History of Babylonian Israel, Jewish Elites & Lost Tribes | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] brother top okay yeah sure no problem yeah sure actually no problem it's actually pretty simple so how did the 12th tribe start right so that started based off of the book of Genesis alright so go to the book of Genesis it came from the twelve sons of Jacob that's where the twelve tribes come from they come from the twelve sons of Jacob so look at Genesis chapter 40 let's see right here 49 Genesis chapter 49 now I'm not going to read all of this right here but in Genesis chapter 49 verses 1 through 33 those are your 12 tribes mentioned right there all of them his sons so Jacob gives his blessing now remember Jacob if you look at the book of Genesis chapter 32 or no no's yeah Genesis chapter 32 what you're gonna find out is that Jacob is known as Genesis 32 verse 28 Israel so there's your first key there the nation of Israel comes from who Israel see it's that simple so Genesis 32 and then verse 28 I messed up there Jacob's name was known to be as Israel Israelites or Jews nation of Israel comes from Israel that's natural see that so now out of here came out the of tribes so how do where do we find this based off of the book of Genesis chapter 49 Genesis 49 he lists these twelve tribes they come from his twelve sons each tribe is a name from each son Judah comes from his son Judah nathalie comes from his son nathalie Benjamin comes from his son Benjamin Joseph from Joseph etc etc so Genesis chapter 49 he'll show the twelve tribes now here's another important thing if you go from Genesis 48 so these are a couple verses behind Genesis 49 right before Genesis 49 you go from verses 15 through 22 of chapter 48 chapter 48 so this is like a little side note chapter 48 verses 15 through 22 that's where you get the other two which is ephraim and manasseh from ephraim and manasseh they're included in the twelve tribes but remember this if you have 12 tribes which is plus Joseph and you had ephraim and manasseh that would be 14 right that would be 14 why are they considered as 12 tribes the reason why is one of the tribes is from Joseph Joseph's two sons which is shown at this verse is Ephraim and Manasseh that's why they're considered part of the twelve tribes nevertheless because they come from that one person Joseph who's included in the twelve that's the idea now as we go through the history and I'm gonna give you a tribulation application which will make it very interesting as well so now what happened to the split what happened to the split is based off of the book of first kings go to the book of first kings this is where it started the split we're gonna look at first Kings and it'll be past chapter 10 it's gonna be chapter 12 first Kings chapter 12 chapter 12 look at verse 21 verse 21 first Kings chapter 12 we'll read at verse 21 so here's and so now we see from here it leads to here from here it leads to here first Kings chapter 12 verse 21 reads and when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem he assembled all the house of Judah with the tribe of Benjamin ah look at that see that so notice right here that Rehoboam he's getting Judah and Benjamin together so they're one lakh here 104 score thousand chosen men which rewards to fight against who the house of Israel ah so it's going against Israel right here so these guys are going against the remaining ten tribes then that means the rest of Israel to bring the kingdom again to Rio Boehm the son of Solomon but the Word of God came unto Shania the man of God speak unto REO boom the son of Solomon king of Judah and unto all the house of Judah and Benjamin and to the remnant of the people see remnant they are the remnant of Israel thus saith the Lord he shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel return every man to his own house so what happened right here we're not gonna look at the verses behind it but all you have to do is start off from verses 1 all the way through 21 if you know your Bible story what happened was Rio Boehm is the son of Solomon and Rhea bomb he increased the taxation of the people so a lot of people didn't like that so there was a split kind of like a civil war so then Judah and Benjamin they stayed faithful to Rio Boehm the remaining tribes 10 of them which is no surprise they're like now we're out of here so then Judah and Benjamin only sticked in with Rio Boehm so based off of first Kings chapter 12 verse 21 through 30 24 right here that's the second incident now this is an important thing you want to know there's a there's a false doctrine going around and this is promoted by a garner Ted Armstrong but I noticed that anti-semites are getting involved in this too so a lot of people who don't like the Jewish elites which I don't like them either okay but you don't have to but here's the thing you don't have to believe in wrong doctrine to go against the Jewish elites okay besides I think the Lord's taking care of the Jews long enough anyway he's if you read the Bible from beginning to end history as well the Lord always I mean these people they had no nation no home they always wander the Lord kept slapping them around okay but anyways here's the false story by garner Tate Armstrong so supposedly Israel which is that northern tribe they're known as Israelites Judah which is a southern tribe and Benjamin they're known to be Jews so there's this false teaching that's going around that the Jews are the ones who make the two southern tribes and then the northern tribes is Israel so then there's a split and then from there then they carry on they talk about all kinds of different historical arguments right here about where the real Jews came from and the fake Jews and all that kind of stuff but here's the problem with this argument okay so when they they don't when they consider about these people in Israel that they're not the real Jews but it's rather the people from Judah that's a false statement because the southern tribe would which consists of Benjamin they're known to be known as Israel look at the book of Romans book of Romans forget the book of Romans we're gonna look at Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 please now notice what the Bible says about Paul Paul he calls himself a Benjamites II from the tribe of Benjamin but he considers himself to be a what Jew I mean Israelite excuse me he calls himself an Israelite yeah of course they agree Benjamin is a Jew but they don't like it when this is labeled with Israel look at Romans chapter 11 verse 1 I say then hath God cast away his people god forbid for I also am in what Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of who Benjamin so the this false notion that only Judah and Benjamin are known as Jews that's a false notion the Bible disagrees with you Benjamin is considered to be an Israelite why because there's no distinction between these two Israel and Jews are considered to be the same Bunch they're considered to be the same Bunch because look at Romans chapter 9 and verse 3 Romans chapter 9 and verse 3 here's another important thing did you notice in Romans chapter 11 verse 1 God did not forsake the nation of Israel so when a lot of people are against the Jews and saying God forsook them you'll notice Romans chapter 11 verse 1 the Bible says no God did not cast Paul admitted that and you'll notice right here Paul was not talking about a spiritual Jew Romans chapter 11 verse 1 he was talking about a physical truth of the tribe of Benjamin seed of Abraham but look at Romans chapter 9 this is even stronger look at verse 3 for I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ so Paul was saying I wish that I'm damned I'm a lost sinner for what my brethren my who kinsmen what spiritually no according to the flesh who are what Israelites see that Jews by the flesh there is still such a thing as a literal Jew by the flesh there's no such thing as you know fake Jews and then through this genealogy the real Jews are lost and then we the Christians are the real Jews now that's a false heresy in the Word of God in the Word of God the Bible says there's still a physical people fleshy people involved and that these are considered to still be israelites and jews and notice these aren't saved Jews either because look at verse 3 these are lost people Paul saying I wish I were a curse from Christ for these people so lost if you're a lost unsaved Jew you're still considered to be a Jew physically in the flesh that's important to understand so these verses are good against anti-semitic doctrine now here's something that's interesting is that if you continually read your Bible and I just ran out of room so I'm just gonna have to put something up here look at Revelation chapter 7 please Revelation chapter 7 now before we go to Revelation chapter 7 this is what's going to be pretty interesting there are two nations that the Lord has heavily disagreed with and actually cut off there are two nations out of the 12 tribes that the Lord cut off you might say who are they pastor one is Dan the other one is Ephraim you might say why because if you look at the book of Judges concerning Dan they invited this Levite priest and this Levi priest he was bringing in this Babylonian religion now if you research Roman Catholic doctrine it came from that Babylonian religion semer amis and Nimrod the Levi priest was known to be a father to him and had idols so that is very similar with Catholicism not only that if you trace the roots of Catholicism and the Babylonian religion it was around the region where Dan was Dan in his region he was close to that a Mediterranean part of the sea and if you research that side that's where that Babylonian religion was carried you can see a trace so Dan we can see why they were cut off it's because of that Babylonian religion religion aka Roman Catholicism but it wasn't that name wasn't born that time so we'll call it Babylonian Ephraim the Bible says in the book of Hosea he was so embedded in idolatry the Bible says in the book of Hosea evm is joined to idols let him alone so FM was heavily into idolatry they were promoting a lot of pagan worship so these two nations the Lord considered it very evil that he cut them off so because he cut them off look at Revelation chapter 7 now there are twelve tribes of Israel mention but Ephraim and Dan are not mentioned in those twelve tribes you're gonna know Seth look at Revelation chapter seven now remember Revelation is the timeline of the tribulation correct so notice what happens in the tribulation when God turns to the nation of Israel look at verse four all the tribes of the children of Israel right now who are those tribes Judah is mentioned verse five Reuben is mentioned verse 5 GAD is mentioned all right see if you can find a nanny for him ok verse 6 a sir is mentioned Nephilim is mentioned Manassas is mentioned verse 7 Semyon mention Levi mention it's a cars mentioned first aids ambulant is mentioned Joseph is mentioned Benjamin is mentioned that's it do you see Dan and Ephraim know what happened see the Lord cut them off because they were heavily embedded into idolatry and wickedness over there so that's what happened so this is very interesting concerning about those two missing tribes right here is that the Lord cut them off because of their wickedness now what's gonna happen though is that in the end times in the Millennium if you read the book of Hosea and then you read the Old Testament passages these two tribes they're restored but during the tribulation the Lord's not using them it's not until the Millennium it's not until the Millennium that they're restored but during the tribulation they're really far gone now this could be very interesting in the tribulation what's the worship system it is Roman Catholicism Babylonian type of system so then if you're going to think about Jewish he leaves it may be that these two tribes right here they may be heavily involved with the Antichrist system that might be something very interesting I might be interesting about that but this is something important to understand the Bible says that he has to restore these people so that means then there is a remnant here there is a remnant from Dan and Ephraim that will not be part of the Antichrist system but it could be that generally these two tribes they're gonna join the Antichrist system so thus there's this complete merging with Judaism and Roman Catholicism together now what's important to understand is this though is that I just want to put a disclaimer right here is that Judaism what's gonna happen is that's the only religion that tries to go that tries to acknowledge the Old Testament and that will not worship idols okay that's important to understand if you look at Islam Roman Catholicism and a lot of other different religion it's all idolatry so when the Antichrist sets up his image that's why it's gonna make sense where the nation of Israel the majority of Jews are not going to follow along with that because they're gonna see this Idol set up and they're gonna go okay hey whoa we don't believe in that kind of stuff and not only that because they're they keep looking for their Messiah Judaism they're anticipating for their Messiah they're gonna find out that this Antichrist this is not the real Messiah that we thought that's why what's gonna happen that's why it makes sense the Antichrist persecutes the nation of israel because they're not gonna follow along his system so then they're not going to follow along his system and the Antichrist is going to persecute those people and then what's going to happen you read Revelation chapter 7 the Lord's gonna raise up a hundred forty-four thousand Jews and then the two witnesses Elijah and Moses why Elijah and Moses because Moses is the Old Testament law for Judaism for the Jews so he's establishing that Elijah he's the one that revives the Old Testament Judaism for the Jews so what's important to understand is that yes the the religion of Judaism is going to be used by the Antichrist but don't think it's completely of the devil you got to realize this it was born from Old Testament to begin with but then later on they just mingled some babylonian practices with it you see that it's the same thing with Christianity we have Protestant Christianity today but is it clean no it's mixed up with I'll even say Babylonian stuff it's even mixed up with some Babylonian paganism stuff today I'll even dare say that it's make mingled up with apostate doctrine see so that's the same thing all right so don't think that Judaism or the Jews that they're an evil bunch of people and completely used of the devil Antichrist no you don't understand this is that the Antichrist and the devil they're going to attack two of God's chosen people the Christian churches and the Jews see so there he's just infiltrating the right sort of religions and putting in his wrong doctrine over there that's the idea so the Christian Church is obviously they'll be raptured be for the tribulation but then the remaining churches that claim to be Protestant Christianity see that those are lost people and the Antichrist is going to use them and then it's the same thing with the Judaism religion the lost sinners who join the Antichrist system that's who the devil is going to use but the other people they're gonna go no this is just weird why because there are certain parts in their Judaism religion that they know this is wrong what the antichrist teaches so that's the idea as a matter of fact what's even more interesting is that the majority there's a great number of jews that you stud at you study and research not there's a large number of them that aren't into Judaism they just go by culture large number of them are liberal you see them in Hollywood the elite system right banks and all that a lot of them aren't even real good practitioners of Judaism anyway so you got to consider that option as well they just use that as a culture see so that would make sense why there's going to be a good number of Jewish elites see that it makes sense right there you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 14,996
Rating: 4.8296146 out of 5
Keywords: The Vigilant Christian, Israeli News Live, BP Earth Watch, Paul Begley, RichieFromBoston, Robert Breaker, The Watchman, conspiracy, End Times Production, SoulJa Of GOD, J.D. Farag, Acts17Apologetics, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, Rob Skiba, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Steve Cioccolanti, King James, Mark Dice, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: ViU6xXpPRno
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Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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