Saruman's Ring of Power - The Dark Truth Exposed!

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amidst the howls of WS and the shouts of urokai a ring was forged in the fiery pits of eisenhard Saruman the white wizard had rekindled the flame of ringcraft for the first time since Sauron himself forged the Master Ring in the fires of Mount Doom today we embark on a journey to unravel the Mysteries surrounding saran's ring as we Traverse the depths of lore and Legend we shall unearth the captivating tale behind it Genesis and reveal what manner of sorcery it may have wielded in the year 318 of the third age Gandalf came to the Tower of orank in Eisen drawn by the Summons of Saruman it was during this fateful meeting that the white Wizard's ring was first perceived by Gandalf I came at long last to the dwelling of Saran I rode to the foot of orank and came to the stair of Saruman and there he met me and led me up to his high chamber he wore a ring on his finger I am Saruman the wise Saruman Ring Maker Saruman of Many Colors a new power is rising against it the old allies and policies will not Avail us at all there is no hope left in elves or dying numor this then is one choice before you before us we may join with that power it would be wise Gandalf here it is recounted that Saruman proudly wore a ring upon his finger with his deep understanding of ring law he fashioned his very own ring of power and dubbed himself Ring Maker echoing the Dark Lord's Grandeur in the dawn of existence saaman and saurin emerged from the same Cosmic fabric but more than this they were two Brethren among a Celestial cohort known as the May and both served Al the Smith who was their Patron among the Vala in this time known now as the days before days it's conceivable that Saruman and Sauron maintained a relationship beyond that of mere acquaintance they may have been Kindred Spirits Drawn Together by a tapestry of shared attributes their minds sharp and Ablaze with ambition mirrored each other's Desires in the Symphony of creation they both sought to bring order to chaos shaping its wild Melody into a Harmon as kerto Sauron had in fact been very like Saran and so still understood him quickly and could guess what he would be likely to think and do zon's descent into darkness was Swift and he quickly entered into the service of melor yet Saruman lingered in the light for Millennia he dutifully served Al and the Vala with seemingly unwavering devotion he was indeed held in such high esteem that he earned the honor of leading the compy company of five Mayar on their quest to Middle Earth a mission ordained to Champion the cause of the free peoples in their struggle against tyranny the five Maya led by Saruman were christened as the aari though men would come to know them as the Wizards Saruman wandered in the Eastern lands of Middle Earth for around 1500 years along with the two enigmatic blue Wizards delving into Realms Beyond imagination their travels Unearthed Tales of ancient law and forgotten magic yet I shall delve into the full Saga here for I have already unveiled its intricacies in a prior upload if you wish to partake in their journey I will post a link on your screen now and again at the end of the video for now it will suffice to say that the white Wizard's veiled journey into the distant East allowed him to learn many of the secrets of the dark lord and to gain much knowledge of ring law too long he had studied the ways of saurin in hope to defeat him and now he envied him as a rival rather than hated his works in the dark Waters of sain's ambition zaraman found his reflection as he succumbed to the Allure of imitation and so the white wizard ens snared in the throws of This Bitter longing followed in the footsteps of Sauron a strong place and wonderful was Eisen guard but Saruman had slowly shaped it to his shifting purposes and made it better as he thought being deceived for all those arts and subtle devices for which he forsook his former wisdom and which fondly he imagined were his own came but from Mordor so that what he made was not only a little copy a child's model or a slave's flattery of that vast Fortress Armory prison furnace of great power badur The Dark Tower which suffered no rival and laughed at flattery biding its time secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength as we study saruman's actions it becomes apparent that the ring he crafted was indeed a mere echo of sauron's Masterpiece for in this time the race to find the Master Ring was reaching its height and the white wizard was relentless in his efforts to recover it first if saran's own ring held even a portion of the potency his searching would have likely been less fervent lost in the shadow of his own creation for he desired that he and no other should find the great Ring so that he might wield it himself and order all the world to his will and so close he came to finding his elusive prize had fate not caused the ring to previously cross smeal's path I dare say Saran would have found the ring in anduin his minions relentlessly scoured the Winding Waters stumbling upon remnants of isal doors passed these hidden heirlooms of the dunad were later discovered within orank then all the secrets of the tower were searched many things of worth were found at last behind a hidden door that they could not have found or opened had not elesa had the aid of gimle the dwarf a steel closet was revealed maybe it had been intended to receive the ring but it was almost bare in a casket on a high shelf two things were laid one was a small case of gold attached to a fine chain it was empty and bore no letter or token but beyond all doubt it had once borne the ring about isildur's neck next to it lay a treasure without price long mourned as lost forever The Ellen deir itself the white star of Elvish Crystal upon a fillet of methil try as he might Saruman would never discover the location of the ring and in the depths of his y in he likely fashioned his own Creation in mimicry of it Gandalf's lack of detail on the Ring's design would seem to indicate that no intricate patterns danced upon saruman's ring nor did precious stones Grace its form yet it wasn't only the one ring that existed as a simple gold band the Lesser rings too were of similarly modest design in a regon long ago many Elven Rings were made magic rings as you call them and they were of course of various kinds some more potent and some less the Lesser Rings were only essays in the craft before it was full grown and to the Elven Smiths they were but Trifles yet still to my mind dangerous for Mortals in the year 1200 of the second age Sauron unveiled the secrets of ringl to the elves however before they could begin to create the 20 great Rings they labored over countless lesser Rings each one and owed to the Mastery of their craft it wasn't until 300 years after the elves began to learn ring La that they were able to commence their crafting of the Rings of power then it would be another 90 years until the three Elven Rings were finally brought into existence Saruman was likely treading a path akin to that of the elves the ring upon his finger was in all likelihood an essay in his Newfound craft despite his Celestial Origins as a meire and the vast estry of knowledge he had accumulated there lingered gaps in his understanding thus the ring he wrought would have been of limited ability and usefulness this raises an interesting question could Saruman given more time have forged a true ring of power the truth is that the creation of a great Ring even given additional time would have forever eluded him yet this is not due to a lack of ability for he a formidable wizard possessed great power and potential it wasn't a matter of lacking prowess rather it was the absence of the final piece of knowledge required knowledge that he could not attain without first winning Mordor tolken reveals a vivid possibility that Saruman ensconced within the formidable Fortress of barad dur might have forged a ring of such great power that he would have been able to achieve his ambition of challenging Sauron barad would not not have been destroyed but occupied Saruman failing to get possession of the Ring would in the confusion and treacheries of the time have found in Mordor the missing links in his own researches into ring LA and before long he would have made a great Ring of his own with which to challenge the self-styled ruler of Middle Earth why then did Saran flaunt this feeble band before the Wise Eyes of Gandalf and dare to Dawn the title of Ring Maker when the five wizards came to Middle Earth via the gray Havens there they were greeted by Kyan the shipright Lord of Lindon who had been entrusted as the guardian of one of the Elven rings of power before long Saruman would learn that kidan bestowed upon Gandalf the kingly gift of naria the red ring since the white wizard arrived prior to Gandalf and was widely acknowledged as the leader of the asari he felt that it was he not Gandalf who should have been chosen to bear naria kidan with eyes that pierced through the veil of time recognized in gandal a Brilliance unmatched this fateful bestow caused the envy that already brooded within Saruman to swell Evermore in a flourish of Pride saaman unveiled his ring before Gandalf a dazzling declaration aimed to ens snare the Wizard's belief in its might as if it could rival or perhaps eclipse the legendary naria yet beneath the veneer of his bravado the truth lingered his creation paled a mere echo in the presence of naria's resplendant Radiance though saruman's ring may not have possessed the might of its distant cousins it was certainly no mere trinket it would have still held within its grasp some level of magic but just how potent were its enchantments although tolken does not explicitly State the answer to this question we can make some educated guesses crafted with the same ring L passed down from sain to the elves saran's ring possesses an aura of familiarity one can imagine that it holds within its grasp a potency akin to the Lesser Rings firstly we know that all of the Rings possess the power of preservation the chief power of all the Rings alike was the prevention or slowing of Decay the preservation of what is desired or loved it is therefore like ly that saruman's ring stretched and Drew out the natural lifespan of his body Saruman once a figure of commanding presence found himself slowly yielding to the passage of time the EB and flow of Ages had transformed his Raven hair and beard into Cascades of silver the Allure of an extended lifespan for his mortal form would have held an undeniable sway over him beckoning with Promises of Eternal dominion over Middle Earth for a being such as Saran consumed by a hunger for power and thirst for knowledge the prospect of an unending Reign would have been a seductive Melody playing upon the strings of his ambition another Power imbued Within all of the Rings was the enhancing of the natural abilities of their bearers but also they enhance the natural powers of a possessor thus approaching magic a motive easily corruptible into evil a lust for Domination sarum possessed a wealth of natural gifts he was clever and calculating and the ring a beacon of Allure promised to project his intellect to dazzling Heights yet it is his voice that is best known and most feared by the wise a device that ens snares the hearts and minds of the uny with each malifa syllable he wo webs of influence bending all to his command his ring a silent conspirator stood ready to amplify this beguiling power but alas the ring Amplified not only his gifts but also his envy and hunger for Dominion in its Embrace saruman's longing for power would rage like a tempest unchecked dragging him faster and deeper into the abyss a soul unmowed lost in a sea of Darkness however whilst exploring the depths of possibility there lies one further narrative for us to explore could it be that the Ring of Saran was but a simple band bereft of any mystical Powers whatsoever could it be that he dawned the ring not to wield unseen forces but merely to cast an illusion of power which would bring doubt into Gandalf's mind I find this Theory lacking in Merit for saruman's Mastery over ring law Rivals that of Legends past none other than the white wizard a being steeped in ancient wisdom forged by the teachings of ow the Smith could hope to Echo the Forgotten Arts of the Elven ringmakers and of Sauron if only he dared to tread the path to Mordor to uncover the last remnants of Truth hidden within its borders what terrible Marvels he might have wrought had Saruman had more patience lending Aid to the free peoples in their battle against saurin perhaps he would have found the gates of Mordor open to him here he could have revealed the missing secrets of ring law thus he could have crafted his own ring of power ascending as the third dark lord of Middle Earth consequently a symphony of possibilities are left unspoken leading us to Wonder Could the tale of saruman's Ascension be one of the greatest sequels ever left Untold thank you very much for tuning in to Realms unraveled before I bid you a fond farewell I would like to take this opportunity to light the beacons and call for Aid if you did enjoy this video I would ask that you kindly click the like button below also I would be very grateful if you would consider subscribing and clicking on the Bell Icon by doing so you will be notified when I upload new videos thanks again for watching and until next time farewell fellow explorers of Middle Earth
Channel: Realms Unravelled
Views: 31,277
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Keywords: Lotr, lotrlore, lordoftherings, lord of the rings, tolkien, tolkienlore, middleearth, middle earth, saruman, sarumans ring, isengard, orthanc, whte wizard, ring maker, saruman ring maker, ringmaker, saruman of many colours, saruman of many colors, rings of power
Id: BLRg9fda9JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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