What Does Sauron Look Like in the Books? Sauron Reveals Himself!

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sauron's form casts a permanent and menacing Shadow over the genre of high fantasy yet his physical appearance remains little more than a silhouette in the darkest corners of our imaginations in this video we will remove his mask and discover the true essence of his terrible countenance within the law that paves the way for the Lord of the Rings a fascinating fact emerges Sauron once possessed the powers of a shape shifter we learn of this my iCal ability within the silmarilion as Sauron is ens snared by huan The Hound of the Valor but no Wizardry nor spell neither Fang nor Venom nor Devil's art nor Beast strength could overthrow huan of valinor and he took his foe by the throat and pinned him down then saurin shifted shape from Wolf to Serpent and from Monster to his own accustomed form but he could not elude the grip of huan without forsaking his body utterly Hanan released him and immediately he took the form of a vampire great as a dark cloud across the moon and he fled dripping blood from his throat upon the trees yet amidst his Myriad of forms there were those he favored those he wore as Second Skin myON was sauron's original name myON dwell long on the island of alarin in the early days of creation in that hallowed land he walked the path of Amaya under the tutelage of Al the Smith all we know for sure about Myron's appearance at this time is that he would have taken a masculine form Maya bore distinct genders and Sauron in his Essence was male though the annals of lore offer no detailed description of his form through countless iterations of artistic Impressions a figure has emerged clean shaven with strands of crimson cascading like rivers of flame a reflection of Myron's Essence in Hues of passion and power yet it is important to note these depictions are not based on any textual evidence during Myron's presence as a Maya on alaran his fervent longing for order caused him to cast an admiring gaze upon melor the original dark lord the Allure of melkor's brutal efficiency captivated Myron leading him astray with a heart swayed by ambition Myron pledged fty to Mel kneeling in subservience before the dark lord thus cementing his role as his Paramount lieutenant in the beginning of AR melor seduced him to his Allegiance and he became the greatest and most trusted of the Servants of the enemy and the most perilous for he could assume many forms and for long if he willed he could still appear Noble and beautiful so as to deceive all but the most wary thus with a new identity embraced the shedding of the former mantle of Myra was inevitable for the name myON translates to the admirable therefore the synar elves bestowed upon him the name Goa meaning dread Abomination meanwhile amongst the High Elves the name saurin took root a disdainful mockery of his original name meaning the uphor Sauron ascended to rule over the stronghold of angband a fortress teeming with Dreadful beasts and malevolent beings awaiting his command in order to fulfill his duty he would have likely felt compelled to adopt a Visage suited to his Newfound Dominion Sauron was become now a sorcerer of dreadful power master of Shadows and of phantoms foul in wisdom cruel in strength misshaping what he touched twisting what he ruled Lord of werewolves his Dominion was torment before long however his new master was overthrown by the Vala in in the aftermath of the cataclysmic war of Wrath melor was Shackled and cast into the endless expanse of the Void Sauron fearing judgment and retribution fled from The Valor seeking refuge in Middle Earth here he waited patiently crafting his minations with careful deliberation during his time as myON sauron's hands wrought Marvels beneath the tutelage of Al the Smith as he delved into the secrets of Arcane craftsmanship thus with a heart Twisted by malice and ambition he now envisioned the forging of the Rings of power potent artifacts to bind and ens snare the hearts of the immortal elves bending them to his dark will thus in a GU of beguiling Splendor he appeared before the unsuspecting elves of Aron claiming to be named anatar the Lord of gifts he whispered honeyed promises and spun Tales of divine favor in snaring their trust and coaxing them to Aid him in his Sinister Endeavor xuron should be thought of as very terrible the form that he took was that of a man of more than human stature but not gigantic in his earlier Incarnation he was able to Veil his power as Gandalf did and could appear as a commanding figure of great strength of body and supremely Royal demeanor and countenance let us imagine anatar as a figure of striking fairness and strength embodying regality in a form befitting the title Lord of gifts as if a Divine messenger sent to Grace Middle Earth with his presence yet his true power was concealed in this modest guise after anatar had assisted the Noor elves in the creation of the Rings of power he embarked on a journey to Mordor it is conceivable that at this juncture he would have now shed the Visage of Grace along with the name of anatar in favor of a darker more powerful form Tolen does not specify if saurin changed his appearance at this time however he did take on a new name after returning to Mordor which likely indicates a change in form yet in the end all this Bliss and betterment turned to evil again and Men fell as it is said a second time for there arose a second manifestation of the power of Darkness upon Earth and whether that was but a form of the ancient or one of his old servants that waxed to new Strength is not known and this evil thing was called by many names but the aril named him Sauron and Men of Middle Earth named him mostly zigor the great and he made himself a great king in the midst of the earth and was at first well seeming and just and his rule was of benefit to all men in their needs of the Body for he made them Rich who so would serve him but those who would not were driven out in into the waste places it is around this time at the cracks of Doom that Sauron forged the Master Ring and the first time that Sauron slipped the ring onto his finger a shiver ran through the hearts of the elves a chilling realization Dawning upon them they had been deceived thus ignited the war of the elves and saon through the EB and flow of battle sauron's Darkness clashed fiercely against the light of elves and Men yet amidst the chaos a reckoning loomed on the horizon as AR farzon the proud king of numor dared to stand against the shadow AR farzon the golden was the proudest and most powerful of all the kings and no less than the kingship of the world was his desire he resolved to challenge Sauron the great for the supremacy in Middle Earth so great was the might and Splendor of the new manorian that sauron's own servants deserted him and Sauron humbled himself doing homage and craving pardon AR farzon then bore Sauron across the sea thus zigor the great came to the island realm of numor ripe with feigned humility upon that ship which was cast highest and stood dry upon a hill there was a man or one in man's shape but greater than any even of the race of numor in stature and it seemed to men that Sauron was great though they feared the light of his eyes to many he appeared fair to others terrible but to some evil it is clear from this passage that the form which he takes in the second age is not the same as the dark lord form we all know from the third age this second age form though retaining a semblance of Terror and malevolence Bears an Allure to certain beholders thus Envision him in this time as a figure of beguiling looks towering in stature EX exuding power and cloaked in an aura of forboding zor's ascent from captive to Confidant was Swift his influence infiltrated the king's thoughts and seduced the minds of his people with whispered Promises of eternal life he guided the Monarch into Rebellion against the divine order urging an assault upon the sacred shores of valinor and so iru the Supreme deity himself was stirred into wielding the fury of the Seas dragging numor beneath the waves the mighty Fleet too was consumed by The Wrath of the sea amidst the chaos zigor stood within the Temple of melor ens snared in the tempest's fury his body was broken by the cataclysmic flood yet his Essence endured a faint echo of malice that fled back to the lands of Middle Earth bearing the scars of defeat he was robbed now of that shape in which he had wrought so great an evil so that he could never again appear fair to the eyes of men and came back to Middle Earth and to Mordor that was his home there he took up again his great ring in barad dur and dwelt there dark and Silent until he wrought himself a new guys an image of malice and hatred made visible and the eye of Sauron the terrible few could endure Sauron now presented himself as the dark lord no longer able to conceal his true nature his physical appearance from then on was a true representation of his mind as the second age waned and the third age dawned sauron's Sinister guise was now a part of him a chilling reflection of his unfathomable Essence right up until his ultimate downfall in the wake of num Manor's ruin the resilient surviving numenorians forged an alliance with the Elven High King Gil galad together they waged war against the four forces of Sauron culminating in a Siege upon the Fortress of baradu in a climactic showdown Sauron emerged from his stronghold ready to face his adversaries headon ellenel and gilgalad fearless in their resolve confronted the dark lord in the throws of combat they ultimately triumphed over Sauron yet their Victory came at a heavy cost as both Kings perished in the fry in the following narrative penned by feldor who dared to cut the ring from sauron's hand hints emerge of the Dark Lord's corporeal Essence it was hot when I first took it hot as a gleed and my hand was scorched so that I doubt if ever again I shall be free of the pain of it the ring missthuytrinh in this portrayal we are told of the Searing heat emanating from sauron's hand a burning so Fierce that it consumes gilgalad leaving him scorched and lifeless we are also told of the Paradox regarding sauron's hand black yet scorching like flame one would expect such heat to radiate a luminous glow but saurin defies this expectation with his darkened touch hinting at a hand draped in otherworldly shadow Daron now Bound in his dark lord form Bears a mark of eternal torment the void where nar's blade cut the finger from his hand remains such truths are spoken of by Gollum a soul acquainted intimately with Darkness hinting at a Sinister meeting between the tortured wretch and Sauron himself yes he has only four on the black hand but they are enough said Gollum shuddering thus upon the battlefield Sauron found himself separated from his ring and severed from Material manifestation in the absence of the Ring it would be around 1,000 years before he could once again take physical form this has led to a common misconception among viewers of the Peter Jackson movies who are yet to read the books most are led to believe that throughout the war of the Ring Sauron existed solely as a great eye perched at top baradu although the eye of Sauron does exist in the books its Essence is more metaphorical a projection born of thought and will symbolizing the ever watchful gaze of saurin always searching for any he could influence from afar and carefully observing the unfolding of middle Earth's Destiny in fact in the year 1,000 of the third age around 2,000 years before the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Sauron would already begin to once again take shape in Middle Earth upon his reemergence he dared not reveal himself fully for his strength was yet to bloom still his Essence permeated the lands of Middle Earth casting a shadow that was felt by many especially among the wise and Powerful during this time he became known as the Necromancer some here will remember that many years ago I myself dared to pass the doors of The Necromancer in dol gulur and secretly explored his ways and found thus that our fears were true he was none other than Sauron our enemy of old at length taking shape and power again but the necromancer's Reign at DOL gulur was fleeting Shattered by the white council's Onslaught forced to retreat to the sanctuary of Mordor he now unveiled his true identity as the dark lord Sauron in all of his terrible Glory he was a Titan among Shadows whose towering stature eclipses the tallest among men and elves his form shrouded in the deepest abyss of Blackness exudes an infernal heat that scorches the very air around him his maimed hand Bears the scar of Vil's blade where once the ring nestled now a missing finger reminds him of the shame of his defeat his very presence infects the lands in which he dwells creating a blighted wasteland where despair Reigns Supreme where the very Earth suffers under the the weight of his corruption and death stalks the land to stand before him is to caught Oblivion to gaze into the abyss from which there is no return for he is the embodiment of all that is wicked and vile a dark lord whose very name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it and then there is the eye wathed in Flames a window to the Abyssal depths of his soul his gaze pierces the veil of the Mind tormenting the soul and laying bare innermost fears yet this was not truly his final form with the destruction of the Ring Sauron makes his one and only appearance in the books the realm of Sauron is ended said Gandalf the ring bearer has fulfilled his quest and as the captains gazed South to the land of Mordor it seemed to them that black against the pole of cloud There Rose a huge shape of Shadow impenetrable light ing Crown filling all the sky enormous it reared above the world and stretched out towards them a vast threatening hand terrible but impotent for even as it leaned over them a great wind took it and it was all blown away and passed and then a hush fell this vision is the truest form of saurin an impenetrable Shadow the image on screen now is a painting that tolken himself painted of this very moment the last throws of Sauron before he disappeared forever into the wind the fact that tolken dared to shroud the antagonist of his taale in such mystery is a testament to his genius Sauron a nebulous Darkness takes form solely through the Deeds of those under his sway rendering him a haunting Spectre all the more profound expansive and ominous in his very absence in this way he looms larger and more formidable than any manifestation could have portrayed casting an unforgettable impression upon all those who encounter the tale of the Lord of the Rings thank you very much for tuning in to Realms unraveled before I bid you a fond farewell I would like to take this opportunity to light the beacons and call for Aid if you did enjoy this video I would ask that you kindly click the like button below also I 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Channel: Realms Unravelled
Views: 35,530
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Keywords: Lotr, lotrlore, lordoftherings, lord of the rings, tolkien, tolkienlore, middleearth, middle earth, sauron, the eye of sauron, what does sauron look like?, saurons face, helm, helmet, armor, armour
Id: yTtDCkTn07U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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