Sauté chicken with a creamy cider and mustard sauce (poulet a la briarde)

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welcome back everyone this week we're going to be learning how to make a regional dish called the pule a labrillard which is simply pieces of saute chicken that are cooked in cider cream and mustard this is a dish full of history and it is well worth the trial so if you want to learn a little bit about the origin of the dish and how to make it keep watching [Music] so this week's recipe has got a bit of an odd name it's called the pule a elaborate and what does it mean it means the chicken cooked in the brilliant way so the pebriar it's a region on the eastern side of paris and it is kind of sandwiched between paris and the champagne region to kind of approximately give you an idea so all these little towns in there and a lot of produce are being made a lot of producers of cider mustard cheese and basically that recipe says that we're making a recipe using all the products from that region so one of the town that is very famous is the town of mo now you may have heard about this and the mustard that you can you're going to find there the muttar de de mode mustard from mode that is defended fiercely always as a competitor between the digion mustard which is another town that make mustard and of course you got debris and debris demo as you can see here you have a broader hood as well the defense debris to make sure it is made the traditional way you see these guys are the defenser of debris i love to show this brotherhood always always fun to see but there's other towns doing other things a lot of medieval village and you also have a lot of orchards and orchards is where the cider comes in that recipe it's meant to be a cider from the bread region but obviously for me here i don't have all of these products i'm just going to show you what we can do to recreate that recipe using things you can find in your shop in your supermarket and still get something good on your plate okay so let's have a look at the ingredients so as much as this recipe is using a lot of the local produce mainly it has to be an old-fashioned mustard we've got some cider and it can be sweet or medium dry some good quality cream the rest of the ingredients are simple chicken that i've cut into this it was a whole chicken and we're going to use the offcut to make the kind of the stock the old technique from bokus and here of course we've got a simple garnish carrot shallots a bit of parsley and i'm going to add this my personal touch some oyster mushroom but you don't even have to and the whole purpose here is to saute the chicken and make the sauce with cream cider and mustard that's it now let's start the recipe so the first thing we're going to do i'm using that so-called boku's technique is to melt a bit of butter and a little bit of oil and we're just going to start to brown the offcuts of chicken and that's we're going to use this to create some kind of instant stock okay so i'm using a medium heat and when it's hot i'm gonna use all the offcuts it's up to you this is the wings that i've cut in there there's a bit of the necks and we're not going to use too many for this recipe because we just wanted just a layer of flavor so if you've missed some other episode would have shown that technique and the whole purpose here is to reuse all of the carcass and instead of making a stock on the side and we're gonna put all of the flavor directly with our chicken and cook our chicken with the offcuts i guess we're gonna benefit from everything this is gonna reduce flavors we're gonna discard this afterwards and it's gonna create a stock directly into the pan so that's enough the coloring is there i'm going to discard these and instead i'm going to start to add my pieces of chicken and brown them the same way i'm not using any new oil and i'm just gonna control my heat here don't overcrowd your pan if you don't have enough space you do it in batches for the coloring nothing excessive a nice blondish color like this is enough on each side so you can spend a good five minutes on each side per piece of chicken all of my chicken is now ready i'm gonna reduce the heat for now while i'll take the piece of chicken out and reserve them on the plate and we're gonna add the garnishing so as you can see we've got some natural grease some good colors so what we're going to do here is use all of the shallots and the carrots and you can use a medium heat and just for a few minutes we're going to cook or sweat these vegetables before we do a deglazing after a few minutes we're going to add about what barely 50 milliliters of cider and start deglazing to deglazing and what is it exactly basically we are detaching and gathering all of the cooking the caramelized juices from the meat into the cider here to create the base of our sauce and of course you're gonna have some of the sweetness of the carrot and the taste of the shallots okay so we're going to leave this to reduce a little bit until it's almost dry you can raise your heat if you want so as soon as your cider is almost reduced i'm going to add here all the offcuts of chicken that we had and just to create a base of flavor and that's going to be acting as our stock if you wish and then for the rest basically and we're just going to use our pieces of chicken and put them back into the dish finally we're going to take some of the solder we have and we're just going to cover the whole lot with cider and we're going to cook the chicken in that sauce for a good 25 to 30 minutes and we're not going to be using the cream or the mustard right now that's going to be for afterwards when we make the sauce as soon as you see the boil come back into your pan you can reduce your heat to medium low and we're going to cook this covered now if you use a farmhouse chicken very good quality it may take 35 plus minutes and don't forget that after 15 minutes we're gonna have to take out the chicken breasts and reserve them on the tray and keep them warm to avoid so that they dry them because the legs of course they take a little bit longer cooking time roughly 15 minutes for the the breast and about 25 minutes for the legs okay so we cover the dish and leave it to cook on medium to low heat time is up so it did took me over 25 let's [Music] smells good yes i like it so i'm gonna take my legs out of there and as i said the breast was already gone and from here basically and we're gonna first taste the base so the base of course is this that's a bit of the stock with the cider it smells very very fruity definitely medium dry cider perfect it's round it's fruity you can feel the apple but not too much and the chicken just in the background with a hint of salt and pepper in there perfect so i've got a very good base so from here we're going to be crafting the sauce and you've got two choices here okay the first option is to remove just the discard these pieces of meat we don't want this was just for the flavor and then pass your sauce through a sieve to just keep the juices to have a clean sauce with the mustard this is what i'm gonna do okay this is more the advanced kind of proper restaurant style of making a sauce if you want you can just remove the the pieces of meat here leave the garnish add the cream in and do the same reduction that i'm gonna do so it's up to you okay so for me i'm gonna use the option number one which is discarding these and passing the sauce through and put it back into the pan now you may wonder why am i using that techniques because i don't want to have a mush of carrots and shallots into my sauce you see the star of the show here is going to be the mustard and we want to show that this is the whole purpose here so i've got my base this is all the importance and we're not trying to showcase the carrots from the region you see and what's important here is to show off the mustard the chicken and the taste of cider so what we're going to do here is to add all of the cream bring this to a high heat and then leave this to reduce to a spoon coating consistency that's all what it takes for that sauce okay it's very very simple now my sauce has thickened enough i'm going to turn my heat off and i think we've reached that so-called spoon coating consistency so what is it basically you take a spoon you look at the back of your spoon and when you use your finger and you have a clear mark like this you see it's not falling off like being too liquid that's a spoon coating consistency so the sauce is now almost ready now we need to add the mustard and that happens off the heat so turn the heat off and then we're going to add the mustard in so some of you may have been wondering why am i removing that garnish because now the mustard is the star of the show and you see it is a grainy mustard so what is going to happen it is going to basically decorate our sauce and add some taste in there so the flavor of the mustard but all of the grains and this is what you want to see now it's not about the carrots or the shallots and it's about the mustard okay so i'm adding just adding a bit more and make sure you taste them between your too much mustard in there usually one or two tablespoons maximum my mustard is in i've taken my chicken out of the oven i'm just gonna add some of the juices from the chicken to add some further taste a final stir in there okay and then we're gonna serve immediately put the chicken in the dish and pour the sauce over so here we are so i've got a little trick of myself i'm gonna add some saute mushrooms afterwards and you can see the chicken doesn't look like much but what i'm gonna do now is to take all of this beautiful sauce and just pour it over the chicken and this nice mustard and cider sauce all the grains of mustard everywhere look at that okay so we've got the base and if the sauce is not totally on top you could make sure and we have a spoon to cover all the pieces of chicken with a bit of the mustard seeds and from here i'm gonna start adding a little bit you know my touch a sprinkle of uh chanterelle mushrooms something called the oyster mushroom oyster mushrooms over here okay and then a little bit of parsley that's gonna be it and here we have it so i've added a few bits of parsley this is some glazed shallots that i had but i think what we need to do here is to test so i'll cut a little bit of the the chicken here and oh this is the sauce look at that creamy mustardy sauce in there very very good so let me try that it's a big piece wow yeah that mustard let me take a bit of the sauce it has added a beautiful tanginess and everything has come come together at the last moment and this is what i love with these types of sauces always unexpected results so i'm gonna play this in a place as well so this is the family presentation i'm gonna do plating individually and then we'll wrap up the video and here we are so serving suggestion number two if you want to play this individually and this is how you can do it and this is just one of my ideas now what i would say to finish that this dish absolutely has to be on your uh to-do list and to try this because for me great surprise the use of this sweet cider brings a roundness into the dish and the mustard at the end with the cream add a tanginess and it all comes together it's absolutely beautiful highly recommended so as always if you try the dish please let me know what you think in the comment section i always like to read these comments and of course if you want to share a picture of what you made use instagram french cook academy if you want to follow me you can do so on facebook or become a patron on my patreon page don't forget we still have our online culinary school you can join anytime you want to learn the basics of french cooking that's it for me i leave you the beautiful picture and i'll see you next week for another french recipe bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 59,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, french cooking academy chicken, french cooking academy, chicken recipe, poulet a la briarde, cider and mustard sauce, french sauces recipes, french regional recipe, seine et marne, moutarde de meaux, cidre briard, creamy chicken with cider and mustard sauce, saute chicken, mustard sauce
Id: PZ7xivGvpEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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