New 1,800hp Bugatti Unveiled!

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this is the new Bugatti shiron well it successor anyway and this is the man responsible for it matate REM how you doing you're right yeah so let's have a look at it go on mate reveal it look at that wow what's it called This is the Bugatti toon toon like an expensive watch it's a mechanism in high-end watches that increases accuracy ah right let's find out all we need to know about this amazing new bagatti I'm going to show you around its design look at this I'll take you inside it's crazy interior fixed top steering wheel I'll ask Matty some very difficult questions you know I don't think that our customers are stupid and I'll be completely shocked to find out something about this car's engine I just wasn't expecting so you have all the what okay matate the first thing I want talk about is the big thing really the thing that you first unveiled about this car and everyone went what V16 right so now one of the great things about the W6 is that for packaging it makes it quite short doesn't it because the way the cylinder sort of overlap shortens the engine V16 it's like two inline 8 cylinders in fact I want to show you something just bear with me you've got these little like coasters here check this out right look how long that is that's 16 cylinders this is sort of how they're arranged here here it's actually a meter long crankshaft and it's actually like 400 MM longer than a W6 so 40 C fly me but before matate says anything else about this incredible engine you need to understand something very important about this new car it isn't just a Bugatti shiron replacement Matty had the idea for a V16 hypercar before he became CEO of Bugatti in 2021 that was before Bugatti had even started designing the toron year before you and I met we made a little model of this car with the V16 with three electric motors and so on because this was what I took to pitch to at that time CEO Volkswagen and one of the things was when you talk about the V16 about how long it is I didn't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing for the designers to make the car longer and they told me like please just don't make it longer like no way like that's the worst for design and then we had to figure out so 40 cm longer engine plus a big battery this is 25 KW hours that's very substantial for this kind of car plus three electri motors plus a 8speed gear box which is now behind the engine and without making the car any longer so in the end we turned out to be 27 mm longer wheelbase which is nothing compared to all the stuff that's in there how about in terms of the actual length of the car it's I believe also like 27 Sim but with your original concept then you went V16 hybrid you didn't go oh what we're going to do is reskin a AA no way so this was actually let's say the request of some of the people from Volkswagen Porsche at that time because at that time it was like everything's going electric so Bugatti needs to go electric as well I just thought that's the the wrong thing to do Bugatti is about pushing the limits it's about moving the level up and therefore it needed a successor to the Chiron and then you decide the power train type I would say there was lots of pressure to go electric but and you know the easiest thing for us would have been take the AA it's 2,000 horsepower car already four-wheel drive very high top speed so it would be reasonable to reskin it as a Bugatti but I just thought it was the wrong thing so V60 the idea came about because we know how to make a very very high performance electric power Trin when you have a combustion engine with a hybrid system why then you know also make the combustion engine boring with you know turbocharging it's I mean are you thinking about the sf90 again I learned a lot by driving that car and some of the things I don't want to do the Chiron engine we call it Peak engine so there will be never a more crazy engine you know with quad turbos and W6 and so on we were crazy enough to develop a completely new combustion engine in this day and age opposite of downsizing this is actually bigger displacement okay so what is it then 8.3 old one was 8 lit because we had this very powerful electric powertrain it kind of M asks some of the downsides of not having a turbocharged engine so you have all the what natur yeah the penni is just dropped oh you didn't know it's naturally asped yeah exctly this is going to be amazing exactly what does it rev to 9 and half th000 it's higher than a GT3 RS yeah have you got some like audio footage of absolutely okay we're going to cut that in [Music] now okay so we've got that let's talk about the electric bit the bit that you're famous for electric propulsion ever since you already 30 days drifting around on YouTube see folks it's all possible exactly so we wanted to keep that in the background so that's an enabler for the engine so the engine is the showpiece electric part of it it's like form one level of Technology like the battery cells are oil cooled submerged the electric motors beenin up to 24,000 RPM each one can produce up to 400 horsepower they weigh just like 20 1 kilos each Okay so we've got 12200 horsepower but they're limited by the battery by the battery how much yeah cuz that's always a limiting factor cuz sometimes you do the math when you add up the the motor power and it never reaches what you expect it's how many electrons you can push out the battery what can you provide from the electric motors all together in one go 800 ,000 from the combustion so you've done the right thing by making sure that the car has overall more power than the Chiron and the Shon Super Sport which was, 1600 what's the combined torque figure now with the electric M this is 2,300 so tell me about the gearbox so it's rear mounted you would be able to see if you didn't have the license plat and electric motor mounted on that gearbox so 8speed double clutch gearbox then the same two electric motors in the front so there's no power going from that engine to the front wheels it's just electric motors there's no drive shaft we use the tunnel to fill it up with batteries so in terms of the weight then let me guess if you've got it under two shiron was right under two yeah and the 25 kwh battery is 200 Kg on its own plus three electric motors plus a bigger engine and all that and our goal is we are still you know fine honing that but do you want to be under the weight of the Chiron I thought you were just making excuses then I thought you were going to go well it's 2.1 you know really so it's going to be under two yes one of the ways batti will reduce the weight of the tbon is by 3D printing the suspension components it uses AI to design each part it's all very clever and this will be the first road going production car to use this technology so you can see all these organic shapes which give it stiffness and reduce weight so you say organic shapes it's rather than your usual kind of cross members to brace it's almost like how like your bones are structured way so usually with traditional manufacturing methodologies like forging casting Machining you're limited in the kind of geometry that you can do here you're not limited with geometry so basically what you do you give some kind of let's say AI software limitations you tell them where the pickup points are and which other limits in terms of space you have and then you give it the forces so the force when you break and accelerate the force when you hit bumps and then it starts with a block of metal and remove moves to see where it then has the most stress and where the stress is it leaves the material and then you get this kind of shape so essentially it's worked out that actually a hole there isn't that big a deal so we just remove it cuz we don't need the weight yeah if you had material there it wouldn't increase stiffness it would just add weight the suspension isn't the only bit of Extreme Engineering on this car the turbon represents a completely new generation of Bugatti hyper cars sure it retains some classic Bugatti design features such as the Horseshoe Grill the central spine and the two-tone side profile but all the engineering that you you can't see is on another level and it's all been designed in a completely different way from the old Veyron and Chiron and this is all not just let's say design on top of a technical concept but actually this comes like from one hand where the technical concept and the design and the packaging all work hand in hand just as an example the gearbox on the shiron used to be in front of the engine so between the passengers so you're sitting further apart now the gearbox is behind the engine and then we have a battery in the middle and a bit behind the seats but the battery is narrow so the passengers come closer and therefore we can move the whole Greenhouse so so the windows closer so you have a more pronounced shoulder line and the whole cabin is a bit lower so we have the same space inside but everything is lower so we have a lower frontal area which is very important for drag and for top speed we'll come to the top speed in a moment so I think it's going to be higher than before so what's going on here at the front of the car so it's pretty interesting actually because when you are sitting in a shiron for example your left foot is pushed slightly inwards and you can actually see the shape of the wheel large so you have this very short front overhang where you need to package all the crash absorption for the front impact and now we have two 400 horsepower electric motors in there all the cooling for the combustion engine and for the electric powertrain plus more trunk space so one interesting thing is the trunk opening is very narrow the difference is in the shivon you had like a radiator standing here in the middle and the air went through it and then under the car which is not that great for aerodynamics at top speed so what we did now we have the r radiators left and right standing like this and then the air is going around the trunk and then exiting here which actually gives a down force and then in the front we have these flying fenders as we call them air is actually flowing under the lights going around here on the shoulders and compressing the air a bit and everything helps with a naturally aspirated engine for the air intake which is here okay I do have a question though so air comes in there pass the radiators doesn't that mean that luggage is going to get bit warm there was a much bigger problem before because heat naturally goes up so before you had the trunk on top of the radiator now the radiators are left and right so it doesn't really radiate so much heat in the middle anymore so what's the capacity of that I don't know you don't just 8.3 L that's all you need to know and you talked about it being more muscular I can really see that over the rear wheel Arch like the back end just seems quite wide that's actually an optical illusion we call it the Coke can effect like the coke bottle effect like if you are standing here yeah and you know I would bet my kidney that the rear I'm betting right now but it's not okay I've lost a kidney I've got another one though so that's fine all of this contouring here just going so nice and that's one of the things I really liked about the show this C shape it's less C like it's a bit more like angular so one of the things that Ena this whole interior concept is the lower frontal area which allowed us to do some things that usually you wouldn't be able to which increases drag a bit to get a better design so for example having such an exposed engine so the aerodynamicist wanted to have a longer roof to close this more up or to have a glass above it and I was like absolutely against it poor aerodynamicist okay I'm going to be really silly about this one of my concerns with the RTO that's got an exposed engine as well it's like I'm a bit worried about having my engine exposed like when it's raining and no it's completely fine this is designed for everyday usage this is not designed to be a showpiece in a museum quite a few will be showpieces in the museum w't they moving on to the back here cuz this is amazing this spine that looks absolutely cool but this rear end it's a production car no we have to adhere to all the same homologation and crash testing like normal cars there's a couple of party tricks in here first of all there is no crash beam so usually you would have an aluminum or steel structure under a bumper and we don't have that because the diffuser is not just the diffuser it's also the crash structure and then the fact that the diffuser is so tall this height basically at your knee wow what that means is it starts really early in the car like in the middle of the car why is it like that because a diffuser in this kind of car configuration you can only have an angle of like 11° otherwise the air separates from it and it doesn't work anymore and in order to do that the whole car had to be designed around it for example the engine is angled and the engine now not being a w16 is very narrow so the Venturi tunnel starts under the seat I do do ridiculous things in my video but look at this right let's see how far in I can get look at this look you can see the suspension and then the exposed wheel so the wheel will actually be exposed like this this part alone is going to sell the car and we still have a big active Wing actually because of the diffuser we don't need it at top speed so at top speed you don't want to have a lot of downforce because the tires are anyways under such a huge load so we can do top speed without deploying the wing but we still use the wing for air braake and handling mode that brings on to the tires then are they bespoke tires for this car yes this is partnership with Michelin all the learnings from the Veron and the shiron now flew into again completely new tire to make it even more resistant to even higher speeds I've got to say matate I really like the tail light design I've just noticed the way Bugatti is written in there as well it's really nice the other cool thing is the third stoplight one of the Bugatti design features is the center line because Bugattis in the 20s and 30s when they were joining the two halves of the car they were from an alloy that you couldn't weld at the time so they were connecting it with rivets like airplanes in the middle so it had this line which we didn't keep until today but we managed to also give it a function in this case with this third stop light and you can see it's huge but it's under this angle where actually when you are behind the car you just see a small portion of what happens when you deploy the spoiler you don't have enough surface area anymore for the homologation so you have enough another little stop light under here when the spoiler is deployed so that you have enough surface area good old homologation so tell me the thing about homologation for the Bugatti writings on every car will it be illuminated when you're driving or not in some markets it's only allowed when stationary in some markets when you're driving do you think some people might say the rear end is reminiscent of another hyper car from probably 10 15 years ago an English one maybe you mean a P1 maybe it's quite similar I would rather say it's the lava tuno all right anyway the intricate design detail dets don't stop there there's another very special feature that explains this car's rather unusual name to beond one of the reasons why we call the car like that is because watches have beautiful mechanisms sometimes it's not even transparent you don't even see it unless you open it and most customers don't so for us what we want to achieve with this car is that every piece of it is perfection every piece of it is a piece of art that you can pick up and put on the wall and you can see that principle also with the interior we call the skeleton design so you have a lot of transparency if you had now the knobs in here with which you control like media and infotainment and HX system and so on you see the mechanics inside this is machine crystal glass and you see it's not flat it's actually has this shape which is super difficult to get without the glass shattering and then you know this also has to be homologated you have to shoot dummy heads into this so when I first looked at that you think that's only possible with plastic right you could do it with plastic but I know but that's what you think it was in Bugatti it's wow and it feels no plastic yeah no no plastic please believe me I had so many fights no plastic in the car so the name of the car did you have that concept from the very beginning then because it seems to have this theme running through it it came a bit later but actually one of the first things I did when when I came to the company we took the whole team and we went to Switzerland to visit a few watchmakers because we had this idea about analog instruments it's pretty crazy when you think about it so naturally ASP combustion engine from the electric car guy and then in the interior we wanted to do the digital Det talk so no screen actually again homologation you have to have a screen so we have a little one popping out here because when you go in reverse you have to have a backup camera in some markets who who W okay so I'm all for this but I'm going to do with that my Apple carplay and Android auto it will have Apple carplay and Android auto just when you want it but if you desire to not have any screens around you because press a button it's gone you're talking about all this this stuff that's going in the cars and like all this detail That You Don't See and you're talking about like how much it cost to do that what's it going to cost in Europe it's .8 million and what was the sh one when it was first launched it was 2.6 million but when you just do the calculation with inflation you're actually ending up at the same the same yeah but then it went up all the way to like five six depending on the special editions how are you managing to do that with an engine built by Cosworth all this fine detail for the same price point well it's mostly development cost the veyon was a loss maker right yeah I mean in the end the company was profitable some of its past but if you take all the 20 years you know 39 P really wanted to make a statement of what's possible and no expenses was SP that times are over we need to be profitable with what we are making so and you know what many people feared is like now that Volkswagen isn't behind so much anymore that the quality will go down but actually we want to go the other direction even top it up in every level not just performance and so on but especially the detail and that brings us on to the inside so let's go check that out yes let's do it want to sell your car quickly easily and for a fair price then head to carw to have over 4,000 trusted dealers ready to bid on it in an online auction first enter your car's registration to get an instant approximate valuation then if you want to proceed give us some more details and upload some photos and we'll help you set a fair reserve price for your car that's the minimum amount you'd be happy to sell it for once you've done that we'll enter your car into an online auction when the auction's over we'll let you know the result and the dealer with the winning bid will be in touch to arrange easy payment and free collection of your car 93% of sellers surveyed they got the price they expected or more through carwow the best bit is it's completely free I put a link in the description of this video and the pin comment to take you directly to carw where over 4,000 dealers are ready to bid on your car or you can just click on the pop out Banner that should be appearing in the top right hand corner of the screen now alternatively just Google help me carwow and we will help you sell your car quickly easily and for a fair price on with the video now one thing about the Chiron was that its doors were rather unexciting and a hyper car has to have coold doors so let's see so the first Bugatti with the hedal doors because the whole cabin is submerged so you still have the same height inside but everything is lower so we have a big cutout now to help you get in and out and it's more of a spectacle when you're doing so I mean look at that now I should point out it's a design model isn't it it's not the finished production car so bits you see aren't exactly as they'll be on the final car but the look is what you'll see starting with the fact you are sitting lower than in the shiron and this is like your ass is on the floor here isn't it also another trick how we manag to not increase the length of the car is that the seat is semi-fixed so you can move it up and down back rest is adjustable but there is no rails to move back and forth but the pedals are actually moving towards you or away from you and you can see also the mechanism of the brake is beautiful that attention to detail is very similar to Pagan's Pagani is like so intricate with the detail I know he was one of my heroes so yeah I learned something there notice that you've got a oldfashioned rearview mirror and you can actually see like through the cuz you got obviously like little Windows there and the good thing actually about this whole diffuser thing is that you don't have your wing up so you can actually use the mirror because currently in the shiron it blocks it often and the biggest problem with that is you don't know if you have an Interceptor car behind you quite a long way behind you probably and one of the thing that I've noticed the Chiron had two windscreen wipers this has one single one which does the whole wind screen yeah well it's lighter but it's also an extension of the central line that you have all the way from the front to the back we thinking about having it programmable so that you can have the wiper go in its like let's say position where it's hidden but actually we like this another thing is the fixed top steering wheel so you have your instruments inside the steering it never moves no matter how you turn the steering wheel the gauges inside the steering wheel show your speed the engine RPM and horsepower readout just like with a Chiron except the turbon is all analog and this horsepower gauge actually has two needles one for the electric motors and another for the V16 engine there's also a temperature gauge a fuel gauge and an analog readout showing the current battery charge and they all look spectacular to be fair the ones in this car are just a model so they're not the finished design moving back to the steering wheel so very interested to see the paddle shifters I've never seen before it's really interesting when you do this kind of different concept like we had to develop like a planetary gearbox here behind to make this possible that this stays fixed while this is turning and then everything is changing like the whole ergonomy where you put the buttons where where your fingers go and you can notice we still have stalks not like in Nev where we have the buttons on the steering why do you keep stalks and you don't have them in the nea I remember for example niik rosberg driving the Nea and I could see him all the time trying to shift and trying to find the stalks like Phantom stocks I sometimes catch myself doing that and it's like okay sometimes does make sense to reinvent the wheel yeah yeah exactly I can see cogs and stuff inside there obviously this is just a model will it be actually all the cogs are working yeah so that's actually what's moving the needles okay so people go on about screens distracting people when they're driving I'm sorry that is going to I'm going to be looking at that the thought about that was this car will be around for longer than we are so in 50 years in 100 years this has to be interesting and beautiful okay and screens won't no you're right but I will be looking at it when I'm driving you can do that while you're stationary you can rev the engine and then oh that's moving I'm so looking forward to seeing that you can also control the car's powertrain modes with DOs attached to the steering wheel there's a hybrid mode where the car decides how to distribute its full 1800 horsepower and there's also a fully electric EV mode which is limited to just 800 Hors power you have 50 60 70 km of all electric range mm which should be plenty 70 km all electric okay with 25 KW hours which is a lot one thing we haven't yet decided is whether the car would shift the rear motor gearbox when in electric mode only or you would just drive in like third gear all the time no do the gear shifts yeah that be cool I think because that's one thing that you do actually miss with electric car is that gear shift and then you you can or or can you do both you could you could let let do both you could you let the driver actually shift you should do yeah we'll try that okay hopefully I get a commission if they do Matty if you're listening I'd happily take a new Bugatti in Li of payment but anyway there's also one final Mode called off see which I think is the most exciting no electric assistance at all yes th000 horsepower exactly to be fair th000 horsepower is going to be bloody quick there's no real reason to run it like that people will run it like that but yeah I mean because the the Hybrid Power you don't really hear it I mean the combustion engine should be louder than it so so what's the point of turning off the electric power TR but we just you know I hate when car companies make decisions for the the drivers for for the owners yeah you know I don't think that our customers are stupid they can decide it if they have a reason to go full combustion they can and if you're going to be true to that theme then you have to have manual changes with the electric mode that's that's that's good ide sort back to into a corner there one of the problems that you can have sometimes when you have a high performance hybrid car is that the engine's turning off and on all the time will that happen here no this car should have one3 of the emissions of a Chiron yes so Chiron is around 580 G of CO2 per kilometer and this car measured in the same way should be around 200 if you let's say optimize the hybrid strategy in the wtp cycle you would have the engine turn on 15 times which is pretty annoying I'm driving lots of other cars and I experienced that recently I was like why then we did an analysis how much gain would we have in CO2 emissions if he actually do that where this first time it turns on keep it on and the result is like 5 to 10% difference so probably to avoid the annoyance and the wear on the engine to turn it off and on all the time just the first time it turns on it just stays on so you can drive along in hybrid mode and it'll be quick enough cuz you got 800 horsepower but when you floor the throttle the engine's going to kick in once that engine is on John until you turn the car off yes or change mode to electric or this car the only reason to switch your combustion engine on should be when you are at low state of charge of the batteries and then why would you shut it down again just keep it on yeah also this ties into another special dial which controls the turb on chassis modes this determines how the car will fter drive but it also tells it how much electric energy to keep in reserve before the V16 Firs up to recharge the battery if you are in the electric mode or the hybrid mode the target state of charge of the battery is zero but if you are in sport or track mode the target state of charge of the battery will be higher 60 70 80% we are still fine-tuning that so you will never deplete the battery the car will always keep the battery that kind of level so in the let's say Comfort mode it's using the maximum to reduce consumption and reduce emissions but when you are in sport and and track mode it keeps the battery at a state of charge where it can give you the power all the time whenever you need it okay and finally there is a charge mode which uses the V16 engine as a generator to keep the battery topped up this will be handy if you want to save the maximum electric range for the last section of your journey so that when you come home late your partner doesn't hear you arrive and you can creep into bed and you don't wake them up and have them telling you off for working too long so what is the charging rate in this car cuz sometimes it plug in hybrid it's not that fast because it's a small battery it's actually charging really fast the battery can take really high charge and discharge Powers that's the whole point of this battery it's very high performance so very high power density you can recharge let's say from 0 to 80% in like 20 minutes cuz sometimes with plug in hybrids they can only charge at like quite low kilowatts can't they like 202 yeah because they're limited by the onboard charger this car won't even have an onboard charger wanted to make it lighter so you can only charge it for the DC station will people actually charge the car then or will they just charge off the engine yeah that's a question probably most people won't that's why we didn't want to put in an onboard charger because it just like this car is so tightly packaged because we didn't want to make it bigger there was just no space that emissions thing is just moose anyway because it's just like ticking boxes really because the reality is that you're there like negotiating over like a 5% loss but that assumes that people charge their car up which they're not going to do which is just nonsense if you remove the hypocrisy yes because the emissions that go into creating such a car and I'm not talking about an electric or hybrid car that's where the emissions happen in the usage not really because the kilometers are so low the mileage per year is so low but this is one3 of the emissions of a shiron and you can run it all electrically so we give the customer the option so that does bring me on to some key stats and don't if you can give us them the first one has to be what's the top speed it will be limited to 445 km per hour with a top speed key almost 280 mph yeah and what about the 0 to 100 km below 2 seconds not a Tesla below 2 seconds an actual real below two seconds sorry Tesla yeah below two seconds and what is the Chiron that's it's slightly above wow there is one thing I want to ask you mat how do you feel about this car compared to the NAA now the NAA obviously you started remac yeah I should call it rimat by the way but I don't say Porsche correctly so you're good anyhow how do you feel about it because obviously rimat is your company your own company you started it and obviously from your days of drifting around in the E30 you created to creating that thing to now being custodian of this brand how do you feel about the two Brands and how do you treat them I have like two canvases to play around with that are completely different in my view like Bugatti is more about Heritage about the quality craftsmanship details about 115 years of History while remat doesn't have all of that in a positive and a negative way with Bugatti you have to be very careful to nurture it in the right direction while with remat you can do absolutely nuts things like he wouldn't really want to see a Bugatti do crazy four-wheel drifts going backwards and well cuz this is the thing I feel that you would yeah but the question is if the let's say bugatti uh customers and uh people who are deep in the brand would appreciate that we as a company have to do the right thing for the brand so you get to play in both kind of camps in a way yeah but they are both at the very top end of the car market will there be anything like lower down in the future for you well 6 days after we unve this thing we will have the unveil of the robo taxi which is a separate company nothing to do with Bugatti nothing to do with remat which is something I'm working on for the last five six years we'll unve something that's the opposite side of the spectrum there is a lot going on mat I don't know how managed to do it all right then Matty thank you very much for showing me around this new car super exciting hopefully we'll get to drive it of course you will when's that going to be possible we will start shipping the car in 26 okay so 25 sometime sometime next year next year because youve still got some development to do on it like we say we're going to figure out about how to have manual gear changes um in electric mode we should definitely do that let us know in the comments let him know oh one last thing because we talked about it on the Nea and I think you fixed it window switches back for up forward for down yeah we change that later change what you say at the moment it's the right way it's the right way don't worry don't worry that's great thank you very much cool thank you [Music]
Channel: carwow
Views: 2,906,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2024, new car 2024, bugatti, bugatti chiron, bugatti chiron replacement, tourbillon, bugatti tourbillon, bugatti v16, bugatti v16 engine, hybrid bugatti, hybrid bugatti hypercar, hypercar, hypercar review, new hypercar, bugatti tourbillon unveiled, new bugatti, new bugatti tourbillon, new bugatti tourbillon unveiled, mate rimac, bugatti ceo, new bugatti reveal, hybrid bugatti tourbillon
Id: xsgl5x4WHyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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