Satisfactory Tips for Rails and Roadways!

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hey what's up guys and today we will be talking about essentially just how to build These Blueprints how to build these big Railways how did I do it and how I teach you well we're starting off with this blueprint maker it is called the song called the Bloomer maker it's called The Blueprint designer and if you can see here you can yeah I'm gonna show you how to save a blueprint so let's say I want this to be Highway straight um we don't need to set directory um edit we're gonna we can add a category we're gonna call this one rebuilt highways as you can see already made pre-buildable highways or Railways my bad I like the icon let's go with the truck we could go truck or explore I think actually I'm gonna go with Explorer because it shows a little better Railways highways plus they're both facing the same way so now we add a subcategory we can add a blueprint here we have our Highway apply changes and now Highway straight shows up yeah we can change our icon I say we change our icon to um let's try to find truck yeah there we go oh no well yeah that works that works then color um let's go with the deeper blue purplish that's that is purple not purplish that's purple essentially it looks like this and if we want to unload it we can just clear the designer there you go everything gets sent to this little box right here take all of it grab it all so that's my pre-built um Highway now if I load my pre-build Railway I don't have enough materials to load it but it looks like what you can see up here and essentially that's what you can make with this right like you can that was a pretty crude pre-built Highway and I will change it eventually but that's what you can do so blueprints are better than just straight up building for the most part because they're faster like I can just if I pull out my blueprints I can just build a highway not that I could build a quick wire Factory if I had all this stuff but this is a highway I can just place my highways down and they look like this see pretty clearly that they just way faster because I can build everything down at once now it does have limited space but that's okay because you can just make it smaller I guess and it'll snap the other still uh what else it's better resource planning so um if you noticed you can see exactly how much everything costs in this blueprint designer like I go to my blueprints it tells me exactly how much it costs in this bottom right corner over here I look at my Railway same thing tells me exactly how much one of these costs which is super helpful because I can just go to my warehouse grab all the materials and then come back if you don't have Warehouse you just go to your factors right and also if you use this blueprint designer you can edit it on the go like I can just load one up let's load up the highway and let's say I want to um let's say I want to add some street lights right three lights are pretty cool and that makes sense on a highway so we just put down let's uh smack down some tree lights right here right here uh well actually no no I think they'll look cooler in the middle let's let's change where they're gonna go because this is legitimately what I'm gonna do let's go right here right here and then the opposite of those and yes they will cross but it's okay because they look good when they cross like they look like actual double street lights when they cross right so let's say I wanted to build that right so let's just save the blueprint they'll tell us that this name is already in use that's okay and now we go to our well first off let's clear this as you can see every material we take all of our materials we go to our blueprints we build the highway look it's got three lights on it now that's the that's like the main reason why I use the blueprint designer just because you can just edit it whenever you can just delete this and then bring it with you and stuff like that um there's also other styles of blueprints like you can have organic styles uh you can have industrial Styles which is what I have so organic styles like so mine would be industrial right organic Styles would be more to conform with the terrain so this long distance Railway is more organic but there's also no supports I would not build a railway like this because it has no supports I would probably build like a foundation I would do something like monkey pull out the big foundations here like I would do something like this and then just decorate that instead of decorating the whole thing and making one of these because this one takes much longer than this one took me to wrap around the whole map took me three hours and to go from here to the hub took me three hours so there you go and from here to the hub yeah it's a long distance but it's only half the map and we're not wrapping around the map so that's why I would why do that um Railway blueprints find a good point where they can snap onto each other mine don't I have not found a good point where they can snap onto each other they kind of like I have to make two foundations I have to like bridge out two foundations and then build it because I don't because I'm stupid and I didn't see it coming let's say I wanted to build a railway I don't have stuff too but it I have to like get the foundation rotation right like that and then I have to place it on a foundation which is weird uh what else for long distance straightaways don't use the blueprints that's that's actually a pretty good tip right there don't like I found like if I were to make this long distance straight away right here again I would just place a crap ton of Foundations all right next to each other and then place the railways like I would have two blueprints on either Edge just to align the railways because otherwise they're gonna like go back and forth and back and forth like they're gonna wobble and it looks really weird so I would just like maybe have like um see I you can tell that I did it too that's the funny part you can tell that after the like at some point I was like you know what we're just gonna because this is a longer rail than these ones are because these are usually alternating size and then this one's massive so I would have like built the long distance straight away uh if I could go into the past what else find a style you like do you like these frame pillars these look a little realistic or no do you like them more like like with these deleted do you like these block signals being every five spots or do you prefer a larger amount of spots does your Railway require that for traffic do you like the street lights how they are or do you want them on the other side if you if you're British or I guess if you just prefer the left side then make sure everything conforms to that like that kind of stuff now for Highway blueprints like the one that I had set up again it comes down to finding a good point for them to snap on I'm assuming it's easier for Highway blueprints let me go test real quick so for Highway blueprints like they they're just foundations there's no rails so it's much easier for them to snap on and also I made like these little concrete pillars clip into the sides because it looks cool but I realized that that's probably not a good idea because it makes it so that the railway uh can't snap on half the time which is a little annoying so for pre-built highways yeah it snaps on it just it just snaps pretty smoothly both sides which is super super convenient make sure that they can do that um always use them again Resource Management it's just like it's it's unmatched just use them it's so much better and again what style do you like do you like the style with street lights do you like the style with pipes on the top do you like a more wide open Highway do you want it more enclosed what are you driving on the highway that you would need wide lanes for do you need two lanes one lane what do you need what do you need what do you want figure it out and then make it so in conclusion build using a modular system so make sure they can all snap together like this like if I put if I just hover over the edge over this gray portion it should be able to just snap on and use blueprints to master that that planning planning segment that Resource Management that just planning overall like you could probably draw on your map and do that and finally you finds what suit like just make your own style you know what I mean you don't have to make it look like mine but I base mine off a different YouTuber who made his look really nice and I was like wow that looks cool so I'm gonna make mine look like that and it didn't end up looking perfect because I'm too lazy to put supports on the bottom and also I kind of built it a little high over the terrain which is fine but um yeah just find what suits your style I like this style you might not like it you might you might like a more organic style it flows over the terrain then do that all it really comes down to is the fact that you like it and if you like it if you like the video and comment give me some feedback I like feedback because it helps me make better videos for you guys and yeah it helps me more relevant videos too I like the relevant the relevancy factor is just so much more it just makes my videos so much more like I guess relevant um yeah and again forgotten outro I'll never remember it at this point it's a lost cause thank you so much for watching goodbye that arguably is an outro
Channel: ST33L
Views: 7,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, Rails, Roadways, Trains, Truck, Tractor, Satisfying, Logistics, Networking
Id: R3_jhK4k-zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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