Sand Point Well

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all right good evening y'all here's a quick tutorial on how to pound a sand point well there it is you need that your little pounder upper thingy you probably get one from your local farmer but the most important thing I want to show everybody is make sure you get these and I'll show you why I already pounded one point and the thread stripped out on my pipe because I was using these these are the cheap little guys that you get right next to the toy you borrow your galvanized pipe is your gonna want this bad boy made in China get made in the USA if you can but you can tell how much beefier that thing is especially the inside plus you can stick this right on your pipe and use that to drive it down you don't need a driving cap right there drive coupling engine well I'm taking a little break here from pounding there's a couple are things I guess little useful information number one after you do this would be a great time to go to the beach because your arms are gonna be pretty pumped up you have your veins sticking out I mean I'm already pretty much made of steel anyway but it's just you know he just tend to look a little bit a little bit more cut the other thing I was gonna show you is this is what happened to my last drive tap I believe they call it the threads I was hittin it and the threads all broke now this thing won't won't spin off it's stuck on there and it goes up and down so that's kind of why I found these I got showed you before and you don't have to use a drive cap you can just throw these right these babies right on and start pounding away on it all right we're gonna keep going all right hurry sing with a pipe in as you can see yeah that's what I'm using for my for my drive instead of using a cap which is you saw what happened the last one I found these and they're a lot better always been putting another pipe on make sure you really looper up using this stuff some pipe pipe compound yeah so we had another pipe also before you start pounding make sure you tighten this down just in case it has loosened which is exactly what happened to be on my other well that's way down there somewhere so tighten this up add your other pipe and seriously tighten it down as hard as you can go get your girlfriend if you need help before I add another pipe I'm gonna check see if we have water pretty simple take a piece of string tie it to something something that won't get stuck in your pipe drop or down here that that's water so we're gonna see how much well I got a three foot point and that water is well past three feet so we're good to go léo need to pound anymore now we can add our pump and start pumping fresh water so here's another little Indian trick or an old wife's tale it's one of the two I'm not sure you want to know if you're in a good vein of water grab a hose if you have one I start filling this sucker full of water if it overflows that means you don't have a good vein this water should just keep flowing into the ground and with no problems this pipe should never fill up with water and this pipe is only fourteen feet in the ground and it's still going so we're probably in a good vein here but I'm gonna let it go for another a few more minutes bad I think we're good alright the last couple steps after you found water like I just showed you make sure you put your check valve in if you don't you're gonna have problems so you'll just burn out your pump and then you can do whatever you want here I just happen to put a tea on a little cap in case I ever need to pour water in here whatever probably will never need to but it's there anyway then yeah it can pop into your pipe fill your pump up right here hook a hose up to here let that sucker run for quite a while get all the sediment out and then send your water in to get tested if you're gonna drink it alright that you should be good to go any questions shoot me a message below alright so next day I kind of changed my fittings but we've got a union just in case I need to replace this pump anytime soon but I got it all wired up got it primed up got a hose running outside and as you can see it's probably working cuz I'm washing my truck since you gotta let this run for a while and get all the sediment out well we got lots of water you got pretty much ten gallons a minute on the dot there you go you
Channel: Sean Totch
Views: 36,332
Rating: 4.8255033 out of 5
Keywords: Point Well Pounding a point well How to drive a point well
Id: DNJg1c_SwEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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