he is 26 this is not like a sixteen year old girl this is a man who is this dude this dude's grown this dudes brain is fully developed fully developed and he's still this stupid which makes me wonder like is there any hope you know homie this dude is not eligible to be on his parents health insurance anymore and he's still pulling right like this exactly like dr. Phil usually sent him to the ranch but the ranch cuts you off at 22 you know I will steal from my family and friends I'm addicted to stealing to live the band Busey lifestyle dude that oh my god he looks like a fish oh he does oh you you know the the character from Chicken Little with the fish head and he has to wear the bulb on his head to walk around everywhere yes that's exactly what he looks like in this picture this is totally unrelated but you want to know what I learned the other day what so apparently you know how like puffer fish like pump out of poison apparently dolphins will like agitate a puffer fish just a little bit and they'll pass it around and take hits are you serious there's a dolphin that's a real but it's a pufferfish on the daily apparently yeah they pass her out buffer fish to like get blasted I didn't realize that dolphins were that cool now I want one dolphins are metal dog they really trapping man I if you guys want to help me get a dolphin head down to the merch link down below and get yourself some of the new scrubby merch so I can buy a dolphin and watch it really though I feel like it's a bad idea to admit that you love to steal on television like the police are like wow we just solved 87 robberies you get into the courtroom the judge is like you kind of admitted it on dr. Phil that you he goes to jail and all crime in the city just stops exactly he's like the Joker but for bad and bougie people moms just clothes me since I was a baby so I kind of still expect that at 26 I did she used to give me clothes as a baby and know that I'm a full gas grown adult I still expect the same thing like does this guy not just pay attention to the fact that once you're 18 you're kind of responsible for yourself you know your mom doesn't have to close you anymore yeah like she liked the cutoff point was like almost a decade ago for you buddy like to be fair though the mom's gotta be at least a little bit responsible if he's 26 and still living at home ya know like so that's got to be like parenting decisions too much I don't know but and she's still choosing to enable this like by not kicking him out no she's just like ah let's go on TV instead of just kicking him out you could have solved a problem like 15 minutes ago ranch time wait ranch like ranch to the ranch are like ranches in the beautiful dressing but let's just say both cover him and ranch on the ranch aside if I could spend my mom's money before my money than I will in the past three years I've probably stolen about 20 to 25 thousand dollars from my mom Pat stone boy okay okay that's a lot of money don't get me wrong but you're telling me the bad bujji lifestyle only cost twenty five thousand dollars every three years well yeah I mean to be fair his standards for bed and bushi with Starbucks that's true he's like yeah that's right I steal seven dollars a day in quarters from my mom yeah yeah you know before I go hang out with the boys I stop by for a quick cup of coffee I'm hard dog between three to five thousand from my sister when I steal I get a rush not one time my sister both of my friend she was at work at the time and she would leave her cash at home she literally had like three or four grand on her I just grabbed the cash out of the purse if I can take somebody else's money to build myself up then I'm going to you're just a terrible person this is no tea no shade no there's not even a little bit of like I really do feel bad rice deal for people he's like yeah I'm 26 and I'm still robbing everyone I don't even care what you're just a bad person it's not even forgivable yeah now there's like no redeeming factor there's no like guilt in that this is an addiction that he needs to like kick it's just he's like I don't care robbery just something light something light a whip and nae nae while robbing someone wit my way into prison with a couple armed robbery charges I mean to be fair every robbery he does is an armed robbery with a face that ugly it could be weaponized oh dude that's a WMD against the Geneva Conventions this is I need to make myself look good appearance-wise what I like to post is twerking videos for a guy I know I am a good worker I got a little bit of an ass so it's like let me show what guy that was such a hard left turn for where we were going I just quite I'm gonna start doing that from now on yo quite glad I got you in the column and wanted to talk about YouTube here's a video of me twerking anyways for them like I you know I've heard that's a really good thing to do when you meet new people just drop a video of you twerking in the chat they'll be like oh this guy seems chill this is the type of guy do you ever see someone that like tries to send you a snapchat picture that was definitely meant for you and they're like oh sorry wrong person like they tried to that guy oh hey Ryan what's up oh sorry that's my butt I didn't mean to send you that oh oh here's just a huge it's just the video of my ass cheeks spread open for you to see everything in between didn't mean to haha unless unless did you did you like the video please but did you like you want to buy me some Starbucks tomorrow my first work video I decided to buy Facebook views for it face ba ba ba you are not trying to go viral with your twerking videos on Facebook in 2019 that is the most boomer thing I've ever heard I don't think I've heard the word Facebook in 10 years I really don't think I have you know Mark Zuckerberg watches all of these though he's just sitting there with his robot lizard face like he's like stone face but like every time he sees like the like him twerking he just has the slightest smile crawls on his cheeks he's like yes yes yes I love Zuckerberg George I love it and that guy 33,000 views I like twerking that's how I want to get recognized that's what I want to be known for is my bar some people that I would say influenced me definite Nicki Minaj Kim Kardashian and blac Chyna blac Chyna has that perfect body listen I just feel like these are terrible people to say are your role models like partners gonna act like Nicki Minaj didn't have a Twitter breakdown like three days ago I just these are your role models that's who you want to be this is who I aspire to be but this is who I'm going for who are your role models quite um Channing Tatum yeah that's it mine's Ugandan knuckles breath you're doing a new do we do you know wait you know what can I change my answer yeah no wait still Channing Tatum yeah but with the Ugandan knuckle shirt on specifically what wearing Ugandan knuckle shirt I think he definitely knows Dawei I'm gonna smack my forehead on my desk dawg oh you okay it's gonna be okay well I'm better now better you made it which way is fat-ass I would like to get some work done definitely some Botox in my face lip fillers I do want to get brazilian butt-lift it's important to me to flex on Instagram or like be bad in bougie because that's the lifestyle I want if I'm good than anything else you'd like wait go back five seconds just like you'd that video of him twerking there look at his good face if I'm good he was he was really dude I see she can do as a job like the Vincent van Gogh of twerking he's gonna cut off his left cheek and send it to his ex boyfriend or girlfriend hamburger cheeks here's the top of my whopper please Big Mac oh he has a thick mac all right dude look odd did he just turn it a Deadpool from x-men origins Wolverine no matter out well I guess Alex is gonna join us now so come on out you know usually dr. feel like he has like such like an eccentric open he's like he's gonna join he's like I guess who's here yep hey he's walking out like a WWE wrestler he's like welcome to the showdown I can't I can't wait to see here nobody cheer that's what I'm predicting in this next scene that was the most awkward dude what the cheetah print what's wrong with you dude I just want to listen to the awkward silence what's poppin Oh oh that hurt that hurt I felt that in my soul that one hurt me I'm not even on on this show and that hurt Oh Kirby how do you do this on a daily basis uh I don't I uh I don't know man but this one stings this one hurts I haven't seen anything that awkward since a middle school dance it's just people laughing at nobody cheering for him that is the most miserable existence you can just tell like him as he walked out like past that stage and nobody cheered he's like oh no oh no I can't even plug my Instagram yeah how you doing good how are you my ideal situation is that dr. Phil's next response is I'm a big fan of your twerking videos I wouldn't let dr. Phil pop me you know even if he doesn't say it that's what he's thinking phil mcgraw with his reading glasses on in bed at night like rolls over to kiss his wife good night and then rolls back over and so it's looking at his tortured videos yep okay okay you know it'll change that till we tell you national television national television just the most socially inept creature I've ever seen or he's an absolute genius yes and no I just feel like dr. Phil clout is not good clout to have obviously I mean tell that to Dan your goalie but I'm gonna agree with you on this one probably not the most intelligent yeah but like okay that's one person how many crazy people is dr. Phil having on a show three a week good point and one of them turned it into something yeah that was because of the meme not because of like dr. Phil period exactly exactly you know dr. Phil's face he looks annoyed here but you know he's really thinking we're gonna get so many views on this kid that's what I'm thinking yep make it a little better didn't help I've got I've got what do you call it a real job a real job oh that was kind of reap that was kind of savaged oh no your sneezes not excused G look please I need you to send me a turkey video now oh that was the zinger look how proud of himself he looks like look at that expression that's like I feel like you could get dents that into an emoji yep it was just like the most Boomer insult I have a real job a real job a old Rob listen the the dude doesn't even have like a job like stealing stuff not a real job it's not even like the equivalent of like tell it like youtubers like owning a real job no yeah it's just like you just don't have a job period yeah like ah yeah I have a real job I don't steal from my mom dr. Phil that's called being normal alright that's nothing to be proud of like you you're doing the bare minimum here mister do you think they had to turn on the applause like side they can't everyone in the audience and clap for that they were like please applause yeah it's it's like it's Shrek like in there like church pews it's like clap now you know the Jeb Bush mean please clap like I'm aligned well it's not that bad and bougie but I mean you know I still for my family so does not care at all at all zero zero care in the world look at how sad his sister looks his sister is just like I'm related to this this is for Joe this poor poor girl doctor tell me about that you wrote in and why did you write in what's your goal here goal here definitely make amends but I mean get my family off my back have them continue to give me money just continue to live that bad lifestyle so nothing now you don't want anything to change at all I want to make amends for doing the bad thing but then I want to keep doing the bad thing see I don't like it's like you hear all the time that it's the people that end up getting roasted on dr. Phil they're the ones who actually wrote in and I was like [ __ ] why what do you think dr. Phil's gonna be on your side about yeah oh yeah I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to steal from you I'm not gonna stop but like my bad I'm just not but I'm not gonna stop you're gonna continue to be robbed from your son good luck best of luck to you okay and when you say that lifestyle you're actually a thief you're a shoplifter a stealer you steal from your family and you say that you've stolen between 20 and 25 thousand dollars from your mother three grand from your sister approximately yeah you're aware she says that she's had to move because you stole so much money that she could no longer sustain her living situation right I feel like if you still live with your mom isn't it counterproductive to steal so much money that she has to move because then you have to move to maybe probably just kept stealing yeah like if you're gonna steal from people at least be smart about it you know like at least Robin Hood it and steal from like Bill Gates he's not gonna notice $25,000 five million exactly like come on come on at least boy this guy's not smart enough to steal from anyone that actually has money let's be honest here yeah he ain't no Catwoman nah he is not Catwoman be thick Oh cats the James Corden cat never mind I Catwoman oh yeah no James Corden cat I'd [ __ ] that thing right can we cut this up no no not staying in your [ __ ] [ __ ] you've been exposed quite your furry all right might as well own it I want to clap James Corden cat cheeks that would that would be the most seductive thing I've ever seen you think dr. Phil's a furry look inside don't like you can easily do you furry he doesn't even need to work first whoo look how much space that mustache taken up yep he looks like an anthropomorphic caterpillar with that thing the wrinkles are individual legs she has money she can rely on she's not gonna end up homeless well no actually that's the trajectory she's on she's going to be without a place to live that's her problem not my problem bro-bro moment bra moment yeah I've stolen from her to the point where she's gonna be homeless but it's not my problem you are the problem you literally are the problem yeah you are her problem it's not your problem because you are the problem she decided to have a kid she should continue to take care of you big the child yeah I was an accident my parents didn't pick that meat you chose to have a kid and therefore you have to take care of me for the rest of my god forsaken existence yep if you have a kid you're responsible for me 24/7 no matter what until the day I die I don't care if you're dead you have to keep taking care of me yep after you die I don't leave me everything then I'll fight you in heaven usually he he just continues yeah she takes care of me the same way she did when I was a baby she's still breastfeeds me oh that's hot okay I screw whenever I need it okay you're not a kid anymore I know but she's still my mother you're a grown man when she does give me money it's like okay what are you gonna [ __ ] about giving me money for but then still continue to give it to me okay I mean yeah that's kind of it I mean everyone's wrong here everybody's wrong here yeah some more than others but like if you're going to complain about the giving him money willingly part and you cannot keep giving it to him it's one thing when he steals from you but like actually exactly that's like giving a kid an allowance me like I hate that he spends this on Ugandan knuckles u2's and then he keeps buying them and you keep giving you money like just stop stop so the fact that you're doing what you're doing is her fault yeah okay so let's just be sure we look at his face I just want to punch him it is the most punchable face I have ever seen in my entire life woody he looks like somebody he looks like six nine if he wanted to witness protection oh yes you guys brought a qiblah key uh oh no anyways guys on that note that's gonna do it for the video if you enjoyed please head over to quite channel and subscribe he's a very good content creator and good friend and I appreciate him a lot so if you could show check out his channel I'd appreciate it on top of that head over to the teespring store in the pin comment down below and buy some stuff so that way I can buy a dolphin and watch them pass around puffer fish and take hits off of it just kidding I need it I need I need it to eat please send help dr. Phil exclaiming my videos I don't know what to do thank you for having me on Kirby I've had a great time first shirt seriously though do checkout quiet follow me on twitter at scrubby underscore 69 instagram at scrubby quiet if you want to plug your stuff go for it I'll just quite on youtube quite a Twitter but mostly quite on YouTube please subscribe and yeah have yourselves an incredible day don't get anyone pregnant if you do make sure they're hot and I'll see you guys next time with another video I'm out peace [Music]
Channel: Scrubby
Views: 3,315,829
Rating: 4.9123974 out of 5
Keywords: scrubby, reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction times, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, kids react, family friendly, kid friendly, hilarious, funny, comedy, dr phil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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