Sasquatch’n | Documentary | Animiki See Distribution

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he strikes fear and the imagination is it real or myth and why hasn't anyone captured a sasquatch with all the leading technology scientists have today why haven't they found definitive evidence and what to indigenous peoples know and what are they finally ready to share with the world now speaking openly to our indigenous film crew we'll discover new information that may change everything we thought we knew this journey takes us into secret societies to places beyond the imagination and to a remarkable conclusion you didn't see coming [Music] in British Columbia Canada lays a sleepy fishing village called alert Bay it's here that has become the new epicenter of sightings [Music] a lot of Janaka and other societies have been kept secret to the Western public because of our spirituality and sacredness to turn aqua known by this nation as junu qua this local num geese community member arthur dick has seen myth come alive when he encountered zulu gua not once but multiple times which has left him terrified my first encounter was I've had two my first one was in January of 2015 walking in the trails and then my second one was two weeks ago walking the same trails my encounter was her following me and my dog was hiding in between my legs and I wouldn't look back the zoo knew claw is known for its pungent odor often smelled before it seemed a very wet dog stink about ten times worse she didn't make any noise when she was following me and from here on I started smelling Junko and when I got further that way around the corner was where she was like right there and I can feel her presence and I just instantly knew what it was every hair on my body stood up [Music] the tunica visits to alert Bay are so frequent that Arthur began recording her alien terrifying cries when I first heard Juna Kwon 2015 it was 5:30 in the morning and she started calling and I knew instantly what it was I've never heard it before and I just went through my body and made all my hair stand out [Music] and I just knew like from fall off or what that was no one said that's true not quite I just instantly knew [Music] I've kept my Encounters to myself in the beginning for two to three months and then I shared with other people who I see as on the same level as I am and they had the same encounters same callings known by different names such as Zulu qua Windigo or gag eat each native tribe has its own name for the Sasquatch despite the different names the similarities are undeniable since 2005 alert Bay has been plagued by encounters in our village of alert Bay everyone's talking about the Juniper my partner and I always go out and we walk our dog through the Charles because there's lots of beautiful trails on this island and we went for a walk was a calm day there was no wind so as we were going towards the trail my partner went ahead was the dog and I was kind of just taking my time and just at this one point he stopped and he called out my name and he goes and and the next thing you know it I didn't know where the tree this snap he's from the middle and it just went right through Sasquatch has been known to break trees in half or throw huge boulders at unwanted guests and I'm like Tony and he goes I'm okay you know what where's Luna like our dog and he goes she's she's right she's here with me and he goes let's go look and I was like I don't want to see because I could feel there was energy around that tree and I could hear the crackling and behind the tree and I thought no let's go and then he goes I wonder what that was and I went okay well we're not gonna stick around to see the journal club that's her since that frightening experience she has not returned to that trail I know that it's alive and well and I'm not necessarily too interested in seeing her if she has medicine for us yes but if it's just to freak me out and scare me I'm like no two cousins had an experience with tuna co-op in the cheese and the corner there and she's always near the graveyard and on the backside of Ellerbe [Music] at one point there was two of them here there was one that Daniken Church gave here and then there was one at the water tower and they were talking to each other one would answer and then the other one would talk and just my back and forth and it was too windy for me to get a recording of it but it was just something that it was pretty amazing to experience too with dozens of encounters it appears that something unexplainable to the outside world has no logical explanation did you hear that noise because they do tree knocks a-and from my house where I we recorded my sound of her I yell your to her and she'll answer me back my sister has tried to call she can hear it too she's tried to yell at it and I wouldn't answer her we waited a few minutes and then I yelled back and she answered me now say she didn't make any noise when she was following me the voices that I've heard or when I'm home and she's calling from the water tower which is just maybe 100 feet away maybe or more remarkably the entire Native community here refers to this monster as a she is it possible that the Sasquatch could be a female she's real for sure you for the first time indigenous secret societies from a variety of nations have agreed to share their knowledge of the Sasquatch with the outside world Western cultures questions about the Sasquatch they themselves believe they have not seen them themselves and they haven't been in mother nature as long as the native people we hold indigenous secrets about sasquatches families have talked to them I've met them that we don't want to share with the Western world we have been here thousands of years and yes we do celebrate soon apart from our perspective our quality wall culture has been living and thriving with Juno claw being part of our traditions from the beginning of time they're shared in our stories they're shared in our songs and Jonah is very real I do really believe that one of the secrets held by the quak quak uoq people as part of their secret society refers to this terrifying beast as a she their cultural artifacts songs and legends support this remarkable finding most often she's referred to as female reason I believe into no claw is because of my own culture its beliefs the blood as well as other cultures around the world where stories such as Bigfoot Yeti Sasquatch in our case Juneau qua it's not sus quits in our territory it's to know what one of those legends that granny offer used to teach us when we're young was about to know quoi the world woman of the woods there's a big giant big breasts big wide mouth and big sunken eyes from what I understand from all the cameras growing up is that I've never known of a male juniper it's all a legend that we used to hear from her granny was always a female the numbness from alertpay believed that the large zuniqua is a female and the smaller companion book was Ismael is a great historical perspective on the Sasquatch it proves that stories of such creatures were here long before the white man ever arrived on the North American continent it's part of their cultural identity native people know so much it is passed on in oral history in the context of myth and legend and non-native people have tended to dismiss myth and legend as sometimes even fictitious made-up imagined not factual in nature and we need to scrutinize myth and legend more carefully again and again what they've described is being described by pioneers and settlers maybe only a hundred years ago and now you know even almost like as I say almost every week there's an observation and someone describes it and said but it's always such a shock so these two casts my wife Joan and I made these in 1987 in Strathcona Provincial Park we were on a hike and saw the tracks came back and cast them very nice casts as you can see these three were cast by a deer hunter up near say word on the east coast of Vancouver Island very very nice cast here these two juveniles showing the spread toes every person who sees a sasquatch and says oh my goodness you know they're essentially discovering that this mammal for themselves unaware that it's been discovered over and over and over by individuals and by cultures in this majestic area by Harrison Hot Springs British Columbia live this to ælis people the name sasquatch was coined here Sasquatch being an anglicized to ælis word excited visitors booking expeditions like this one with shoreline tours hoping to gather insight into the history of the Sasquatch and then our climax of our trip is where we come out to Sasquatch Provincial Park that's where we see pictographs in the early 1920s there was a group of scientists that were put together I think it was about 200 of them in total and they actually made Harrison hot springs their home for a little while and from there they would launch these hunts into the forest and even till this day you will find many many people that come out here just to search and be that first person to capture that elusive mythical beast [Music] so we're approaching the rocks here with the pictographs are they're just it's right over there this is the portal that we have here now this portal is believed to be a way for humans to transfer from human life into animal life [Music] what it is actually it's made with red ochre is what it's called and that's what gives off that reddish hue which then creates kind of a oxidization into the rock the scientists came in and they scraped some of it off and their carbon dating to thousands of years ago it's believed by many native tribes portals such as this one are entry points to another world a fourth dimension if you're a non-believer or not I used the the reference of between here in Spokane Washington there's been five airplanes that have gone down in the last twenty years not one of them has ever been found so if airplanes can go down who knows what's out there Victor graphs and portals of sasquatches are scattered throughout North America in tule River California this life-size pictograph shows a sasquatch family there everywhere all the way from Alaska down to Northern California it just verifies again that First Nations have been talking about these things for hundreds of hundreds of years I am a professionally trained anthropologist and I had been working with tribes for the past 26 years and so I've really gotten to know what their traditional beliefs in Sasquatch is it's something they're taught from the beginning to respect this protector of the forest and protector of the earth it's just a part of who they are so much so that there's many many native tribes that if Sasquatch wasn't around I don't know that their culture would be as strong as it is it brings strength to them you the stylist tribe celebrates a long and treasured history at Sasquatch days in Harrison hot springs British Columbia [Music] tourists flocked to this majestic town surrounded by vast forests with the hopes of seeing this legendary creature [Music] researchers have Harrison Hot Springs on the shortlist for encounters thus to Ayla's culture pays homage to the Sasquatch it's so intertwined it's safe to say that their traditions couldn't survive without this supernatural beast [Music] like this age-old Sasquatch song by Kelsey Charlie and his family this to ælis have lived alongside this creature for thousands of years libraries of knowledge and secrets inherited by leaders like Kelsey Charlie are being shared for the first time we have paintings that are thousands of years old songs that put back generations and generations we don't know how old they are in my community everybody believes that there is something there that and it's not just something that we just learned about it's something that's a part of this and it's been here for thousands of years we're right in the midst of tasket still which is sasquatch mountain which they will only roam and move and at nighttime so they call that Ketchum which is the mountain here and he's he's really here and that's where he crosses you know the reason why I'm Davis today is you know a lot of things are lost in the ignorance we know that we're a part of Pitt and it's a part of us the Sasquatch of being a Salalah Co a supernatural being that's been a part of our emblem from our community since millennia the confidence Kelsey has in his culture was solidified during an unbelievable encounter I grew up here all of my whole life I know where everything is you know even know where all the potholes are on the road Drive I was rushing getting back to this place I looked out where the creek ran into the lake pulled around and I said hmm I never seen that stump there before so I slowed down to investigate it had a little peak and I looked over and the thing moved so I stopped and then the lady that was with me she was from Tanaka nation listen you could see what I'm seeing there she said yeah I can see it and she says I can see the drips coming off of its hand so the thing was squatted at the edge of the water and it took a drink out of the water with its hand and then it moved over and there was a little one decided and it gave a drink out of its hand so I told her hi John what's lama means i'm thanking you for allowing me to see you i never seen nothing like that in my life well usually takes about an hour and a half to get back home from that spot it took me 45 minutes because i was just flying on the road because i just i couldn't even believe what I'd seen [Music] we know that we're a part of it and it's a part of us sasquatch have been a part of our emblem from our community since millennia I don't need to have any type of scientific evidence that's gonna change my perspective and my point of view on what I feel about this believe in it they do their knowledge of this creature has been shaped by their intimate connection to nature and what they see is deeply disturbing my feelings about commercialism towards sasquatch that you wouldn't go around using the sale of Star David to advertise a beer that is so taboo they should respect us as native people not to be called as a mascot you're not honoring us in any way as natives we are being disrespected by people taking these beliefs that we have and advertising as a commercial and trying to make profit off of it there's all kinds of television shows like you know Finding Bigfoot those two that and the other thing the best way to describe them all is duck dynasty looks for sasquatch they're garbage you know the public perception is oh why are we gonna take this seriously believe anything we say because especially in the States it's now become trendy to say you saw sasquatch it's gone beyond trendy aspiring hunters are out to kill the Sasquatch for personal gain it's not something that you brag about or you don't broadcast there's something that it's sacred you see those things on TV now well we're the Sasquatch hunters I don't think it's a joke I don't think it's something that you you know take lightly it's a Salalah commits a supernatural being that's been within my people for you know thousands of years thousands of generations and you'd never hear us talk about it in that light my grandpa always said that no they'll find you you don't find it I mean you have to be at that right place at the right time with the right frame of mind and he also told me that they will never ever find him or they will never ever capture him because he lives in the two realms he can change from physical to spiritual so he could shape-shift you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in 2012 a squamous nation band member had a sighting of the sasquatch that was so unbelievable it ended with a lie-detector test Eric Baker's at home in nature he and his brother have their favorite hunting spot near cat lake north of Vancouver BC I was very skeptical hesitant to tell my story or even share it we know our treasures we know our stories we know our histories you know we know our secrets and we don't really need to run and share and convey them that's why when we practice in our winter ceremonies or any of our cultural ceremonies but it's powwow polish or whatever it may be that we know what's already there we don't need to publicize it for everybody for Eric myth would become fact when his encounter with a sasquatch changed him forever this loop here is called Broome Ridge this is one of our old hunting trails when we're coming down you'd see where the tree line the clear cuts ends or starts Erik's keen I saw something far away in the brush and noticed something moving because as always talking as a hunter you look for what doesn't belong it and right away I said scenes of the move I said hey we saw and when we stopped to look mediate look to my brother say hey notes it's a good chance it's a sasquatch it's almost like you could watch nightfall like looks like a blanket fall on top of the vehicle I like to watch my kit stuff didn't dark is it I think this is weird my dog got really scared of anything you know he chased bears and using the back of the truck whimpering shaken crying and he would not for the life and get out of it so I put my flash on it and when it turns to look at us it's a really sharp a very clear and when it looked the eyes were so green a nickname was like projected Eric also noticed that the creature was desperately attempting to escape into a crack in the solid rock face over there that was a big rock face there kind of sticking out of the hill it was more on this side the left side of the rock scurrying is always think I was trying to open a door but why would a sasquatch try to escape facing a solid rock formation is it possible that Eric Baker unwittingly discovered a portal the whole time while we're here they were scurrying looking over shoulders looking over our shoulders trying to get right into whatever this is here and you can see the shoulder definition and it was like on his upper shoulders like a light gray and in the middle of the back here's almost like like black my Uncle Buck or alloy Baker he's one of my spiritual or like the cultural Mentors and when I came across the experience I seen him one day someone told me inside to share and that's when he told me that in this area there's there's several portals and he was good 10 sets this is one of them I was very happy because a lot of people look I'm that will looking sure unbelievable it is could Eric Baker's revolutionary discovery be evidence of the unworldly nature of the Sasquatch to determine truth or lie Eric Baker took a polygraph test so no no not really sure what to expect I believe I saw and it's exciting a nerve same time because you don't know how factor that that test is gonna be and you lie about what you believe you saw on October 2014 but you believed to be the sash was no there's a little intense sitting on a polygraph I'd hope there be you know accurate and you know for real no no lies for myself I know what I've seen however well we'll find out soon enough we will take all those western states together all three of them we count them together and we would get a the score of our deception indicated so in other words he believed what he swore on that day I believe I got to witness my experience out of a gift or a blessing I believe their message to us is that you know there's still the supernatural realm where the supernatural powers and beings are still amongst this this earth is energy we're just we don't believe it today we believe it's more of a myth because I believe we do people believe it as a myth because they're so detached from that spiritual connection or the energy of what supernatural beings are the message I take from it is they are still around [Music] you [Applause] for indigenous peoples it's considered an epic blessing to have seen dreamed or heard a sasquatch have you ever had a dream where he could feel the trees and the air and you can hear the environment going on around you and all of a sudden you think it's real you think you're there in a time of great despair actor and traditionalist Jonathan Brewer received help from an unlikely source it came in the way of a vision [Music] all of a sudden I don't know where this blurry vision comes walking into into sight and it's a very tall figure and it's sasquatch the Sasquatch comes walking in and I felt fear I was scared although at the same time I thought I shouldn't be scared because they don't show themselves to anybody this is a good thing they stopped and they spoke to me but they didn't speak with their mouths they spoke with their mind with telepathy and they told me something bad was gonna happen they were here to protect me and detect my family and give me that medicine they said well show you what's going to happen and these wolves came out attacked and these wolves are representations of the people that were coming to attack me he understood that the Sasquatch was offering him a blessing beyond the comprehension of the Western world the Sasquatch just said okay we're gonna protect you and when they came to attack me they blocked them [Music] and they said okay now we're gonna go hunt this is but know that we were there for you after that dream we went to a ceremony and we had the sweat lodge which is like on a church so the medicine man that was at this sweat lodge he talks the spirits and he can relay their messages and he told me it's not a gift they give all the time because they don't come out all the time they don't come the people in their visions it's very rare and if they do you know be very thankful and I went out and I offered tobacco for them because that can be used on both worlds in spirit world or in our world the universal indigenous perspective of the Sasquatch was born from thousands of years of oral records throughout North America the Sasquatch is to my Dannette people a higher power and a high spirit up in the mountains a grandfather or grandmother spirit they are our grandmothers and our grandfathers who we derive from who we come from that's where our lineage comes from could the origins of man actually coexist with the Sasquatch is it possible we are related to the beasts that hundreds attempt to gain notoriety by killing you know long ago we were all one nation we were all one people with the Sasquatch people long ago our people if they saw when they would make offerings they would make prayers they would greet each other as one just like our prayers and our songs [Music] we humans I don't know how to say this I think we have a tendency towards arrogance maybe that's a fair statement in that you know we do insist on a very wide gulf between humans and other animals and maybe that gulf shouldn't be treated quite as wide as we treat it especially when it comes to primates now we in North America don't really think about wild primates you know in Africa of course you know people coexist alongside gorillas chimpanzees bonobos well we have the Sasquatch here as a very evolved primate well I will say living alongside us yeah more or less maybe maybe distantly maybe not very often in contact or or being observed but you're nevertheless we actually have a story here in Tuolumne County where a small child was lost and crying confused and a sasquatch took that child and got him back close enough to where he had disappeared that the rescuers were able to hear him and rescued him and he told them it was this big hairy thing that came and got me and led me home and and to me that anything that could be as a sasquatch [Music] in the past for many indigenous peoples encounters with the Sasquatch were different than today they were considered a blessing of great wealth if you happen to hear the Duke was cry for example people say it's a good omen and it will still wealth unto you and in your life they coppers and maybe songs or advances so other rights and privileges from the Juniper when our people see a sasquatch whether it's through spirit through a ceremony through a dream through a physical form through the forest it's a really good thing to see one it's a really good blessing it's a very spiritual blessing there is this beyond this plane of existence we're not just humans here seeing but believing yes it does it is believing but there are things out there that humans are gifted to see or lucky to see Heights sake I mean accept it [Music] [Applause] the Sasquatch known by many native peoples is considered a relative shapeshifter and most importantly guardian of the environment it's a monumental position maintaining the balance within the natural world old Danai stories say at one time we were all connected the Sasquatch is a guardian of the force a guardian of the mountains our people believe that she is a grandmother and a leader of the forest people and the mountain people they know a lot more than us humans they're a lot smarter than us a long time ago we were split when we split from them you know that the humans became different like a lot of a colonization came around with colonization came a radically different worldview with no regard for Mother Earth there was no respect no more because us humans did not respect this earth they say that we didn't respect the sky anymore we didn't respect anything we didn't respect the forests or the mountains no more the Sasquatch left they vanished they fled [Music] native people always taught me that Sasquatch is the protector of the forest is because he's the thing that keeps the circle and so he's the key that brings all animals together all the water together all the land together and so he's like the pinch point without him then you would have more bears eating humans or you know all these bad things that we want to think about so he keeps nature running the way it was always meant to be by the Creator the Sasquatch known by many Native peoples as a supernatural being is faced with the monumental task of protecting the earth from one of its most destructive inhabitants man the spirit of the task but since that we have to look after everything you know we have songs that talk about how at the turn of the century when they came and he cut down all of the forests where they didn't know where anything was anymore because it all looked different [Music] oh where I used to roam it makes me sad it makes me cry to see where I used to walk Native Americans believe that when Sasquatch is gone the Mother Earth is going to have to cleanse itself and that's the start of whatever this new world is and it won't likely be dumb enough if you want to use that word a word to have humans as part of that new world some First Nations believe the increased sightings of sasquatch are tied to the end of the world as we know it today with the world changing constant pressure upon earth taking its oil and extracting that fracking and air pollution everything is just now making this world closer and closer and uninhabitable the tribal elders that I have worked with believe very very strongly that something pretty bad is coming very soon I remember when I had my grandchild I had a tribal elder tell me basically that loved him as much as you can right now because there may not be time to see him grow and I said what does that mean and I just got a shiver because I remember that feeling of going I don't have time to raise my grandchild the predictions tell the story of an end authored by men's consumption and it is heartbreaking because something really bad on the equivalence of drought famine lots of loss of life and it's going to change everything of how we live fairly soon and it is tied to sasquatches in my mind there's no reason to believe that science is going to fix the problem if science was going to fix it we would already fixed it we can't make new oxygen [Music] our people have ways that conserved our resources they have ways of practicing our customs that kept us alive for all those years [Music] and I think what do we see today maybe maybe people should start listening to what we have to say our ways work it's always about bringing connection connecting to everything all living things so I'm a lover of the land I'm a lover of the water everything that flies in the sky that's who we are as a people that's our brothers and sisters of two-legged and four-legged it's about everything our belief is that there was agreements and there's Arrangements with all living things and that we are just a part of it that's why they save all my relations no we made all our very relations to survive we should be giving back to nature not taking and a Squatch is trying to give us that warning it's telling us hey I'm gonna be here over here I know I'm up here I'm there and they trying to warn us so it's up to us to listen to those messages and to start praying start doing is it possible the Sasquatch has witnessed the destruction of our planet and she's desperately attempting to help us save it we don't want to be the generation that loses these things open your queen amps um you know open your ears in your heart to listen to what the elders have shared with us and you know then things are gonna start you know falling back into place are our earth is in a really really critical state we only got one chance here to take care of what we have my people are dead people we think what we need to do to save mother earth we think it's a very important that people need to care about the existence of the Sasquatch and knowing the powers that they have one of the things I would tell the Sasquatch is to bless our people to to be there to help us help us humans to better understand to better understand ourselves and where we're at this world [Music] indigenous people have shared their secret knowledge in an attempt to underscore the messages from the Sasquatch it's our individual choice to hear what is being said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: ASD Global
Views: 621,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sasquatch, Documentary, Indigenous Community, Spiritual, Storytelling, First Nation, Animiki See Distribution
Id: f8spiPISDKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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