Hi, I'm Dunkey uh Welcome to my Final Fantasy uh gameplay. uh, this is the new one. Aw, naw robots! Dangit! Everything was goin good until robots. aw no- wait, what? This is Sanic! Aw, shit This is Sanic R! (Sanic Rockets) You better get outta there, Sanic. before ya get blown to smithereens. who's dat? I've finally found it, the iblis trigger! No, that's Sanic. The Hedgehog Uh oh Watch out for the robots, Sanic. Mm! Oooh! Ya ain't gonna see the action like this In Mario. Let me tell ya that right now. You're not gonna see that. Aw, shit. Oh thank God, I didn't actually wanna play it. (splat noise) Iv'e got it! Well, no shit. Aw, naw Tail- Ah my God He's in this? This orange fuck? Aw, no Middle Aged Man is in this? Aw, I can't stand him. Aw no, Woman? Aw, I hate her. I say I think you gotta follow the coins I think you gotta like dash through 'em. Aw- Das not how you do it. I really like that they put this Hub World in here. I gotta do this mission for the old man Now Loading... This is the integral part of the experience. Awright. *lip smack* And, uh Any moment, we'll be, uh We'll be enjoying uh Best Game Ever Made "Put on the shoes and go through the rings." Awright. Now Loading... Thank you, uh Thank you Sega I needed that loading so I could watch that cutscene of him saying that one thing So I could load into the- To this part now. It's worth the wait, guys Trust me. Have you ever heard of Superman 64? Yeah. Same thing here. This is the same same game. Awright. Where did Doctor Eggman's battleship go? Aw Aww, good one Sega. Nice stereotype Black guy's selling the Light Chip. Why-why am I not surprised? huUUUWWAAUUUOOogh Wit da munney Yew ken shap in tawn. I'm a talkin question mahk! Wit da munney oh-what?! How did I do that? That didn't even Tails died! *Laughing* *inhale* Good. Aw My favorite part of the ga- This just dawned on me This is Sonic Adventures 3 This is it. This is- This is it. This is- This is- This is this. This game is released. It's just now hitting me that this- They put this game out. They released it. And sold it. You ta- You would think, wit tha munney That Sega had- Wit da munney Sega make a good game. Oh, no. Question Mark ran the studio into the ground. Oh no. Kill 'em with the coins That's not disorientating at all You throw coins, but you have to collect them But you can't collect the ones you throw. Cuase that'd be fuckin' dumb. Oh no, watch out For the robots Wit da munney Dat the robots have. They can afford all the bullets they want. I really love playing as Tails, you guys have no idea. Shut the fuck up. I'm moving as fast as I can. But not as fast as Sanic can! Ha ha! J'aw cool he can jump off of da rocks And go way over to da lighthouse Dang! Jump outta da pier Go, go, jump! Aw, yeah! Aw, but he can't swim! He can jump off from building to building but he can't fuckin' swim. Eh. Aw, get back here Doctor Eggman. I'm not gonna let you get away with the princess who nobody fucking knows anything about Damn it. Alright I gotta go up dis loop-de-loop. Wit da munney You can go up da loop-de-loop Aw Coool There go the dolphins in there. Aw, let's jump off- Aww He clearly is not dead, I can control him in the background. Damn. Awright. One more try We got dis Aand he's- I-see-he- I can see him, he's not dead! You're lying to me. Ah, shit. *lip smack* Ha, ha If I had- If I had only known I had to lose to get to the best part of the game- Oh 0% progress Awrigh- Aww Cool I get to do this part again I love Final Fantasy