Satisfactory Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Starting Guide

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RadioSparks 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
the game is satisfactory and in this video i'm going to be doing a things i wish i would have known or i guess you could call it a beginner's guide there will be some beginner tips some intermediary tips maybe a couple advanced tips we'll see what i uh throw in but let me get going here i was just working on nuclear so i need to get to my nuclear site you can see my base in the background that i've been working on so i'm pretty much at the end game stage and feel like it's a good time to kind of share what i've learned about the game and some things i wish i would have known so um starting off i i had no expectations for this game my kid came to me and wanted to play this game i guess he's seen it and thought it looked cool so we both got it and played it and liked it and i've been addicted to it ever since you want to say hi hi so yeah we're sitting here making this video real quick um actually i have a feeling it won't be a quick video so i'll go ahead and take this time to say if any part of this video helps you please make sure you give the video a like if you're not one of my subscribers please be sure to subscribe and hit the bell notification get notified of my new videos uh when i release them it helps out my channel small supports my chat my channel and helps it grow also please forgive any crackles or skips in the audio when i record as i play the game i've noticed there tends to be crackling especially when i hit around this area with all the fog and particle effects and stuff like that as i'm traveling and my frames per second dips right there just dipped down to 25 so it probably crackled so please forgive that if that happens during the during this video i will put time stamps in the description so you can jump from tip to tip to tip i believe youtube is now putting those timestamps on the timeline bar so you can kind of hover over and see the different time stamps as you know you can just click where you want to go in the video if you want to skip around do whatever you see fit to watch the video and sit back and enjoy this game has very good progression you don't need a tips guide or a beginner's video you could just play this game as very good progression uh the game will kind of explain itself but the point of this video is you know there are some things i wish maybe i would have known or could have figured out real quick or fast that would have saved me some time and trouble ahead of time um but this game is very well done i'm probably gonna do a review later on um just because i've enjoyed this game so much i can sing it some praises show the pros and there are some very minor cons to the game but it has a great progression system you don't need to watch a video like this or any videos i i would you know if you get stuck what i did is looked up the what i needed to look up on the wiki that was fine there was very few questions in the time that i played this game that i couldn't figure out myself just from playing the game um second tip and hope i got materials to do this is conveyors and it's been so long since i used the conveyor conveyor pull so when i first started i was putting out conveyors like this i was just doing this you know and i had uh conveyor spaghetti is very common when you first start it's fine you can get into organizing your base later after you learn how everything works but i was just you know layers upon layers upon layers of um of of overlapping conveyor systems like so and i never realized it until many hours into the game that's simply clicking the button once and setting the position and then you can use your mouse wheel to kind of angle which direction you want that way you can get smooth curves i'm not going to go into like proper design but i'll just real quick if you step over to the side a little bit you don't even have to anchor it then you can kind of line up so that it's straight and on a 90 degree if you want to shoot off this way that way it looks a little better but once you anchor it like that once you click you can set the height just by moving your mouse up and down and that allows you to get like you know multiple layers of conveyors going around and you don't really have to worry about i wanted to come this way it looking too crazy where it's kind of going through looking like that where it's going through versus conveyors going over and under um i didn't know that for a long time so i just figured that would be a good tip also i used their holes religiously not only for just conveyor poles but also because they're the only ladder in the game right now uh other than containers have ladders on the side so you can throw containers down but conveyor poles will allow you to configure conveyors pretty simply and organize them very well so i would definitely use conveyor poles conveyors and all that stuff let me clean this up right now and i'll get to the next tip okay now that that's all cleaned up um the reason why i'm standing here underneath of my base is because this was the location of my first base i picked a very large very flat area near the starting area to to put my base down figured man this would be plenty of room to put whatever i wanted down in this game you will expand you need lots and lots and lots and lots of room my mindset now is the whole map is my base it's my mindset now that i'm an endgame because really it is you're just making a main base and an outpost with production this was my first mining nude here for iron and um you know i had my main base up here and then i put all my production down here is what i did but now you know take a look at my base now right let's go up here hopefully i don't fall to my death so just kind of you know looking at the room that you need see how this tree is pointing out i'll get into that in a second see if i can get up here just building this train station so it's not pretty yet it's just functional you know that's that's the back half of my base that's my supply in my productions on the other side so as you can see the bit this is my main base and i have other outposts um production plants power plants stuff like that so i really i really consider the world as my base now so don't be afraid my point is don't be afraid to build big you're going to build big if you play this game the reason why i say build high is because you don't want to have this stuff in your way constant trees you can't cut the trees down but like this mountain here is kind of you know right in the middle of my where i'm putting my truck stations it looks kind of cool but that um that kind of stuff does get annoying and it does get in your way and i didn't realize you know the sky box is very high so you can build up pretty high and not have to worry about it if i had to do it over again this well maybe not that high i would just go to the highest point um for a large area maybe maybe higher than this because you can see it's it's hitting this rock over here i'd probably start at the highest point above the treetop and start making my base there which kind of leads me on to my next point see all these platforms lots and lots of platforms concrete concrete concrete you need lots of concrete for platforms so fortunately it's all over the place concrete limestone is all over the place on the map it's very easy to get if you if you look at my line that's my it's one of my lines coming into my storage box for uh concrete it's fooled up i can't uh it's moving in slow because it's all filled up my wires are filled my concrete is completely filled all those storage units are filled so i'd have to add more storage units which i really don't need like it's crazy i i need to set up an overflow so i can get tickets but all all these storage units which are the small units because this is one of the first sections of storage i did are all filled up with concrete so you will need lots and lots and lots of concrete but it is very easy to get so focus i would focus on that and iron at first get that going while you first get going but don't be afraid like i was always afraid to use platforms platforms are going to be an absolute necessity you cannot build large complex bases like this without utilizing platforms to align everything if you're trying to use the ground it's just going to turn into a big spaghetti spaghetti noodle mess and you will eventually get up on platforms so when you start building your base build it right build it up high build it so you have plenty of room and um you know you'll get into multiple levels later and uh that's the end of that tip i think let's think what next if you're ever lost or you're not really sure what you should be working on next you kind of a lot of times when you finish a big production line and you're like that was a lot of work it's running i'm happy now what do i do next is the is the you know the thought process you'll have and you're not sure what to work on next um work on your uh ma'am here and um get this knocked out a lot of the stuff that's in here i think i have my 100 done now let me double check quartz a lot of stuff that's in here is very helpful and necessary almost um i'm not going to go into this i don't want to spoil what's in here too much but just work on that work on what you can you will be road blocked by needing certain amounts of progression before you can go forward but so work on your ma'am unlock your recipes unlock your abilities i mean it has stuff like this jet pack this jetpack pack is my favorite favorite thing it increases your mobility so much most of my deaths are from falling from my heights which you can just poop you know you know um jetpack's very great there's a lot of good stuff in it uh which i'll discuss in a little bit but um work on that if you're not sure about what to do in your man work when you're to your progression so if you go into your hood obviously you have your different tiers you get tier zero through eight or actually seven there's or no there's eight okay you have zero through eight work on these get these unlocked this is this is basically unlocking the game this i considered my tutorial as you're going through this you're unlocking all these different things that you could use in production and if they threw all this at you like in a creative mood you wouldn't know what to do with half of it you'd get so it would be so tedious trying to figure everything out and how to how to utilize it but the way they have the tiers set up is actually pretty well done by the time you start going through it and unlocking things you're in the need for the next thing you want to unlock always work on your inventory slots too inventory slot is like the first thing i always did just because you never have enough inventory room as you learn more things or get more stuff you're going to need more inventory room i wish i had more you know when i do large projects i'll fill up a bunch of concrete pipes and all kinds of stuff and i run out quick um but yeah so for progression if you're ever lost you're not sure what to do start working on your tiers getting them unlocked um as best you can build production lines as needed to get what you're you're trying to get done you can utilize this craft bench if you only got to make like 20 or 30 things uh the craft bench is fine um but don't sit here and just sit here and click click you know if you're just sitting here holding this button this is not a fun way to play a game this game the production scales like crazy this game so you utilize it and um get get it get it working for you i would say good good rule of thumb if you need more than a hundred things long term build a product production line for it and just let it start pumping it out into a container foreign for you next tip is make a coupon bin early so i waited on this i just let me show you what it is so we have the awesome sink and the awesome shop so the sink you feed in your extra materials or whatever let me see what can i feed it i don't want to feed it anything i don't want to waste any of this stuff i got nothing in here i can just toss in there oh here we go some leaves chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp so you just feed it in and you get points for what you fit in there's points to convert into coupons like print those coupons it's been a while since i've been here so i got 25 coupons now which i think this is cute how you print them out so now i got 25 coupons throw them in my little bin here actually i got 32 let me buy something and then you use this awesome shop to buy different things um i would just throw this in early and divert any extras you have over to it eventually in the end game you'll have smart splitters uh i think i have one set up over here i just that's all nasty looking because i just kind of threw it together real quick when i got sparked smart splitters basically smart splitter will allow you to select an overflow to your right left center whatever you want so if this gets backed up this is my production line if it gets backed up then it'll just start sending the extra over into my sink and then generating points for me so that's that's a smart thing to do once you get smart splitters uh another another way you can do it is um when you have your storage containers have it so that when like your your bottom one is full it'll overflow out or something like that and there's ways of doing overflows uh without having smart splitters but i would definitely start overflowing or just doing it manually when you get a full tank just grab an inventory full of stuff and plunk it in here um that way you can start earning things earlier because i wish which leads me to my next tip i wish i would have bought this fist factory car earlier i seen it and i'm like oh that was cute but i had the explorer already and i had other vehicles so i wasn't worried about it but i didn't realize just how useful this vehicle would be this is a tip in and of itself is i would buy this first this would be my first purchase as soon as i had platforms of any size up because you can only really run this vehicle on um on platforms the thing that makes it great is you can keep it in your inventory that's what makes it great so you a lot of times you'll find yourself needing to travel someplace you need to travel to a place and then you have to run around for a bit and then you have less left your vehicle back and you got to run all the way back for your vehicle not with this guy this guy you just pick it up when you get there it's in your inventory for when you need it later it's very fast well it's fast it's 55 miles per hour but it does 55 up ramps down ramps where a lot of vehicles will kind of stall out going up a ramp you know this thing that's so small has very little momentum it's very agile and fast and maneuverable but only on platforms you get it into the grass and you're going to slide out so this is one of my main transportation methods now when i'm working on my base so that is um i would definitely pick that up first if not that i would have picked up and which i did pick up first was foundation's double ramp pack this thing was uh made making ramps so much easier than trying to place a ramp so basically this is a double ramp here see how it has a ramp on the top and a ramp on the bottom to do that manually you would have to place a ramp place a platform attach the ramp to the platform so you're switching back and forth you're switching ramp platform ramp platform then you got to rotate them and it's hard to align them um when you get the double ramps it's just so easy to click them together just boom boom boom and you you can go about your business and make ramps however wherever you want so i would say those are your first two purchases double ramp pack and fist factory cart depending on where you're at if you don't have a lot of foundations built yet i would say go ahead and get the double ramp pack if you do have foundations and you find yourself traveling all over the place get yourself the factory part um myself really have it i think i bought pretty much everything wall outlets i don't even use walls much yeah let me just buy all this stuff do some shopping here boom oh my god 26 point bought all right now put my extra back in here for now um okay on to the next step let me figure out what that is okay for the next tip is biofuel when you first start out you'll have bio biomass burners on the back of your hood that's going to be your primary power and then you'll have to create some extra standalones for me i had i think i had the two on the back plus three on each side right so that'd be six seven eight i had about eight of these before i finally got into coal i had eight of them running my production before i got in a coal and i had plenty of leeway there so um but yeah you're gonna have to run them they take biomass meaning so like you can burn flowers you can burn grass you can go out and cut trees down and get logs you can then craft that stuff into um and biofuel let's see what we got here i could spell bio right so you can make biomass out of logs plants shells stuff like that but basically you're going to be making out of grass and logs logs once you unlock the chainsaw they're better than grass and then you take biomass and use that to make solid biofuel biomass in the solid biofuel which lasts longer by the time you get the solid biofuel you're probably already getting close to getting coal and you'll be leaving um this type of generation for energy behind but when i first started i was burning all my grass instead of collecting it i would have probably stored it stored my grass stored my grass and used it for biomass and bio logs and i would have burnt flowers more because you can burn flower petals and you get a lot of flower petals starting out they're all over the place they're either easy to gather and they're pretty much only used later for these color cartridges which i haven't used much yet color cartridges are just so you can let me show you since uh it's a little guide you just click it and then you get to pick what colors you want you can edit the colors and make your own and then you're just it's like a paintball gun right that's how you mark your different areas and make you know mark your roadways and stuff like that so flower petals are only used for that um i didn't know what they were used for when i first started so i didn't realize that they weren't they didn't have a big use for anything else i would have burnt them first while storing my leaves until i could make biofuel and then once i could make biofuel i would had a bunch of leaves i wouldn't had to run around and gather them all um so yeah my tip here is burn the flowers first uh over the leaves then burn the leaves over the logs make biofuel as soon as you can out of leaves and the logs and then make the biofuel logs obviously so burn them flowers up is my tip this tip is when you get started um storage is always a thing in this game you're gonna have mass production of producing things you're gonna need storage for it so when you start out you'll get the these little storage containers here let me put it on a delete so you can see these are a little medium storage and you have these large industrial storage when you start out you'll get these so when i first started i had one or two of these just collecting my materials from my production line and then um but it grows rapidly so as you can see this is my storage unit this is my storage hub i should say so each one of these rows is a different material getting stored you see my plastic is full um my pipes look full yeah a lot of it's get full i gotta go and add more storage or start running some production that requires that stuff but um as you can see it gets pretty massive pretty quick um so you might wanna give a little bit of thought about how you want that where you want that do you want to make a hub like i or hub is that the right word a hub um what do they what would i see somebody call a bus like as an uh like in a computer like a bus system basically it's just you know a row where you can pull from where where data or production goes through so basically this would be considered a bus system what i got here this is my storage bus right so my in comes here goes up through here and then across and then back down so as this backs up it'll fill up and then fill up and then fill up and then back up the production line and then i pull from here so i guess i'll go over my my hub systems since i'm talking about it but i guess the point i wanted to make is storage is important so think about how you want it done how you want to organize you don't have to put it all in one place like this you can put different storage things in different areas depending on where you have production but since i have this i'll just show you up since i'm on this topic i'll just show you this so i have my in all my in is on this side so everything coming in is coming in here and emerging down and then going in to the bottom area here filling up my storage containers and then this is my outputs so i have a uh output section here so this line is always on this level so this is all going to be what is that concrete this is all going to be concrete so it just sends it down the line and then when i want to i consider this my like modular production line and then when i want to make a production line i just plop my production down here and i just raise it up to the level of the material that i want and then tap into it with a merger and then boom it'll snag what it needs and it's good the reason why this is modular is if i wanted to change what this machine does all i have to do is delete that and delete that pop another one down go up to the appropriate slot of where the material is so right there is copper wire i got copper pipes you can see what you're getting if you delete it so that's my plastic circuit boards pipes uh steel beams whatever that is so as you can see you can tell what what item i have just by doing that i pop a merger in there i i go up and i pull from it so this is like a feed conveyor system and it's it's modular so i can change my needs whenever i want as i see fit now you can see all my production units are just pulling out i left a card out here and grabbed him as you can see the machine's just pulled they're not very active i think i got a lot of these shut down uh i don't know that's just backed up yeah that's uh making the stuff needed the aluminum needed for the tier five conveyors but i'm completely fooled up i filled up my whole storage and it's just sitting there idle now um and then it goes out i just have the production going out and then it connects into the appropriate line i don't need all the lines i just run the line out that i need to feed into but eventually it'll build out as i make production and my needs change this will become more of a flushed out hub hub or bust than this oh my god all these terminologies um so that's kind of my system which is over time has gotten very complex and i changed it and reorganized it but you need to have some kind of storage system because there will be times i'll drain out this whole stack out it'll be completely filled and i'm like oh i need to do something let me set up five production units start mass producing this thing and it'll just drain all that out because you know i have minimum production set up to it because i didn't need it before so yeah just give that some thought is my tip of how you want to set up your storage this is pretty elaborate this is like more end game stuff um but if you're thinking about it in the beginning uh less changes you'll have to make during your gameplay about how you want it stored out and also just like look at the size of this this and this is pretty minimum i i as crazy as this looks this is really like a minimum setup you could get way more crazier than this and this is without any this is all utility without any looks or designs behind it this is 100 utility so if you wanted to make this big and look good it would be even larger and for the next tip um don't be afraid to expand as you can see i show you my base a little bit already and it's pretty big do not be afraid to expand when you're starting out um you know i was always trying to keep things small and compressed for some reason i think it just didn't dawn on me that um how how epically this game scales in production like that's the whole point of this like you start making crazy amounts of production um so don't be afraid to expand out you'll you'll start out and you'll you'll have to make two or three machines and interlink them and connect them and that'll feel like a big project and that'll take hours but as the game expands like you'll be doing that in five or ten minutes uh the next your next projects will be 10 or 20 machines for production line and you'll be like oh that was a cool project and then after that it'll be like 50 or 100 or more machines you'll be doing these huge projects and you're like oh my god they just the the scale of this game just goes goes crazy and that's it's designed to handle that though so don't be afraid to expand and scale up your production that's pretty much the point of the game see flowers everywhere lots of flowers always flowers everywhere to pick anyway for my next tip is nodes um these are my first nodes that i uh attached to but as you can see if you hover over them it says impure there's three different types of nudes there's impure normal and pure uh the difference is the the amount of materials you'll be able to get out of the nude i don't know that off top of my head you can check the wiki but for example this is an impure nude with a mk2 and it's only getting 60 or i think if you had like a mk1 on a normal or a pure it would do 60. so the the better the pure the nude the higher your production per minute will be of whatever that material will be and that also increases exponentially as you get like mark one mark two mark three uh miners on them um also when you start out there's gonna be like a block like a rock in the middle of these nodes right where this machine gets placed the miners get placed kind of like in the middle of the node it took me a while to figure it out i was like why can't i place this miner down like how am i supposed to place it down there's a little boulder you just have to have to hit f and f e and use your chisel one you just have to hit it like uh four or five times it's right in the middle and the boulder will smash and then you can place your minor down um i don't know why they put that there maybe it's going to be something later on i think there are some that i had to detonate off with blasting material so maybe that's why they put it there later they're gonna have it locked behind the explosives like it's like higher end materials or something but when you start out uh just something that might confuse new players just chisel the nude out of the middle and then you can put your minor down the next tip is when you're building these production lines and miners you have to have materials that have to be crafted with a bench so let me show you what i mean so production you have a craft bench and an equipment workbench two different equipment is used to make like your jet packs and stuff like that the work the craft bench is where you can pretty much make any material um that you can make in production but by hand and one at a time so the the tip here is instead of where it is oh no i do have to have the other the other one not that one so instead of bringing your little manual miners these portable miners you always will have a stack or two of plate and iron rods which is what's needed to make these um and this what's used to make these is the same exact thing it's same exact material so what i was doing is i was making you know eight portable miners and then trying to run out and plant these things down instead of doing that just bring the raw materials plop one of these guys down and build them on site you know i don't know why i didn't think of that right away but it was just something that wasn't uh completely obvious to me right away instead of filling my inventory up with eight slots of the portable miners i could just you know have a couple stacks of the materials and then build this build the miners that i needed as i needed them and things are so easy to delete that's the other thing you gotta remember is you know things are easy to delete you don't lose any materials for building it and then taking away it's 100 percent no loss so build those workstations as you need them on site and don't clog up your inventory unnecessarily is the tip for this one all right and since we're talking about the uh the workshop here let me go through and just kind of give you some feedback chainsaw was very good um for getting wood and getting the bio burner um you have to get it anyway so why not just make it and use it but i didn't use it for very long you will need lots of beacons they're they're more than just marking things down so beacons are used to mark like waypoints very handy to do so if you find a nude you can just plop a beacon put a name iron or normal give it a color if you want yeah i usually try to use like iron rust color for that um but you know they're used for crafting ingredients for ammo and all kinds of different weird things so you will need lots of beacons you gotta make them color gun i haven't used it that much the xeno xenobasher is that the zapper is the first one right yeah zapper's the first one basher's very nice it's the best melee weapon they have in the game uh where is it right here i love how it opens up like that that's so cool this thing is strong i have the gun but it's like i think it's like four hits that gun equals one hit of this so it's a definitely good weapon to have um factory cart obviously i love that i spoke about that earlier um i didn't use the gas filter mask too much jetpack i use religiously i love the jet pack that's the thing that's always on my back before the jet pack you do have parachutes i would always have one or two or three or four or five of them in equipped that's just in case you fall off you can hit it you won't die the blade runners are very nice i love the blade runners they make you run faster and jump a little higher but you can't have them equipped with the same time as the jet pack which makes me never use them i never use them because of that so i really wish they would give your body more uh expansions like as you go on you get more hand slots but i do wish you had more body slots so i could equip a gas mask the blade runners and the jet pack or something like that instead of just having to use the jet pack which is what i love it's the most utilized the piece of equipment i have so the jet pack is great um as far as vehicles the explorer is great i don't think you can craft that here i even forget how to craft the explorer i just craft out of the workbench let me check if you want to see in my previous videos i did a test run i was just driving explorer around when i got it if you want to see what that looks like go in my uh video history it's just like a dune buggy to get you there back fast it's it's for off-road right so you can use your little factory cart for when you're on platforms but what about when you need to explore the world that's where the explorer comes in that thing's great for doing that um yeah so jetpack is great explorer is great the um the little part is great playing multiplayer is fun right so me and my i bought this because my son was like hey there's this cool game i want to try out and he bought it with his i think his birthday money or something and uh he was like why don't you play with me so i went ahead and bought a copy i never even i didn't know if i'd like this game or whatever but he wanted to play with me so i bought it looked kind of cool um the point being we were in multiplayer and it was horrible like he would appear to be here but actually be all the way down there he'd be like hey come follow me i'm like all right i'm following you and he'd be standing right in front of me and start running and i'd follow him but you know because it de-synced i'd be following him and he'd just run straight when he was actually running off that way or something it was horrible trying to play together and i was like oh my god it's like this game is so good but multiplayer is so bad until i discovered a setting i did a quick google search and was like why is multiplayer so laggy and it turns out that there is a setting you need to change so if you go into your options i think it's in game play network quality by default it's set down to like lower medium i think what this means is how much bandwidth i think your network's going to be which is really weird to have this in a game most games don't have this type of setting put it on ultra that means you can use a lot of bandwidth and then that means it's going to update more often i'm not sure if the host or the client needs to have it on ultra probably the host more than a client but we both set ours to ultra and boom it ran perfect and smooth just as you would expect in a multiplayer game so if you're playing multiplayer want to play multiplayer highly suggest fiddling around with that setting until you get it right or else you're gonna have a very bad experience when it's a very good game so um just wanted to throw that out there multiplayer is very good you gotta have your network setting up higher if you're having desync or lag issues all right so next tip uh since we're talking about ui stuff um one thing i didn't realize for a while i was taking you know screenshots normally but if you hit p you can go in photo mode which is great so you got your rule of thurs if anybody's familiar with photography yeah when you're when you're taking a picture you kind of want the things in the corners where the lines uh meet that's like your focal points for your eyes let's go the rule of thirds anyway they have that griddle in there you can easily uh adjust your field of view so if you want like a wide view just using your mouse screen without having to go in or your mouse wheel without having to go into the ui and changing your field oh my god changing your field of view around you can toggle high-res on off with your mouse toggle the ui on and off for taking screenshots um take a photo is easy just click so it's very very nice little photo mode if you want to take a take a picture instead of trying to do it with the ui all over the place um you know it's not really an ugly ui it's not a bad ui it's a pretty minimalist it could be a little more minimalist i think they have like big bars and stuff that are unneeded but uh yeah so p for photo mode um i guess i'll continue on one thing i didn't realize for a long time was r locks and unlocks vehicles um i thought it was a bug i would log out of the game and log back in for a while and what i mean by locks unlocks is see how i can move my mouse around to rotate my camera right so i can look over there and then steer over there if you accidentally hit r which is very close it'll lock your view in so now i'm like stuck i can't move my camera and i would usually lock it in forward without knowing it i don't know why it's locking in backwards on this guy that's weird that's locking in and backwards on this car yeah it's just like locking it in this direction and i can't change it because i didn't realize that i was like ah my camera's stuck what's going on and i'd restart the game to fix it when it was just all i had to do was hit r but i didn't realize that at first so that's my next tip um the other ui thing that was big for me is shift to to toggle run instead of having to hold shift down that's running that's walking there's no stamina drain in this game you're going to be running everywhere you're always going to want to be running very seldom are you going to want to walk slow i always want to be running in my opinion they should just put they haven't always run setting hold shift to walk or something they should reverse it but there is a toggle um where you can just hit shift once and then you're running and you're always running until you hit shift again even if you stop and you start running so it's it's a nice toggle option so i think it's in the settings i haven't been in here for a while gameplay [Music] was it in controls here it is yeah hold to sprint is on by default i think so make sure you uncheck that hit apply and then all you got to do is hit the shift one time and you're good you're sprinting pretty much wherever you go whatever you do even if you stop and then start again you don't have to hit shift against you're just always running that was a big help for me because my pinky was getting sore from constantly holding shift when i started i was worried about that big mana ray flying thing smacking in and destroying my base that are built up high he he won't do that he'll clip right through it so you don't have to worry about him um yeah nothing's going to destroy your base actually you can use use your actually this is another good tip you can utilize these platforms and parts your base to protect you from uh the various creatures in the game that shoot at you um they don't damage your base or anything that you can build so it basically just becomes a shield from them and then um speaking of the storage that we were just discussing what i used the most when i started out what i found that i needed the most of was screws which i was called nails um but screws i needed tons and tons of screws i was always short on screws so uh do it up when it comes to screws i think after screws when i was starting out the thing i needed the most was the um iron plates i actually had two full sets of storage one here one there for iron plates to get them both filled up because i needed so many of them when i was starting out and then after iron plates was um the iron rods would probably be next and also concrete you need a lot of concrete but concrete's concrete's not used a lot for production per se until later game but when you're starting out you need lots of platforms and ramps and stuff like that so that's where a lot of your concrete is going to go to fortunately like i said earlier there's a lot of limestone nudes so that's really not a problem as long as you have your miners mining out the limestone and producing it into concrete and this tip is about production so it's about the lights on the units um in real life production they utilize uh lighting systems on poles to signal something's wrong or the status of the machine so it was very cool to see that in this game using the same type of system but this one's a little more basic so basically you can do a quick spot check on the status of your production line just by looking at the lights right so i can look at these lights and i kind of know what's going on a little bit green means it's good and it's running yellow means it's powered it's it's capable of running but it's not producing anything for some reason either it's out of a supply or the wrong things in there there's something stopping it from producing but it has power and then if you disconnect the power line you get red red means it's not producing it doesn't have power so good way just looking down your lines you can see my lines a little neglected lots of yellow i have a lot of machines turned off or they're they're getting uh blocked up lines for my storage being full a lot of different reasons but uh kind of been neglecting my production line because i've been working on nuclear power so i've been off on the other side of the map a lot so i need to take care of that but that's what the lines are the lights are for your production machines good way of just glancing seeing if everything's correct this next tip is going to be my personal preference um but you know this is a design choice is what i'm saying but this is how i do it i don't i have my production here but i don't have all of my production here this is my more complex production or things i need to mass produce but for things like raw material resources i prefer to produce them on site so i'll create these little outposts and this is a very simple one i don't even have platforms but concrete for example so i have my miner i have it going and making concrete and then splitting into one line and feeding into my concrete storage over there same thing for whatever this is metal i guess down here again this is why the jet pack is great so if you see here i have my ore being mined i have it immediately split off so it's optimized i think i have 60 from the miner and then 30 and 30 for each smelter making 60. so i'm smelting it here on site got a little storage buffer there and then it's going up in here which i consider this on site or out then outpost it's going in and producing so it goes over into these production lines and produces and then i created a small bus system here so all this this is my pipe and nail run right so all these machines are taking that ore and producing pipe now i want some pipe but not all i want some pipe and some nails so then it'll take that pipe and i think what it is i put a smart splitter here to shoot pipe over when this is full so any excess pipe gets shot over and then this i believe is making nails out of the pipe so it's all backed up right now because my storage bins are full of nails and full pipe and that's why everything's backed up i need to either start utilizing them or i need to create more storage units um just so i can store more of them i might make some more storage units but the point of this tip is utilize your on-site resources you can make little outposts like this you know far away from your plant you run some electricity to it which this one doesn't have power for some reason so you like to see the signals yeah that one didn't even have power for whatever reason the whole time it wasn't running that's why the lights are good that's why that's a good tip always check your lighting when i set this up i should have did a double check before i left and i would have seen that um but yeah set up outposts don't be afraid to set up production right on site and then feed the results of that production into your storage instead of putting everything into your storage and then you know i'd have to set all this up in my production line that would have made my production line insanely longer for no real reason and when i can just do it here so that's my next tip don't be afraid to design some remote production sites to make some simple things or you know not so simple and my next tip probably more of a ui tip but um x if you hit x boom it brings up a little menu where you can see everything so if you want to look at what you have like how do i make screws again because you'll do this a lot like a lot of the stuff i have in my head just from playing the game but more complex like smart plating i know it's plates but i forget what else so oh it's a it's a rotor and a plate and a reinforced iron plate okay now i know i remember but you can look up anything and see what it takes to make it that way you kind of can get a sense it tells you i need 36 of these 28 ease five of these and the outcome is two of these you can also populate a to-do list let's say you wanted a hundred uh oscillators hit your to-do list boom to make two of them it's going to tell you what you need and what you have um i haven't really found a way easy way if anybody knows an easy way of adding more quantity to this but you know other than clicking it i think you can control click the quantity let me double check while i'm here with you guys shift click you added 20 control click is normal alt click is normal so shift allowed me to bulk it same thing for remove you want to bulk it out so that's the only thing i know how to do uh there's no way of entering the numbers but you know if you needed 180s boom remove it out now you know you need 1800 quarts you need 1 400 cables you know you need 250 iron plates so it's a good way of doing math fast like a lot of what i was doing was okay i was doing it all in my head and using a calculator and going okay how much of these do i need when you can just pop it in here as many as you want i need some of these too yeah i'll just make some of them and then you gotta gotta you gotta track of how many you currently have and how many you need and then you can kind of plan it out a little better so a little tip there it also has you know all your equipment you can do the same thing with all your equipment um all your buildings what you need for foundations your vehicles tractor explorer truck train freight car uh trains were this is a train station where you can set trains to autopilot and deliver product i think my products all fooled up yeah i got tons of aluminum ingots in there um but you can set up train systems truck ai systems it's it's a really really fun game but i guess this tip is uh it's worth it to me it's worth the money this feels this feels like a full full fleshed-out game already and it's still early access they're still building it the trains are still being worked on you can tell the trains were a little buggy trying to figure out how the ai system works i think they'll change that a little bit um if like for example the geo thermal generators the ui for them says this is a work in progress um but it does work if you check your um if you check your power line when you install it you'll see you'll get a power increase so like they it's it's a functional piece of equipment it just doesn't have all the uh bits and pieces of the ui put together yet you know so they're definitely still working on this game uh but it really feels like right now feels like a viable game like it i never felt shortcut i never felt at any point like oh that sucks because it's still early access and they need to work on it like i feel like i got a full-fledged game already so very excited to see what they do with the game um it's it's a very good looking game high detail graphics like all the production line have all these little you can just sit there and look at them they have all these little intricacies and details about them as you can tell it's crazy it runs really good um when i first started game i was impressed at how i was always getting 60 frames per second like i was constantly getting 60 frames per second and i realized like that's because they expect you to make this they have to make it run good like look at that craziness drop me down to 40. you know so um it will later on when you get big huge designs with a lot of movement motion and things i got probably 100 conveyor lines moving thousands of items uh production lines with little moving parts all that stuff you know takes a hit on your uh fps my system's a little old too i got a 10 i think i got a 10 70. video card with a with um uh high five cpu intel i5 so old card old old cpu and still running this game great and i've never crashed once i've never had any kind of crash or hang up or glitch that that you know made me have to really restart the game other than you know a couple things out of my own ignorance but uh it ran great um i actually increased oh here comes the train i love the horn hold on i got my next step for a second [Music] did a good job with the horn sound on the train [Music] anyway um so the next tip is auto save so if you i guess i guess the point for all to save is i haven't crashed in 100 plus hours this game has never crashed on me so i felt comfortable with increasing the auto save time because when it does auto save when you start getting a large build going it does there's like a three second little pause where it's auto saving and i can get annoying if that's happening every five or ten minutes so you can just hit escape go to options gameplay and bump your autosave up so i went from 10 to 15 to 20. i would probably feel comfortable going to 30 at this point really depends on you know what's what amount of safety do you want because basically what it does is gives you three saves in all to save one two and three or a b and c and it just rotates through them so that way you have three valid saves in case one gets rubbed i guess um but yeah you can lower that down if the game's not crashing for you and for the final and most important tip if you found any of these segments helpful please make sure to like the video if you're not a subscriber go ahead and subscribe to my channel you know do the bell notification thing if you want to get notified of my videos if you want to see my previous videos i keep all my videos that i do in playlists so satisfactory will have its own playlist you know games like terraria will have its own playlist you know whatever game that i'm playing and making videos on i'll throw it in a playlist that way if you want just that game you can look through my playlist and and and you know look instead of having to go through my channel looking for all the different videos they're all separated into playlists nice and easy categorize try to make everything as easy as i can for people um but yeah hopefully you enjoyed the video um that was everything that i found that i wish i would have known or you know whatever i imagine there's probably a lot of other guys out there um but i just kind of you know wanted to share my experience my point of view with the game um again i think the game is worth it i'll probably do a review video i'm probably going to do a train video because trains were a little complex in how they worked so i could see a lot of people probably wanting help with that or you know needing to figure out how to hook up trains so keep your eye out for that hit that notification thing if those types of videos might interest you that way you'll get notification uh when i upload them here comes the train again but yeah i'm having fun playing this game i am getting pulled away a little bit uh terraria just updated uh so i've been playing that so i'm probably gonna have to put this on pause for a little bit my uh my kid was excited about the update for terraria so we've been playing that uh last day or so so i'll probably be doing that at least until he gets bored or until i get bored hopefully i don't get too sucked into that again because i was right in the middle of playing this and you know that's life that's uh that's that's a good kind of problems to have i don't have enough time for all the games that i want to play good problems to have right um all right anyway i hope you enjoyed the video hope hopefully it was helpful to you and i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: THE GAME IS
Views: 120,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thegameis, fubar, the game is, satisfactory tips, satisfactory guide, satisfactory tips for beginners, satisfactory tips and tricks for beginners, satisfactory I wish I knew, I wish I knew, satisfactory beginners guide, satisfactory starting guide, satisfactory beginners tips, satisfactory should i buy, satisfactory review, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory, satisfactory let's play, satisfactory let's play playlist, satisfactory gameplay beginners, satisfactory tips advanced
Id: bzA4cOPxNGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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