Sauron in the Second Age | Tolkien Explained

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It had better not suck, that’s all I care about.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/uhtred73 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm taking a break from getting hyped, with this virus putting the show on hold it's likely the release date will be pushed to 2022.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Forongil 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Im so excited.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mermaidinthestars 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm excited but cautious. This is basically Amazon's first really big go at television, so we don't know what to expect. In addition, Sauron's character is vastly under-unexplored on screen, which means that they have to get it "right."

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/jreed11 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Great video

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KaleidoscopeDown 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Looks like a woman.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
in the Second Age we find Sauron in a place of transition Morgoth his master has just been defeated by the Valar in the war of Wrath marking the end of the first stage rather than face judgment in Valinor himself he flees to hide in middle-earth welcome to nerd of the Rings today we're gonna take a look at the life of Sauron during the Second Age around the Year 1000 of the Second Age Sauron decides that the Valor have turned a blind eye to middle-earth and decides to continue his masters work many men in both the east and south who had already been corrupted by Morgoth turned to follow Sauron it's also around this time that Sauron becomes alarmed at the growing power of the númenóreans the men descended from Beren and lúthien they had been warned 18 years earlier by the elf lord gilgul ad of a shadow growing in the east Sauron decides to make Mordor his stronghold and begins building the fortress of bear adore after another 200 years of increasing his power Sauron decides to make his first move he knows that men are easier to sway but decides to set his sights on the elves he takes on his fair form and calls himself an ATAR the Lord of gifts Sauron goes to oregano and befriends the elven Smith's led by Kelly bran bore the grandson of fayan or he was never welcomed however in the elvish realm of Linden while they didn't realize who he truly was gil-galad and Elrond did not trust him and refused to treat with him unfortunately Calabrian bore and his people were not as hesitant and with Sal Ron's help they reached the height of their skill becoming second only to Feyenoord in the history of elven Smith's in the year 1500 they began forging the Rings of power and after 90 years the rings of power are completed then in the year 1600 Sauron creates the One Ring pouring most of his own power into the ring in the process in an effort to control the Bears of the other rings through the power of his own however Sal Ron's plan does not work as he envisioned the three elven rings being created by caleb Renoir alone did not ensnare their bearers instead the elves were alerted to sarang's treachery and began preparing for war Kella brembo sends the Rings away for safekeeping giving ninya to Galadriel in Lothlorien while sending vilya an aria to gil-galad and Kiernan in linden in 1695 Sauron invades area door demanding that all the rings of power be surrendered to him the elves refuse and so begins the war of elves and Sauron after two years of fighting Sauron has a major victory over the elves he sex Eragon and captures Kella brim bore kellibrew Noire is tortured into revealing where the sixteen rings were held but would not reveal the whereabouts of the three elvish rings Calabrian board dies from his torment his body is pierced with arrows and placed on a pike to be used as a banner by saurons forces as they assaulted the elves oregano is destroyed and Sauron reclaims the sixteen rings of power Elrond flees north with the survivors founding Rivendell by 1699 the region of area door is completely overrun with surrounds forces in 1700 as Sauron ultimate victory was coming within his grasp the númenóreans answered the elves call for aid landing a fleet in Lindon the combined armies of elves and men rallied to defeat Saiyans armies forcing the Dark Lord back to Mordor with little more than a handful of orcs despite the setbacks Sauron was still in a powerful position compared to his enemies during the next several centuries he continues to expand his empire dominating civilizations of men to the far south and east into servants and worshipers he builds temples for the worship of Morgoth where human sacrifice is practiced it's also during this time this sour on disguised as an ATAR gifts the dwarves and Men their rings of power the dwarves being created by outlet to be tough and unyielding due to the threat of Morgoth are not ensnared by the Rings the men however are taken over by the nine rings and in 2251 they reappear as the Nazgul offended by Sirhan's actions and claims to being Lord of the earth and king of men the númenóreans come to middle-earth with great force and sauron's forces flee Sauron knows he cannot defeat the númenóreans with military strength so he allows himself to be taken prisoner to númenor in 3262 so that he can corrupt Newman from within in just three years he becomes an advisor to King our fires on and begins converting many númenóreans to the worship of Morgoth by promising them immortality under sarang's guidance the king builds a 500-foot temple for the worship of Morgoth where they practice human sacrifice they cut down the white tree and burn it as a sacrifice to Morgoth as well in 3310 playing on the Kings fear of death and old age Sauron convinces him to make war on the Valar and take control of the undying lands in 33-19 the construction of ships is completed and the númenórean forces land on the shores of Oman while Sauron waits behind in Numenor it is then that Olivette are in one of his few moments of direct intervention reshaped the world from flat to round drowns númenor in the sea destroys the númenórean forces and makes it impossible for men to sail to the undying lands only the few faithful númenóreans led by Lendl are saved from the flood saurons body is destroyed in Numenor and while his spirit and the One Ring survive he is never again able to take on his fair form after coming to middle-earth Allendale and his sons seal door and anarion established Gondor and are nor 110 years after the fall of númenor Sauron considering the surviving númenóreans to be his bitter enemies launches an attack on a seal doors GaN Dorian city of Minas evil what would later become Mina's Morgul in response the last alliances formed between men and elves the elves of Lindon led by gil-galad and kir den meet Allendale at aman thul they join Elrond Rivendell where they spent three years forging weapons and making plans during this time a seal doors brother and Ariane attempts to hold out in Gondor defending oz Gilead and meanness are nor from saurons forces the Alliance crosses the Misty Mountains and marches south where they are joined by elves from the Greenwood led by Thranduil and his father or affair also joining the Alliance where elves from Lothlorien and a host of dwarves from Casa doom in 34:34 Sal runs forces are defeated in the Battle of dagger lad and driven back to Mordor this is the battle we see the remnants of in the Dead Marshes from the two towers for affairs among those killed in the battle for the next seven years Sauron is besieged by the last Alliance in his fortress of berried or an Ariane is killed in year six and finally in 3441 Sauron himself comes forth from his fortress gil-galad and Allendale are killed but Sauron too is thrown down a steel door then takes the broken sword and our seal and cuts the ring from saurons hand this defeat of Sauron at the hands of the last Alliance marks the end of the second age Sauron will be unable to form a physical body for a very long time into the Third Age but that's a story for another time thanks for watching this look at Sal runs life in the Second Age if you liked this video please be sure to click subscribe and share this video so the channel can grow and I can make more videos for you all
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 56,135
Rating: 4.970253 out of 5
Keywords: #lotronprime, Sauron, Sauron second age, Númenor, numenor, gil galad, elrond, Celebrimbor, Isildur, Elendil, ar pharazon, iluvatar, valar, middle earth, lord of the rings, lotr, middle earth second age, 2nd age, middle earth 2nd age, Morgoth, last alliance, Thranduil, oropher, Gondor, lindon, eregion, Annatar, Sauron ring, the one ring, rings of power, dwarf rings, Nazgul, Ringwraiths, rings of men, elven rings, Sauron rings, Mordor, history of middle earth, men of the west, tolkien lore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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