I Built 12,396 km of Belts for ONE item in Satisfactory

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hello everyone I'm kibitz and welcome back to satisfactory where last time we finished up super computers one of the final two things we need to complete the last space elevator part and beat satisfactory the video game so what's left on the agenda with the super computers done well we're going to need some adaptive control units which need a lot of comp ated stuff but we already have all the circuit boards computers and heavy modular frames or at least we automated all the heavy modular frames but then a bunch of trucks randomly disappeared for no reason and yeah that's something we'll deal with later main point being that we only need one more thing here which is automated wiring and we need 750 automated wiring per minute which is fine we have all the parts we need ready we just have to find them and bring them way over there you know I really do wish I put some signs around here cuz my goodness it is hard to find where I built stuff like over here I finished up the super computa build from last episode by adding a few details and man my life would be so much easier if I did this earlier but here we are looking for a stor ah here we go there's our stor Factory and we are going to have to grab 375 of these bad boys per minute to make things work then we're going to need need 7,500 wire per minute which we also have done the bad thing here is though is that we have wire everywhere and I don't know which sources have been tapped or Not O actually look at us we just found one here we go the one thing in the entire biome I colorcoded the wire cuz I knew today would come and I was worried about today but I was prepared for today 1,44 wire per minute ready to go in these two bins which is like what what almost 20% of the stuff we need yeah that's a little nightmare we're going to have to run around and figure out and the last thing though is highp speed connectors which we have built in the grand field of Manufacturers over here and those will be easy enough to bring over and then with all these things we want to bring them over here we need to build aund manufacturers in order to get the amount of automated wiring we need for the project this little corner at the end of the biome is the only place left for us to build cuz everything else has been taken except for at the front of the biome but that's where we're going to make the final part and the places that look empty well guess what that's a lie wow they just de lo along with some items on belts apparently that's a new one update eight things am I right okay so where do we even begin with a project like this well we know at least where everything's going to be and at least everything is already made and another great thing is we built a truck station here so we can bring some stuff to and fro with trucks as long as they don't disappear but what scares me the most is the wire we have wire everywhere and we need to bring over like what is it 7,000 like 10 belts yeah 10 belts of wire through the other side of the biome when everything is this packed it is going to be an ordeal and a half first of course is just finding the dang stuff we found the dang stuff what is this 900 and so wire why wait a second did we just find all of it I don't remember using any of this wire for anything did I we have some steel production rate next door am I crazy I'm crazy where's the steel I'm losing my mind oh we found the wire so it doesn't matter what I lose we got 1,80 between these two bins another 1,80 1,400 plus like the 950 how much wire is that 4,500 is okay Bud that is a big number that's like 60% of all the wire we needed and earlier we found on the other side of the biome the other 20% so there's just one last little source of wire somewhere around here oh plutonium power tractor where do we go this way okay plutonium tractor I will follow your lead in this direction we shall find the wire wait I see orange oh there it is by the plutonium tractor never lies this has to be the rest so step one complete and best part about the wire down this way is we can just bring it up here and then I have this huge Belt Highway that's carrying all of this quick wire but it bypasses practically the entirety of the factory and goes right back to where we need it to go so belt workk wise that's no problem brother wait and it's the same deal for this wire we found earlier it's right next door to the same belt Bridge well well well that makes my life very simple I thought I was going to have to like tear up machines overclock do some weird stuff but no it's just an A to B yes I saw the platform was missing it's fixed we're fine let's go deal with the rest of the wire okay how do we bring all of those bins over there uh well past Gibs was doing some stuff with rubber that just saved our bacon there's a whole Bridge right here can we just do the same thing we just stack all the wire up here bring it on over and then oh then it gets weird uh okay two options we could bring the wire down this way but this is already looking a little busy other option is we bring the wire going straight on down but then to where off to the left oh gosh it's this is terrible um okay let's just not think about that at all and just focus on stage one bring the wire from down there to up here and we even have this cool empty pit where we can do all of the belt work right Mr Chew right so we'll build ourselves a little frame thing like here up thank you connect that to the bridge then how much wire are we dealing with again I think it was 4,500 right yeah so how many belts is that 1,500 ID 780 for Mark five belts six belts not ba at all just do a little bit of this a little bit of that little bit of that and we'll have that wire over in no time and in classic kib's fashion I lied that took a lot of time mostly because when I was working I realized I had to grab like 100 or 200 wire from a setup in here so I brought all that wire like all the way around and then up to that main wire highway now but then aside from that well there was really no good options when it came to bringing the wire all the way to where I wanted and we had to make a mess and it constantly surprises me how things can get worse and worse and worse but at least now we have the majority of the wire and the other wire belts weren't as much of a hassle because we already had the infrastructure except there do be a problem a massive problem one I could have never predicted we have 288 wire per minute within these four belts right and then across the way all the other belts ended up here and we have exactly 4,5 129. 25 per minute the decimal point is for over underclocked machines the main thing is here you might be noticing something that this number doesn't equal 7,500 somehow somewhere we are short 162 is wire fantastic another Bel Bel of wire that has to be brought over here somewhere okay what options do we have we have this big bridge here and I know there's a copper node over there so maybe Mr kibs was like hey let's just bring that copper to base and then we'll see what to do with it maybe I didn't need it maybe there's an empty truck station with just a bunch of copper for me oh gosh that's the copper I was talking about no and it's being used for something oh no I think that was my only hope oh great no there's another source of copper and the funny thing is I set it up as a nicity to myself and I actually turned the copper into wire just so I could have a little bit of extra copper around you know cuz we just had this really nice normal copper node right there so I brought it into all these machines made a bunch of extra wire and now it's sitting nice and pretty right over here 1,200 wire per minute used for nothing and now we need it except now I want this wire to go to over there and I can tell you this much we are absolutely not belting it so we're either going to use a truck or we I guess we could use a drone uh how's the truck option looking we have a road right there build like a truck station out that wouldn't be too difficult in fact we have the siping scoot right there so we don't even have to worry about Fuel and the truck could come through this highway here go down the ramp go on a little loop-de-loop and then into this new truck station that we built recently and we have three stations open so you know what that's looking like the play except you know what we have this weird space here and it's calling for a drone now in 99.99999% of circumstances this would be the worst idea ever why would you you ever use your precious batteries for something you could transport with a truck doesn't make any sense but in our world here I have automated hundreds of extra batteries per minute just so I could use them in some convenient projects but like Gamers do they hoard the most valuable thing they have and they never end up using it it's like having like a hyper potion and you wait till the Elite Four of Pokemon to go and use it it's like why don't you just use this at any other point well now we're using it we're going to set up a drone here bring the items down this way across here and then up into that Tower and over to the place we need to go oh but look at this it's even like a perfect amount of space for a drone porch the only possible problem we have is batteries oh my gosh they're literally right there the universe is thanking me this is it this is always the play to transport the wire with the drones it's actually all working out we're going to use drones to transport wire oh my gosh this could even work with our little walkway system we have here this is purely aesthetic but this should perfectly connect right to here oh that is so cool yeah this was meant to be H you know in a way it kind of pains me but in a way it's all beautiful now we've made it to a point where I've set up a drone system to transport 160 wire per minute across a biome living the life of luxury but it is now all here getting stored ready to enter all of the manufacturers so that is the next step oh wait no that's only the wire we only got the wire there's the other stuff uh I mean after getting through the hardest part of this project first the other stuff is going to be a breeze and yeah the high speed connectors that that are just right here they're going to be easily belted over and you know how we saw we had some extra truck stations earlier well how about this the stators are just right over here so we're going to Belt them just over this way down to here and then to one of our free truck stops and then we're going to truck them over beep beep I'm on the streets now look that wasn't some pleasant Tre that means get the heck out of my way brother d right got to get this stuff shipped so we can get our 100 manufacturers is online and oh boy it'll be a situation here good news bad news time oh boy cuz now that we have all the items we have to balance all the items so we're using this recipe right require stors wire and highspeed connectors well we need 750 automated wiring hence the 100 manufacturers that also means we need 375 stors per minute well we got that and more importantly than that that can all fit on one belt same story with the highspeed connectors but then 7,500 wire does not fit on one belt we got to balance these bad boys so at least we can make them full 780 belts and then there'll be one with change on it I've done this a few times before so I'll do it again I'll just set up a stack Overflow thing here yeah so pretty much one belt enters the first thing here right doesn't matter how many items are on it cuz then the next belt will come in stuff this line so it's a full 780 and then this line could probably not be a 780 line so you just repeat the pattern new belt comes in boom bumps this one back up to a full 780 belt it goes out and off we continue until we reach the last one and after all is said and done it looks like the last belt is going to have about 480 is items on it per minute which is fine eventually these 780 belts are going to be 750 belts and combine all of the quote unquote residuals into one final belt somewhere that goes into a production line cuz now the plan is to make 10 separate systems of 10 so if we have 10 manufacturers in one system that'll take 750 wire per minute we'll bring one of the bounce belts plug it into the system and then we'll remove 30 from the system or at least we'll let it overflow out so we'll have the 780 belt of wire go in we'll have some of the wire go into the main system we'll have that set to any and then an overflow with some subsystem of resist ual and according to my numbers that should all work out means all there's left to do is build in a perfect world we can just have five of these manufacturers in a nice straight line and then we don't have to worry about anything else CU we can mirror another five on the other side and I guess if we extend the platform just a little bit that should work out we don't want to extend it too far because of the uh glow and go over there which is a little bit of a spicy environment I'd prefer to avoid so for now we just hold that in position line it up make sure we're good and off we go oh and it seems we have a bit of a Twist to the plan I thought the BT workor would be the difficult part of this project but no building these manufacturers is a little weird so I've just tried spacing them out to kind of gauge if we have enough space or not and fun fact we do not I managed to get what is this one two three four yeah four systems there could probably get another three built over that way so what's that seven systems of Manufacturers maybe I can bagle things to have eight long story short I don't think we can fit 20 manufacturers in here cuz with this part of the biome I only want to go north I don't want to extend either to the left or to the right it' ruin the Aesthetics so we're going to have to entertain an alternate solution can we easily fit an extra 10 manufacturers up here uh you know wow this is actually a huge amount of space maybe I have a blueprint for like a mirrored version of this I do excellent all my blueprints by the way are available on patreon right now just want to make sure they even work for me we put one down here and if we could get like four per side I'd be happy with that if one of the machines has to be overclocked so be it and I think that will be the case 1 2 3 4 easily can fit the other four on the other side good one more system done other system not here this will be belt work space to bring items to there and then I guess we have this space is going to be weird we always want to leave ourselves the free tile just for miscellaneous belt stuff yeah this looks like it could work okay two there another two there two four and then six H look can we get nine like I know I just said I don't really want to expand out too much but this is a extraordinary situation it should still look good at the end of the day we can fit the three here nudge it into place okay it's going to be a bit of a Bel nightmare actually no this will be fine all the wire we need for these systems is probably right here we already have the highspeed connectors on deck and then we need the stors which we could just belt back this way that's actually a great solution and okay yeah the B work did end up being a little bit more weird than I expected but it worked out now we have all of the items we need going to where they need to go and then all the outputs scooting back to the main grid assistance not the bad not bad at all and yeah it does look okay we have to have like some kind of decoration there but we can figure that out later now that's great items now moving and grooving over to the other Belt Highway up this crazy Tower and into to the field of Manufacturers 80 manufacturers as far as the eye can see it is beautiful always is with these giant setups and I made it work where we have 80 setup here it was not easy took a little bit of overclocking but overall fit the same theme where we're just trying to get 10 per system just so the wire is simple to deal with now the simple times are over and it is time to actually bring the wire into each system how do we even go about something like this well a this Belt doesn't even have 750 so we will put it into the pit for now and somehow I don't know we'll just I have no idea we'll just combine them all together maybe here and all the residuals will end up here and it should equal 750 items per minute okay let's pretend that's the case's de with some easier stuff right now where we have two belts of wire over here and we'll just go into there and you will come with me scoot up here and then go into I guess you're going to go into here then kind of makes more sense then this will be the corrupted residual line now over here we just have to make sure that we can get everything all over the place in some scenarios it'll be kind of simple we'll bring this up that'll go over and that's practically done aside from the clipping but now we have to bring over all the rest of the wire down into this area so we have one system here one system there another and then another we're going to have to stack up the wire belts or something oh and then all the while we have to dodge this line which is an output line we can have some of the automated wiring going out here and to our truck station later on so right now since we have this one giant belt in our way let's do this we'll bring a huge zo thing up there we'll do the same for each of these lines for measurement purposes really then over this way we prepare the output so we know where the heck we're going all the while dodging that one other line then beside everything have the output Lane so we kind of know where everything's going to go cuz one belt will definitely go into this system and the rest of the belts I think are going to sneak around and go over top of these mergers and stuff and that will kind of unlock the rest of the area that will go to there this will go to there circle on around and it's looking fantastic do the same for the next one and I think you guys are starting to see where the part's going another big thing is though at each of these lines is a 780 belt of wire so we're going to have to put in a smart splitter somewhere since we have this long belt line here doing practically nothing we'll start extracting 750 per minute from this area and it'll go down here scoot down this way and then into the pit you just have to remember for each of these that out the front is going to be any out the side will be overflow that way that whole system will work using that logic then multiplying it by 10 different lines and the SP flash of oopsies and then we have this horrible nightmare of wire belts and again it's crazy when you scale things up but the logistics are simple it's all just a bunch of these overflow belts I double check the math and yes once everything is brought back together we have the corrupted pit Line enter this one system and it all equals 750 per minute all the decimals all the extra numbers the whole 9 yards it's perfect aside from all the well the Aesthetics the belt work you know what I'm not a big fan of it but there's a point at which where it's just like brother you got to get her done okay like this why don't I just line this up with these other things anyway the little things you know how it is oh speaking of the little things the other items that are not wire and not a pain in my butt well we don't have to worry about them too much right they can all fit on one belt this is all one giant overflow system all the items go into one splitter go into the system then split up again go into the next system etc etc at nauseum for a 100 different manufacturers and the only thing left to do is to turn it all on and watch it come to life our 750 automated wire per minute so once we connect this belt our little highspeed connectors will feed into the system and we'll be done oh man and you know what I keep this as a 270 belt just because I like the Aesthetics of having the green circuit boards on the black belt and I was going to do the same actually for the automated wiring but we're making so much automated wire that I actually can't making 750 of it per minute like this is going to be insane wait a second was this a little Overkill this was definitely Overkill oh my gosh but all right come on where does this all end up anyway oh wait we already making some bro Too Fast Too Furious all right it should be ending up in a truck so there it is one of the final I think four things we need off to the truck station and ready to be shipped off to the final assembly line in the world and that'll be for next time for now though I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye-bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 161,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory new update, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, satisfactory how to, satisfactory let's play, satisfactory experimental, kibitz, satisfactory game, satisfactory update 8, satisfactory computer, satisfactory supercomputer, satisfactory supercomputer factory
Id: vZDmK2X-oQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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