I Pushed Blueprints to the LIMIT in Satisfactory

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[Music] you are looking at vanilla satisfactory blueprint that can make 105 reinforced iron plates per minute while an achievement on its own it is also one and only part of a modu factory this modu of factory can produce total of 1,260 reinforced iron plates per minute this blueprint is stackable interconnected and easy to use it also incorporate full exterior that works anywhere from a single vertical stack to full tower this blueprint is the result of trial and error for hundreds of blueprint factories that I have created in the past 6 months and this blueprint is Way Beyond than just pushing every single machine to 250% with ordinary power charts there is clever use of unusual alternative recipes Ultra compact threedimensional manifolds and there is intriguing way of breaking up exterior with custom gradients and painted beams and finally there is an interesting use of blue blint designer tricks to break up ordinary Factory box design and today I will go over every single trick in this blueprint when you unlock blueprint designer in STIs Factory it can look as very redundant and limiting system something to make RS and rail support but not a fully flashed factories when I have made my first blueprint Factory it was making 22.5 reinforced iron plates per minute so how I went from 22.5 to 105 reinforced iron PL per minute in the same limiting blueprint footprint while obvious answer would be just use of power shirts well reality is that this first factory would be making maybe like 40 or 50 reinforced land ples per minute with just use of power shards so definitive answer is not in pure overclocking of machinery and the most important tool for creation of compact factories are threedimensional manifolds so let's start from a simple threedimensional manifold that is part of this blueprint ordinary way of doing things in s Factory is just to have two rows of Machinery mergers and Splitters works for ordinary factories works for ordinary blueprints but we want to have the density and we want to have free machines in a row so let's do the three dimensional manifold all here we want to work with the five smelters and we have for example input for our iron ore over here for this conveyor lift hole in the wall so we put our conveyor lift floor HS over here just right beneath our intake for the smelters and then we just use conveyor lifts over here here you will hear the audio queue but like 99% of the time it actually works even if you do not hear the audio queue it's really easy to connect so after we connect all our conveyor lifts over here then we go over here in our sandwich layer and we just do the same thing for this over here we place all our conveyor lifts and then after that we are just taking our conveyor Splitters or mergers and we just connect everything to everything very straightforward process so here we go and now we can just make our manifold like that and in this fashion we just made the manifold for our iron ore and here's the real thing with a row of smelters row of foundaries and row of Constructors over here we have our iron ore being manifolded into the next part of the blueprint into the next stack uh then we have our Co intake this is basically the same manifold only three times then we have the steel beam Constructors and our steel ingots be separated into separate manifold and this is once again the same manifold that is being repeated like four times nothing special over here this is how you go from well two machines to three machines per floor now let's talk about assemblers uh this is way more complex manifold because we have two intakes for the assemblers and it's way harder to connect everything to everything first we go with a simple splitter as you can see if you just spread out your assemblers to the limit of the blueprint designer to the edge we can just put one splitter between two intakes of well the assemblers and once again this is where straightforward connection over here nothing fancy nothing special but then the next question is how we deal with another layer of Connections in the assemblers and over here once again we imply our conveyor lift holes we use the notch tool with the button H to actually place our conveyor floor holes into the position like that so here we go another set of assemblers and the final set of assemblers over here we are almost done with the first setup then you go for your conveyor lifts over here and they will snap pretty easily once again just listen for your audio queue and you will be Gucci and obviously if you have different direction of your conveyor lift you can swap that with button R uh very easy to work with so now the interesting part now we need to connect two sets of conveyor floor holes and this is it easy let's take our conveyor lifts for the first set of the conveyor lift holes then we take our Splitters we connect Splitters to our conveyor lifts over here like that and then we take the second set of lifts and connect them to our Splitters here you go with a belts you can just make the simple manifold for two intakes of two separate assemblers and here is your threedimensional manifold now we need to work with the output of every single assembler to make the manifold for output of assemblers we need to have the ceiling and over here we will aim for something about the middle this will probably not work to the extent that I want so we take something like this then we place something like this and that then we just delete the excess then we take our conveyor lift and over here you need to reverse the Direction with button R like that and you just connect your outputs of assemblers with your conveyor lifts then you delete your ceiling mounts and then you place your set of mergers this time around here we go for the merger merger number one merger number two and merger number three then you just take the belt and connect your manifold for output of assemblers like that so now we know how one can stack six assemblers with no hard clipping and let's base our schematic around this rather interesting reality there are a lot of alternative recipes in STIs Factory some of those can be straightforward upgrades but some are useful in very specif specific use cases also there is the difference between the most resource efficient recipes and the recipes that takes up less space and use less energy to produce same amount of materials so what would be our alternative recipe Peak for reinforced iron plate Factory while s iron plate is the best efficiency Choice efficiency efficiency well Bol iron plates is the most compact recipe when it comes to production ratios even the other alternative recipes cannot compare to Total output of of 15 reinforced iron plates per minute add to that steel screws and solid steel ingot recipes and we get to the general idea of the schematic very soon you would realize that well the most space restricting point of this schematic is production of ordinary iron plates not only it require a lot of Constructors but increased production of ingots also takes up a lot of extra space so this is the rare case when I have decided to use coated steel plate alternative recipe while there is an argument of cutting Corners here well well let's be real you will Almost Never produce plastic or rubber in the same Factory as reinforced iron plates for all intent on purpose I treat concrete plastic rubber and even aluminium ingots as raw resources they just always end up as a precursor production step than the part of actual item factories steel coed plate allowed to drop an enormous consumption of iron ore from more than 1,000 to only 160 units per minute so now main limiting factor is the amount of of Steel CED plate assemblers and their production ratio I cannot really go higher than six physical assemblers per floor this translates to maximum of 15 factual assemblers if you make 250% overclock so overclocking six assemblers to factual output of 14 machines is a reasonable Choice everything else in the factory is just the result of this limitation for the most part there is an argument of well CED iron plate recipe to reduce this limitation even further but then we introduced too much iron ore and in my book just working with 50/50 iron call ores on Mark for belts is way better than using 5 to1 iron to Coal ratio while using mark five belts for every single iron belt for every single blueprint yeah this will not happen Mark for belts 50/50 Iron Coal is way better and this sort of brings us to the next question how we can actually stack this blueprint while retaining maximum of convenience when I think about taking more Yow blueprints I always think about exterior and convenience first and after experimenting with numerous ways of stacking blueprints I think that the basic four-way symmetry is the most convenient way for handling blueprint stacking four-way symmetry provide an accessible square shape instead of a mile long Factory slabs also it can serve as a nice basis for vertical stacking then there is the matter of material costs for exterior making exteriors is quite costly especially when you start to leave interesting patterns from the painting beams and fourway symmetry allow us to reduce amount of exterior walls down to 50% we need only two walls instead of four in every single blueprint then there is the matter of blueprint production ratios while I can totally push fully overclocked system even a bit further than 105 reinforced Place per minute well 160 input number is very very convenient if I stack this blueprint three times vertically it would be exactly 480 raw or for coal and iron on every single belt only thing that I need is Mark for belts as internal manifold inside of the blueprint itself although I am kind of already using Mark 5 belts to deliver 584 screws from every single screw Constructor to reinforce and plate assemblers and there is like no graceful work around this this is like relatively short span of the belt and it does require a lot of aluminum and yes I can go for four vertical Stacks with Mark five belt and manyif Falls but honestly I do not feel that I need uh like 1,680 reinforced plates per minute when I can make 1,260 reinforced plates per minute and even then I do not think that I will ever use that yeah as you can see it becomes a bit ridiculous so yeah screw mark five belts just use markv and call it a day now with blueprints taken out of the way we can think about exterior and here are several interesting tricks that can Excel our blueprint from playing mediocrity to a Godlike level when we are going for maximum compression alongside with built-in vertical manifolds there is literally no internal space for maintenance shafts so why not to make those shafts outside of the factory blueprint Mak an exterior Factory blueprint as the separate blueprint have its own advantages for starters you can have the set of different exteriors and set of different colors but then there is a rather interesting trick that we can exploit to merge our exterior blueprint and the factory blueprint itself you can place other blueprints inside of the blueprint designer also blueprint designer only calculate Collision if the blueprint will cross blueprint designer border with any of the blueprint parts so if you have one part of the blueprint inside of the designer and other out it still would be placed in saved as the part of 4x4 blueprint also there are are techniques that allow to even Place machinery and extend the BS outside of the designer but I tend to ignore those since well if you want just have huge blueprint factories you can just install a single mod also the ability to slap custom exterior to 4x4 Factory with no real restrictions well it's just the perfect use case for this blueprint designer exploit or trick whatever you call that all right so here's the finished blueprint and as you can notice all exterior walls are outside of the blueprint designer and if we go for the blueprint selection mode you can see that this is basically several other blueprints so still baby here we go 1 2 three this is one exterior wall then we have huge section with shell two and after that we have obviously the present and one steel beams baby once again all right so this is our extension and there is nothing like really fancy about this extension just bunch of diagonal beams and beams an angle if you do not know how to make angles it's really simple you just use this particular Contraption which is Road barrier you just place it like this then you use your painted beams and you can align those painting beams at an angle and you NCH them into the position that you want and after that you can construct pretty much anything so yeah nothing special about that but the special thing is how you place that into the blueprint Factory itself so we just can remove our extension like that and just recreate the process like this so we go for our shell two like this then we place it with the nudge mode button H like that and now we can adjust the whole blueprint with the arrow keys here is the position that I really like we place our blueprint and then we need to delete the rest of the blueprint which was basically our intervals go for the default mode delete W like this and this so if you want to Stack our exterior vertically and have everything Flash without any Jugger edges well we want to have the the bottom and up of the blueprint of our weave at the same place so we need to make the same thing over here on top so 32 m 30 m here we go then we make just one M adjustment like that and now we have our reference point from which we can actually add the same thing as downstairs and now let's make some waves so here we go uh over here we need to use free form format or building mode whatever you call it that call it that is even this a sentence I have no idea but you know I have idea how to make painting beams in the satisfactory yeah really useful skin this looks like something but we are not there yet so we need just to go one step further and to go one step further we just need to use the nudge mode with the half steps and I think something like uh half stepping inside of the whole thing will make sense so we go for the default placement mode like that and as you can see we just covered the hole once again press control in N mode make the half step extend the painted beam to cover the ho and once again rinse and repeat in the half [Music] steps so now how we can go from this to something that looks way better with the gradients as you can see over here I still can see those lines and this is not like perfect gradient so it's still noticeable especially from far away over here we have the advantage of those like wavy Wy patterns and the thing with the w patterns that we basically can swap our color on every single weave so over here to beams have the same color but then we have another color yet another color and once again yet another color so the color always change when we change our we pattern so you just change your gradient gradually with the pattern with the we pattern if you go for the plain thing we just do not change the color so this is the color number one color number two color number three color number four and finally five 5 6 7 8 etc etc for the color creation or for gradient creation I do use online tools like cssg gradient. it's complet free you just make your gradient and copy paste your color codes I do not save those color codes in size of satisfactory because custom paded in satisfactory is really annoying you need to save it in every single save so it's just easier to use text f file and just copy paste color codes and that's it so this is how I'm creating gradients if you found this blueprint very intriguing I bet you would like my video about fully modular blueprint storage and if you like more traditional use of blueprint designer you can always check out my video for blueprint modular Railway supports thank you very much for watching and yakis [Music] out
Channel: Yakez
Views: 7,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, Satisfactory update 8, Satisfactory blueprints, Tips and Tricks, Reinforced Iron Plates, Satisfactory Factory design
Id: fFVp6J8fY34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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