Why Didn't Tolkien Use The BLUE WIZARDS? | Middle Earth Lore

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hello and welcome to history of middle earth today we are looking at the question of just why tolkien created two wizards that he never used first of all before we get into the meat and bones of this video i'd like to quickly just remind everyone of our hobbit day tolkien collaboration that went out on hobbit day or september 22nd so that is yesterday of the day that this is uploaded hope that made sense now we released a what was a bonus video for us about the origins of the hobbits and it is a part of a playlist of several other talking creators so if you missed it because you know youtube likes to do that sometimes then go and check it out along with the other videos on the playlist too but anyway for now let's get back to the wizards there are five of us the greatest of our order now is start with a quick summary of just who the blue wizards are after all they are only mentioned in passing which can be considered fairly unusual considering how important a role the likes of gandalf plays within both the hobbit and the lord of the rings stories so it is only fair to assume that not everyone is going to be clear on exactly who they are well the two wizards were named as alatar and polando in earlier items of tolkien but then later on he changed their names to mourinho and ramistamo again i'm hoping i'm getting those pronunciations at least close to being right the idea of what these two blue wizards were considered to have changed quite drastically between tolkien's earlier and later writings so for the sakes of this video at least we will concentrate on the later writings and when i say later writings i mean very late as the section we all look at now is one of the manuscripts that came from the last years of tolkien's life which was then included in the last writings chapter of the people's middle earth book from the history midleth collections their task was to circumvent sauron to bring help to the few tribes of men that had rebelled from malcolm worship to stir up rebellion and after his first fall to search out his hiding in which they failed and to cause dissension and disarray among the dark east they have had great influence on the history of the second age and third age in weakening and disarraying the forces of east who would both in the second age and third age otherwise have outnumbered the west so this meant that now and like before they no longer arrived in middle earth with the other wizards saruman gandalf and madagasc but instead these two actually arrived much earlier in fact they arrived in the second age of middle earth around the year 1600 with glorfindle as opposed to the third age like the others did and when they arrived they had one main task and that was to head east and help the free peoples fight the war from there as well as this they no longer failed in their mission as tolkien had once wrote no now they were said to have actually played a decisive role in the downfall of sauron in both the second and third ages these deeds are what actually gave them their new names of morenitar and ramistamo which actually mean darkness slayer and east halper respectively and without their help the free peoples of the west would have been massively outnumbered by the growing dark forces of the east then there are the two blue wizards i've quite forgotten their names so now that we have all kind of got to the same point let's loop back to our question after all some people have asked in the past what the purpose of these blue wizards even is and although i believe a lot of this thought probably comes from tolkien's earlier writings of them failing than his later ones of when they actually succeed quite nicely it is still a subject that we have been asked enough times that it seemed worth addressing and to be honest in the end the same answer basically comes from whichever of these writings you're referring to one of the main answers to this and is a point that is worth trying to remember a lot when looking at any of tolkien's work and that is that the main stories that the majority of us are familiar with like the hobbit and lord the rings these are two stories that are set within a specific time period and although they do reference d's and events of distant pasts and characters who make no kind of appearance these stories just represent a detailed telling of just a specific section of time i mean if you compare it say to the selmarillion this covers all of the creation of the world and everything in it as well as basically all of the first age of middle earth whereas the hobbit and the lord the rings combined only focus in great detail of the years 2941 of the third age which is when gandalf visits bilbo up until the year 3019 of the third age when the one ring is destroyed that's a very big difference in time i mean obviously the submarine is ages of middle earth and the hobbit and the lord the rays combined are less than 100 years it's crazy when you think about it like that and the reason that this is actually relevant is because even though the blue wizards do not make an appearance as such they exist and have effect on the goings-on for a large amount of time in terms of the entire history so while we are learning and living through the re-taking of the lonely mountain or simply walking the ring to mordor we are also quite aware that there is a hell of a lot going on elsewhere at the same time if you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard so what am i really getting it well j.r tolkien was a world builder and an epic world builder at that debatably the greatest of all time it is crazy when you really take a step back and think the lord of the rings and the majority of the characters within it that we have spent so much time and invested so much in are in fact just the tip of an iceberg so big that is really hard to comprehend especially when you think this all came from one person's mind after all for those of you who are unaware tolkien worked on the events of the silmarillion before even starting his grand adventure with bilbo and the dwarves i mean he actually wrote the hobbit as a children's story and then brought into his world of middle earth not the other way around and as well as this he started almost everything with the creation of languages and with these languages the actual events only followed afterwards again not vice versa like a lot of people work when you look at other great stories like the likes of something like harry potter for example she had an idea of events and then she wrote the story whereas tolkien had languages and these stories just evolved around these it's a different way of working as i read somewhere before and it was somewhere quite nicely in that the stories that were published were really just snapshots to showcase us the entire world that he built and the blue wizards are a great example of this but even bigger than that just the wizards in general after all he had brought life to these wizards with the mention of more within the hobbit but to make everything fit more he turned them into a group of what then turned out to be maya in the form of older men with nerfed powers of what they truly possessed and not just this but they were there to just be guides and advisors to the free peoples of middle earth not go in all guns blazing and decide everything for themselves that wasn't their purpose so it only makes sense just because we focused on a couple of wizards that this could not possibly mean to talk in that these were the only ones there had to be more it didn't make sense for them not to be more and to be fair given them a nickname of the blue wizards does help it stick in the mind a bit as well it definitely seemed to work too as after all there are very few tolkien enthusiasts that are not extremely intrigued by the fate of these other wizards at the end of the day it just adds to the incredible depth that is the world of tolkien after all there were not just these wizards but numerous other kings queens battles adventures and just general tales to be told from all other parts of the world we just never had a lord of the rings type story for these to focus on you could almost think of it as simply as there was just no historian to document their great deeds at that time and so they were forgotten to the mortal world obviously the likes of the valar and the maya probably remember these events but to me and you reading a story we're never gonna know just the same as in real life and at the end of the day that is kind of one of the big things that makes it all so much more relatable is that it just feels like your history textbook that you might have got in school do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether i want it or not and so there we have it just a little look into what the point was in having more wizards that we never actually get to witness ourselves in some ways this question is much larger than just the wizards but you can always help people understand when you look at it with a specific example it's basically just tolkien's world is so big there's always going to be things that we never truly know a full amount about and now that we have got to the end i would actually like to ask you my question of the day and that is after tolkien changed his later writings and actually meant that aletara and pallando or morenitar and romestamo did actually come into middle-earth within the second age with glorfendol in the end do you think that they might make an appearance within the amazon lord of the rings series after all when they created the hobbit they didn't actually have the rights to the extended universe so in that little section about gandalf talking about the other wizards they couldn't say the blue wizards for copyright legal reasons kind of thing but now that amazon has bought the rights does this mean they might make an appearance or we might actually get to see our blue wizards on screen let me know your thoughts on all of this in the comments below and also is that time at the end of the video to give a massive shout out to all of our patrons you guys continue to grow and it is just amazing and we cannot thank you enough you guys are all amazing and as always i would like to specifically mention our wizard staff patron tier members and they are lorenzo michael and gemma you three continue to stick by us above and beyond what we would ever expect of anyone and we cannot thank you enough and also i would kindly ask everyone who has watched this video and got to the end to please hit that like button as it really helps us out with the youtube algorithm and if you have not already hit that subscribe button we are so close to 150 000 subscribers at the point we may have even passed it by the time this video goes live if you can help us pass this milestone we would massively massively appreciate it so thank you once more if you've reached the end of the video and we will see you next time on history of middle earth you
Channel: History of the Ages
Views: 330,850
Rating: 4.9615498 out of 5
Keywords: Lord of the rings, history of middle earth, middle earth lore, The Hobbit, lord of the rings lore, the hobbit lore, who are the blue wizards, what happened to the blue wizards, are the blue wizards alive, did the blue wizards fail, Alatar and Pallando, Morinehtar and Rómestámo, how powerful were the blue wizards, why didn't the blue wizards appear, did the blue wizards die, were the blue wizards real, blue wizards amazon prime, tolkien world building, blue wizards east
Id: NTes6ack49o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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