Vertical Bus/Feeding System Guide - Satisfactory

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yo what's up people my name is tanachi and i'm back here in the world of satisfactory alrighty hope you're keeping well okay so in the last video i did this build called petra and i received a few requests about the particular feeding system that i was using in this factory just down below here so it's a very compact vertically stacked by system that can be scaled to very small up into very very large and it allows for a very compact system but it also helps to somewhat logistically manage and share lots of resources to a factory room that is producing various and multiple recipes and production cycles and to be honest i think it's probably the most compact system you could do so let me just get straight to this example here that i've done on the last video that i did coming down into the machine room on this side you can see we've got approximately 40 odd assemblers and they're on two different levels so underneath again if we go to the other side of the vertical stacked bus system we've got approximately 12 manufacturers and this particular factory room is ultimately producing what they call again the turbo motors and so all the machines here are producing all the necessary requirements so that would be radio control units crystal oscillators motors roses status electromagnetic rods and maybe one or two other things i can't remember so approximately 50 60 machines with approximately 10 different recipes and it's done in a very compact space as you can see with this vertically stacked conveyor bus system in the middle and machines on either side just sending off either a conveyor lift or conveyor belt to pick off the resource from whichever of the conveyors that they need it from and all of the output that comes out of all of the machines cycles background to join one of these belts here the output itself of all the machines can also be shared amongst all the other machines as well all the assemblers on the other side all the stuff they're producing is coming back around and joining the very bottom belt so you can see here we've got circuit boards and now we've got electromagnetic rods and rotors and motors so all that stuff is being produced here and then being shared here as well and it's all being done by this central vertically stacked conveyor by system where in this scenario there's i think nine convey higher there as i mentioned before this can be massively scaled up or even down i don't really see the point of scaling it down too much to i don't know less than three or four belts but um you can ultimately scale it to as little as high as you want okay so i'm gonna do a build example of how to set this up initially but before i get to that as i mentioned before this has got massive scalability so i've got one build for example my audio mega factory that i've done with roughly a thousand machines i'm using an approximately 40 50 high vertically stacked bus system times two that's a slightly different setup and i'll show that at the end so this can be massively scaled up but i also used this same kind of feeding system long time ago my first factory just for like only two or three belts and there were mixed belts sushi about some people calling them with mixed items feeding a variety of machines and recipes so you really can make this on a smaller scale to the larger scale some more pros so as i mentioned of course this is a very compact system if you try to do this in any other way or like a traditional flatbed factory kind of setup layout this here will take up a lot more space another good point let's say for example with this machine which is now producing heavy modular frames but let's say for example i i wanted to do radio control units i can just change the recipe here and then delete all of these conveyors and then send off other conveyors to pick off exactly which resource they need you can kind of change recipes reasonably easily also going back to the scalability let's say for example here i've got two belts of silica but let's say i change some of the recipes and i find that i need more silica not a problem at the top here i can just add another uh another belt here at the top bring in silica on that bell and then all these machines now have access to a third uh conveyor which is full of silica so you can keep scaling this up so but it's not just vertically that this is easily upgradable and scalable you can also keep going horizontally with your machine so let's say for example i wanted another 20 assemblers obviously taking for granted that i've got the enough resources on this bus system to feed it all i've got to do is extend the building obviously and keep adding more machines going on horizontally it's easily expandable in terms of vertically adding more resources throughput to feed your machines and also horizontally how far you want to keep adding machines okay so how about some of the negatives what are some of the cons it's not the easiest or uh quickest thing to set up initially it's somewhat tedious and time consuming to set up especially when you start getting into a bit more of a larger scale like this so it does take a little bit of time and there's loads of splitters and stuff to set up and it's a little bit tedious as i mentioned but i mean i guess you have to do that regardless another factor is it might not be and this is preference everyone's a bit different so some people might not find this aesthetically to their liking i know a lot of people want very clean and completely hidden build so a lot of people want all the logistical conveyor work hidden in a floor underneath like a logistics floor and some people find the appeal of having all of these belts on show and a lot of people like to see all the the inner workings of all the resources going up and down and that in itself is the charm but some people want to have it hidden so a lot of its preference i have done a build where i've done a system like this and had it all underground so with the introduction of conveyor floor hose you could put this whole system under the ground just have a conveyor lift floor hole on the ground there and instead of sending conveyor lifts up to whichever belt you could have all this underground it's a little bit more work but it is uh it's possible and i'll show a few variations of how i've implemented this system later i wouldn't use this all the time for every building for every setup i just don't think it's necessary for me this system is useful where i want to do a build keep it as small as possible and where i'm doing a lot of different production cycles with a lot of different recipes this system really does help to distribute the resources amongst all these machines producing multiple recipes so it does help in that aspect as well and also briefly to mention before we get into building an example how you deal with the excess resources is up to you you're producing the exact amount that you need for your factory then it's not a problem what you do at the end here at the end of the vertically state bus system because you're producing the exact amount but i don't always want to produce the exact amount and a lot of these items i'm slightly overproducing you've got to decide how you want to deal with that slightly excess of resources coming in so you can either have them overflowing here at the end what you want to do that overflows up to you you can send them to a sink or to another train station another factory whatever you want it's up to you or you can deal with that excess at the beginning of this vertical bus system which is what i've done on this particular setup i've got all these resources coming in by train and because i don't want the train to build up if i example turn this factory off so i've had to put loads of sinks if i turn the factory off uh i've got syncs to deal with all the excess overflow and it's more so of an issue if you're having some of the resources being brought in by either train or by truck or by drone because you might not want your train station or drone or your truck to build up because then the factory that's producing that that will also build up now you might not care other factories build up with resources machines will just sit idle end of the day until the items are cooled off and that's fine but because i've got kind of integrated factories that are supplying multiple factories it gets a bit more complicated for some of my builds so i want to deal with excess here but yeah just trying to keep in mind how you're going to deal with excess if there is any let's get on now with some examples of how we can set up this uh vertical bus system i'll do it here on top so i wouldn't normally do this with constructors but you know what let me do a very quick setup using constructors uh just to give it a very quick idea of how it could work pretty sure enough we just did it really quickly with constructors you can add a lot more rows of constructors vertically put the machine right on top and then move over two clicks and what that will allow is that you can put a a belt there and as you can see now there's no there's no gaps in between so the conveyors have just got a nice snug and a very compact fit in between so when you use um really cool constructors you can actually stack them uh four higher and you can just keep going on and on for as long as you need to there's many machines that you want to add so again same principle go directly on top and then go over one two so as you can see here we can then add a conveyor list wherever we want and they all fit without clipping through each other as you can see nice and snug and there's a there's just enough space for each conveyor lift to go up and down wherever necessary and without clipping you can of course then add this same setup on the other side okay but i'm going to delete all this now i just don't really think it's that necessary with constructors only so let's go straight to assemblers let's put four assemblers with assemblies you can actually only go too high unless you start putting space in between because um obviously the assemblers have two inputs and a little bit wider but the same principles are going directly on top and then go over one two and then you can just keep adding right next to that as you can see here we've still got plenty of space uh well not plenty of space but a nice snug fit for each convey lift to go up and down and without clipping through any of the the other conveyor lifts you've got a little gap in between uh here but there's not much you can do about that you can't go three uh rows high with assemblers or manufacturers because uh the the conveyor list will start clipping through of course unless you start putting bigger gaps in between the machine but that kind of goes against the whole principle of keeping this system very compact and small again the same with manufacturers when you do them one two right on top and then move over two clicks and then as you can see here you still got exactly the same spacing between all of the the conveyors won't overlap each other and just got a perfect amount of space nice and snug fear to fit all of the um all of the conveyor lists up and down so let's put these manufacturers on the complete opposite side when you're putting a splitter in between and on this belt usually on the bottom belt of the vertically stacked bus system i usually have that as the shed output belt all of the resources are produced by all of these machines i'd have them cycle background and join on a merger here come all the way back around and join usually the bottom belt i mean you can have any belt you want it's up to you i usually do the bottom belt and let's say for example we're doing crystal oscillators here and on this side we're doing radio control units so of course radio control units need crystal oscillators so when the output of these manufacturers comes back around you'll have a merge together they'll come back around to this belt and then here i'll have of course crystal oscillators and this bottom belt can be the shed belt that you can use to show resources amongst all your machines so then put a splitter at the end obviously i'm only getting two machines long so it's not a very long uh system here but the principle applies for however long you go and then now you could start building your um your vertical system however high you need let's say in this example we're doing a five belt type and then what i usually do is just use splitters and build them five higher and then start connecting them in the middle and have these last row splitters even right on the edge of the of the last input of the last machine if you want you can use um one of these uh these conveyor poles of course just to set up initially so you can use the conveyor post to run and extend the vertical bus system in the middle and after when you know exactly what resource you need and you know which boat it's coming from so let's say this one was producing crystal oscillators and this one needs cables and quartz crystals so let's say uh cables was on this row so uh pick the input you want to use and then put a a smart splitter on that row and then again this one was called crystal let's pretend our chord crystal was on on the third belt so now we have the splitters in place now of course uh you run that across there and join these with convey conveyor list and all conveyor belts depending on on their height then of course come to your splitter in the middle always have the center as overflow and then on the left would be savings when we said quartz crystal and on this one we said it's going to be a cable so on the left you'll have cable now we've got to decide how we're going to use these uh these belts in the middle you can either have these belts with mixed resources what some people call a sushi belt or you can have each belt dedicated to just one resource and that's completely up to you how you want to do that of course if for example in a system you only need uh 300 copper sheets and 400 wires you can use the same belt to put both those copper sheets and wires on the same mark v belt we don't have to you can keep it nice and simple and just have one resource with one bell again that is totally up to you but i would generally save one belt usually the bottom belt support the output of all of the machines to come through on the bottom bell to be shared by the other machines so at least one belt on the bottom i would have as your mixed sushi belt and collect all the output of all the machines bring them back around the bottom splitter so you know the bottom belt is all your output and what else we've got here computers and casing so let's say i'm producing computers here as well and i'm using the i know i'm using the bottom belt for the locally produced items so i could just add another splitter there join that on there make sure i've got overflow in here and then put computers you know was it casing i think uh yeah aluminum casings let's pretend the casing will be on the top bell so i can choose any of these two inputs let's say i use that one um usually i have this these machines a little bit closer to the central bus system so that the conveyor joins directly onto the splitter but i've left a little bit of a gap here so we can see a bit more how this is working and but what i'd recommend is bring these machines in a bit um so that these are conveyor lifts joined directly and straight onto the splitters for example let's put that there unless i'm a little bit off even with the the splitters you can see it's still clicking even though i'm really far off there i'm not aligning that ring very well but it's really quite lenient on how it allows your the splitters to connect so that's a good thing you don't have to worry too much you can still hear it clicking and it connects just fine so using assemblers and manufacturers you can go two rows higher after we do the manufacturer just put the assemblers right next to let's actually come in a bit as i mentioned i was a little bit far off there wasn't a to connect so let's bring these um really close so that they can the the lift can connect straight onto the the belt in the middle and let's go another row high as well so as before always go directly on top of the machine below and then one two clicks over so now we have um let's add a few more of these now i wouldn't actually use conveyor poles because eventually uh you're probably going to need to put a splitter there so you're going to have to end up deleting these so that's why i just go straight with using splitters so using splitters instead come up to the last machine's import and then start stacking them as high as you need as high as your system is set up to be to connect them all up so they're all ready to be used so on this machine we had we needed reinforced iron plates for that particular recipe so here let's do reinforced iron blades so this needs screws and iron plates let's pretend we had the iron plates and screws on these two belts so on here let's put i'll make sure the center one is uh overflow and then we'll put screws on here and then on this input which would need to be uh there and this one we said what did i say it was some plates wasn't it um so we've got iron plates coming at the left here that's still a bit too far so connecting anyway i need to bring the machines closer okay anyway so you get the idea um connect them up to the so let's put this in the middle and that's how you continue setting this up and you just keep going on and on horizontally for as far as you need and of course you keep going up vertically with your bus system depending on how many resources you need and how you want to distribute those resources amongst those belts as i said you can mix those belts you can have them dedicated to just one item it's completely up to you how you want to set this up of course one thing to keep in mind though if you're going to mix these belts and have them so let's say you've got one belt for example with half wires and half quick wires if you mix a belt with two or more items and at the end there's no overflow what will happen is eventually one of those items will keep building up and building up uh because it's very unlikely you're going to get the exact distribution and flow throughput of each of the wire and the quick wire so one of them will likely build up and let's say for example this one is meant to be quick wire coming out right if the wires build up to here to this point anywhere past this splitter uh the the quick wires won't be able to get to the split to reach it to turn left to go into the um into the machine so you can only mix the belts if you're using an overflow at the end so for example in the bottom belt which i suggested to use as your mix sushi belt to collect all the resources that are being produced by all your machines and all the floors to bring them back around to the beginning to come and join into this splitter you're going to need to have the bottom belt this one here to to have an overflow so that those goods can keep moving through whether the goods are used or not and you're going to want that on the bottom but anywhere because a lot of those goods won't be used so we're going to want those radio control units to eventually go off to a train and on the factory or wherever we want to go to so you have to make sure that any sushi belts any mix belts has an overflow so the belt can keep moving otherwise if you're not having an overflow which i often don't so on these boats which i usually have one belt dedicated to each item to each resource so iron plate screws quick wires wires for example if you're just dedicating one item to one belt you don't need to worry about an overflow at the end unless of course you want to have it overflow so if you're producing an excess and you know you're producing an excess of one of the items you might want to send the excess on elsewhere or you might want to continue this first system so let's say for example you want to continue you run out of space horizontally you can then have all of these going up to another floor and then do the same system going on again in the other direction going the other way so uh you can then have another two floors of of assemblers and manufacturers so you can actually keep going up and up and up as well as well as horizontally in each direction so this would go up to there so you would have to bring these out a bit roughly there and then bring up to the top there and then have a like roughly somewhere there there then you bring that up to another floor and so on and so on you get the idea so you bring these up to another floor and you can start the whole process all over again a fresh new floor starting two rows of assemblers and manufacturers because all you're doing is continuing on this vertically stacked bus system you're just bringing it up around continuing on or you can have this snaking round so you can have let me delete these you can actually have this snaking round to another point let's say over here and start the vertical bust system going back this way in this direction or or in that direction any direction you want basically it's quite simple it's not too complicated the only thing is a little bit time consuming but thinking about it the equivalent set up on a traditional style layout is just as time consuming probably so i guess it's no more time consuming than any other particular kind of setup but yeah okay so coming back to petra again and to show you some examples at the end of this you can see here what i'm doing is i'm overflowing because i've got a lot of mixed belts here so here for example we got copper wire iron plates iron rods and screws all on one belt so that has to overflow here we've got steel pipes and steel beams roughly half of those belts are mixed i've got these overflowing at the end of the bus system and going down into my logistics floor right underneath all of this and then they come back all the way again all the way around to the to the beginning and i've got them actually heading on up and then coming out here and then i've got another setup of machines um using that excess resources again another build here we're at area 51 using the same method i've got all the output coming and mixing together on our bottom so that all these machines on either side and above us the manufacturers above us they can all share from the bottom mixed output belt at the ntr i still got them all overflowing and in this factory i've got them coming up here and actually overflowing into things because i wasn't sure what to do with it at the time all right so coming on to another builder i've used the same vertically stacked bus system that's a mouthful so all these constructors on these two floors all their output is joining on the middle here and then on the top floor uh they're sending down conveyor list picking off whichever of the resource they need and here is an example really of how you can hide the the vertical bus system if you wanted to so you could bring these uh foundations going all the way across and completely close it up and then use those conveyor floor holes on this system at the end here you can see i've got no overflow so all the goods when they come to the end of the vertical bus system they're hitting this wall of splitters and there's there's no overflow set so that's why these constructors are feeding this bus system once the bus system is full up and the items are not being used the constructors are laying dormant waiting for the resources to be used before they continue producing the items for the system coming onto my my monstrous mega factory with over a thousand machines as you can see it's a ton of machines here we've got a massive implementation of this uh vertically stacked bus system approximately 30 40 belts high on that side and on this side it's approximately 50 belts high so over a thousand machines in this factory this factory is producing every what nearly every single item that is possible from a constructor assembler or manufacturer and because there's so many resources i needed so many uh belts to make this work what's happening here we've got one row dedicated to one particular item so all these constructors here are producing uh steel pipes and this time they're coming and entering on the back side of the bus system any of the machines that require steel pipes with the usual push splitter there conveyor belt then these are heading off to some manufacturers and the same applies for every single item but because the output here is so big what i've done is all of the output of all of the constructors on the bottom is going onto the bus system on this side and all of the output of all of these assemblers is going on to this vertical bus system and so all of the manufacturers on the top if they need any of the items from the constructors they'll send a conveyor onto that bus system or if they need any of the items from the the assemblers all of the output is on this side it's the same thing but massively scaled up and on this system i've got as you can see no overflow of any of the items and this is a configurable factory so i can choose which items i can produce in this factory i've done a video on it before some time ago so i can choose what production cycles i want to do in this factory and depending on what i satisfactory to do for one programmable splitter certain machines will kick in depending on the demand of the resources so i don't need to worry about the excess overflow except for plastic and rubber and the reason i want new plastic and rubber and any excess to always overflow into the sink is because producing plastic rubber has a byproduct of heavier oil residue and i'm using that heavy oil residue to produce other items so in this case i want any excess plastic and rubber always overflow and never to backlog because if they do backlog i of course won't be producing by-product of heavy oil residue okay and finally here's an old build that i did way back in update three i think it was the second build i ever did and um i've deleted it since because it was in the uh inspire coast that was changed but as you can see here i've got the same uh vertical bus system kind of snaking around you can see that it goes up to the left and at the top there you can see the lifts coming down and picking off whichever resource they need from whichever bell and as i said you can see it's snaking around so i haven't got it in a straight line like most places and eventually it goes up there and goes up to the next floor and it continues feeding some more manufacturers on the top floor well it did it doesn't exist anymore but here is an example how you can put the whole bus system underneath the machines and above us here's about 40 50 assemblers and i've put this whole bus system underneath the ground in a logistics floor but of course it's going to make the uh logistics floor very big especially if you've got a big bus system but um but it's an option that's what i'm saying alrighty so i think i've covered everything that i can remember anyway i'm pretty sure i've missed a few things here and there but as you can see there's so many ways to use and implement this system and scale it up and down ultimately it's good for distributing a lot of resources to a lot of different production cycle recipes in a very compact space that's pretty much his biggest selling point i know a lot of people are very familiar with this kind of stuff but there are a lot of new players coming to the game all the time and hopefully someone finds it useful alrighty i think i've been talking too much so i hope you've enjoyed thanks for watching and maybe i'll catch you again soon
Channel: Stin Archi
Views: 47,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory base, satisfactory build, satisfactory walkthrough, satisfactory letsplay, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory guide, satisfactory building, satisfactory factory, satisfactory how to, satisfactory tour, satisfactory update 6, satisfactory bus
Id: 8-JPC8RG318
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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