Where to Find the Garden of Eden TODAY | Dr. Gene Kim

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we will look at Genesis chapter 2 please Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 let's talk about the Garden of Eden where is it located what is the history of the Garden of Eden why is it so significant and then we're going to look at verses 9 and then 11 through 12 verses 9 through 11 through 12 now the Garden of Eden it did not start with Adam and Eve it started out before Adam and Eve so let's put the worlds right here so we're going to put three worlds right here so in these three worlds right here we're going to see that the first one came through Lucifer and then to Adam and then we're going to look at today so where is the Garden of Eden can we find it is it lost what is the history of the Garden of Eden it started out with Lucifer actually so Lucifer we know this he had to have fallen we know he fell before God created Adam and Eve so it is a teaching which we called the Genesis gap I have a video on that one very thorough on it you can watch it but we do know that Lucifer had to have fallen and sinned before Adam came into existence the reason why is because sins corrupts God's creation and the Bible says when God created Adam in the world it had to be good so sin had to be gone it had to be destroyed so Lucifer's sin corrupted the old world that's why it's gone and then God had to recreate through Adam it's very plain that Adam became the second because the Bible says that God told Adam be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth so to fill again anyway asides from that let's start off with Lucifer but we're going to look at Genesis chapter 2 verse 19 on the description of the Garden of Eden and out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food The Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and what the tree of knowledge of good and evil so notice right here that God created the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so let's just put simply tree of evil that's the first thing you want to notice right here let's look at a second thing right here about the garden verse 9 we read and verse 11 the name of the first is paesan that is it which compasseth the whole land of havilah where there is what gold and notice verse 12 and the gold of that land is good there is bdellium and the onyx stone so notice right here it's rich in gold and jewelry such rich minerals you're gonna see rich jewels mentioned in this garden now Lucifer before he fell you've got to realize this when he walked through the Garden of Eden and that Garden of Eden also became a part of him in fact he became known as the tree of evil and the rich jewels you'll look at Ezekiel chapter 28 Ezekiel chapter 28 what you crazy know the Bible shows it look at Ezekiel chapter 28 zekiel 28 son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus and santim thus saith the Lord God thou seal us up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty who's this king of Tyrus full of wisdom perfect in beauty it's not a regular King of Tyrus it's Satan because look at verse 14 thou art V what an anointed cherub that covereth well that's pretty plain that is Satan he's the Fallen Sheriff but notice also verse 15 that was perfect in thy ways from the day that that was created notice till iniquity was found in the seat that is plainly Satan he was in a perfect anointed cherub steht but then he fell into sin now look at verse 13 what about this fallen cherub Satan 13 now has been in where Eden the garden of God look at this every precious stone was a covering Wow remember Eden consisted of what rich jewels and he's been in Eden and no support of Eden was also a part of him keep reading the sardius topaz and the diamond the Barrow the Onyx and the Jasper the Sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle and gold so notice right here you'll notice that gold and you'll notice the Onyx and other elements which matches with Genesis chapter 2 verses 9 through 12 so easy he'll chapter 28 shows that Lucifer was covered in rich jewels the guard remembered this we're talking about here the Garden of Eden the Garden of Eden and the Garden of Eden consisted of what rich jewels and Satan consisted of the same jewels at the Garden of Eden came from but not only that he's liking to that tree as well look Ezekiel Ezekiel chapter 31 Ezekiel chapter 31 that's why it makes perfect sense that when Eve partook in the fruit of the forbidden tree that she was corrupted with sin why because the part of that tree actually is a part of Satan as well we're going to look at Ezekiel chapter 31 you crazy no look at the Bible I don't know if churches teach you this but that's why it's important to be in a Bible believing Church other churches they all they do is tell you little ditty devotionals and they don't study much of the Bible they focus on getting a big church a lot of people in programs and having good time but they don't study and grow in the Word of God that's all you're not gonna hear stuff like this before now look at Ezekiel chapter 31 we're gonna look at verse 8 the Cedars in the what garden of God could not hide him so it's talking about a specific tree in God's garden keep reading the fir trees were not like his vows and the chestnut trees were not like his branches nor what any tree in the garden of God was like unto who him in his beauty whoa remember Ezekiel 28 fowl art the anointed cherub Satan that was perfect in thy beauty thou has been in Eden the garden of God this being it's him him a person and he is what he is like a tree that the other trees in the garden could not match up to but keep reading verse 9 I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches so that notice all the trees of Eden that were in the Garden of God what and read him while I told you so why do you think then there was the serpent nearby that tree and tempted Eve to partake in that that book is amazing I'll tell you that much so notice right here Ezekiel chapter 31 also shows that Lucifer Satan he consisted with the tree of evil as well now let's keep reading we're going to look at Genesis chapter 2 verse 10 Genesis chapter 2 and verse 10 Genesis chapter 2 verse 10 now let's talk about the location of Eden the location of Eden Genesis chapter 2 and we will read verse 10 and a river went out of Eden to water the garden okay so we can see that's located nearby a river it's located nearby a river that went out of Eden and from thence it was noticed parted and became into foreheads so the garden is located at a river area where parts into four ways the name of the first is Pais on that which that is it which compasseth the whole land of havilah where there is gold and the gold of that land is good there's bdellium and the Onyx stone that matches with Ezekiel 28 you might recall verse 13 and the name of the second river is Gahan the same is it that compasseth the whole land of ethiopia so there's a river that goes down to ethiopia now let's keep reading and the name of the third river is Hideko that's the Tigris River that's a Tigris River that is it which go toward the east of assyria so that's really plain the river that goes to the east of assyria would be the Tigris and the fourth river and maintain its name till today is Euphrates if you want to find those rivers where it parts the four rivers it's gonna be at the north of the Persian Gulf so when you look at the north end of the Persian Gulf then you're going to see that the there are four rivers parting and that's where the Garden of Eden is located right around there but if you go to that land today notice the Garden of Eden is what it's a garden verse 10 verse 12 it's rich in minerals do you see that today no it's nothing but a desert a wilderness why what happened because God drove man out of the Garden of Eden and he says you're not you're not allowed to come back there so when Lucifer fell God had to destroy this world with a universal flood we're gonna look at that later then when Adam sinned the Lord had to kick him out and did he destroy the garden no he actually kept it there and it was guarded by certain angelic beings and the Lord he made sure that the cherubims guarded it and not only that a sort of fire so the Lord kept mankind out of that garden but then as years and centuries to millennia have passed by mankind grew they could not enter the garden but they corrupted the whole planet so then what did the Lord do he had to drown it out thus came Noah's Flood that's why you can't find the garden today why because it's obvious Noah's Flood what did it do it destroyed the whole world including the garden that's why you can't find the garden today obviously because Noah's Flood destroyed it all so over there is nothing but empty desert I mean if the easiest evidence is just drop by that area drop by that area it's not the garden of God anymore but look at Isaiah chapter 37 Isaiah chapter 51 excuse me Isaiah chapter 51 so then why did you write a world of today for the Garden of Eden if it's gone because it's going to come out today look at Isaiah chapter 51 it's not going to be it's not here right now but it will be sometime in this modern day and age look at Isaiah chapter 51 you read verse 3 for the Lord shall comfort Zion all right the Bible says in the future sometime the Lord will restore the nation of Israel he's gonna be there and rule over them if some of you know your Bible did that ever happen in the Old Testament no did it happen today in the New Testament no it's definitely not gonna happen at the tribulation but after the tribulation God will come down on this world and rule for a thousand years right so it's going to be at the Millennium the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ and in the Millennium will the Garden of Eden be restored absolutely because keep reading and he will make her wilderness like what headon and her desert like what the Garden of the Lord joy and gladness shall be found therein Thanksgiving and the voice of melody look at that so God's going to restore it he's going to restore it like he did with the Garden of Eden now we're going to look at second Peter 3 2nd Peter chapter 3 now some people who do not believe in a Genesis gap one of their arguments is you can't say that there's like a 2nd to 4th to 3rd Garden of Eden but that is actually very easy to answer of course we can say that you know why because you already saw the verse where God's gonna restore the Garden of Eden at that location let's look at second Peter 3 so how do we know there was a universal flood with Lucifer because of second Peter 3 verse 5 verse 4 scuse me verse 4 what did the last part of verse 4 say from the beginning of what the creation so during the timeline of the beginning of the creation what happened verse 5 for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water so notice that heavens see the whole universe was drowned out the earth was literally standing out and in the water verse 6 whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perish the whole world had to be drowned out it and when it was completely drowned out notice verse 7 but the heavens and the earth which are what now so now so whole it's the whole earth globe as well as the whole universe itself it was all drowned out and then now it's changed to the present if God can do that with the whole universe what's the problem with a little bit of a garden which is part of that universe part of that earth it's not hard it's not hard to believe because the garden is included with the universe and the world if you believe God restored the universe and the world obby and the Garden of Eden is in that obviously he had to do the same thing look at verse 7 the heavens and the earth which are now correct he had to restore it all back the Garden of Eden is within that heavens and world so obviously there was a restoration as well so notice right here a lot of people mistakenly use that for Noah's Flood but you can't do that why because the reason why is very simple as I've told you before the context of verse 4 is in the beginning not only that you saw heavens so it's the whole universe itself not only that that explains Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth remember second Peter 3 for in the beginning of creation immediately just as 1:2 says what the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and second Peter 3 for said in the beginning of creation second Peter 3:5 says the heavens and the earth in the water see matches perfectly it matches perfectly what happened so we believe right here this is what's going to happen with the Garden of Eden it's not hard to believe in restoration of the garden here why because you all believe in the restoration of the garden there that's not difficult to believe in so you'll notice right here this is the history of the Garden of Eden the location of where it is and you can't find it today unfortunately if you want to do those Lost Kingdom searches adventurous journeys can't do that it's all nothing until God restores it at the future millennium
Channel: BBC International
Views: 145,217
Rating: 4.5756521 out of 5
Keywords: Trump, Obama, conspiracy, end times, prophecy, revelation, Rob Skiba, apologetics, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Alex Jones, Charles Lawson, Robert Breaker, Steve Cioccolanti, King James Bible, Peter Ruckman, Mark Dice, tribulation, flat earth, Steven Anderson, antichrist, mark of the beast, vigilant christian, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind, bible believer
Id: TeTyjG3CYho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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