The Siege of Minas Tirith - Book version

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and meanest more girl answered there was a flare of livid lightness forks of new flame springing up from the tower and from the inserting hills into the soul clouds the earth broke out of the gate an army came all clad in sable dark as tonight so great an army had never issued from that way this is the days of his hindu smite and yet it was but one and of the greatest of hosts at corridor now sent forth mid loves fate is to be decided the siege of Gondor is about to begin it's a 3000 90th year of the Third Age the wharf Turing began a year prior and a situation is tense in East convoy the Gondor ensued Jennifer as long expected a grand assault for a model the Dark Lord Sauron have summoned his allies large contingents of eastings south floors and varios yes long prepared a great army ready to assault Emil of the kingdom of Gondor has existed for over 3,000 years without severely weakened after repeated attacks from its enemies a civil war a great plague and a loss of their king after the last king of Gondor a our new disappeared after accepting the witch Kings challenge in 2050 Gondor had sued ruling in absence of the kingdom by the time soured on return tomorrow in 2900 $42.00 population had declined and their influence shrunk Denethor had before a stewardship foreseen that the great assault from the east would come during his reign a suit and he wisely prepared Gondor for this upcoming struggle meanwhile other go and have taken part in the battle of the Hornburg but ever hear him successfully defeated the forces of ice and god they'll hear him now prepared to aid Gondor in its dire need and they are mustering their forces Aragon is through lineage related to King is healed or the man who used the shards of narsil to cut the One Ring of Sorrows finger as a rehearing prepare for Aragon uses the palantír of orthanc to reveal himself to sorry Aragon shows 3/4 sword and oral but most importantly I assalam aesthetically but Aragon is now in possession of the One Ring due to past events Sauron fears what Aragon can do with one ring and a large host at his disposal and he therefore commands to which king to march upon Mina seized and destroyed the Honduran forces before Aragon reached the city to which King advanced from in a small detail of March while another army marched out from a black game simultaneously Sauron span was attacked the Isle of Quran rose with the northern army while a which king's army conquered Westeros killeth the armies would then enter the Rama's echo at different angles surround the city and start a siege the road to the north would be covered with trenches and stakes to prevent her hearing from charging into the flank Gondor on the other hand could do little but wait they were heavily outnumbered and hello.we garrison at both kalanoro sources Goliath but they had superior positioning which Kings forces arrived in secret yet prepared floats and barges in East killeth and he now unleashed his force farmer captain of the White Tower and his Athenian Rangers let loose their arrows the orc swarmed the undoing and were perfect targets for the skilled Rangers meanwhile the floats were part upon the handling hundreds of orcs worth like beasts the artists continued to cause great damage upon a Morgul host but orcs had now set foot on Weston Skinner bloody fighting emerged in the streets even though the GaN Dorian forces lacked numbers their combat skilled outmatched the orcs but the force of sorrow now in leaves the most travel weapon the black captain himself knew many would span and abide even the rumor of his coming the situation's wound up worse for parameter and he decided to retreat to the cross wave force fugitives from curanderos arrive administer a dial has formed the witch-king now reached the rama sector as well as conquering the cosmic force the goon dorrance thai wrist around but Faramir acted as Auriga with a company of brave men not long did it take before the force of Mordor and parada swarm the mordant and classed into pharmaceutics the novel came snooping down on the foul beasts porcelain to probe a record to the ground and quailing in fear retreat became route and Paramus men against Southland cavalry and pelvis therefore now leaves his sorting all the cavalry left in Minas Tirith now charged out dead by Gandalf and pins him right the swallows of the lawmen of charged with the Newman oratory and a mortal host will have to be crushed didn't ask who were outmatched by Gandalf and retreated for which King had not yet entered the scene even though the Sonny had been successful more troops now entered a modern form or east and southeast the soldier was calling and the viewers applauded the Knights for their courage and skill however the defense of the pelennor had not been without losses the goon Dorian forces from a Scalia had lost 1/3 of their force and the brave captain Farah made had himself been struck by a poisonous Safran arrow it was a desperate situation for the force of Gondor who can only hope for arrival of their hearing so far the plans of the black captain have been successful and the siege of Minas Tirith now commenced at the same time as Faramir had held the enemy outside of the pelennor great battle had ensued in South gamba where giant Corsair fleet had landed at linear battle was intense and hide but when Aragon Alessa arrived with the oath breakers all men upon either side fled except for an boar the commander of the goon Dorian forces and more ratted his forces and later full of Aragon and Aragon now pursued a course air force day and night until they reached Pilar gear the main force of course Aires was positioned here in their 50 ships and then came the shadow host their coming was like a great tide sweeping all the way before it the Corsairs lost their minds and drowned in on doing either go on friedhof breakers as they had fullfill their oath and his force now says save towards Hartman using the acquired course airships simultaneously in the north to Hyrum road on their way to the rescue of convoy time was against them and they rolled with all their speed the rehearing was worried to not reach Minas Tirith in time for the road was occupied by mark force three miles west of the beacon Almondine and the road was filled with trenches and stakes the were hearing would be severely slowed down if they committed this route while planning the next move King Theoden of Rohan had been approached by a mysterious being the druid EIN leader gone booty Gan Gan told of a secret way that avoids the road thus through hearing were able to approach the Rama's echo from West hidden under the trees in the stone way in valley this allowed the rehearing to reach Comber through the North Bridge of Rama's echo which the orcs have foolishly destroyed meanwhile Minas Tirith had been bombarded by firing projectiles and great fires ropes in the city eventually the casting engines halted and the great Ram groaned were brought in front of the city gates Gandalf and the hardest men of color were now stationed at the gates prepared for the incoming assault the witch-king approached the gate [Music] and enroll the lord of the nursery only one could endure his malice Gandalf but in the eve of the moment the horns of the Morpher heard in the mountainsides of Mount mean Dolly the Rahim had come to the rescue of Gondor there was no time for hesitation the moment of surprise caught a Morgul host and the rehurek force attacked in three lanes orcs position north of the city were crushed by the hearing King Theron's kept charging towards the city and soon clashed with the harem calorie force even though Terence force was held out numbered their skill and fury in this moment were unmatched and Theoden himself through the black serpents the haradrim cavalry fede Sir Andrew Hyrum gathered around their glorious Kingdom within this very moment snow made the horse of the king was pierced by a black arrow and the horse broke the king a feral bees approached and all men fed for the coming of the black captain only one stood by the king in this moment Aaron shieldmaiden which King grew doubtful of this strange valiant opponent but hates conquered him he underestimated the situation and was stabbed by Mara doctor Hobbit and finally completely broken by Eowyn a shrill cry faded to the wings and the prophecy of chlorophenol was thus fulfilled from the causeway thoughts the legions of Morrigan now rushed forth and from south south from horsemen footmen along with the giant boom Akhil approached all the forces left in Minas Tirith now solid out all the Gondor Knights along with Umbra Hills company Brodie's - hey there man you're here him had defeated the saffron cavalry of Goodman but the MoMA kill now cause problems if Sterling's Variax and half-truths now engage the Gondor and troops preventing them from combining forces with air men the battle is tied but it soon becomes evident that Doom is at hand when the Corsair fleet is seen at Harland your mayor prepares for a glorious last and creating a large shield wall the barrels of Minister if sound sir tweet but the ringing is overshadowed by the wind with the wind comes Aragon heir to the throne of Gondor the Morgul host is now trapped between Aragon and ailment and the battle is decided the force of the westerlies and the remaining forces of more gould rounds in the undoing Sauron shook in his tower he had lost his most powerful servant and the blade that was broken had defeated him few orcs or men would ever return to their homelands and to the land of the hurrah dream came only a tale far-off a rumor of the wrath and terror of combo the outcome of the battle further assaulted in the assault of the Black Gate which would ultimately decide the fate of midler forever thank you for watching this video this was my first animated project and it required two months of full work please consider supporting me on patreon to show your support remember to subscribe to explore middle-earth and check out these videos right now
Channel: Lore of the Rings
Views: 923,222
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Keywords: the siege of gondor lotr, the siege of gondor, the battle of the pelennor fields, the siege of gondor explained, lord of the rings battle animation, middle-earth battle explained, siege of minas tirith lotr, lotr battle animation, middle-earth battle animation, lotr pelennor fields, lotr pelennor fields battle, middle-earth siege, middle-earth siege battle, the siege of minas tirith book, minas tirith book, minas tirith, battle of minas tirith, siege of minas tirith, gondor
Id: h7gyfoLt4U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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