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what would you do if you want a softer went down out here to go down there it's weren't territory bless the maker and his water bless the coming and going of him may his passage cleanse the world and keep the world for his people hey guys what's happening niet here with film Comics explained as requested today we're going to be exploring the sandwich featured in Frank Herbert's expansive Dune universe the largest and most dangerous organism on arrakis is the sand worm capable of reaching 400 meters in length the framens shared the Deep desert with the giant sand worms known to the freminous shy hollud the sandworms also known as geonomyodium arachnus Shia haladuta gigantica and shy Hollow to the fremant with a dominant life form an arrakis before the time of lato II as with many fremin words shark hallood is more than a descriptive term for a physical entity it alludes to the fremin belief that the sand worm is a physical embodiment of the one God that created and governs the universe originating from the Arabic word shaiklud which translates to thing of Eternity or thing of immortality linguistically the many poetic translations all speak of the size age and power of the sand worm from Old Man of the desert old father eternity to grandfather of the desert the San Juan was an autotrophic animal that inhabited the planet's Iraqis basically an organism that can produce its own food using light water carbon dioxide and other chemicals through this process it was able to produce the coveted spicy melange where they originated is unknown but they were introduced to arracus before the events of the butt layering Jihad there they lived in the vast deserts and Sand Dunes that stretched across the surface of the planet attracted to rhythmic vibrations on the surface they would breach in pursuit of the origin of such movement this was an effort to defend their territory thus to see a worm and live to tell the tail was extremely rare unless you were a badass fremin of course who achieved Mastery of the Beast for more on that check out my videos on the fremin and politrates links in the description in this video we're going to explore the creatures in great detail breaking down their life cycle physical characteristics and the massive effect they had on Frank Herbert's Dune universe try to approach the worm with the same concerns that Frank Erbert wrote and created the worm which is like a biology it all came from that kind of feeling that the worm will need to look like a Survivor to the ages that has been grinded by the sand two centuries you know it's not just a sand worm this is a sacred creature that represents the Earth creation the cycle of Life Frank Herbert conceived the sand worms based on Dragon mythology and their inclination to horde and defend some sort of treasure in the same way the sand worms of arrakis will attack humans to attempt to harvest the spice melange this is despite the fact that the spices of no interest to these creatures since it was literally their waste material the sand worms are also referred to as the dragons on the floor of the desert in children Dune bless the maker in his water bless the coming and going of him May's passage cleansed the world may he keep the world for his people the sand trout also known as little makers to the fremin with a larval form of the sandwork there were essentially large unicellular organisms with a flexible Pepto diglogan cell wall through which nutrients was absorbed from water and air individual sand trout were rarely over 20 centimeters long and six centimeters wide and their shape tended to be pleomorphic and capable of adapting to the environment resembling large freshwater leeches it was common to find them attached to one another Walling off several liters of water from the surrounding environment they existed in vast numbers in the Sands of Iraqis and many would die as part of the natural life cycle of the planet over thousands of years the ones that survived would eventually groaned in the giant sand worms that lurked in the depths of the arakine Sands if squeezed they excreted extremely potent form of spice which gave one an incredible energy boost more than a creator of spice though sand trout had the amazing ability to transform a whole planet into the desert by absorbing large bodies of water because they could not live in a waterlogged environment this feature enabled their kind to survive when later were trades II looked into the many lives of his ancestors and other memory he came to realize that they were introduced to Iraqis from another planet eons prior according to him the soundtrack had proliferated to the point where existing ecosystems could no longer deal with them to this point Iraqis actually began as a water Planet much like Caledon but when the sand trout arrived they absorbed all the water allowing them to transform into the sand worm this was consistent with the physical evidence found on the planet namely Soul pets that apparently had once been great cities in our video on the god Emperor we also discovered that as part of his golden path later allowed several of them to attach themselves to his body transforming him into a giant sand worm in a process that took over 3500 years the sand trout changed lato and his metabolism in Biochemistry were a hybrid of human and sanworm however he also modified them in the process making the resulting sand trout tougher and more adaptable this allowed them to be settled onto other worlds without complication thus ensuring the survival of their species later also imparted some of his DNA and genetic memories into the sand trap that emerged from him when he died this meant the sand worms that evolved from lato also carried a part of him inside of them one of the difficulties of studying the organism was the immense size of the adult male larger male specimens could reach legs of more than 400 meters had a mouth that was 80 meters in diameter and were close to 100 meters at their widest point Dr yo cited that a specimen up to 450 meters long was spotted by observers in the Deep desert While others believed that even larger worms existed in the southern pole regions the females on the other hand were much smaller approximately 100 meters long and 20 meters wide both of their skin was thick rough and orange colored comprised of many scales eat a few feet in size and with their own primitive nervous system they overlapped and interlocked to form armor that protected it against internal sand invasion [Music] conquer shy hallood as the Freeman discovered while orbit impenetrable it could be exploited by prying open the edges of the scales the Integrity of the armor would be compromised forcing large amounts of sand to enter the giant worms this would cause intense irritation for the worm the Beast then rolled itself into the prone scales at the highest point from the desert floor thus minimizing the amount of sand that could enter a fremin paused to ride the Beast as it rolled the Turpin scale towards its highest point could then literally Mount the worm as long as the scales remained open the sand worms would not submerge maker hooks were then placed towards the front of the Beast to control lateral movement as a result worm riding became a viable and sacred method of Transport for the fremin across the surface of the planet indeed distances were even measured in sand worms the mouth was positioned at the front of the creature and could easily consume gigantic objects like spice Harvesters this was completed with a set of 1000 or more organic carbo silica Crystal teeth that surrounded the mouth in a circular pattern right is close to the front have also noticed a strong flinted cinnamon smell exerting from the open mouth of the sand worm honored feared vital and deadly the Giants live for thousands of years unaware the spice they made kept the universe together will we see a worm well there's spice and spice mining there are always worms always always a female and male worm reach sexual maturity after approximately one thousand years mating would begin when a gravid female developed an egg sac in a reproductive segment she would then pick a site and build a nest the rhythmical thumping and grinding noise that emerged lewd any nearby males over there think of it like a vibrational booty call the malva moved rapidly to the nest site and navowed the female compounds in the outer skin of the female caused the male to become dormant for several weeks during which she remained buried in the nest site the highly resistant spice fiber egg case from the female was retained in the male reproductive segment where fertilization occurred after a period of development and cell division the male deposited the spice fiber egg case into the sand nest through a process much like egestion the act of discharging undigested matter or waste material from a cell or organism the male left the nest with the egg case buried deeply below the surface of the sand at the chizontal stage of development the zygote underwent asexual cell division producing a spongy form mirozygospore containing thousands of future larvae the rupturing of these Sports releases the sand Trout the efficient water scavengers we discussed earlier they traveled hundreds of kilometers through the sand seeking out water joining their bodies with one another to transport the water back to the nest site many of the nutrients required by them where breakdown products contributed by the female the Tantra had also produced EXO enzymes which digested the nutrients to absorbable fragments for the larvae as it brought water back to the nest site it mixed with the excretions of the larvae to form the pre-spice mass the chemical reaction caused CO2 to build up tremendous pressure within the mass and when the pressure could no longer be contained there was a powerful explosion called a spice blow all of the products of the pre-spice mats were then brought to the surface of the sand where the sun and air rapidly changed the pre-spice to melange it's also important to note that during the spice blow many sand trout in the immediate vicinity were killed while there is no consensus as to why many agreed this was because their cell walls were actually the source of the amino sugars in the large the chemical reactions during the spice blow triggered changes in the surviving larvae stimulating them to join their bodies in a pre-metamorphic stage at this point changes in metabolism forced to combine larvae to become similar to the adult worm water gradually became toxic and rudimentary autotrophy developed the pre-metamorphic stage consisted of joint sand worms each capable of metamorphosing into an individual sandworm segment in a process it took over 1 000 years one segment differentiated to become the head with teeth while another differentiated into the reproductive section posterior segments were relatively undifferentiated and could reverse the process to become sand trout if environmental conditions were unfavorable to the adult worm most commonly in the presence of large bodies of water this small 20 to 30 meter long form was captured by the fremin to produce the spice Essence for their spice celebration while the juvenile form of the worm is neither male or female most actually became females the stimulus that triggers the development of a male is not known but one Theory holds that subtle changes in the environment due to the absence of an adult were needed to trigger the formation of a male think of it like a biological mechanism to maintain species equilibrium each of the male worms had a territory of 300 to 400 square kilometers that they defended against intrusion by another male but it should be noted that fights between two males rarely ended in death during the confrontation they use their teeth to hook the ring segments of the opponent opening the segment up to exposure to sand one worm eventually became too uncomfortable and broke off the battle retreating to find a new domain while the fight might not be immediately fatal occasionally the opening can allow bacterian disease to come in resulting in the death of the worm the adult worm was a true autotroph producing all of its nutritional needs from inorganic compounds on the planet's surface the energy to drive their synthetic reactions was obtained by their movement through the sand which caused an electrostatic charge differential the resulting electrons passed to an electron acceptor believed to be a cupery cyanide compound the reduced form of which accumulated in the worm body molecular oxygen evolved during the reaction and the presence of water caused the electrons to be discharged abnormally thus water was poisoned to the worm the heat from the friction of the worms of movement drove the synthetic reactions to completion most of the nutrients produced were gaseous excess gases not utilized for nutrients were literally ignited by heat of sand travel thus the worm always had a flame deep within its body the excess heat also aided in driving the synthetic reactions keeping the nutrients in gaseous form for absorption while vaporizing any stray H2O besides the organic acids concentrated Hydrochloric and sulfuric acids have also been detected the living worm buffered itself against these acids but once it died the body was rapidly digested by them of course the most resistant structures were the teeth which were gathered by the fremin to make the legendary Chris knives research that was taken also suggested the complicated internal chemical Transformations produce oxygen as a byproduct rather than consuming it in the process of metabolism certainly much of the oxygen on arachas either the original prehistoric catastrophe was derived from the sandworm in this way the worms are like an oxygen Factory for planets void of any vegetation the main component of their diet was sand in addition to other inorganic materials it is also believed they consume sand plankton for nourishment as we already discussed water was fatal to asan were even in small doses water that entered the body acted as a catalyst to accelerate metabolism to the point that it became unstable and its vital functions failed this led to a violent and painful death for this animal however it was occasionally necessary for the Benny Jesuit since the byproducts was the highly toxic poison called The Water of Life young sand worms were also used for special ceremonies when Poisoned With Water they died but not before they chemically altered some of the water and expelled it through their mouth this Water of Life was used to induct new sciodinas into the fremin and Reverend mothers of the Benny Jesuit the toxic Liquid Force is a perspective forever and mother to either purify the water or Die the dormogenetic memories and other abilities are then activated heralding the creation of a new Reverend mother if you be a reverend mother let shyahu judge now the old Reverend mother surrendered her life as she surrendered her knowledge Jessica had successfully transmuted the poisonous Water of Life insofar as they were essential to the creation of spice melange on a macro scale the sand worm had an enormous impact on Humanity to the planet's fremin population the creatures were a spiritual symbol of their faith seen as the physical embodiments of the one God of their original zanzani religion after the rise of the U trades Empire and the propagation of the Iraqis variant of the zansoni religion the reverence pay to the sand worms spread to other worlds this continued through the rule of later at radius II in no small part because of his transformation into a hybrid human San Juan being it's important to note the water needed for product kinds's terraforming project was Lethal to sand worms as a result of this their death rate exceeded the rate of vegetation expansion the terraforming reversal process had begun by the end of lato's Reign and he himself devolved back into sand trout after dying these events saw the sand worm once again thrive on Iraqis for a few thousand years some small sand worms were also removed and chipped off with colonizing vessels during the scattering the Hostile actions taken by the honored mattress was thought to have terminated all life on rackets including the remaining sand worms however miles tag and darwiodrade managed to capture a sanwa held in an artificial environment on chapter house the secret base of the Benny jasra Sisterhood the worm became the key to reseeding its population the first place they began a new spice cycle was on the planet Chapter House itself with a sand trap began to turn the once Lush worlds into a desert mother Commander Mo Bella the new Sisterhood then paid for starships and off-world materials with the melange their worms produced the creatures were also used to terraform other worlds like Kelso in mere decades a goaler of the family laksu Master taiwothwaf would eventually produce a genetic varying to the sandworm that thrived in water caught the sea worm under the supporting guidance of the spacing Guild Warf introduced a sea worm into the Seas of the Water World of Basel not only did they Thrive but they also produced an extremely potent version of melanch called Ultra spice waft then began what he considered his most holy Mission returning the worm to arrakis unfortunately his attempt to reseed Dune with the sand worms failed and the creatures died in the first week as he was about to give up he heard a deep rumbling far underground sandworms with the consciousness of later II burst forth from deep within the planet there was no need to recede the world for the worms had survived the bombardment 40 years earlier the sand worms of rakus would Thrive again this time with the embedded wisdom of the god emperor of Doom with that said that's all for today folks a huge thanks to everyone that requested we explore the sand worms in more detail don't forget to hit like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video and if there's anything else you'd like for me to cover please don't hesitate to ask as always it's been a pleasure niad here with film Comics explained thanks for stopping by I saw only one master his name is without you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FilmComicsExplained
Views: 1,184,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xX9P7w2ka_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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