Satisfying Veggie Bake | Jamie Oliver

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hello you lovely people i'm gonna give you an epic satisfying veggie bake it's from my new cookbook together and in this dish we get five of our daily fruit and veg in one portion so let's get going three onions i've peeled these up just finely slice the onions like that in the casserole pan add yourself a nice little slug of olive oil i'm going to add the onions in and we want to get the sweetness out of these guess how many garlic three right so we'll finally slice some garlic pan oil garlic onions with pepper a little seasoning with salt i'm gonna use coriander guess how many teaspoons three goes in also what i'm going to add is tapenade three heaped teaspoons of tapenade goes in the next thing i'm gonna do is start kind of scalding and toasting these veggies in a dry pan no oil cut the sweet potato carefully in half and basically chop it into three centimeter chunks get these going in the pan and as these get done i'll add them into here and then replace them with the next vegetable just give it a nice little toss like that so i'll cut these courgettes exactly the same size as the sweet potato three centimetre rough chunks so if you ever look at the onions you can see they've shrunk down massively that means you've concentrated the flavor the sweet potatoes go in and we go in with the courgettes and we do exactly the same in the meantime we'll get our peppers out the way i prep them is just get my thumb push it down where that stalk is we'll get rid of the seeds we have the peppers exactly the same three centimeter chunks then on the mushrooms we're just going to take these off and break them these courgettes they're charred they'll go in and to replace those we'll go in with the peppers [Music] so look all the veg is in there now you can see how it's kind of reduced in volume this pan here just wipe it clean that's good to go and what we're going to do now is now introduce the wet stuff so we're going to go in with some lovely tin tomatoes just put them into your pan i put them in my clean hands and i just crush them up and what you do is you get a nice kind of broken up tomato fill up two of these tins with water and i'll simmer that now for about half an hour so here's the stew it's had it's half an hour simmering it's all cooked beautifully it's seasoned up good and it's cooled down let's put it together now it has got that kind of vibe of a lasagna but instead of pasta we're using filo pastry get a nice tin and i'm gonna get a herb i'm using oregano and i'm gonna dip that into oil like that almost like a brush and i'm gonna lubricate this tin just push the phyllo into the corners like this all but two sheets of phyllo we're going to put in and around so just take three or four sprigs of the oregano like that this i will save to put on the top at the end so first layer 300 grams of basmati rice goes in uncooked we're also going to go in with one tin of drained beans i'm using butter beans and then we're going to go in with our veggies here in we go so push the veggies around i'm going to take one or two layers of phyllo just lay them over like that then take the little edges and kind of tuck it in to bed right and that is going to be a beautiful thing what i might do is just use that oregano and the oil again so we're going to cook this at 180 degrees celsius which is 350 fahrenheit let's get that in the oven i tend to put it down the bottom so our epic satisfying veggie bake is about to come out the oven it's looking great smelling great i want to show you the easiest white sauce ever i use one tub of gorgeous yogurt 500 grams and get that in a bowl then three eggs go in lovely free-range eggs and then 100 grams of feta cheese break it up fairly chunky we're just going to beat this up and as soon as the eggs yogurt and cheese have mixed that's it it's that simple so now is the fun bit let's get that incredible bake okay golden smelling amazing get you a little spoon and i want you to break it and you're creating all those amazing little shards and then you simply get your incredible white sauce and pour it over oh my lord it's going to be so good take the spoon and just push it to the edge and then the rest of this oregano we can just sprinkle on top so this goes back in the oven now still at 180 degrees celsius 350 fahrenheit but we're going to put it in the middle of the oven for about half an hour to 40 minutes until this is gorgeous and golden and lovely so let me show you this beautiful dish it's ready it smells absolutely amazing look at that gnarly golden gorgeous and it's got layer upon layer of texture and flavor i like to let it sit for about 10 minutes let me show you how to portion it up just go to the middle and cut quite accurately all the way down to the bottom get your little fish slice and then pull it out come on and that's all yours a beautiful generous portion of our humble exciting satisfying veggie bake that in the middle of the table nice big old salad glass of wine happy days let's try and get a little bit of everything [Music] is absolutely joyful it's super super good value to make you can feed eight people really generously and give them something that they've never ever had before enjoy
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 648,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, veg, charred veg, pepper, sweet potato, onion, garlic, pastry, filo, easy, healthy, dinner party, party, leftovers, vegetarian, courgette
Id: zf651P2hy6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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