Sarah Jakes Roberts: Trusting God Through Disappointment (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN

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[Music] want to see some dinosaurs unbelievable want to see eden [Music] this is the creation museum prepare to believe the only thing that's keeping you from god's best for your life is the idea that you can't possess it i want you to break out of your comfort zone and to not settle for safe don't believe in the fear and the insecurities that exist within your own mind we rebuke that right now in the name of jesus and we decree and declare liberty over your life over your family not just for you but for generations to come so we all see where you are now but i'm gonna i want to go back to when you were 13 years old and found out you were pregnant yeah can you ever imagine that day that night whenever it was when you realized you were pregnant obviously everyone listening knows well the bishop is your father your mother your celebrity status wasn't sought but was there and now you're 13 years old did you ever think from there you would get here and what was it like in those moments my goodness i just remembered as you were speaking that and i don't even think that i've shared this with you when i found out i was pregnant it was on easter on easter so the day that we're celebrating the resurrecting of our savior i felt like a tomb had been rolled over my hope over my destiny like the stone had just been rolled over every dream that i could ever have and it was in that moment that i really felt like that the goodness of god the grace of god was reserved for people who did everything the right way and it wasn't until i started connecting with other people and really just realizing that we all have a story we've all gone through something that i felt like the stone began to roll away a bit but i felt useless i felt dirty i felt like there was no promise for my life and i felt like my role would be to see everyone else in life win while i sat there and licked my wounds and as i began to see that i wasn't in it by myself i believe that that's a trick that the enemy plays on our minds is that he makes us believe because of our issues and because of our struggles that we have to live life in a prison and so we go about our day and we look like we're free and we're still in our homes and our marriages on our work forces and it looks like we're free but on the inside we're hurting we're broken we don't believe anymore but what helped me and what i hope my story does for other people is just reminds you you're not in this by yourself you are not the only one facing what you what you're currently facing the as a matter of fact the thing that you're currently facing someone has already overcome and because they've overcome there is hope for your story people have had it worse people have had it better stop comparing your story to what's happened in other people's life and start to decide right now in this moment that i am not going to allow this stone to be rolled over my destiny jesus died so i don't have to get on the cross [Applause] because he lives in me i have been resurrected too and so god what do you want to do with my life what do you want to do with my brokenness what do you want to do with this pain that i felt because i serve a god who makes all things work together for our good but that working feels like crushing sometimes it feels like pain and disappointment but it also on the other side i mean look at our lives now it's restoration that you can imagine and there is a time when you will look back and you will thank god you will thank him for the tears that are currently streaming down hallelujah if your parents were here i would ask this question and uh i'm going to ask you to represent your parents because you know i've been doing this i've been around tbn for nearly 30 years i know i have a lot of grandparents i have a lot of parents i have parents that have faced this with their children maybe will or even grandparents who have our will face you know your daughter is pregnant what did they go through and how can a parent reconcile when their parent when their children make decisions and things happened what would they be saying to those that are facing this as parents we we're a blended family we have six children and i can tell you right now that it's no parent's dream that your child gets pregnant as a teenager so this isn't something that my parents were wishing or praying for but i tell you that what they did was they did not allow their disappointment to strip me of their love of their support and more importantly of god's grace so i would encourage you if you're at home maybe you know someone maybe you've experienced this yourself and you're wondering you know i put all of these things in this child where is it and and what did i do wrong i want to comfort you in saying that everything that you put in that child is still there and sometimes the seeds are like seeds of life have to be covered in dirt and sometimes that dirt looks like teen pregnancy sometimes it looks like an addiction sometimes it looks like dropping out of school and it's normal to feel like what am i going to do but trust that what you begin in that child christ is gonna finish what you begin in that child christ is gonna finish you cannot control their destiny in everything that they do but what you can do is be a river of love in the driest seasons of their life you can remind them that they're never facing anything alone and what made me feel so much comfort during my season of of pregnancy and and all of the other things that i went through is that i got so curious about how my parents could still love me that i wanted to know about their god i wanted to know about this source of love that just seemed to run unconditionally and i had an encounter with their god and it changed my life wow we're going to come back and talk about just how to connect the dots because i think right now both of your stories are red dotting people and they're saying oh my gosh that's that's me that's where i was and the obvious next question is how do i get from where i am to where i need to go yes so lost and found was a memoir about my life and i shared it because i started a blog online when i just had this revelation that other people had gone through what i was suffering with other people knew what it was like to have shame to have guilt to not believe that god's best was possible for your own life because of what you've gone through and the more i began sharing that message on social media that it is available to us regardless of what you've gone through my blog had over a million hits within the first three months and i just decided that i wanted to tell my story i didn't just want to be this talking head over computer screen screen i wanted them to know you know not only had i had a teen pregnancy but i dropped out of college and and i was in a toxic relationship emotionally and physically abusive relationship and i wanted to share that story because when we find ourselves suffering and struggling we often make decisions out of that brokenness that make us even more broken and so i wanted to break that curse off of women like me even men who have experienced their own issues and so for me that's what lawson found was all about it was telling my story but for don't settle for safe i wanted to give them practical tools okay you know my story you know what i've gone through but let's talk about your story and how we can break the patterns that exist within your life so that you can live in the fullness and freedom of who god has called you to be yeah actually i think what's uh amazing as i was reading the book today uh both of you uh you guys you know i heard one time somebody say time is god's way of making sure everything doesn't happen at the same time but actually as i was reading the book i'm like no it is all happening at the same time for you guys i mean typically you get married you have children i mean you have six children ranging a 20-year gap between ella and the oldest is right uh so at the same time you're changing diapers you're dealing with cop you know where they're gonna go to college you're dealing with driver's license and toddler chairs and learning how to teach one to walk while the other one you're like get back here i mean uh so you know every step now you're pastoring two churches one in denver and one in la so every day this is not some bubble you're living in you're living it out uh it's pretty wild yeah yeah we we met in there we always uh say we we literally met in the air uh our books were coming out our first books were coming out just a month depart and we met it was just a it was actually a meeting to talk about our books and so that sarah could come to our church and speak and uh and so we met in the air we're on book tours we fell in love in the air and i don't think that we've come down since yeah oh and and you know it's it's it's great because both of you i mean you know we you mentioned a blended family you have uh so you you have you had two children mckinsey and malachi malachi and then you had rent and isaiah yeah and then you come to and then of course uh i remember two things i remember first of all when you were telling me that you were in love i can tell you where i was at that's california in front of the don juan restaurant you were telling me and i'm like okay and then i remember also uh getting the call from you right after the doctor i gave you the report that you were going to be with child and i remember saying this was now the the the eternity having linked now the dna of generations that brought you together was now sealed in this um so it you know it's it's it's an amazing to see uh torrey what do you think becomes the most important element that if that has not only made this story so compelling but keeps you in it and then especially now watching god just trust you yeah a lot of people think success is a reward it's actually a responsibility absolutely how did you get here it is and how are you sustaining uh what's the key yeah i think i think it's it's alignment i do believe in in aligning yourself with god being being radically obedient uh trusting him trusting his love enough to know that he's got an incredible plan and if you would yield to it and surrender to it things are going to be amazing you will truly become as my wife book says unstoppable i think for us one of the things that god did in our lives very early on our relationship very very very early on was to confirm that this was him uh we fell in love pretty quickly we knew after our first date that we were to be married now i'm the type of pastor i i speak against that i do it's like you come to be you know your congregation members come to you and they're like pastor we just met him and he's my husband like hey slow down hold up so i would be one that will really speak against that but but god spoke to both of us and uh and so it was accelerated from the start but i do believe that when you know something is god and this is definitely a god thing and the fruit that has transpired and you know in the past four years is is evident you know but for me what drives me is i know this is god yeah i know that whatever he calls us to do you know yes it's going to be challenging yes it's going to stretch us but it's going to be amazing and it's going to be destined and so so for me it's it's alignment always pursuing alignment always searching your heart you know asking the tough questions i mean for us denver we had just gotten one church la off the ground we just settled into our our new home our dream home you know in just outside of los angeles and then god says denver you know and and once we knew that it was really god we were willing to let go of everything that had become comfortable we didn't want to settle for say we would have been safe yeah uh but we were willing to let it go and we stepped out on faith and god has just blessed us tremendously and our kids are covered it's like all things work together for good we're so busy trying to hold on and make sure that this is okay and and that you know well let me just fix this god and then i'll come and serve you not realizing that that when you seek first his kingdom and his righteousness he's already got all those other things worked out and so for me again it's alignment it's obedience and it's knowing that this is a god thing and we've found tremendous not only success but significance in following the path of alignment well i think yeah i think it's amazing i wish we had more time just to talk about that aspect but i would encourage you uh you actually did a talk once you know once this whole thing started happening you you did a talk called uh finding your soul mate yeah and uh that exploded on social media i mean uh it's kicking near three million views uh that that was pretty amazing yeah yeah very very open very transparent about things that i i learned you know in hard order um but yeah it was five keys to identifying your soul mate you know someone on facebook reached out to me and said you know can you teach about marriage and divorce and finding love and and i was challenged because you know i had gone through a divorce and i was embarrassed you know and how could i be you know a man of god and and something so painful happened to me you know and uh but there was freedom in talking about it so i was transparent at the time you know the divorce was in the past and i had met sarah we weren't married yet but there were so many things that i learned about love and marriage in a relationship and i just wanted to tell tell the world those five keys to identifying your soul mate the first key was was chemistry obviously you have you know you have to have some sort of chemistry but you can't stop there because you're gonna have chemistry with five people you know i mean it doesn't mean that your soulmate and so you have to qualify that chemistry through through connection when god really begins to bring this deep uh desire it's almost like this is more than just you're cute or or we're thinking on the same level there's a soul connection but even still that has to be qualified so the third step was wholeness you got to be whole because you want to make sure that what's drawing you to one another is not your mutual brokenness you know we call it codependency masquerading itself as love so we wanted to make sure it wasn't that so so being whole is being able to say you know what god i'm good all by myself i don't need anyone you know if this is you then fine but if it's not me and you are going to be in love and we're going to be happy and healthy and i'm cool until you bring the person into our life so so third step is wholeness wholeness qualifies that that is love and then i think that before you can move on you need divine confirmation god is this the person that you have for me you know and and god has to say yes and you have to be still enough for him to say yes you can't want it so bad that you're like god is this the person for me because i realize this person i really want to be no no no you ask the question and then you wait for god to to affirm you and be willing to pull in abraham and isaac if it's not i'm going to set this thing that i really like down on the table and god if you give it back to me it's mine if you don't then i'll leave it and we've had to and we've done that and and we've done that in our relationship because by the time we met we realized that there was such a great destiny on our lives we didn't want anything to get in the way of it and so early on you know we had to say god if this is not you yeah then we're willing to sacrifice it yes you know we love each other and yes you know it's amazing look at her i love her but but yes all that but at the end of the day our destiny was more important and the last key was so you have you have to have chemistry you have to have connection you have to be whole you have to have divine confirmation and then the fifth one was a sense of purpose i believe that when god brings people together yes you know love is in the equation but i think it's bigger than love i believe it's about destiny and so was there a sense of purpose and we are living in it every single day yeah it's incredible no i love it i love watching it i want to go back to uh an element that i think is important sarah about uh people growing up in the church and uh the statistics are pretty staggering that a lot of people that are raised in church reject the church um you you uh part of what led to the whole uh making bad decisions and kind of a the the whole dynamic of where you're at was kind of rooted in the fact that you really kind of struggled with the church uh in spite of the fact that you know i would call your dad the the world's greatest preacher in monday but you struggled yeah with the church with what you were seeing from your perspective yeah i think that i really took church and made it god and so whenever i saw something happen in church that didn't look like god i was disappointed not just with the people but with god as well and so my relationship with the church became complicated because though there were these powerful moments there was also hypocrisy there were also people who were making mistakes and and i thought that that meant that god wasn't good the way they were saying that he was good that he couldn't transform your life the way that everyone says he could and then i think as i've grown older and really evolved in my knowledge of life and salvation is a process you know it's not like you just get saved and then all of a sudden you have no more issues you have no more struggles it's a process and so sometimes we can be so consumed with critiquing other people's process that we become stagnant yeah and in that moment when we're stagnant it gives us a sideline view of watching where everyone else is messing up but i really think that had i stopped looking at other people's lives and focused on my own that i probably would have discovered my own brokenness much sooner yeah but you want to believe something is real and so um i decided to share my testimony not just the good things but the difficult things the the divorce the the teen pregnancy because i didn't want someone in the pews to think that you made it to the stage without any struggle yeah and so we all have our own journey to walk out it may not be a stage like mine is it maybe an office it may be a medical practice it may be a lawyer's office i don't know what the destiny god has for your life is but i just want to plead and just ask you to stop making god the same level of the people who disappointed you and dare to believe that he is bigger and greater than what your mom did than what your dad did what your ex-husband did he has nothing to do with that he's greater than that and if you would trust his plan he can do a better a better job with your life than you ever could absolutely yeah i i i have a my own son it's named after me my name's sake he uh is so disturbed by people just putting expectations on him and there was a lady in the church that uh just kept saying oh you're going to be the next pastor of this church they're going to take over this church and he was just so mad and one day uh he's my simon peter he called the sword and uh one day he said he got so tired of finding yes i am going to take over these shirts and i'm going to turn it into a bar [Laughter] we laugh about it now but it's it was part of that whole dynamic uh pastor this this this is part of the mandate that god has helped you with uh you know uh one church la potter's house when church la has so many young people so many people that actually have rejected the church um what's what's the the bell what's the sound that's bringing them back yeah i think when we talked about authenticity um we're in an information age now where you know you can't lie you can lie if you wanted to you know because everything is just one click away and i think that this generation a lot of people think that millennials don't want god they do want god but they want a real god a god that is tangible you know a god that is connected to them and a god that understands them and so for me i think it's it's just the the realness you know i'm honest i'm open and i believe in them one of the things that i never do is i never talk down to my congregation i i when i look at jesus and how he relates to us and how he deals with us he's never talking you down he's always talking you up wow i'm thinking about the woman caught in the act of adultery and and and the you know the pharisees at the time they were talking her down and you know she's on the ground they want to stoner and jesus is saying go and sin no more so he's always pointing upward and i believe that that uh you know i believe in young people um you know i look at my own life and i see where i've come from and what god can do in my life and um and i speak that to them i father them i honor them i don't say you know because you're young you know a lot of times what i think god wants to do in these last days is and it's according to malachi 4 i really believe that he wants to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the father where there is mutual respect you know the the the gray hairs respect the strong legs you know of the youth and and the strong legs of the youth respect the wisdom of the old and i believe that when there is honor that transcends age when when the old don't say oh you're just a millennial and you're selfish because it's not true you know and the young don't say oh you're old and you're out of touch you know but when we begin to honor each other and one another and begin to work together i think we're going to see incredible things happen in the kingdom and we're seeing it in our church right now tori i want just briefly for you to give me give our audience a a sense of uh the book that you're that's been birthed out of you about wholeness yeah uh because i think you've hit on that a couple times uh how vital is it that before people can step into their destiny that they work on the inside absolutely well i think that that who you truly are is always ahead of where you are you know paul said in philippians 3 he said i haven't attained and he said this not when he was a novice he said it after he was accomplished spiritually but he says in philippians 3 not as though i've already tamed attained or am perfect but this is the one thing i do i forget those things that are behind and i reach forward to those things that are ahead jesus talked about when you bear fruit he prunes you so that you might bear forth more fruit so so who you are is always ahead of where you are and you have to grow up into the person that god is making the promise to let me explain that wow god gives you a word yeah and but the word is so far ahead of where you are and this is why we get discouraged because god will speak a promise to us and it seems like it's taking forever in fact sometimes the promise is so big that it feels like the promise is for somebody else because it's so huge well in a way it is for somebody else because as you grow in god and all these layers of brokenness and all these layers of pain and these layers of dysfunction after those things fall off of you you know um you know sanctification is might be a theological term for it it's basically transformation paul said you're going to be transformed by the renewing of your mind when these things happen you are a different person yeah and uh and so the promise was made to this you but it will be manifest in a future you who got healed who got delivered who got set free through simply walking with jesus and so the book wholeness is about how your insides determine your outsides you know where we spend you know the cosmetic you know industry cosmetic surgery and the likes it's a multi it's a 16 billion dollar industry and and so we're spending all this money dressing up the outside when the true power is what's on in on the inside of you greater is he who is in you and he who's in the world and so and so so in so in wholeness in wholeness i walk the readers through you know my own life uh and some of the common things that uh that our brokenness produces in our lives and i'm all about getting healed because uh the fruit of our life oftentimes is the byproduct of what's going on inside so it's about uncovering these these hidden obstacles they're in our blind spots we don't know them we're born with them words have been spoken we carry these things so wholeness helps you to identify and overcome these these thieves that operate in the blind spots of our lives i really hope that people understand that when life happens to you that we have a tendency to shrink and to shrink our dreams to shrink the vision that we have to our life to something that meets the disappointment that we experience maybe you're a teen mom like i was and you say well the good husbands are for the women who did things the right way in the careers or for the people who did college a certain way when in reality the only thing that's keeping you from god's best for your life is the idea that you can't possess it i want you to break out of your comfort zone and to not settle for safe don't believe in the fear and the insecurities that exist within your own mind we rebuke that right now in the name of jesus and we decree and declare liberty over your life over your family not just for you but for generations to come who's going to teach your children how to live outside of the box who's going to teach your children how to walk on water you've got to do that thing your mom's life is depending on it your father's life is depending on it but more importantly this world needs to see the power of what jesus can do when we surrender our lives to him fully so i am hoping that you will no longer settle for safe for the safe zone that fear and insecurities create but instead choose to be unstoppable with our jesus i feel that just as officer brown was kneeling at your basically potential deathbed in the streets of watts after a gang drive-by shooting somebody right now just needs to be told hang in there bro it's not over and and i have no doubt in my mind sarah that uh women are watching today that just feel like that they have already boxed out their destiny and they're just going through the motions and uh and that this is not an accident and there they are and i know there's millions watching but really the one person that's watching right now that's hanging on i want you to speak uh into them both of you because this will be the night for them that they will decide not to live safe this will be the night that they say my purpose is awake and this will be the night where they say wholeness begins now uh let's help them well i believe that that the gospel of jesus christ is about restoration the whole story is about restoration and redemption the bible says in joel god says that i will restore the years that the locusts have eaten and so i believe that when you look at our lives and i believe that we're here it's certainly not about us but i do believe that god has made us a sign to you of the power and the reality of his res his restoration and look restoration and resurrection truth be told i made up a word as there you go pastor phil said but but this is a moment of restoration for you yeah and i believe that in this season you know i was preaching this year that this was the year of alignment yeah where god was going to make all things work together for good and bring you into a time of restoration which is going to bring acceleration as you become aligned it's going to bring acceleration and profound restoration to your life we're living it it's coming it's yours i'm telling you yeah i'm sarah just speak that prayer god we we thank you for the divine appointment that has taken place tonight that you knew exactly who would be watching you knew exactly who would be in the audience but more importantly you knew when we were crying when my husband was shot and when i was pregnant at 13 you knew that this moment would eventually lead millions of people to you so god we honor your presence in this moment and we ask that you would begin to touch people all over the world right now that people who are feeling alone people who are struggling with depression will begin to feel the love of our father rapping over them right now in the name of jesus that hope would be restored that faith would be restored that love is coming back into their hearts not just love for this world oh god but love for you the kind of love that cannot be taken away god we rebuke depression we rebuke suicidal thoughts we decree and declare that is over right now in the name of jesus that they are new beings in you and we are thanking you in advance for what's taking place in their hearts at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 11,414
Rating: 4.9858656 out of 5
Keywords: Sarah Jakes Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts 2021, Sarah Jakes Roberts sermons, Sarah Jakes Roberts relationships, motivation, Sarah Jakes Roberts testimony, Sarah Jakes Roberts wild woman, Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019, praise, tbn, tbn praise, matt crouch, laurie crouch, tbn praise the lord, td jakes, the potter's house, toure roberts, sarah jakes, teen mom, teen pregnancy, christian parenting, praise tbn, P7R7A2I7S7E3, 7721473, 123TBN123, 8T2B6N, don't settle for safe sarah jakes roberts
Id: Y86Ep9miH3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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