First Hand Sightings Of Bigfoot - Boogeymen - Bigfoot

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[Music] [Music] california the name alone conjures up images of sunshine surfers beaches and of course hollywood but further north the scenery changes drastically the beaches and sunshine of the south are replaced by lush forests majestic mountains and wild rivers this region with its 15 000 hectares or thirty seven thousand acres of dense forest attracts hikers hunters and fishermen from all over the world eager to explore its natural beauty one particularly scenic road connecting the towns of willow creek and happy camp takes travelers through a redwood forest with trees among the tallest on the planet [Music] but tourists coming to willow creek nestled south of the oregon border are after more than just the scenery for centuries a shadow has stalked the woods here inciting panic and spreading rumors you don't see them unless they want you to see them they're very elusive they're some people call them tree peekers somewhere between six and eight feet tall and covered in brown or reddish or blackish fur it was on dark brown to black hair it had a protruding brow ridge a pointy cone head they're very careful they know the woods a lot better than we do and they don't want to be seen the creature has footprints that look like this it's usually big and bulky they still does not know what the creature was that had the tracks [Music] that's indian creek and that's where these people were when they saw it scooping up water in his hand there was something in my yard that was big and heavy and made the ground shake i don't think it was a bear and it sure didn't sound like a deer and also in this big shadow with arms and legs and a head walks behind us going that way he said my biologist found an elk with its head twisted off ran up to my wife and kids and said let's go let's go move and they're like you know what's your problem i go now move [Music] nestled in the heart of the six rivers national forest willow creek is known as the world capital of bigfoot the best place to search for the ape-like monster that walks on two feet and was known by native americans as sasquatch [Applause] willow creek is probably the most concrete base for bigfoot [Music] if you're looking for bigfoot and if you're if you want to find people who have information regarding bigfoot bullycreek is the center of that story that lore the the history of it we have many people in our community who have seen heard felt smelled found his dens you know we can find a lot of good stories about bigfoot here in our town and we have a lot of believers well there's several local a variety of local legends and there's a lot of local tradition that goes back quite a long time in the hoopa valley and then north in the uruk area and then northeast in the in the karook area i think the rumors i mean the stories in the local area go back six seven thousand years with all the local tribes having stories about it there are lots of native american stories of lots of different creatures in the woods and a book bigfoot type creature is among those there was a notorious history of a of a larger hairier creature that lived in that area you know these cultures didn't have an image of an ape back in the early days [Music] the more traditional members of the culture will probably tell you that it's a spirit of some kind you know not an animal at all in their languages they all had names that reflected physical beings for instance the white river apache have a name for this thing that literally means big hairy man the blackfeet in montana have a name that means big feet and they are different understanding of what these are the the dna navajo in the four corners area believe that the more often this being is seen the closer we are to the end times well people see them around here still to this date just ordinary people but uh some of these people working up in the area saw the creature at night you know when they're driving home from work just crossing the dirt roads out in the woods locals who fish or hunt they see them out in the mountains some local people describe seeing them just in their backyards you know we don't have fences here we have your backyard is mountains that go on for miles and miles and miles in 1958 they were building this road up there into bluff creek it was virgin timber for the most part up in there and they wanted to do some logging there was a construction project uh in the area then they found really strange footprints and this finally got out to the coast as a as a story about bigfoot these original tracks they had a very human-like appearance you know um and this is where the the word uh the name bigfoot really was born they they were found many different times around the tractors you know they leave the tractors up there at night and go home down here for the most part and when they come back in the morning they'd find this these workers witnessed other disturbing things pieces of heavy machinery some of which weighed hundreds of pounds were found well into the forest a trail of mysterious footprints leading up to them [Music] willow creek is intimately linked with the bigfoot legend as anyone who has visited the town knows [Music] the bigfoot books library is a veritable gold mine of records eyewitness accounts and documented evidence its owner is happy to talk about the mysterious creature and shed some light on the mystery there are these mystery primates pretty much everywhere across the world through through central europe asia siberia the himalayas up uh and down the coast of asia all through the indian subcontinent into africa you know south america about the only place they're not really legitimately described is out on the islands of polynesia but i mean out farther like hawaii but uh throughout indonesia there there are plenty of uh these mystery apes i am convinced that there's bigfoot and it's not only here it's absolutely worldwide [Music] when we had i think it was 2003 symposium a russian scientist came from russia and brought books on their honesty which is also a bigfoot creature and i met heath who was a publisher of a book called the yowie in australia so they have a creature in australia that's similar to the bigfoot [Applause] [Music] well you know i don't think there is one missing link right um we i think we still are apes we ha our primates we are we're very very closely related to the chimpanzee um some biologists consider us to be the third chimpanzee you know um we think we're very special you know and different and unique because our civilization has dominated the world but we are animals and we did evolve naturally much of the evidence surrounding bigfoot's existence is surprising and not just by the nature of the facts themselves but by the amazing credibility of their authors in july of 2000 dr matthew johnson was hiking with his family in a national park when he was suddenly overcome by the feeling that he was being followed i was looking down the slope to try to see if i could see what it might be that was you know paralleling us keep in mind the slope of the mountain is like this i'm up here my family's about 50 60 feet over here down on the trail so i'm i'm looking also and i see movement out of the left corner of my eye and i turn and i look in down slope is when i saw bigfoot walk off the pages of myth and legend into reality [Music] i was up the mountain up the slope behind a natural blind you couldn't see me when i saw that everything i knew about the outdoors grew up in oregon lived in alaska for 20 years everything i knew hiking camping fishing a little bit of hunting came crashing down i literally felt my brain crash reboot and then i had some real protective instincts kick in you know that was my family down there i ran down through the brush and trees avoided eye contact because the only thing i knew what to do was in alaska with the grizzly bear you don't do the eye contact thing because they'll see it as a challenge so i avoided the eye contact hit the trail ran up to my wife and kids and said let's go let's go move and they're like you know what's your problem i go now move and they're like okay so i move them up the trail a couple hundred yards around a switchback another hundred yards i'm not seeing anything i'm not hearing anything i'm not smelling anything i sit the kid's down on a log and i give them some water i pulled my wife aside and i said you're not going to believe what i saw and she said what and i said i saw bigfoot and she said i believe you immediately after this encounter dr johnson told his story to a park ranger who had no trouble believing it but matthew johnson's troubling testimony is not the only one to be marked with a seal of credibility bob schmalzbach is a retired silicon valley engineer and the former president of the town of happy camp's chamber of commerce he's also a bigfoot guru having spent seven years examining the possible evidence for its existence in collaboration with the university of oxford he operates a website compiling bigfoot research all over this place we have sightings of a pretty not a routine basis i have seen them using thermal imagers i've seen them using night vision i've been with people that saw them that i was because i'm usually the one taking pictures and whatnot i wasn't fortunate enough to see them i've had them photographed watching me photographing footprints things like that but because we always went out on the team and i had my duties and everybody else had theirs this beach on the other side of highway 96 is called china point or china flat and it turns out that now that i've been here and got to talk to people here there have probably been 15 or 20 sightings at this point if you stop here for a second and just listen all you can hear is the river you don't hear cars you don't hear trains you don't hear buses you just hear the river so uh it's a unique place [Music] bob returns to the exact spot where bigfoot has repeatedly been surprised trying to cross a road you can see the 25 this is a 25 mile an hour sign you could see that from where it happened so between it and that guardrail is where it happened whatever it was came up from down there by the river stepped right over this took two steps two or three steps across this hill and within just uh 30 seconds it was to the top of that up at the top of that edges uh ridge you see that all the shorter trees those were not there and that person said they heard rustling up there that was a deer looked up there and this thing was looking up standing there at the edge looking down at her and when it turned to walk away she could see the soles of its feet and they were lighter colored this experience and seeing this for the first time myself is why i got started investigating bigfoot because before that i thought it was a novelty and kind of interesting but when i saw the physical evidence that supported the eyewitness reports here i knew there had to be something more to it so i went on the road to find out bob found footprints on top of this hill which he believes supports the testimony of eyewitnesses who claim to have seen something that night after reviewing the hill he considers it highly unlikely that a normal human could ascend so steep a slope [Music] the bigfoot legend casts a wide shadow over willow creek fingerprints taken in the region and thought to belong to a beast are so numerous that a special annex was constructed for them in the china flat museum [Music] in the bigfoot room is predominantly casts from from uh people that have taken tracks like al hudson whose curator here long time friend of john green who was the one of the early writers about bigfoot and other other people locally that over the years have had seen casts where they've taken outcast and brought in and there's also uh some of the first articles written in the newspapers about having seen tracks what were they and that sort of thing and it's just grown from there al hodgson um who gave me this cast he signed the back of it here he's still alive here just up on the hill they found these tracks and they just happened to to know a fellow named bob titmus who was a taxidermist in anderson over by reading here on highway 5. and he had taught jerry crew how to make plaster casts so jerry crew is seen in a photo in the humble times newspaper holding the track like this you know and that really made a big impression on just about everybody so it hit the ap news wire and it went out all across the world what um it's important to say is that people just assume that you can make a plywood cut out of a bigfoot and go around tromping around and make a bunch of footprints that are going to fool somebody if you have bigger feet on your feet than your actual feet then that's like snowshoes why would people ever have snowshoes so that they don't sink into the snow well in the same way if you're going to be a human-sized person with some great big feet you're not going to sink in even to fairly soft mud so if you've got feet like that a number of things aren't going to change your weight isn't going to change your stride length isn't going to change in fact if anything it's going to get shorter because you're so clumsy carrying these clumping things but just as important your the way a plywood foot hits the ground is not the way that a real foot hits the ground real feet have toe position changes when real feet hit the ground if this is a foot as they move forward and they made a break right there at the toes there's a little bit of ridge of dirt push back there's all kinds of dynamic things that happen with a real foot but not with some plywood thing richard stepp is a professor of physics at the humboldt university and one of the few scientists who dares to publicly admit that a bigfoot-like creature could exist he cites grover krantz the famous anthropologist who died in 2002 and was known for his work on bigfoot after analyzing a slew of foot imprints krantz believed that some of them were genuine some footage captured in 1967 during the filming of a movie by roger patterson and robert gillen provides another disturbing piece of bigfoot evidence patterson and gimlin [Music] filmed themselves on the sandbar you know uh so they had a switch that when they got to bigfoot on film the camera roll actually ended and that's when you see the creature walking away in the distance it just ends unfortunately they couldn't follow it and get more footage of it they had to go on he went under a tarp you know and switched the camera roll with a new roll of film you know a lot of people want to make bigfoot into like some kind of big glorious fascinating monstrous legend you know but if the truth is just a mundane ordinary thing that's more valuable to me than some big tall tale were you to walk upstream here you'd have to go about 25 30 miles to get into the heart of the bluff creek watershed and the area where the film was shot the famous footprint finds and stuff [Music] people talk about it wherever you go and the history of it is just everywhere out in the landscape here if you study it at all you know um i can't help it because people tell me you know down at akins creek they found a footprint a couple years ago and so people come in with their photographs of footprints and shadows in the woods that they think are bigfoot many people consider this video captured at bluff creek to be definitive proof of the existence of bigfoot but the nature of the creature in the video remains an unsolved mystery [Music] the family of one of the filmmakers robert gimlin tightly controls the film itself but despite this restriction the image in the center of the controversy can be found all over the internet but the image is of extremely low quality we try to reduce the blur to better analyze it and perhaps get a sense of what really happened that day but with the original version of the film unavailable questions remained unanswered well this is the um this is an image the most famous one from the patterson gimlin film from 1967 up in bluff creek and this was taken from a 50 megabyte uh scan from a transparency that was taken from the original film [Music] most people who've seen the film and dismiss it as blurry grainy um don't realize that there is this kind of quality of imagery um if you can see this uh if we could just find that original film or get a published version of this out there i think it would convince a lot more people you don't see like zippers and seams and baggy uh flaps and and fake fur you see something that looks like muscles are moving under the skin um you see uh what appears to be the motion of the hands and the toes and the face and the breasts on the front of the creature a man named bob jeronimus later claimed to have worn a monkey suit for the making of the film but patterson and gimlin have always maintained that the scene filmed in 1967 was genuine it looks pretty darn realistic um it's uh it's still not enough to prove that the creature is real you know for every person that believes that that's a real bigfoot there will be another who says that just looks like a man in a ape suit i've had people come into the museum two gentlemen from who knows where dressed up in business suits take one look at the picture of patterson which is on our wall in as you come in the door and one said to the other one oh you can see the face zipper dot and it's a guy in a costume well if you look quickly at patterson's film it is a female bigfoot it is not a guy in the costume [Music] even hollywood said at the time that patterson filmed in 67 that costume could not have been manufactured well uh you know i think the proof would be finding a body of one uh hopefully you know not uh hunted down and killed but something um found along the highway a a piece of a body there's these attempts now with genetics to prove it through dna now some people say that dna evidence would suffice but really there's been no dna evidence of it the people have submitted hair fibers and all kinds of different things there was recently a study of published online by a veterinarian named ketchum who said you know we have this dna evidence and all she actually discovered was that there was genetic material of people and then there were anomalies but that anomalies does not prove there's bigfoot it just means that she found anomalies you can find anomalies in all kinds of genetic material genetic analyses have been conducted on all kinds of materials attributed to a bigfoot but the conclusions usually reveal them to have come from bears or porcupines dr johnson still spends most of his time devoted to his bigfoot passion and to his mind it has paid off i put in about 10 years of being a die-hard aggressive researcher with all the high-tech equipment and never having any visuals or interactions well there was a group of people out there in the bigfoot world who were suggesting habituation popularized by primatologist jane goodall habituation is a method of study that involves acclimating the animals to a human presence you know go out and do the dr jane goodall thing hanging out with the chimps right well i did that in this new area it took them five years before they took food from my gifting bowls dr johnson claims that this method enabled him to develop a close rapport with the mysterious creatures yesterday morning i knew i was gonna be leaving to come here and and film and i had to pack up cam and so i walked away to where the from the base camp to where the main bedding area is and i stood on the flat area above where the main bedding bedding area goes it slopes it's on the slope down the mountain side and i stood about 70 feet back from the crest of where it slopes down and i stood there for a good half hour and i sang some songs whistled a couple tunes and just kind of stayed there and then i heard crack crunch crack crunch and daddy walked up the hillside came over the crest he stood there he looked at me then he looked down at my little dog on the ground then he looked back up at me and then he turned around and walked back down the mountainside [Music] whether credible or not the many hypotheses and theories surrounding bigfoot raise more questions than they answer for some the question to ask is not whether or not the witnesses saw something abnormal but rather what did they see everybody loves a good myth and especially myths that are the best myths and the best uh science fiction is always those stories that are just a half a step away from reality the ones that are truly outrageous those are really difficult to truly believe you can't sink your your thinking behind that because it's just too outrageous people uh love stories and they love to believe in those stories so i'm just kind of interested in the whole phenomenon mostly about why people believe what they do and in particular this one it seems to be so unbelievable to me uh carl sagan said extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and there is no evidence but there are lots of extraordinary claims you know the the nature of human perception is so uh fluid that you have to question everything that people say what you know you can't even get a straightforward answer about a crime or a car accident you know some people will say the guy had a red shirt on some say he had a green shirt on and the memory is is is not reliable all the time nonetheless i think you can you can still construct a possible uh creature out of these these sightings um you have to be careful not to just be creating your own myth you know you're creating your own new legend you want to be an honest investigator and and hopefully not a deluded uh miss maker myths in science fiction that's only a half a step from reality it's like okay i can kind of get into that and bigfoot is the perfect myth because yeah at one time there were many species of humans running around and some of them were big and hairy and stood really tall gigantopissicus that's been found in africa you know which presumably people think these things are fits the mold okay it's like okay well this creature did exist in the past on the planet so maybe they could still be here and so there is a lot of forest here that has been untouched and so there's this idea that well if it's been unexplored supposedly that could be where bigfoot is but the area is not empty of humans there are thousands and thousands and thousands of miles of logging roads the forest here provides a continuous source of timber there's a lot of people that make a living working in these mountains working in these forests and they're all over the place and the roads go all over the place and there's there's people out there all the time and have been for a very long time [Music] um i know there's a natural tendency that humans have to see these kinds of forms out in the woods you know boogeyman or whatever strange ghostly forms we tend to see ourselves out in the woods especially in the dark when we're scared at night you know that's a common thing that goes back to childhood and the monster under your bed or whatever well bigfoot is a fun story it's it's mysterious and when you're out in the woods and it's dark and the stars are out and you're with your friends around the campfire and you start telling stories you think wow how amazing would it be for there to be this creature out here around us and people love that you know they love the legendary stories anyone who works in the woods will always tell you that there are certain times you know that the hair on the back your neck will stand up uh that you think you see something out of the corner of your eye we're animals ourselves as much as people don't want to admit that and so um we have survival skills that are deep inside our psyches it helped us survive all of these many hundreds of thousands of years and so [Music] when you move around on the woods of course sometimes you're like what was that i heard something especially if you're not used to working in are living in this environment and you're visiting you're already off balance you are already not seeing the things that you're normally used to seeing and so you don't know what the triggers are to keep yourself safe and so your imagination will be really heightened to keep you safe and so every little clue that happens out there a snapping twig a tree branch you know moving in the wind and then of course the large animals that we do have living around here the bears uh the elk the deer uh they make sounds all of that will contribute to the fact that wow maybe i saw something and off your mind goes to the races you know and especially with this pervasive myth of this large hairy animal you know stomping around out there you're well i mean that was bigfoot my co-workers and i have said oh yeah that was a bigfoot day yeah definitely you know saw something out there like keith benson many people flatly refuse to believe that a half-man half-ape creature could be lurking in the forests of the region and the many hoaxes only hurt there have been a number of people who have created hoaxes that provided so-called evidence for bigfoot you know the uh the footsteps in the in the mud and uh and sightings and the and the film of the guy in the monkey suit walking around it has been proven that some of the footprints were deliberately faked wilbur wallace the supervisor of the famous bluff creek site fabricated the footprints found here according to denunciations made by his nephew his form of tracks that he had made with these wooden footprints stompers started to p up here and they have a much different appearance you know they're more hourglass shaped and they have strange awkward appearance those started popping up all over the place and and a lot of these local construction workers and foresters they like to play jokes on outsiders you know anyone out there in the bigger world well it was very funny i think for them to to get them to come all the way from canada and look at fake footprints [Music] i think one of the aspects of the bigfoot story is how many hoaxes there have been and how easily it is to get bigfoot believers to believe in the hoaxes some of the tracks that you find just look ludicrous uh ridiculous and a lot of them are probably from bears or you know they're just strange shapes in the ground people have said they found prince and it's been shown that they're bear prince they're able to track it back to another animal test the dna find out that it belongs to a different animal one that we know existing [Music] i mean you find other ones that i mean what can you make of them like this this is claimed to be a juvenile bigfoot track um a lot of people think well bigfoot is is so human that uh when they see human footprints in the mud they think well this could be a bigfoot track and so then you get to the point where how do you know the difference at all right any anything that humans do could be claimed to be bigfoot you know it's very problematic especially when people really want badly to see bigfoot or to prove bigfoot i think it it lends towards the bending of evidence and interpreting things in favor of one's favorite hypothesis keith benson is a wildlife biologist with enormous experience dealing with rare animal species if bigfoot really inhabits the forests of northern california nobody is better placed than him to discover it these are presumably really large animals so they're maybe six seven eight feet tall if you figured out the weight maybe five six hundred pounds really large animal they should leave a really large impact on the environment that we can detect where they're feeding where they're uh betting down whether you know wherever going through their their daily lives either these things are super duper long lived and they only mate every 100 years or it's really unlikely that they could survive or we're seeing the very last of them they're about to go extinct and then in my own profession there's a number of endangered species that live in this area and especially with the advent of new technology we are detecting increasingly rare animals pretty easily um even small carnivores that are only you know a foot or two long only weigh a few pounds and there's less than 100 of these things and we're able to detect them because we use photo traps and detection uh gear that allows us to to find these extremely rare animals in none of those surveys of which there have been hundreds in this region have we ever picked up a bigfoot sighting in any of our studies never never and so it's like if i can if i can find an animal of which there's only less than 100 they are only a couple feet long and they exist in this area of thousands of square miles if i can find them why can't i find an 8 foot tall 700 pound [Music] primate [Music] serious credibility issues and no other image of bigfoot has been captured since the day of that fateful shooting over 50 years ago in science it'd be really hard to dispute a single data point you can't and all you can do is go okay well you made an observation great let's go see if we can do that again and again and again and again and get a solid base of evidence to prove the existence uh of the sand the ultimate problem with the the film clip is again like i said we haven't gotten other images in decade after decade of thousands and thousands of people running around out there trying to find more evidence of bigfoot while many doubt the existence of bigfoot the believers have come to romanticize their faith associating it with nature and freedom of spirit [Music] bigfoot kind of represents the end of civilization too you know the the thing that exists outside of it and despite it and can never be found by it right so it's kind of appropriate to the bigfoot legend out here too [Music] all summer long there's groups of people going back up in the woods back there looking for a bigfoot mostly just totally ordinary people you would not know them from adam or eve or anybody joe six-pack or whatever you know they're usually married with kids and jobs and most of these people that come out here on these expeditions this is like their big adventure it's a you know a vacation and they want to experience something different ninety percent of people i would say come and want to go to bluff creek where patterson filmed so starting in the beginning of may when we have sunshine clear through summer it's a steady procession up to up to bluff creek and to where patterson filmed or where they think patterson filmed you know through the years we had people call up and say we're coming from ohio and how big a bore of a rifle do i need to shoot this thing how big is it and so we've had every spectrum i've had people visit i had a young man and his wife come on their anniversary from pennsylvania where they had saved the money to come he had a big foot tattoo that went from his knee to the top of his hip and he had thought about bigfoot all his life from his youth and could hardly wait to get here and to go out to bluff creek and to explore that area and to look for bigfoot [Music] while the real bigfoot continues to elude his admirers his image is everywhere in the village of willow creek from storefronts to park entrances and he is the reluctant star of annual festivals despite his shy nature it has not prevented him from appearing on all kinds of merchandise the biggest festival or parade centered around bigfoot would be the one in willow creek it's bigfoot days it just happened a few weeks ago for this year and you have people dressing up as bigfoot and you have i mean half the town's dressed as bigfoot [Music] some of the parades will have a dozen bigfoot marching in the parade representing casinos and representing businesses representing bands so bigfoot has been quite a phenomenon in this community i've twice been the grand marshal of bigfoot days parades so so i'm certainly a party to enjoying bigfoot [Music] bigfoot is a mascot for willow creek if you go to the town you'll see at least three or four large carved wooden statues of bigfoot there's a couple businesses named after bigfoot there's bigfoot rafting there's bigfoot books obviously there is four there are four or five big murals in town [Music] i think it's really fun to think that there's some big hairy human-like thing running around out there uh i mean what a wonderful story that is um and that i know makes people happy it gives them joy that there's this mystery out there wow there's this this extraordinary other species of human wandering around out there it gives people hope it gives them happiness it's a wonderful sense of mystery um that you know we haven't conquered every single square inch of the planet there's still really wild really weird things out there all of that helps to propel the myth well because i've been in these woods [Music] for a good part of my life and i hunt and i fish and i travel and and i see all of the animals that are out in these woods if if there were a a bigfoot this would be the place for him to be he certainly could exist and and live a rather carefree life with without being inhibited by man because this is an immense country and it's a steep rugged country and for somebody that wants to hide out this is the place to do it [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: TOP BOX TV
Views: 874,915
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Keywords: free movies, full movies, complete movie, free movie, top box, topbox, boogeymen, boogey men, boogeymen season 1, boogeymen episodes, watch boogeymen, boogeymen tv show, bigfoot, big foot, first hand sightings of bigfoot, bigfoot documentary
Id: O9WHS6JFr5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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